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Paul M 07-21-2012 11:32 AM

Joining them with a dot in the permissions box means all of them must be true.
There isnt any way to do an OR within the box, you would need to do it a hook and assign the result to another show variable.

nasko 08-21-2012 06:32 AM

Can someone, pleace, tell mi how to make these steps because I'm new in Vbulletin and I had installed some Mod but the NavBar totaly screwed up...

2. Create a new <navigation> section in the product XML file
(You can create the navigation in the navigation manager, linked to a product then export the product file as a skeleton)

3. Set any conditionals in a hook or in your main code
Eg. $show['apmgtug'] = true; is set for one of the menu items in my example
My example relies on $show['member'] = true; as well.
Leave the <show> tag empty for 'public' tabs/links

Robbed 10-08-2012 07:59 PM

Quick question, my navigation works for all plugins installed but one.

I doubt it will be updated so any help would be appreciated. This application sits outside of the forum path and the navigation menu doesn't show up.

Any code I can add to templates or the php file so it shows the navbar menu then i can disable the navbar plugin for this application.


Nelson58 01-17-2014 04:33 PM

I am using Navigation Manager with an enhancement from DBTech

I want to change the appearance (background and text) of just one or two tabs to make them stand out.
(hover and non hover)

How can I do this please?

ozzy47 01-17-2014 05:02 PM

Answered in the other thread you started.

Elenna 01-31-2014 07:43 PM

I have created a tab via the Nav Manager that links directly to an article.

That link works just fine; however, when I click on the "regular" Articles tab (the standard one, that links to content.php), my users that are not logged in get an Access Denied message.

I have checked and the Not Logged In usergroup has read access to CMS.

Any ideas?

Elenna 02-02-2014 04:24 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I re-did my site and the problem, above, is fixed.

Now I have another question. :)

I am using the Navication manager in 4.2.2 and adding in some Tab sub-menus. My Tabs that have a drop-down menu attached are 1px taller than the ones that do not have sub-menus. :( I see where I can edit the tab template, but I'm not sure what to change.

Edit: Another possibility is that the Tab with the drop-down menu is looking at the stylevar or CSS height of the "selected" tab, because they both appear to be 1px larger along the bottom.

I am attaching a screenshot of what I mean.

ozzy47 02-02-2014 10:16 AM

That is a issue that is related to your custom style, you would need to ask the skin designer what the issue is.

Elenna 02-02-2014 02:36 PM

Thanks! It looks like we set the navtab border color to the same as the background, so it disappeared.

It looks like the "issue" is that the Tab with the drop-down isn't getting the border applied to it, even with the default style.

friendlymela 07-21-2015 03:48 PM

how can i add fb group link in navigation ?

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