Carnage |
08-03-2007 07:04 PM |
Originally Posted by DiesellMinded
(Post 1308672)
Does anyone on these 7 pages have a site in english that this mod is on so i can see it ? even the demo site is down
demo site is down cause we've been moving servers.
Originally Posted by cherylferraro
(Post 1308755)
you can get the link from the admin cp. I believe that vbseo dosn't change the forum ids in there when you are listing your forums. It wont work if you put 'chess' into the box btw.
Originally Posted by Tulsa
(Post 1308851)
When you don't have a piece on a particular column, the column collapses. The rows seem to stay intact when no pieces are on a particular row. Is there anyway to maintain the columns so they won't collapse?
This is one of the known issues. For some reason browsers seem to ignore the width="40px" on the cols...
Originally Posted by Fearlessninja
(Post 1309051)
Looking forward to the official version that enforces the rules! Keep up the good work.
I dont think i'm going to write a version that enforces the rules, its deffinatly not a priority. However i'm not going to rule it out.
The next thing i want to do once the ajax is working is get something to step moves back and forward to allow revieing games and also add some sort of support for timed games.