OcR Envy |
11-26-2008 01:54 PM |
Feature Requests:- Being able to create categories for tournaments, e.g. Categorie A "Tournaments of Game X", Categorie B "Tournaments of Game Y", as well as Sub Catogeries like Categorie A "Tournaments of Game X" - Sub Categorie A-1 "XY Championship Series" etc.
- It would be nice to add names without being them registered users
- Combined with the categories mentioned above, being able to create leagues (=overview who won how many times etc) off tournaments.
- Being able to set points. Reaching the semifinals = 5 pts, reaching the final = 10 pts etc.
- Fight for 2nd and 3rd place in tournaments
- Being able to deactivate the ladder system if you don't need it
However, it's already a great modification! :)
Thanks for reading
+ Requests:
1. Randomized Map/Gametype that is tournament specific.
2. Ability to Report Wins/Loses to Tournament Mod to make advancement quicker.
3. Addition to the vB Notification system for said reports and Team Invites/Requests to join.