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-   -   Put a Column on the Left Side of Every Forum Page (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=91888)

chimaira 08-10-2006 10:58 AM

Hey love the look of this, But one problem it seems to be making my tables shift right, and makes them out of line.. see screeny Hope someone can help us out with this here...

no worries ive sused it now... i think lol

chimaira 08-10-2006 11:59 AM

Okay i have a new problem... A screen res problem... my main table width was 782.. if you look on my attached image you can see it was all out of line... well i changed the table width to 90% and it all lined up well.. But it appears fine oon my screen but out of line on a freinds pc with a different screen res... im totally stumped to fix this.

aveon 08-10-2006 01:21 PM

you might want to use an css padding to costumize your forum take look here http://www.w3schools.com/css/pr_padding.asp

chimaira 08-10-2006 02:09 PM

Ill give it a scout through. thanks

attroll 08-11-2006 04:02 PM


Originally Posted by aveon
or is there any way to add collapse to all left column??

To make them collapsable use this code in your template:

PHP Code:

<table align="center" border="0" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="1" class="tborder" width="100%">
td class="tcat" colspan="0">
a href="#top" onclick="return toggle_collapse('module_40')" style="float:right"><img alt="" border="0" id="collapseimg_module_40" src="/forum/images/buttons/collapse_tcat.gif" /></a>
span class="smallfont"><strong>&raquoTitle here</strong></span></td>
tbody id="collapseobj_module_40" style="">
td class="alt2">
Begin custom code -->
a href ="http://www.yoursite.net">Home</a><br>
a href ="http://www.yoursite.net/forum">Forum</a><br>
Begin custom code -->

skyecade 08-12-2006 12:48 AM

I just added this to my forum (3.6) and it works great with 1 minor exception. When I view a thread (showthread.php) it seems to disalign some of the tables. Anyone know a fix to this problem?

Everything else seems to be working okay.

JenniferK 08-15-2006 03:22 PM

I posted this in the thread for right column, but I will put it here as well since I don't think everyone is checking both threads (and this is the one I am actually using anyway) ;)

For the width issue, what worked for me was removing


wherever it occurred - but only in the templates for the problem areas. For me it showed fine everywhere (even showthreads page) except for the Members list and the Calendar. I removed that from both of those templates and now all is good. Hope this helps someone.

Now the problem I am having, is that I would like the footer (the What's Going on box) to go the full width of the page. I accomplished that with the navbar by using that template instead of the header one, but I'd like to find a fix for the bottom if possible. I think it will look much cleaner that way.

danielcompton 08-18-2006 07:54 PM

great works well. Does anyone know how to add code to show a poll or latest threads into the left column also?


ztempuser 08-18-2006 09:40 PM

is there a simple line i can change to make it on the right?

Troy Roberts 08-18-2006 09:58 PM

Is anyone using this with vbadvanced? I'm getting a blank left column on the vbadvanced front page.

ithf 08-19-2006 04:12 PM

thanks for the hack..

few questions though...

first of all, where exactly in the header template would u add the code...?
i added at the very top, above evrything else and then added it in the footer...

it added the right block, though it wasnt possitioned complete to the left as u have it on your screenshot, there was a gap between the block and the left side of the skin..also, i am not using a fixed template so as I added the blocked it streeched the main skin it self to the right adding a scroll bar at the bottom..

also, where would u edit the content of the block
and also, how would u another one right under it?


Rik Brown 08-19-2006 08:15 PM


Originally Posted by skyecade
I just added this to my forum (3.6) and it works great with 1 minor exception. When I view a thread (showthread.php) it seems to disalign some of the tables. Anyone know a fix to this problem?

Everything else seems to be working okay.

I just added it to 3.6.0 too. Likewise, everything looks fine except that in the threadview, it all expands from 1000 pix (my default vb width) to 1160 pix with the left side bar added in. Again, this is only on thread view and the rest of the site doesn't exceed the normal 1000 pix I have it defaulted to...

If anyone know a fix for this, I'd like to know, too

Thanks. -- Rik

GrantHorizons 08-21-2006 10:25 AM

Amy, any chance of a full upgrade to VB 3.6 for this lovely hack?

I'm not much of a coder and would like to just install and go! :) lazy, I know, but with a busy board it's dangerous to play when you don't know what you're doing! And it DOES seem there are a few problems.

JenniferK 08-21-2006 03:59 PM

Rik - check post #367 ;)

GrantHorizons - It works fine for 3.6 :)

GrantHorizons 08-23-2006 06:00 PM


Originally Posted by JenniferK
Rik - check post #367 ;)

GrantHorizons - It works fine for 3.6 :)

Thanks Jennifer! :)

Rik Brown 08-24-2006 02:01 AM


Originally Posted by JenniferK
Rik - check post #367 ;)

GrantHorizons - It works fine for 3.6 :)


Your post #367 fixed almost every page. I'm still just having difficulties on viewing threads (which are still too wide). But all other pages seem fine.

Thank you very much. -- Rik

P.S for Anyone: Also, I'm using this mod for Google Adsense ads. They really shouldn't be displayed on all pages (such as thread editing pages). Is there a way with PHP to know what vbulletin page you are on and then using if/then/else determine whether to display the left column or not?

peterska2 08-24-2006 08:15 AM


Have a look at instructions in this post. They explain how to not have it on the register page. You add more pages by using the same variable and getting the script name from the top of the php file and adding an or to your conditional so you might end up with a conditional like this (well actually you won't but I just picked some pages that I kow the script names of)

<if condition="THIS_SCRIPT!='register' || THIS_SCRIPT!='index' || THIS_SCRIPT!='private' || THIS_SCRIPT!='adv_index'">
Whatever you do don't actually use that conditional as it will not display on your vBAdvanced (if you use it), your forumhome, private messaging, and registration pages. That is just a sample to show how to put more pages into the conditional.

JenniferK 08-24-2006 05:03 PM

Glad I was actually able to be of some help to someone :)

Anyone have any ideas about how to make the footer (What's Going On) not get pushed over by the column?

Rik Brown 08-24-2006 08:48 PM

Kerry-Anne: Fantastic. Your message #377 solved it for me. Thanks. -- Rik

peterska2 08-24-2006 09:06 PM


Originally Posted by JenniferK
Glad I was actually able to be of some help to someone :)

Anyone have any ideas about how to make the footer (What's Going On) not get pushed over by the column?

Thats going to be fun, as it will need some fancy conditional work

(actually not really, but it sounds good lol)

In your footer wrap the edit with

<if condition="THIS_SCRIPT!='index'">additional stuff for the column</if>
Then in your forumhome template above the whats going on box code, add the code normally put in the footer.

It's not tested, but you shouldn't have any problems.

JenniferK 08-24-2006 09:28 PM

Kerry-Anne - thanks, I will have to test that out later. But I just wanted to say that you have been super helpful throughout this whole thread!

peterska2 08-24-2006 09:35 PM

No prob, just let me know how it works as I'll bookmark it if it works right in case the same question comes up again.

saadahmed007 09-07-2006 02:02 AM

Is there any way i can move the columns under navbar?


saadahmed007 09-08-2006 01:04 AM

If i put it in the last of the header, it comes side by the navbar. I want it under the navbar.

I tried doing separate for FORUMHOME, FORUMDISPLAY, etc, but i want it on all the pages and under the navbar.

masterross 09-08-2006 08:34 PM


how to hide column on specific forums?
for example:

or in specific threads?


Rik Brown 09-20-2006 12:08 PM

Has anyone attempted to see if this mod works on vb 3.6.1? I'm using 3.6.0 and it works excellently. But it appears that the vb 3.6.1 upgrade requires many template changes.

As I find this mod more important than the improvements in 3.6.1, I would rather wait to hear from someone else before attempting the changeover.

Any reports yet?

Thanks. -- Rik

JenniferK 09-23-2006 05:11 AM

Rik, works fine in 3.6.1 :)

Kerry-Anne - i forgot to let you know, that didn't work for me, it shifted things all over. But that's OK, I've gotten used to the footer the way it is. I have a new problem though that I just became aware of since I use IE and it only seems to happen in Firefox.

The line "All times are GMT -5. The time now is 01:06 AM." in the footer gets pushed way over and to the top so that you have to scroll to the right a whole page width. Any idea how to correct that?

oldfan 09-24-2006 10:40 PM

I'm looking to add all the "whats going on" blocks to the sidebar, is this possible?
Also why is it in the "showthread.php?" after the second/third post does the layout go back to normal?
example >> http://www.metallifukinca.com/showthread.php?t=3348

navjotjsingh 09-25-2006 03:00 PM


Originally Posted by peterska2

Have a look at instructions in this post. They explain how to not have it on the register page. You add more pages by using the same variable and getting the script name from the top of the php file and adding an or to your conditional so you might end up with a conditional like this (well actually you won't but I just picked some pages that I kow the script names of)

<if condition="THIS_SCRIPT!='register' || THIS_SCRIPT!='index' || THIS_SCRIPT!='private' || THIS_SCRIPT!='adv_index'">
Whatever you do don't actually use that conditional as it will not display on your vBAdvanced (if you use it), your forumhome, private messaging, and registration pages. That is just a sample to show how to put more pages into the conditional.

Can you tell how to disable this left bar in User CP? I am already using a conditional for disabling it on vbadvanced CMPS Homepage:


<if condition="VB_AREA != VBA_PORTAL">

navjotjsingh 09-25-2006 06:29 PM

Ok for me instead of

<if condition="THIS_SCRIPT!='usercp' || THIS_SCRIPT!='private' || VB_AREA != VBA_PORTAL">

this works only

<if condition="THIS_SCRIPT!='usercp' && THIS_SCRIPT!='private' && VB_AREA != VBA_PORTAL">

kwame 09-26-2006 03:02 PM

Hi, I need to include some php code in this left nav but it won't show up. I tried creating a plugin and then including that in the left nav but that doesn't work either. Can someone please point me in the right direction on this one? Thanks.

oldfan 09-28-2006 05:09 AM

Why is it in the "showthread.php?" after the second/third post does the layout go back to normal?

example > http://www.metallifukinca.com/showthread.php?t=3361

johnstires 10-06-2006 03:50 PM

I've been searching this thread for the answer but haven't found yet.

This hack works great. However I have a fixed width of 900px (centered) and this hack bumps my content out the length of my left column. I changed the header width and that worked for most of my pages. However the showthread table is still pushed out.

How do I get this to work on the showthread page?

Here's a link to the problem page:


Rik Brown 10-06-2006 08:55 PM

[QUOTE=JenniferK]Rik, works fine in 3.6.1 :)

Jennifer: Thanks. Got it online. -- Rik

johnstires 10-07-2006 05:28 PM

I found the fixed width problem here:


Admin CP -> Styles & Templates -> Style Manager -> ? ? -> spacer_open

Replace the red code:

<!-- open content container -->
<if condition="$show['old_explorer']">
        <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="$stylevar[outertablewidth]" align="center"><tr><td class="page" style="padding:0px $stylevar[spacersize]px 0px $stylevar[spacersize]px">
<else />
        <div align="center">
                <div class="page" style="width:$stylevar[outerdivwidth]; text-align:$stylevar[left]">
                        <div style="padding:0px $stylevar[spacersize]px 0px $stylevar[spacersize]px">

...with the blue code:

<!-- open content container -->
<if condition="$show['old_explorer']">
        <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%" align="center"><tr><td class="page" style="padding:0px $stylevar[spacersize]px 0px $stylevar[spacersize]px">
<else />
        <div align="center">
                <div class="page" style="width:100%; text-align:$stylevar[left]">
                        <div style="padding:0px $stylevar[spacersize]px 0px $stylevar[spacersize]px">

I think this should be added as template change for the iinstall instructions.

Hornstar 10-15-2006 10:34 AM


Originally Posted by attroll
To make them collapsable use this code in your template:

PHP Code:

<table align="center" border="0" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="1" class="tborder" width="100%">
td class="tcat" colspan="0">
a href="#top" onclick="return toggle_collapse('module_40')" style="float:right"><img alt="" border="0" id="collapseimg_module_40" src="/forum/images/buttons/collapse_tcat.gif" /></a>
span class="smallfont"><strong>&raquoTitle here</strong></span></td>
tbody id="collapseobj_module_40" style="">
td class="alt2">
Begin custom code -->
a href ="http://www.yoursite.net">Home</a><br>
a href ="http://www.yoursite.net/forum">Forum</a><br>
Begin custom code -->

That doesnt work for me. It just looks like all my other tables. www.buy-host.com/forums It is the bottom one that is using your code.

navjotjsingh 10-18-2006 05:47 AM

How to put the left column on the left of forums only and what's going on and complete footer should be normal and not pushed by the sidebar. Any ideas on that?

peterska2 10-18-2006 12:22 PM


Originally Posted by navjotjsingh
How to put the left column on the left of forums only and what's going on and complete footer should be normal and not pushed by the sidebar. Any ideas on that?

That is not possible with this modification as the edits are to the header and footer templates and therefor anything inbetween forms the right column of the two column layout.

fatal1980 10-20-2006 07:42 PM

This mod works perfectly, except on the showthread.php pages.

It shows the name of the column thats it. works perfectly everywhere else.. any ideas?


Oreamnos 10-24-2006 01:07 AM

I'm trying to move some of my navbar links to the left column but the template conditionals aren't working.

For example, if I put this:
PHP Code:

<if condition="$show['member']">member info</if> 

in my left_column template nothing shows up. I am a member so it should be showing what is between the <if></if> tags, right?

what am i doing wrong?


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