cool, thanks paul!
i think i found my problem, by the way.
in email settings in vb admin control panel, there is a setting for using smtp for your emails, instead of the web based mail... you are apparently not supposed to enter the user name and password for the email account being used, when the email server and web server share the same infrastructure... (not sure if that is the correct word or not)... when i removed the user name and password, the bottle necking and slowness stopped during email blasts and everything is back to normal... the servers are still hanging for some reason, probably a faulty add on we need to locate, but the email blasts are back to normal...
by the way, i notice i can see the mail queue in vb admin control panel now, is that a feature of vb 3.73 or is that a feature of your add on?
thanks again for your valuable time, energy and support brother!