Originally posted by NTLDR
What happens when users logout currently? Are they automaticly redircted or do they have to click to get to the forums index?
At the moment, if they hit the logout button on vBindex, it takes them to the forum home page, not back to the vBindex page, so It would be cool if it could take them back to where they came from, i.e. vBindex, so err... yeah :)
Originally posted by NTLDR See PM with updated attachment ;)
This will redirect all users who vote on the poll on the home page that have $bbuserinfo['userid'] set to 0, ie guests and users not logged in will be redirected to the results of the poll when they vote. Just overwrite your existing vbipoll.php with this one and replace" VBINDEX FILE NAME" with the name of the file before the .php :)
Thanks for that, but I think I explained what I wanted a bit badly (note that you don't have to help me if it's too much trouble :)). If you look at this attachment, you see what a person sees when they have voted. That's what I wanted a un-registered person too see (properly without the bit that says "You have already voted on this poll). So they can't vote at all. You get what I mean? OK, thanks :)
Alan (DWZ)