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ComputerVitals 10-10-2007 03:18 AM

I have an issue with 3.6.8

I have this set for Admins,
Works great, but on some RSS feeds I have set to auto post. You look at the post and see all the html code. But if you edit the post then save it will post as normal..

any ideas?

ddmobley 10-12-2007 01:57 AM


Originally Posted by kall (Post 1329697)
Hi Roymogg,

Yes indeed, it appears to work fine with 3.6.8.

Why won't you respond to people's requests about the post_parsed_cached? It's ridiculous that you won't even admit that there is a problem... Sheesh.

ddmobley 10-12-2007 01:58 AM


Originally Posted by noppid (Post 1329726)
I ran into this too. So, I set out looking for a solution. I put code in the misc_bbcode_start hook and ran the rebuild post cache. No html worked still.

So, I hacked the file and ran it again. This time posts parsed properly.

Since it's only me in one forum doing html, this is easy to maintain.

Is it normal that admin functions skip hooks? Anyway, I'm good to go.

So what are you saying? Have you figured out a solution to this?

PoetJA-1975 10-12-2007 02:49 AM


Originally Posted by ddmobley (Post 1357932)
Why won't you respond to people's requests about the post_parsed_cached? It's ridiculous that you won't even admit that there is a problem... Sheesh.

Um - prolly none of my business - In fact I know it's none of my business.... But:
:rolleyes: Jacquii.

ddmobley 10-12-2007 03:25 AM


Originally Posted by PoetJA-1975 (Post 1357957)
Um - prolly none of my business - In fact I know it's none of my business.... But:

Not Supported
:rolleyes: Jacquii.

I'm not asking him to support it. I am asking him to comment on it. At least tell us he's looked at it and can't for the life of himself figure out how to fix it. How much does it take to just be honest with people? Just tell them there is an error that can't be fixed and then everyone can go find some other modification that may work, rather than hovering around like flies on a piece of crap hoping the guy will at least respond!

Jesus H. Christ! How about some integrity here!

He says:


Yes indeed, it appears to work fine with 3.6.8.
That's a downright lie! It does NOT work "fine" with ANY version of vBulletin, because once the post cache expires, the raw HTML shows up again to the next user who comes along. What a pile of crap.

PoetJA-1975 10-12-2007 09:11 AM

Yep - just as I thought: none of my business....
Anyway - What does the "H" in Jesus H. Christ stand for?
Just curious...


kall 10-13-2007 08:35 AM


Originally Posted by PoetJA-1975 (Post 1357957)
Um - prolly none of my business - In fact I know it's none of my business.... But:

:rolleyes: Jacquii.



kall 10-13-2007 08:37 AM


Originally Posted by ddmobley (Post 1357932)
Why won't you respond to people's requests about the post_parsed_cached? It's ridiculous that you won't even admit that there is a problem... Sheesh.

Probably because I have never seen the issue, and don't actually care very much.

class101 10-28-2007 10:50 AM

still helpfull after 2 years, good job buddy

class101 10-28-2007 11:09 AM

no more works with 3.6.8 , no luck :( Strange that jelsoft allow to setup HTML perm per usegroup for vblog, project tools, signatures, and they didn't made it for forums, omg guys we are in 2008 soon wtf

class101 10-28-2007 11:18 AM

HA NO its working!

You have to turn HTML OFF in the forum because I was thinking to set the forum ON to allow the RSS to post html when the addon override the other user permissions, but that's not working that way because everyone was still able to post HTML, but setting html OFF in the forum made the job , the addon then only allow the usergroup to use HTML.
Hope I'm correct and won't find behaviours but it appear to do the job fine

Btw ddmobley I do not see where you can't get it working, I have tested with cached post lifespan 0 and it works like a charm, as soon as I allow my usergroup to parse HTML , its rendred correctly, if I change to OFF, then I'm refreshing the post , it's automatically no more HTML rendered. So no problems here.

TheMilkCarton 10-28-2007 03:15 PM

Despite whether or not there is a "post_parsed_cached" problem... This mod is still far from perfect. I've asked a few times on here if there is some kind of fix for "Quick Edit - Disappearing HTML" in 3.6.x.

Just because it's "Not Supported" doesn't mean that he shouldn't try to update the product with bugfixes and new features, or to accommodate to new versions of vBulletin. I'm aware this mod is in the 3.5.x forum, but how many people actually still use 3.5.x here?? 5% of us? AFAIK, "Not Supported" means just that -- he's not going to answer questions in this thread. Like I said, that doesn't mean he shouldn't be updating this hack.

While I don't have the cached posts problem, there have been a few occasions where the HTML doesn't "stick" and I can NEVER by any means use this hack with Quick Edit. I have to be fully aware every time I'm editing a post with HTML and make sure to MIDDLE CLICK the "Edit" button so that the standard editor opens up instead. That == annoying and I probably should have just uninstalled this mod a long time ago.

However, I guess I'll get around it until vB finally includes a per usergroup HTML setting.

class101 10-28-2007 03:35 PM

Yeah I see the quick edit bug now after doing some tests but not so big problem since the mod should be used firstly for enhancing the rss feed feature a bit too lite, the bug doesnt appear when its a posted feed, but the bug happen if I post myself HTML, so if you are using it everyday to post urself html stuffs right, better in this case to remove the mod and allow for a few second HTML manually in the options when you need and turn it off quickly , can't see another method, but that's safe because too much risks allowing HTML. At least that's ok with feeds I think, I'll survey this mod carefully

ho btw its from the kall from vbseo team, I bet he must be busy that's why he couldnt support this mod anymore

DarthCoder 11-03-2007 04:29 PM

wish this could work for 3.6.8, cuz I am tired of junk bbcodes like AME etc.

ReQueM 11-11-2007 10:30 AM

Can you add this option for posting :)
Attachment 62905

yoyoyoyo 11-13-2007 01:52 PM


Originally Posted by DarthCoder (Post 1374915)
wish this could work for 3.6.8, cuz I am tired of junk bbcodes like AME etc.

It does work in 3.6.8
  1. Turn off posting HTML in all forums via forum manager
  2. Edit usergroup settings to allow certain groups to post HTML
  3. Allowed usergroups can post HTML in any forum

zetetic 11-13-2007 02:24 PM

AME isn't a bbcode.

Geck079 11-29-2007 08:54 PM

Very useful mod, easy to use and install. Though I thought something like letting the admin use html would have been standard.

onehost 12-01-2007 10:14 PM


Originally Posted by yoyoyoyo (Post 1381748)
It does work in 3.6.8
  1. Turn off posting HTML in all forums via forum manager
  2. Edit usergroup settings to allow certain groups to post HTML
  3. Allowed usergroups can post HTML in any forum

Ive got nothing so far... does this support <iframe> ??


Traxdata 12-24-2007 02:17 PM

seems not to work on 3.7.b3. members see html code only...

Traxdata 12-28-2007 11:58 AM

oh, it works on 3.7.b3, just uninstall and re-insall this product!

manning 01-25-2008 03:58 PM

tried to import got > Invalid File Specified

any support for this type of mod on 3.6+ ??? Would like to allow admin to post google rss feeds - vb is screwing the feeds up when they are done in bbcode!

ddmobley 01-25-2008 04:32 PM


Originally Posted by manning (Post 1428756)
any support for this type of mod on 3.6+ ???

There is no support on this product at all.

manning 01-25-2008 05:27 PM


Originally Posted by ddmobley (Post 1428777)
There is no support on this product at all.

Yes, I understand that ... thats why I said "this type of mod" ...

Maybe theres a work around for the RSS issues I am having ... Ill' dig.

mihai11 01-25-2008 06:58 PM

All the people that are interested in this mod, should ask Jelsoft to implement this feature in the standard VB 3.7.0 GOLD:


If you hurry up, we might see it there.


frank44 01-31-2008 07:03 PM


legionofangels 02-12-2008 06:56 PM

The post cache is a serious problem and without any known fix it invariably makes the add on useless or useful for a limited time.

I looked through and read all the 24 pages of posts, pretty interesting, and a few hiccups here and there. The theory in general is perfect, but defining what sections it affects and what sections it doesn't would be great. What you want is global command of having your posts parse the HTML while everyone else just posts there text. I remember that video mod that gives you the options of certain usergroups to allow to parse the video you post from youtube or whatever and originally when we restricted it, it really worked. You could see vids in normal accounts, and could post, but the post would only show the link. Only until an admin edited your post, would it parse the video and show it.

They need to build in the command for admins only and just force forum operators to admin people you want to use HTML and abandon the idea that people or regular members need the option to use HTML in there sigs and for posting. A whole member base on a website is bound to have a trouble maker or someone who doesn't follow the staffs rules and easily is someone you can spend all your time worrying about or who will post something they shouldn't HTML wise. That is why I'd restrict it to admins only.

After reading all of this and weighing whether to use the mod or not, the post cache parse error helped make the decision. Since the html information I'll be posting can never disappear I simply can't use this. I'm not really upset either because my original plan is what I'm falling back on and it basically allows only Admins to use HTML in the Admin CP, and then I just close the threads of the HTML I post. I will also turn off the ability NOT to use HTML as I need that on, but the ability for any usergroup to make new threads or new posts. In fact I don't even need to close the thread at that point.

That should work well for my needs and restrict through subforums the possibility of HTML use to myself, while making a separate subforum for commentary on any of the HTML and stuff.

I do appreciate your effort and amazing professionalism with that tool who posted in the middle of this thread. But this mod needs cleaned and the coding needs to be worked on as that error of the HTML disappearing due to cache is useless unless you prune your threads fairly fast.

MdrNate 02-28-2008 04:45 PM

Works for me! 3.6.8, great item, hope this becomes standard in upcoming releases.

Jim O 03-21-2008 05:02 AM


Originally Posted by ddmobley (Post 1327721)
In a search for an answer to the parsed posts disappearing, I have modified my system to preserve the parsed post cache for posts that are sticky. On my system, the only posts that would have HTML in them are sticky posts, so it was, to me, only a question of how to keep the software's maintenance from deleting posts from the parsed post cache that were stickly posts. Here's how I did it:

In includes/cron/cleanup2.php, there is a code segment that looks like:


// expired cached posts
        DELETE FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "post_parsed
        WHERE dateline < " . (TIMENOW - ($vbulletin->options['cachemaxage'] * 60 * 60 * 24))

I edited it to look like this:


// expired cached posts
        DELETE parsed FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "post_parsed AS parsed
        LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "thread AS thread ON thread.firstpostid = parsed.postid
        WHERE parsed.dateline < " . (TIMENOW - ($vbulletin->options['cachemaxage'] * 60 * 60 * 24)) . "
        AND thread.sticky = 0"

Edit: I found I was getting a SQL error in my previous modification, and found a new way of keeping the post_parsed_cache clean. This above works.

This simply checks the thread table for the existence of a sticky post ID that matches the post ID of a post in the parsed post cache. If there is a match, it doesn't delete that post's cache, it leaves it indefinitely, or until the post is manually deleted.

This appears to work in 3.7 RC1 but the table "post_parsed" is now "postparsed".

So one would need to look for:


// expired cached posts
        DELETE FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "postparsed
        WHERE dateline < " . (TIMENOW - ($vbulletin->options['cachemaxage'] * 60 * 60 * 24))

and replace with:


// expired cached posts
        DELETE parsed FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "postparsed AS parsed
        LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "thread AS thread ON thread.firstpostid = parsed.postid
        WHERE parsed.dateline < " . (TIMENOW - ($vbulletin->options['cachemaxage'] * 60 * 60 * 24)) . "
        AND thread.sticky = 0"

Addendum: Alternatively, if you prefer not to stick all of the threads that you want to put HTML in, and you want to be the only one allowed to use HTML, the following should work:


// expired cached posts
        DELETE parsed FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "postparsed AS parsed
        LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "thread AS thread ON thread.firstpostid = parsed.postid
        WHERE parsed.dateline < " . (TIMENOW - ($vbulletin->options['cachemaxage'] * 60 * 60 * 24)) . "
        AND thread.postuserid != 1"

This assumes your user ID is 1. Substitute your user ID if that is not correct. Of course this can make for a large "postparsed" table.

Dabbi 03-27-2008 07:24 PM

Not sure what's going on with this or if it's been reported or even if it's a bug or not but..

I have a problem with disappearing HTML breaks < br >. The only way I can make them show up on the board is to add a space if trying to explain it to a member or in the HTML code use something like <***> and tell members to swap out the <***> for < br > (remove spaces

My members can post it and not have a problem and it only shows as inactive HTML but I can't. :confused:

I really need to be able to use HTML on the board and this mod looked like it would do the trick but this glitch is annoying.. well that and if I edit the post the code is gone.

GreysAnatomy 04-20-2008 08:37 AM


Originally Posted by yoyoyoyo (Post 1381748)
It does work in 3.6.8
  1. Turn off posting HTML in all forums via forum manager
  2. Edit usergroup settings to allow certain groups to post HTML
  3. Allowed usergroups can post HTML in any forum

Worked like a charm in 3.6.8 - thanks for your help! :D

Slapyo 05-07-2008 12:36 AM

what about 3.7.0?

Titania 05-07-2008 12:57 AM


Originally Posted by Slapyo (Post 1511108)
what about 3.7.0?

It's working fine on my 3.7.0 :)

Turbe 05-08-2008 09:15 PM

Anyone (besides Titania) else install this on a 3.7 installation? How about a link showing an example (for a v3.7 installation).

kall 05-09-2008 04:33 AM


Originally Posted by Turbe (Post 1513099)
Anyone (besides Titania) else install this on a 3.7 installation? How about a link showing an example (for a v3.7 installation).


That's from a rss-feed generated forum running GARS, which was the original reason I wrote this, but it would work the same in a 'normal' forum.

amaarvell 05-20-2008 01:02 PM

when i copy and paste html into a page i get the error message about "message too short"

what i have is a html table which gets sent to me every week for the latest games charts
it comes as a html file

i thought with this i could just paste in the code ... any ideas?

DocOf Dan 06-03-2008 05:42 PM

I realise that the author of this mod has said that tables aren't supported, but I've run into a curious problem and was wondering if anyone else had experienced (and hopefully solved!) it.

I'm trying to post a large table into a post, with lots of sub-tables, images etc. This worked fine for me up to recently (I am using 3.6.0), and sometimes still does!

Here is an example:


The problems began when I moved hosting company. Now some of the tables don't work. When I cut and paste the html (which works fine as I've checked it) the post appears blank. I narrowed down the problem to one section of the table - a particular cell which only contains plain text. If I remove that plain text and leave the cell blank, the table (minus that text obviously) appears perfectly. This problem doesn't occur all the time either, which is very puzzling.

An example of a table which won't work is here:
and the 'offending text' (which should appear in the 'Preview' section) is in the next post:

Any help or advice mucho appreciated!

Bradley_Wint 06-11-2008 12:46 AM

Works on 3.7.1 successfully. Thank you for the mod.

Jonny Vegas 06-11-2008 01:21 PM


I'm quite new to installing things, but hope someone can help.

Install says:


To install: Upload the includes folder within the upload folder to your /forums/ directory.
Surely if I upload the includes folder in this mod, it will overwrite the existing includes folder?

Does it mean upload the contents of the folder?

Jonny Vegas 06-12-2008 10:27 AM

Can anyone help on this?:(

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