AndrewD |
09-09-2008 03:17 PM |
Originally Posted by jdunsworth
(Post 1618141)
First off, excellent mod.. very deep and well written. I am having a similar problem to a few listed above but with no result.
Currently when trying to add an entry all of the filetypes show a size limit of 7.00 Mbytes. The admin panel states that these limits come from the attachment allowances, however, most of our attachments are different than this.
In addition, when uploading anything bigger than 7MB (guessing this is the line between nonsubmission and not) we get a security token error. This happens both in Firefox and Internet Explorer. I have tried the Firefox id fix as well as checking to ensure the vBulletin security tokens exist in the submission forms and the CMSF protection is true in these and everything should be fine.
I am just unsure as to why none of these are working and my very last ditch effort is to reinstall everything considering the amount of uploads we have. Any help is appreciated!
Clearly there is a security token problem that I have not discovered yet. Perhaps it is related to the following:
If you are trying to process an upload as an admin, the size limits in the attachment table are ignored. However, you cannot over-ride the limits set by your php environment, which is determined by two settings in the php.ini file used by your web server. These settings upload_max_filesize and post_max_size. You can find these values tabulated on the LDM admin pages in the left side column or using vb/admincp/maintenance/phpinfo - I imagine you will find that 7Mb is the smaller of these values. To change these values, you need to contact your web site admin.
As explained in the online wiki, it is important that post_max_size has the same value, or a larger value, as upload_max_filesize.
Let me know if this does not help.