NLP-er |
11-30-2009 09:37 PM |
Just one quick announcement, because I have kind of issue...
Right now vBET forum is down. I turn it off since there where issues with server load. Those issues have something common with my hosting provider (still 503 Server overloaded happens even if booth my forums are shut down and doing nothing). So I have to wait for reaction. Till now reactions was not helpful and issue still exists. We have night right now, so I assume that in next 12 hours nothing change in this area.
I know that some of you could wait till the last day to buy vBET in promotion. Because today vBET forum was off we will make promotion 1 week longer after our host provider find out what is wrong with server. Please note that it is not normal way of dealing with promotions - usually end is the end, but we also have unusual situation here and we want to keep our users satisfied.
Great sorry for all the troubles and I will made another announcement when everything will be OK. Till then I will take no activity here as I have bigger issue right now - hope you understand it :)