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Snakey 08-08-2005 05:49 PM


Originally Posted by John
Heh, you'll be pleased to know that the v3.5 release supports ibProarcade games too. :devious:

If anyone wants any other features, now is the time to request them...

Implement the category hack & leaderboard ;)

John 08-08-2005 06:08 PM


Originally Posted by Snakey
Implement the category hack & leaderboard ;)

I'm doing categories a little differently... I don't want people to have to navigate into a category before they can see games to play. Right now I'm thinking to have categories somewhere else (such as in a side menu or a drop down list), and to show a random selection of games on the front page. Once a user chooses a category, they get an ordered list - or they can choose to order all games by other criteria. (Times played, alphabetically, chronologically, etc.)

b6gm6n 08-08-2005 07:14 PM

oh for the love of christ, it's gonna be ported to 3.5.... 3.5 i tell you... wow, well thats cheered up my day, never mind about the late credit card payment charge, or the hot chick who sent me some pictures of her in a freaking text file which took me ages to decode... this beats the lot...AYYY!!! cool..cant wait.


mystery250 08-08-2005 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by mystery250
Hmm. Challenge user isn't showing when I click on a users name in a thread? What am I missing?


Tried making sure that the template installations are correct - they are... Any idea why I am not seeing challenges on the droplist?


soniceffect 08-08-2005 07:48 PM

Begging for some help LOL ... Have taken a look through this thread and can`t seem to find an answer, and others having the same problem too by the sounds of it.

I installed everything as stated, however my games are not showing in the arcade. The permissions I have set up should allow me to see them.

I`ve just changed this from IBPro arcade, and recon to have removed all file edits I have changed when installing IBPro, but have done it after installing v3. I`m pretty sure this is something to do with it, just don`t know how to solve it. Any chance one of you experts can show me to the light :)

rjordan 08-08-2005 08:51 PM

Excellent news, John! Have you by chance fixed the bugs in the 3.5 version for removed users where if they have scores and a MySQL error appears if you try to view that user's scores? I posted a fix "X" pages ago.

Also, is this taking full advantage of 3.5's hook system so there are no (or very limited) file/template edits?

soniceffect 08-08-2005 09:03 PM


If you have had ibproarcade installed, you need to completely remove the templates that it installed using phpmyadmin (make sure you backup first), then re-install the templates for V3 arcade and your on a winner

John 08-08-2005 09:21 PM


Originally Posted by rjordan
Excellent news, John! Have you by chance fixed the bugs in the 3.5 version for removed users where if they have scores and a MySQL error appears if you try to view that user's scores? I posted a fix "X" pages ago.

Also, is this taking full advantage of 3.5's hook system so there are no (or very limited) file/template edits?

It's new coded rather than a straight port, so we'll probably have a whole new crop of bugs. ;)

It's phrased and I've put hooks throughout - although I've probably missed a few, I'll have to go through everything before release.

KTBleeding 08-08-2005 09:28 PM


Originally Posted by John
It's new coded rather than a straight port, so we'll probably have a whole new crop of bugs. ;)

It's phrased and I've put hooks throughout - although I've probably missed a few, I'll have to go through everything before release.

It sounds as though you may be approaching a release soon. Are you still planning on releasing Videovie before? I know it's hard to tell with 3.5 not being gold yet, I'm just curious.

John 08-08-2005 09:38 PM


Originally Posted by KTBleeding
It sounds as though you may be approaching a release soon. Are you still planning on releasing Videovie before? I know it's hard to tell with 3.5 not being gold yet, I'm just curious.

A week before I was going to release Videovie for 3.0.x they started beta testing 3.5, so I decided to hold off and wait for vB 3.5 to go gold before I ported it over.

In the meantime I've been working on the 3.5 version of the Arcade, which is in a working state right now. If push came to shove I could get it released within a couple of days, but I'm not doing that before 3.5 goes gold - so I'm using this time to add some new functionality and make improvements on the last version.

thenetbox 08-09-2005 02:12 AM

wow!! thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you

I wasn't going to upgrade to 3.5 because II thought arcade wouldn't work. but wow really great news!! thank you!

GoTTi 08-09-2005 02:15 AM

John, are u gunna restart your site and allow sharing of the flash games again????

also, i am in need of some modifications off your site that i dont have saved onto my computer, if you can re-open your site to us so i, as well as im sure alot of other people, can get those custom codes and template mods, we would all appreciate it.

hydrostatic 08-09-2005 06:19 AM


Originally Posted by John
If anyone wants any other features, now is the time to request them...

Ok, there were a few things I'd like to add, if these are not added already:

1). A game-file protection system that will get rid of hotlinking, file stealing, and members going directly to the URLs to play games. Some of my troublesome users found the games by URL and just went there and played the game so they can bypass the 3 post per 24 hour hack. Then they posted the links up in the forums and everybody ended up just going to those URLs and played the games. It was disasterous trying to sort out all 300 games and giving them names like "pacman4skdrhs3f" While I know this might take a bit of work... :nervous:

I'm a novice a php and I don't really know if ^ that's possible so somebody correct me if its not :D

2). A simple hack that can limit the use of the arcade. Like the X post in Y hours hack.

3). The last challenge system was a little confusing. It's been a while since I used 3.0.x series, so I don't really remember what exact was wrong with it. It had something to do with the "back" button or something that allows the users to re-take the challenge without losing.


fanzone 08-09-2005 11:46 AM

I know there is a place to do this but I can not find it at all... I want to let guests SEE the arcade but not play.. where is this control at?

fanzone 08-09-2005 11:50 AM


Originally Posted by gio~logist
Make sure that you added the templates to the new skin as well. I am almost sure that this is what it is.

Can anyone tell me which templates needed to be added to the skin for it to work? Little help!!

thenetbox 08-09-2005 01:50 PM

Will the 3.5 version have tournaments and stuff?

LEAD_WEIGHT 08-09-2005 07:54 PM


Originally Posted by fanzone
Can anyone tell me which templates needed to be added to the skin for it to work? Little help!!

Just do install for that style/skin or make one style a default and add the other styles under it.

more games....


Originally Posted by John
I'm waiting for 3.5 to come out of beta to release it. (I just moved house so I'm on dial-up at the moment, if I released it now it'd be tricky to give enough support.)

Good your back again. I hope an uninstaller could be added to version 3.0.x

nymyth 08-09-2005 08:32 PM

Where can we get new games from now??


b6gm6n 08-09-2005 08:34 PM

check my sig!


rjordan 08-10-2005 08:46 AM


Originally Posted by b6gm6n
check my sig!


lol ... ibPro games in the v3 thread. Hey, it could be useful when the new version comes out!

rjordan 08-10-2005 08:50 AM

John, I have two improvement requests that I am sure a lot can relate to.

1- When you have an insane number of games installed, v3 v1.0 takes forever to load the games list. Then, once you make a change to a game, that list reloads and takes forever again. Could you possibly paginate the list or make it selectable by first letter, or both? Something else on this is maybe it would be possible to edit game setings in a new window instead of changing the initial selection page.

2- Games that have a number for their first character and the javascript error. Is this fixed in the new version?

Lionsault 08-10-2005 11:02 PM


Originally Posted by gio~logist
How can you be sure it was installed correctly if it doesn't work o_0?

DO you get a blank page, error, or what?

When you go to activate it in the Admin CP, I switch it to on, but it resets to Off after I click Save. No worries, We cleaned out hacks to update to 3.0.8 and now it works. :)

John 08-10-2005 11:26 PM


Originally Posted by rjordan
John, I have two improvement requests that I am sure a lot can relate to.

1- When you have an insane number of games installed, v3 v1.0 takes forever to load the games list. Then, once you make a change to a game, that list reloads and takes forever again. Could you possibly paginate the list or make it selectable by first letter, or both? Something else on this is maybe it would be possible to edit game setings in a new window instead of changing the initial selection page.

2- Games that have a number for their first character and the javascript error. Is this fixed in the new version?

1. I'm thinking about using AJAX for game navigation, in both the admin CP and the front end. Something like Google Suggest. (Although I haven't put a lot of thought into it at this stage.)

2. Yep - none of the old code from the 3.0.x version is in the new version. They're completely different things.

Scooterpig 08-11-2005 06:59 AM

Like the idea of the AJAX system there John, that would be cool..:)

Have you changed the way the Arcade Home page looks like as in the way the games are displayed and/or selected and played etc?

PixelFx 08-11-2005 05:26 PM

wish list,

1) I'd like to see improved challenge/tiered tournament system, with support for ushop/ucash for members to enter tournaments etc. in admincp make it possible to set how many players and tier for tournament, and or possible make it possible to run up to 3 or as many consecutive tournaments as an admin wants at one time. Also user group access etc.

2) System like the avatar system, where after so many posts made on site a new game unlocks for players/members. Make it possible in the game listing to choose what order games are in as well as how many posts needed to play the game. You could use the large game icon in similar spot as avatar in similar system. thats in vbulletin now..

3) I like the idea of having commands or menus in side bar menu for arcade, maybe have something like vba cmps where you can choose which side of the arcade the menu is on, and possibly add modules to the side nav, aka sponsors, extra game addon lists, etc.

4) multi player support, aka checkers, chess, etc. Maybe memory system to pick up game you left off or something.

I have other ideas, but those would be cool to start.

John 08-11-2005 05:36 PM

PixelFX, I really like 2) - suggestions for potential critera for games are welcome.

So far:

- Post counts
- Length of time a user has been registered
- Reputation

rjordan 08-11-2005 07:18 PM

I have one! Game permissions based on primary/secondary groups! This way, we can keep (for instance) adult games out of the hands of young `uns!

John 08-11-2005 08:03 PM

If you've got a moment, pop your head in here and give your opinion?


John 08-12-2005 05:29 PM

Just a quick update... :)

First of all, a bit of a layout change. Because I have plans to make more use of the "news & events" section, it had the potential to get too long making the top part of the page huge.

Instead, I've shifted the news and "logged in as" areas into a right column, keeping everything else on the left. If people hate this too much I'll include a legacy template for those who want to stick with the old layout.

One other thing is the cookie-based "Viewing Mode" - nothing too fancy, but it enables you to choose to see a more streamlined version of the games list if you don't want all the extra info for each game. (As seen in the screenshots below.)

Edit: The category navigation isn't in those screenshots, I'm still working on it.

nymyth 08-12-2005 06:25 PM

^^That looks freaking awesome.....do u have release date for this??


John 08-12-2005 06:29 PM


Originally Posted by nymyth
^^That looks freaking awesome.....do u have release date for this??


When 3.5 goes Gold? Or I might release it earlier, if it doesn't look like it's going to go Gold any time soon.

hydrostatic 08-12-2005 07:14 PM


Originally Posted by John
When 3.5 goes Gold? Or I might release it earlier, if it doesn't look like it's going to go Gold any time soon.

RC2 is taking a long time... At one point I thought RC2 might turn Gold considering that RC1 only took like a few days to be upgraded to RC2.

aberg 08-12-2005 08:44 PM


Originally Posted by John
Heh, you'll be pleased to know that the v3.5 release supports ibProarcade games too. :devious:

If anyone wants any other features, now is the time to request them...

Great news !! you do a lot of good work John

b6gm6n 08-12-2005 09:54 PM

Freaking Hell John, fantastic as usual...release when you like old bean, don't rush it... thanx so much for this superb and utterly vb enhancing mod, cheers dude


rossco_2005 08-13-2005 03:20 PM

That looks great John!
And it's gonna be released as Gold is released...perfect! :D

John 08-13-2005 08:11 PM

AJAX game searching! \o/

KTBleeding 08-13-2005 08:56 PM


Originally Posted by John
AJAX game searching! \o/

Wonderful! Seriously!

John 08-13-2005 08:57 PM


Originally Posted by KTBleeding
Wonderful! Seriously!

3.5 kicks ass. ;)

johnbruce71 08-13-2005 09:33 PM

Need any beta testers? Sure alot of people would be willing to help.

Scooterpig 08-13-2005 10:33 PM

John I take it that all the old 3.x games released will work no worries for this new version and the install of them is the same?

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