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BigDog56 05-10-2008 08:06 PM

Updated, works like a charm!

smooth-c 05-10-2008 10:36 PM


Originally Posted by choccyclaire (Post 1514913)
Greg, its probably because after the upgrade to gold you have reverted all your templates.
You might have to re- edit your postbit template and put the arcade condition in there.

Nah, the entries are there in the postbit template - thanks for helping though :)

toejam 05-11-2008 05:19 PM

I am having a problem after a game is played it kicks you to the homepage and not the arcade page. Any ideas on what is wrong?

MrZeropage 05-11-2008 05:37 PM

use support-forum ...

toejam 05-11-2008 05:55 PM

I got it working, didnt load the vbadvanced code into index.php after updating.

Updated updated with no problems.

Stifmeister2 05-11-2008 06:25 PM


Originally Posted by MrZeropage (Post 1514123)
Today is a proud moment for this project, myself and all supporters of ibProArcade:

we now reached 5000 installations

This really makes me happy and I want to thank all of you for staying with me and enjoying the product.

Now, before we start thinking and talking about next v2.6.8+ my next event will be more private, I am becoming father within the next 6-8 weeks.

If anybody wants to make a present for this new life on earth, feel free to donate some few bucks, I will buy her (yes, a girl!) some first teddybear or something :)

But be sure development will continue, I am here with you and will work on your favorite arcade-system :cool:

Congrats Zeropage! ;)

dcw 05-11-2008 09:12 PM

Where can one download games to install to this?

Vinyljunky 05-12-2008 07:13 AM


Originally Posted by MrZeropage (Post 1514123)
Today is a proud moment for this project, myself and all supporters of ibProArcade:

we now reached 5000 installations

Now, before we start thinking and talking about next v2.6.8+ my next event will be more private, I am becoming father within the next 6-8 weeks.

Big Congratulations!

Ive made a donation towards the teddy bear :)

Come on people make a donation :up:

Mrdby 05-12-2008 09:55 AM

will update when i get home THANKS!

Vinyljunky 05-12-2008 10:56 AM


Originally Posted by dcw (Post 1516488)
Where can one download games to install to this?

Do a search in google for vbulletin games.

I use http://www.ibpdownloads.com/



Omega404 05-12-2008 04:07 PM

Mr Zero,can you make a php5 extension of the file,so I can use it on my boards,because a regular php extension won't work on my server.

ramsayeg 05-13-2008 12:53 AM

Found a rather a small bug (unless intended): When the #1 ranked player plays the game again and improves his score, the system announces he's the new champion of that game again.

shaynehammy 05-13-2008 01:09 AM

Please can i get some help. I've moved hosts and upgraded. I've also upgrade to the lastest version of IBPro.

My users are getting this error


There is a SQL error.
You can contact the board administrator by clicking here

Error Returned
mySQL query error: INSERT INTO games_session (gname, gameid, gtitle, mname, mid, randgid, randgid2) VALUES ('UmbrellaTrickv32Sparky', '732', 'Umbrella Trick', 'Nyala', '309', '1', '1')mySQL error: Duplicate entry '0' for key 1mySQL error code: Date: Monday 12th 2008f May 2008 11:24:54 PM
We apologise for any inconvenience
Also I've installed one game but when trying to do another i get


Warning: mkdir() [function.mkdir]: Permission denied in [path]/arcade/functions/tar.php on line 378

Warning: chmod() [function.chmod]: No such file or directory in [path]/arcade/functions/tar.php on line 379

Warning: fopen(fishermansam2v32MICRO.txt) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in [path]/arcade/functions/tar.php on line 395

Warning: mkdir() [function.mkdir]: Permission denied in [path]/arcade/functions/tar.php on line 378

Warning: chmod() [function.chmod]: No such file or directory in [path]/arcade/functions/tar.php on line 379

Warning: fopen(index.html) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in [path]/arcade/functions/tar.php on line 395

Warning: mkdir() [function.mkdir]: Permission denied in [path]/arcade/functions/tar.php on line 378

Warning: chmod() [function.chmod]: No such file or directory in [path]/arcade/functions/tar.php on line 379

Warning: fopen(v32game.txt) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in [path]/arcade/functions/tar.php on line 395
P,BODY{ font-family:arial,sans-serif; font-size:11px; }

mySQL query error: INSERT INTO games_list (gname,gwords,gtitle,bgcolor,gwidth,gheight,active ,object,gkeys,gcat,cost,jackpot,jackpot_type,added ,tourney_use,gtime,game_type,g_raters,license,file size) VALUES ('fishermansam2v32MICRO','Catch fish','Fisherman Sam 2','000000','610','480','1','Catch fish for money, buy materials, and stay away from endangered fishes','mouse to move, arrow keys to point and fire','1','0','0','-1','1210644323','1','0','0','','','374470')
mySQL error: Duplicate entry '0' for key 1
mySQL error code:
Date: Tuesday 13th 2008f May 2008 02:05:23 AM
Please advise


shaynehammy 05-13-2008 01:30 AM

OK, I've sorted the CHMOD issues out. Now just have this when tryin to install a game.

mySQL query error: INSERT INTO games_list (gname,gwords,gtitle,bgcolor,gwidth,gheight,active ,object,gkeys,gcat,cost,jackpo t,jackpot_type,added,tourney_use,gtime,game_type,g _raters,license,filesize) VALUES ('fishermansam2v32MICRO','Catch fish','Fisherman Sam 2','000000','610','480','1','Catch fish for money, buy materials, and stay away from endangered fishes','mouse to move, arrow keys to point and fire','1','0','0','-1','1210645774','1','0','0','','','374470')
mySQL error: Duplicate entry '0' for key 1
mySQL error code:
Date: Tuesday 13th 2008f May 2008 02:29:34 AM

SAT2M 05-13-2008 12:25 PM

I see this error after playing game :

This score was not submitted from the game. Your score will not be saved
what is problem?

Baldilocks 05-13-2008 01:58 PM

Yeah I have been getting that a lot with 3.7.0.
Either that or new scores won't submit at all. Kind of frustrating..

Baldu 05-13-2008 05:58 PM

hello, and installed the mod, all ok, also edit the templates, so good but I do not work, you can see him here tells me that I do not have access.



sorry no speek english.

MrZeropage 05-13-2008 06:18 PM

everybody having any problems should use the support-forum as stated above in BIG letters :)

Ice794 05-14-2008 06:54 PM

Installed. Works like a charm. Thanks! :D

KURTZ 05-15-2008 09:19 AM


Originally Posted by MrZeropage (Post 1518559)
everybody having any problems should use the support-forum as stated above in BIG letters :)

OK Zero, how about THIS?

Cybermonsters 05-16-2008 04:33 AM

Does this work with both V2 and V3 games?

Baldilocks 05-16-2008 05:27 AM

So far I have only had luck with V2 games. V3 and V32 games have been returning a lot of errors. :(

deedaad 05-16-2008 08:10 AM

i have a big problem.

Now you should:

* Expand the menu "Arcade" in the left AdminCP-menu
* Click Group Permissions
* Adjust the permissions the way you want

i click group permissions. but in right page. blank

i click
Arcade Main Settings
Games List
Add Game
Group Permissions
Member Manage
IP Banning
Score Tools
Custom Game Sorting

yes... ALL BLANK!!
and now?

deedaad 05-16-2008 08:25 AM


Originally Posted by deedaad (Post 1521377)
i have a big problem.

Now you should:

* Expand the menu "Arcade" in the left AdminCP-menu
* Click Group Permissions
* Adjust the permissions the way you want

i click group permissions. but in right page. blank

i click
Arcade Main Settings
Games List
Add Game
Group Permissions
Member Manage
IP Banning
Score Tools
Custom Game Sorting

yes... ALL BLANK!!
and now?

sorry. the problem already solved.. i reupload /admincp/arcade.php

Vinyljunky 05-16-2008 08:56 AM

Is anybody working on getting VBCredits intergrating with ibProArcade v2.6.7+ ?

I know there was something that worked with the older version of ibProArcade, but I dont know who or what :o

I'd like to deduct tokens for members playing/saving scores etc....

Many Thanks to VBCredits and ibProArcade for two of the best mods around :up:



MissKalunji 05-16-2008 06:36 PM

can somebody tell me what's the secure.gif for? it shows on some of my game in arcade management it looks like an Yellow and black exclamation mark?

MrZeropage 05-16-2008 06:48 PM

This marks all secured v32-games :)

(just as the mouseover-info on the yellow icon says)

MissKalunji 05-16-2008 06:56 PM

oh ok

*hangs head in shame* lol

there's no mouseover info tho


(is baby girl born yet?)

Mr. Hoddz 05-17-2008 06:19 PM

/me marks as installed *

RedDevil 05-18-2008 09:01 PM

Thanks will have a try at this, in at the deep end so to speak

crkgb 05-20-2008 11:51 AM

Ok, I am trying to figure out what this topic is for besides the actual game realease.

I understand that support is in the ibproarcade area of the vb.org forum, but I do not quite get what kind of comments users are supposed to leave in here... it seams every other post is being critisized

sdavis2702 05-20-2008 12:07 PM

Wow... I am so excited about this one... my members are going to love it!!! Thanks!!!

bwcbob 05-20-2008 03:57 PM

having trouble installing games...... I follow the postnuke thing, where it says upload and click install, but the zip isnt compatible, so I extract it in the right spots, grab the width and height from the ini file, but I dont have the variables needed for the arcade to communicate with the game....

MrZeropage 05-20-2008 05:19 PM

read enclosed instructions about PNflashgames, the ZIP-installer is only for v3-games

bwcbob 05-20-2008 07:12 PM

ibProArcade is compatible to PNflashgames, some information about it:

> download the games at www.pnflashgames.com in POSTNUKE format
> PNflashgames can submit their score and play again without reloading the page or going back to ibProArcade

to install a PNflahgames-Game, do the following:

1) locally unzip the archive
2) upload the .swf-file to /arcade
3) create two .gif-files (gamename1.gif and gamename2.gif) based on the .gif provided with the game
4) upload the two .gif-files to /arcade/images/
5) enter AdminCP -> Arcade -> Add Game and manually add it (using the first upper section)


Is the same thing I did, but It tells me I need to put the variables in for the score, and I dont know what the variables are....

todd742 05-20-2008 10:46 PM

Ok i just installed ibproarcade v2 to my forum everything looks good but when i click on the arcade link in my forum it takes me to "The website cannot display the page" Can anybody help me with this ?
i am running 3.7.0

Thank You so very much for any help

neodan20 05-21-2008 04:07 AM

Where can I download additional games?

SEOvB 05-21-2008 08:01 AM

If anyone has a large collection of these games that can be added to the forums, I'm willing to pay a small fee for your time in collecting them and putting them in a zip file i can download.


Digital Jedi 05-21-2008 07:26 PM


Originally Posted by crkgb (Post 1525658)
Ok, I am trying to figure out what this topic is for besides the actual game realease.

I understand that support is in the ibproarcade area of the vb.org forum, but I do not quite get what kind of comments users are supposed to leave in here... it seams every other post is being critisized

It's for download of the modification and for comments on it. It's just not for support, as the first post points out in big green letters.

skywalker2208 05-22-2008 12:30 AM

How do you remove best score of all time? I have a user that has a few best scores of all time and he got banned from the site and I would like to remove that and update it with the next highest score. I found out how to change actual high score champ but don't know how to fix the other one. I don't really want to clear all the high scores, but if I did that would that clear that as well?

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