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TJFweb 10-26-2005 04:40 AM

There's a bug in this:
On the View Warnings AdminCP, remove warning and complete removal are linked as follows:


they should be linked as ...forums/admincp/admin_warn.php...

Additionally, when I go to a user's profile in the main forum and I view their warnings, I cannot remove them as it tells me that there is an Invalid User ID.

kangta 10-26-2005 05:39 AM

I know what you mean about the large slabs, I'm the same way. :) I'll generally be able to figure out what's changed between what I have and what I'm supposed to replace it with and can hack it accordingly.

For some reason, this thing uses a customized error page and function. That's all fine and dandy, but I like everything to be as consistent as possible :D so I modified the warning system to use vB's "standard error" template. It's rather simple, to do so:

Find this code in the includes/functions_warning.php:
PHP Code:

function RunError($message)
// Theres probably some globals below not in use, uhm, who cares?
global $vbulletin$session$stylevar$_POST$vbphrase,$navbits,$show,$header;
'$warn_page .= "' fetch_template('warn_error') . '";');
$navbits construct_navbits($navbits);
'$navbar = "' fetch_template('navbar') . '";');
'print_output("' fetch_template('WARN') . '");');

And replace it with this:
PHP Code:

function RunError($errormessage)
$pagetitle 'Advanced Warning System - Error!';
'print_output("' fetch_template('STANDARD_ERROR') . '");');

You'll notice I removed the globals that weren't needed... I basically played with each one until I found the ones that made the error pages work and the ones that didn't. You can change the text in the $pagetitle part to fit your forum or needs for the window title of the errors (these errors are used when you try to warn on a post that's already been warned assuming you have that disallowed, etc).

My advice to anyone who has a lot of modifications on their forum or a non-default skin would be... careful with the template edits ;) because with stuff like your postbit or memberinfo templates it's easy to mess stuff up if the code you're supposed to be replacing over isn't exactly as listed in the instructions.

Andreas 10-26-2005 06:13 AM

Changing the Colspan in this way will not work, view the page as a regular user :)
If you found a bug, please report it to the bugtracker.

RunError is already removed from the current developement build.

Darat 10-27-2005 08:32 AM

I was wondering if you could give me some advice on customising your hack? (Which in general is VERY good and thanks for making it available).

On the board I admin we don’t use the warning points to trigger suspensions or bans, so I've set everything to figures such as 9999 for number of warnings before someone is automatically banned.

However what I would also like to do is remove (from sight) all mentions of the warning points (not the number of warnings). I've edited postbit to remove the warning points totals, I’ve edited the PM and email templates so they don’t mention the points or points total. However I'm getting stuck on removing the columns that list the various warning points on the "View your warnings" page. Could you give me some pointers on what templates or files I need to edit and what to look for?

As a suggestion, and I've no idea how many people would also find this useful but perhaps a feature for a later version would be something like a "Use points system? - yes or no" and if no is selected the system doesn’t use the points system and all the related points stuff (bans and so on are deactivated).

sv1cec 10-27-2005 10:55 AM

If I understand that correctly, you have one warning point per warning, so your warnings number is equal to your warning points. Am I correct?

The templates which are used for showing the warnings are the warn_view?_....

You should also change the profile templates, so that they do not show the warning points.

Darat 10-27-2005 11:12 AM

Thanks for the reply - what I'm looking to do is remove the columns in teh screengrab attached.

The problem I have is that the view seems to be made up of several templates?

sv1cec 10-27-2005 11:19 AM

The templates are grouped together. In other words:


are the group which shows the warnings. All three have to be edited to remove those columns, when a user checks his own warnings.

When an admin is checking a user warnings, then the templates are the warn_viewb_row, ...top and ...end.

I hope this helps.

Darat 10-27-2005 12:19 PM


Originally Posted by sv1cec

I hope this helps.

Thanks - that was enough info.

D.Ilyin 10-28-2005 05:26 AM

When i try to remove warnin from users (i'm have admin permisions):
I get the followin error:

An Error Has Occured!
An error has occured, the following message has been left below:
Invalid User ID Input
[ Back ]
What that mean?

Fogot.... Version AWS 3.5b4

sv1cec 10-28-2005 09:06 AM

I think that KirbyDE has not updated the distribution file to correct this error. Let's wait for him to answer this, if not, I can email you a different Warn.php file.

D.Ilyin 10-28-2005 09:27 AM


Originally Posted by sv1cec
if not, I can email you a different Warn.php file.

ye.. it will be greate...

D.Ilyin 10-28-2005 02:28 PM

another bug (or future ;) )..... i found
Try to find user with given warning's in admincp. And try to:
_http://my.forum//admin_warn.php?act=remove&id=1&userid=99057&uname= andersder&wname=Замечание&postid=205118&ban=N&orderstring=
1. "admincp" is missing.
2. what if someone call warning type in chines?
"Copmletle remove"
_http://my.forum//admin_warn.php?act=completeremove&id=1&userid=9905 7&uname=andersder&wname=Замечание&postid=205118&orderstring=
same as above
"Warned User ID/Name"
1. "admincp" is missing.

"Warned By"
1. "admincp" is missing.

sv1cec 10-28-2005 02:44 PM

Is your admincp defined in the vB's configuration file?

D.Ilyin 10-28-2005 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by sv1cec
Is your admincp defined in the vB's configuration file?

i think so... because the link to "Comment" are right:

sv1cec 10-28-2005 04:00 PM

Open your admin_warn.php file and find :


Under that, add:


Then find every occurence of "/admincp/" and replace that with "/$admincpdir/".

You will need to replace that about 10-12 times.

KirbyDE, please make that change as well.

Michael-DLR 10-29-2005 04:13 AM


Originally Posted by Michael-DLR

Let me start off by saying this is the best hack for VB in my opinion and I appreciate Andreas and sv1cec for working on this hack for us.

I do have an issue and are in need of some guideance. Moderators and SuperModerators are receiving auto warns even though they are in the correct usergroup id's assigned by VB. The set-up explains not to put them in the protected usergroup which I did not. I have tried though adding the id to the protected usergroup to see if it would help and it did not.

Any ideas what I am doing wrong? Thank you.

Help? :) Thanks!

sv1cec 10-29-2005 04:24 AM

Are you using the Hierarchical schema? If yes, then Smods and mods can be warned by admins. If you do not want that to happen, do not use the hierarchical schema.

sv1cec 10-29-2005 07:49 PM

I think you have mixed up things. The image you attach is not from AWS. I do not know from which hack this is (it definitely is not even from the old ZT hack), but it's certainly not AWS.

In AWS you define each offence (Warning Type) in AdminCP, from there on, the moderators cannot change either the points associated with that offence or the duration of the ban. In a few words, AWS will cover your needs.

Andy R 10-29-2005 08:49 PM

sorry about that, please have a mod delete my post...

adalren 10-30-2005 08:26 PM

There seems to be a conflict with kirby's default sort plugin. When I install both, none of the $vbulletin->GPC variables work. It will work when either plugin is disabled.

What's weird is that I got both to work in my home server but the production server doesn't. The only think I can think of is that I installed it in a different order.

Andreas 10-30-2005 08:32 PM

I really don't see how they could interfere with each other.

adalren 10-30-2005 09:04 PM

I don't see why it doesn't work either. When both are active, doing a clean_gpc doesn't put the request variables into $vbulletin->GPC. The forum starts to act funny and I can't login or view page 2 of anything. I had to edit the class_hook.php and disable fetch_hook to fix it.

Andreas 10-30-2005 09:14 PM

Erm ...

PHP Code:


is the solution for such problems :)

Anyway, are you 100% sure that this is not caused by other Plugins?
If you are: Were you able to track down which Plugin exactly is causing the problems?

adalren 10-30-2005 09:23 PM

I disabled all plugins except AWS and it's AWS that's causing the problem. Initially I thought it was the sort order plugin conflicting because it instantly gave me an error when trying to view forumdisplay.

adalren 10-30-2005 10:55 PM

I removed the
PHP Code:

global $vbulletin

line in functions_warning.php file and it worked.

Andreas 10-30-2005 11:02 PM

Yeah, that line is unnecessary - fixed that earlier already.

Lea Verou 10-31-2005 01:43 AM

Wow, this hack does most of the things my mods and admins are currently doing manually! However to be able to use it, I need 2 features :nervous:
1. Categories. We have different warning limits for different "crimes". For example if somebody offends another member he is banned after 3 warnings. If somebody writes greeklish he's banned after 5 warnings and those counts are separate. One could have 4/5 for greeklish and 2/3 for offensive posts and not be banned.
2. Warnings limit based also on how many times the user was previously banned. for example if a user offends someone he's banned temporarily after 3 warnings as I said before. If, when he returns he does THE SAME thing 2 (not 3) more times then he gets banned permanently.

Is there any chance that these features will be added? :nervous:

PS: Are you greek? You must be the 2nd greek coder I've seen here! (I am the other :p)

Xplorer4x4 10-31-2005 01:58 AM


Originally Posted by Loukrhtia
Wow, this hack does most of the things my mods and admins are currently doing manually! However to be able to use it, I need 2 features :nervous:
1. Categories. We have different warning limits for different "crimes". For example if somebody offends another member he is banned after 3 warnings. If somebody writes greeklish he's banned after 5 warnings and those counts are separate. One could have 4/5 for greeklish and 2/3 for offensive posts and not be banned.

Why not just srt up a warning limit and then say you use 9 points...if they get 3 warning at 3 points there banned for oofending members. Then use 2 points as the warning value for greekish. They will actually hit 10 points instead of 9 but when the warning points are lifted the extra point will cancel out I would assume.


2. Warnings limit based also on how many times the user was previously banned. for example if a user offends someone he's banned temporarily after 3 warnings as I said before. If, when he returns he does THE SAME thing 2 (not 3) more times then he gets banned permanently.
I wouldn;t mind seeing this, but again it is all a matter of setting up a warning type and dividing up the points by your ban limit.

Lea Verou 10-31-2005 02:11 AM

I agree on the last part. It can be done this way, woo hoo!! :D
About the first part though... It will not work... The above were only 2 samples of our rules. There are other categories too, eg posting spam, trolling etc :(

Xplorer4x4 10-31-2005 02:36 AM

Set up multiple warning level for the same thing like i did....for example I have Spam1,Spam2, and Spam3...If I issue a spam 1 then this gives them one warning point where as spam level 3 is 3 warning points...this is exactly how you would have to do it with a catgorey set up this way will just be less organized.

Lea Verou 10-31-2005 02:49 AM


Originally Posted by Xplorer4x4
Set up multiple warning level for the same thing like i did....for example I have Spam1,Spam2, and Spam3...If I issue a spam 1 then this gives them one warning point where as spam level 3 is 3 warning points...this is exactly how you would have to do it with a catgorey set up this way will just be less organized.

It wont do the trick in all cases as the w. points are sumed up currently. Also doing it this way wont save me much work as it will still be pretty manual. Unless you are referring to the 2nd thing you said (I think you are), in which I said I agree. :)

Xplorer4x4 10-31-2005 03:11 AM

Well point 2 was kinda od a summary of point 1. Then my other post was an example. ;)

So yes as long as you keep basic division in mind, I don;t see any reason it wont work.

D.Ilyin 10-31-2005 09:14 AM


Originally Posted by sv1cec
Open your admin_warn.php file and find :

Under that, add:

Then find every occurence of "/admincp/" and replace that with "/$admincpdir/".
You will need to replace that about 10-12 times.
KirbyDE, please make that change as well.

sv1cec thanks :) for now all links are working....

sv1cec 11-02-2005 06:35 AM


Originally Posted by Loukrhtia
It wont do the trick in all cases as the w. points are sumed up currently. Also doing it this way wont save me much work as it will still be pretty manual. Unless you are referring to the 2nd thing you said (I think you are), in which I said I agree. :)

I think you have an overly complicated warning structure! LoL, maybe you should change some rules. ;)

Yes, I am Greek, and glad to meet another Greek coder here.

Since my involvement with AWS is now limited to the pre-vB3.5 versions, I sincerely don't think I can do any more development on this. I do not know if KirbyDE wants to take over, but there are two reasons I do not see me doing it : a) I do not plan to upgrade to vB 3.5 any time soon, since my site is heavily hacked and I do not want to loose any functionality and b) I do not have the time to work on this any more.

So, as far as I am concerned, I can't help you much with your warning schema.


Xplorer4x4 11-02-2005 08:03 AM

:( Thank you for all your hard work Sv1, this is trully an awsome warning system. It seems very close to being out of the beta stages, and I have no problems with this on my board, althought there are a few advancments that would be nice. Ahh well maybe Zero or Chris M can get r done.

Also thanks for actually telling your users you can not work on this unlike some devlopers who just bandon there hacks without notice...

sv1cec 11-02-2005 08:20 AM

Well, the whole hack was pretty stable before we switch to the vB 3.5 idiosynchracies, so the reason it was announced as beta, is just to iron out those bugs which escaped my attention when I first converted it to 3.5.

It's unfortunate that vB choose to make so radical changes in the new release, to require recoding of the existing hacks, but that's the way it is, so I can't do much about it. And since I do not plan to upgrade my site to 3.5, I've lost interest in adding features to AWS. You can see that, from the fact that the Notes feature was added in 3.4.xx, after the work on 3.5 was almost finalized, so it was not included in the distribution. Those of you who are still in vB 3.0.x can take advantage of that feature, while the users of 3.5.x will have to wait for either KirbyDE (or anyone else) to include it.

By the way, I do not think Zero Tolerance would be going back to the Warning Hack, he can hardly support his own hacks, let alone mine.

Xplorer4x4 11-02-2005 08:42 AM

Will you still be providing support as I still have a few questions. 2 of which I am pretty conifident I can do on my own....

The thirs thing is in this picture: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/attachmen...chmentid=21862
It shows the persons warning level. Is this possible in this version?

Can you also upload your latest version before jumping ship. I was thinking it would have those template edits kirby mentioned and perhaps that would show the warning level?

Thanks again for all your hard work.

EDIT: Is that some sort of away message hack you have shown in that post?

sv1cec 11-02-2005 09:19 AM

Yes, I'll be here providing support, but I think we have a missing link in place, as I do not see KirbyDE here often. So if I correct something, he has to take my code and incorporate it in the distribution file, since I have no idea about how to package the files and everything. He has to do that.

Well, this message you want is still there, it just has changed to say "Warning Points:" instead of "Warning Level:". So it should be in this release, together with how many warnings the member has, and if he has any bans or any alerts, so here is how it will look:

Warnings: 1
Warning Points: 5
Alerts: 3
Bans: 1

The latest version I have, is what exists here. I have not done any more work on version 3.5. The template edits should be easy for anyone with HTML knowledge (and a little vB knowledge). If you have an issue, let me know.

As for the user away message, yes, it is my own version of the User Away hack. Typically, I install a hack, as it is published here, and then I change it according to my taste and my needs. That's what that is.

Xplorer4x4 11-02-2005 09:35 AM

I have version 3.0.4 so I assume that is 3.5 B4? And the warning points do not show up in my tempales :(. Everything else works fine but the note feature (obviously). The warned post icons shows up for example, and the warn and view warn links show up but not the info you listed. :ermm:

Reason I asked baout the templates is Kirby said he updated them awhile back I believe, wasn;t sure if i had those edits or not.

And thanks for the note on the away hack(and the support). :)

sv1cec 11-02-2005 09:54 AM

Version 3.0.4? I am not sure what that is. The latest AWS version for vBulletin 3.0.x is 3.4.16 I think. I have no idea what 3.0.4 is. That information you want, should be shown only in posts made by members who have received a warning, and according to your settings (AWS Options), either your management team can see them, or everyone can see them.

I am not sure where is KirbyDE, I haven't seen him in here for a while, so I can't say if he has updated the distribution file or not.

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