plattopus |
04-01-2002 02:10 AM |
I installed everything perfectly until it said to run the queries. I got these errors when I tried to run them:
When I tried to run this:
INSERT INTO setting VALUES ( '171', '32', 'Prefixes', 'customposttypes', '', 'These will be displayed like \"Poll: \" and \"Sticky: \" but are custom. Enter each word you want with a space between it, like: \"Announcement Important Read\". Don\'t use commas. If you wish to use a space in the Post Prefix, place a _ where you want it to be.', '', '1');
I got this error:
MySQL said:
Duplicate entry '171' for key 1
And when I tried to run this query:
INSERT INTO setting VALUES ( '172', '32', 'Display Options', 'displayoption', '3', 'This allows you to decide whether you want your custom prefixes to override, be displayed along with, or be overwritten by \"Poll: \" and \"Sticky: \".', '<select name=\\\"setting[$setting[settingid]]\\\">
<option value=\\\"1\\\" \".iif($setting[value]==\"1\",\"selected\",\"\").\">Overwrite</option>
<option value=\\\"2\\\" \".iif($setting[value]==\"2\",\"selected\",\"\").\">Show Both</option>
<option value=\\\"3\\\" \".iif($setting[value]==\"3\",\"selected\",\"\").\">Be Overwritten</option>
</select>', '2');
I got this error:
MySQL said:
Duplicate entry '172' for key 1
Every other query ran fine... and I also have other hacks installed, which may be part of it.
Any help anyone could give me would be great.