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m0nde 06-16-2005 02:07 PM

I still haven't been able to get this script working with my board and I've noticed that others have had the same problems.

In the mean time, I've integrated phpAdsNew into my vBulletin 3.0.7 board with much success.

I think that if someone wants the features of this module completely integrated into vBulletin, then they should wait for GAB. But for those who want a functional ad engine with zones, etc. they should use phpAdsNew and then once GAB is ready and ported to 3.5 they should use that since the geek always does an excellent job with his installers.

- Sid

rrr 06-16-2005 06:39 PM


But for those who want a functional ad engine with zones, etc. they should use phpAdsNew
I prefer adpeeps over phpads new for just general serving of banners. It's a bit more automated.

The Geek 06-17-2005 08:01 AM

I have finally gotten around to fixing the most common install issues (packages not installing and phrase missing to add new template).

Sorry I didnt get time to do this before - I have just been swamped.

On a side note - I started (another) re-write of this mack to make a vb3.5 port as painless as possible (I want to work on this but dont want to waste my time creating something that would need a rewrite for vb3.5).
Progress is coming along quite well. If I dont get too sidetracked I should have something soon (yaya - Ive been saying that for awhile but Im feeling Lucky now). In the meantime this small update should sort out those that have had install and set up issues (dont bother with it if you have it going).

grecostimpy 06-17-2005 11:02 AM


Originally Posted by The Geek

Greco - a common mistake that you may want to check is that you do not have a usergroup set to turn the ads off with a blank value in the - er - value box (hope that makes sense!).

Not quite making out what you mean here. Could you explain a little more detailed? Much appreciated.

Thanks! :squareeyed:

mkdevo 06-17-2005 11:15 AM

don't really want to go through 25 pages to find out, but can someone tell me if this works with text-based ads (like Google AdSense) or not? thanks...

The Geek 06-17-2005 11:20 AM

mkdevo - not yet - next version does. Fingers crossed should be out in next couple of days

greco- If you have any of the 'usersgroups that can toggle ads off' ticked, there is a drop down box that specifies which usergroup field to check to see if they want the option off - then there is a value box that indicates what the value should be if its off.
Frequently, I have helped people trouble shoot where they have a usergroup selected, something like the 'biography' drop down selected and then the value is blank.
Which essentially means those usergroups that are ticked with nothing in their bio will be choosing NOT to see an ad.
Another common problem is that there is a section to indicate which usergroups see ads - yet none have been ticked which means that no usergroups are set to view the ads!

Hope this makes sense!

kafi 06-18-2005 06:25 AM

Geek does it, after last update, view&hit database recording already?

The Geek 06-19-2005 04:11 PM

Hey Kafi - I only fixed a couple of install errors in this update... however:

Progress Update

I have just spent most of my weekend recoding this thing from scratch and although I was hoping to have it done tonight - it really shouldnt take more than another day (maybe two) for the final release. All I have left to do is finish the admincp and create a new installer.

This new version is coded using oop so that writing the vb3.5 version is little more than changing a couple variables and tweaking the installer. That also means users can rest assured that when using this on 3.07, an upgrade to 3.5 is a snap.

I also finally mastered the ability to have it spit out flash ads, static ads, rotating ads and/or text ads (ie adsense). You can also have multiple types on a page (i.e. a rotating banner at the top and adsense at the bottom). You can have as many ads as you want on a page, in any combination (although right now you cant have a flash AND a rotating banner on the same page). You could even use the new system to display popup adverts pretty easily if you wanted to.

Its far more customizable and more powerful than the previous version.

The new version uses the same type of impression/click stat recording/displaying system as GAL does meaning that the GUSH system wont be too hard to create (for thoseof you that havent followed development - GUSH is the system that will snap on to this and/or Geek Autolinker to allow you to sell ads and/or keywords and have users manage it all by themselves).

All in all Im pretty damn chuffed with myself - although banner scripts are not fundamentally difficult to create - it has been a serious challange to make this as flexible as possible for as many people as possible. Whether you are someone who only wants a simple banner on certain pages for certain usergroups or someone who wants to bombard users with 50 different custom types of adverts - this baby does it and more.

Stay tuned.

uReside.com 06-19-2005 04:16 PM

wooohooo i'm so excited!!!

mkdevo 06-20-2005 10:16 AM

can't wait! nicely done!!

grecostimpy 06-21-2005 10:48 AM


Originally Posted by The Geek
greco- If you have any of the 'usersgroups that can toggle ads off' ticked, there is a drop down box that specifies which usergroup field to check to see if they want the option off - then there is a value box that indicates what the value should be if its off.
Frequently, I have helped people trouble shoot where they have a usergroup selected, something like the 'biography' drop down selected and then the value is blank.
Which essentially means those usergroups that are ticked with nothing in their bio will be choosing NOT to see an ad.
Another common problem is that there is a section to indicate which usergroups see ads - yet none have been ticked which means that no usergroups are set to view the ads!

Hope this makes sense!

Thanks, I checked everything. No usergroups are checked for toggle ads and all usergroups are checked to view ads. Odd, it just will not work! :ermm:

The Geek 06-21-2005 11:39 AM

and all scripts are ticked and there is a $GAB_ad1 in your navbar template?

mamboking 06-21-2005 05:21 PM

Can anyone tell me how to go about creating $GAB_ad2? I want setup a second region with a different set of ads.

The Geek 06-21-2005 06:28 PM

GAB_ad2 is created automatically depending on settings.

For example, if you choose 2 ads per page, you will get $GAB_ad1 and $GAB_ad2

The next version allows you to specify per page.

speaking of:

Progress report.
Today I have had to rip the guts out of the stats system to pave the way for the GUSH system. I have also decided to change the templating mechanism back to using vb templates which means we are slightly delayed again (that and the fact I am going out of town again). All things going weell we should see an RC this weekend.

mamboking 06-21-2005 07:26 PM

Thanks Geek,

I thought that's what I read somewhere else in the thread but don't how that translate into a second rotating banner like $GAB_ad1. If $GAB_ad1 pulls the ads for the first rotating banner; how do you designate ads for the second rotation. Or is it limited to one?

kafi 06-21-2005 09:05 PM


Originally Posted by The Geek
All things going weell we should see an RC this weekend.

Geek thanks for this and all you do .-)

steadicamop 06-21-2005 09:16 PM

This is a GREAT hack, adds all the extra stuff you ever wanted for ad banners!

I installed it quickly, and let it do the file changes, it actually messed up and missed out a $printhr from the admincp/index file, but not the issue.

I've uninstalled the hack and will try again tomorrow (late here!) but I had problems with the phrases, the GAB_settings_saved didn't work - it didn't exists, plus it would allow me to upload an image - failed to open stream.

I will try again tomorrow and give more detailed info, should it do it again, this time I'll make the file changes manually - I don't mind that much :)

Can't wait to get this working, just what I need!!


grecostimpy 06-21-2005 11:23 PM


Originally Posted by The Geek
and all scripts are ticked and there is a $GAB_ad1 in your navbar template?

Yes....no luck. I know obviously I'm doing something wrong, as it's working for everyone. I think I may uninstall and try over.

tomshawk 06-22-2005 12:09 AM


Originally Posted by grecostimpy
Yes....no luck. I know obviously I'm doing something wrong, as it's working for everyone. I think I may uninstall and try over.

No, you are not the only one ;)

I had phrase problems and

even though the built in tester said it was successful, No errors.

It still didn't show up.

I basically said, I'll wait until the full version comes out.

Luckily I always test big things like this, on a non public site ;)

As The Geek said many times,

It is a beta after all :p

jamiepryer@hotm 06-23-2005 07:12 PM

sorry for sounding like a total looser, but i have no idea what the following means - really sorry guys, i am new to all this :ermm:

Ensure the gish folder is chmod 0777
Make sure that the gish folder (and its contents) are chmod'ed to 0777

so i got the following error:


Attempting to auto hack files (in /).
Trying to make gish/gab ... Problem creating dir gish/gab !
Trying to make gish/gab/Beta 2.0 ... Problem creating dir gish/gab/Beta 2.0 !
Trying to make gish/gab ... Problem creating dir gish/gab !
Trying to make gish/gab/Beta 2.0 ... Problem creating dir gish/gab/Beta 2.0 !
Trying to make gish/gab/Beta 2.0/backup ... Problem creating dir gish/gab/Beta 2.0/backup !
Destination path gish/gab/Beta 2.0/ doesnt exist. Cant copy files over for amending. Check readme for details on how to work around this.
Modifying file: global.php
gish/gab/Beta 2.0/global.php doesnt exist. Cant try to change.
Trying to make gish/gab ... Problem creating dir gish/gab !
Trying to make gish/gab/Beta 2.0 ... Problem creating dir gish/gab/Beta 2.0 !
Trying to make gish/gab ... Problem creating dir gish/gab !
Trying to make gish/gab/Beta 2.0 ... Problem creating dir gish/gab/Beta 2.0 !
Trying to make gish/gab/Beta 2.0/backup ... Problem creating dir gish/gab/Beta 2.0/backup !
Destination path gish/gab/Beta 2.0/ doesnt exist. Cant copy files over for amending. Check readme for details on how to work around this.
Modifying file: global.php
gish/gab/Beta 2.0/global.php doesnt exist. Cant try to change.
Trying to make gish/gab ... Problem creating dir gish/gab !
Trying to make gish/gab/Beta 2.0 ... Problem creating dir gish/gab/Beta 2.0 !
Trying to make gish/gab/Beta 2.0/admincp ... Problem creating dir gish/gab/Beta 2.0/admincp !
Trying to make gish/gab ... Problem creating dir gish/gab !
Trying to make gish/gab/Beta 2.0 ... Problem creating dir gish/gab/Beta 2.0 !
Trying to make gish/gab/Beta 2.0/backup ... Problem creating dir gish/gab/Beta 2.0/backup !
Trying to make gish/gab/Beta 2.0/backup/admincp ... Problem creating dir gish/gab/Beta 2.0/backup/admincp !
Destination path gish/gab/Beta 2.0/admincp/ doesnt exist. Cant copy files over for amending. Check readme for details on how to work around this.
Modifying file: admincp/index.php
gish/gab/Beta 2.0/admincp/index.php doesnt exist. Cant try to change.
File Changes complete.
All files I changed are in /Beta 2.0. You will need to copy those over to their forum locations once you are satisfied they are changed correctly.
Completed Install!

tomshawk 06-23-2005 07:22 PM


Originally Posted by jamiepryer@hotm
sorry for sounding like a total looser, but i have no idea what the following means - really sorry guys, i am new to all this :ermm:

Ensure the gish folder is chmod 0777
Make sure that the gish folder (and its contents) are chmod'ed to 0777

so i got the following error:

The program you used to upload the files for this hack should have the ability to chmod.

chmod tutorial

Basically you need to change the permissions of the folder and all contents to 0777 which is read/write access.

the errors you are getting is because the script cant write the files to that directory.


jamiepryer@hotm 06-23-2005 07:34 PM

i was using DW but i have a proper FTP client now :)
sorry guys

jamiepryer@hotm 06-23-2005 07:47 PM

ive installed the hack and all seems good

but when i go to my AdminCP and go to the "GAB Manager" drop down - nothing shows
i can click things and it brings up the menus, but the names are missing?

sorry if this is a repost, i did check to see if this has already been asked

steadicamop 06-23-2005 07:48 PM

Ok here's the bugs I've found so far using VBB 3.0.7:

Phrase seems to be missing, even when you manually add it, it still doesn't show:

Could not find phrase 'GAB_settings_saved'.

Placing this code in the navbar template doesn't do anything:


Error in admincp/index.php code change - code is:

= false;
// === GAB ===

Should be:

$printhr = false;
// === GAB ===

On advertising.php (I presume people can add their banners using this) - database error:

Invalid SQL: SELECT * FROM GAB_packages ORDER BY ordinal,title,id ASC
mysql error: Table 'db114478486.GAB_packages' doesn't exist

Found an error in admin/GAB_admin.php - looking for the wrong phrase (line 1034):


Should be GAB_settings_saved - but see above phrase issue.

A directory isn't created, this might be me not reading it right, but you need a ./gas directory for the images to be uploaded to.

And basically, I can't get it working, at all, I'm hoping that these will be resolved and a non beta will be released, this is a great hack.

jamiepryer@hotm 06-23-2005 07:49 PM

++++ - sorry guys
i found it in the end! my bad

all working - cheers

jamiepryer@hotm 06-23-2005 08:21 PM

right, im defaintly stuck now and i have read everything! sorry!

i cant get the ad's to save and i cant seem to upload images - altho i feel it would be so much easier if i could just put in a hyper link of where the banner is located on my server - is that poss?

Multani 06-24-2005 01:11 PM

You are right and I still cant get it to work. Install is ok and testing shows up, but $GAB_ad1 does nothing to my templates...


Originally Posted by steadicamop
Ok here's the bugs I've found so far using VBB 3.0.7:

Phrase seems to be missing, even when you manually add it, it still doesn't show:

Could not find phrase 'GAB_settings_saved'.

Placing this code in the navbar template doesn't do anything:


Error in admincp/index.php code change - code is:

= false;
// === GAB ===

Should be:

$printhr = false;
// === GAB ===

On advertising.php (I presume people can add their banners using this) - database error:

Invalid SQL: SELECT * FROM GAB_packages ORDER BY ordinal,title,id ASC
mysql error: Table 'db114478486.GAB_packages' doesn't exist

Found an error in admin/GAB_admin.php - looking for the wrong phrase (line 1034):


Should be GAB_settings_saved - but see above phrase issue.

A directory isn't created, this might be me not reading it right, but you need a ./gas directory for the images to be uploaded to.

And basically, I can't get it working, at all, I'm hoping that these will be resolved and a non beta will be released, this is a great hack.

Multani 06-24-2005 01:41 PM

I have $GAB_ad1 in the navbar, I run the test and everything looks fine, but the add wont show up on the forum.

The Geek 06-24-2005 01:57 PM

if u PM me an admin account Ill look at it for you

Multani 06-24-2005 02:57 PM


Originally Posted by The Geek
if u PM me an admin account Ill look at it for you

sent :)

COBRAws 06-24-2005 10:18 PM

same "Could not find phrase 'GAS_settings_saved'." error here hehe


well, i found another "bug". You need to create the "gab" DIR on your forums root and chmod it to 777 so uploaded banners can be stored.

I also tryed to manually add the GAB_settings_saved and nothing worked. There is a GAS_settings_saved phrase that came on screen once, dont know what i did before i saw it, but it seems to be written wrong on some part of the script.

Finally, the $GAB_ad1 is not installed when you run the complete v2beta installer, so i had to go to my templates and put it there.

After all this I have said, Geek Advertising Banner works like a charm! (Those phrases errors still apear, but doesnt seem to affect the script).

I hope I could help you out a little The Geek, thanks for this hack.

Hanif 06-25-2005 11:19 AM


Any news on this eagerly waiting for the official release.



The Geek 06-25-2005 03:04 PM

Working on it now. Problem is all of it is another freaking rewrite so its going slower than planned. However fingers crossed I may have the admincp done tonight or tomorrow and then its just the installer (All code is finished).

The next release will be an RC and should have everything complete except for phrases and the stats. The stats will be recording but the stats viewer will follow within a few days as there is some more work to do on it (however that shouldnt hold back the release!).

The Geek 06-26-2005 09:10 PM

Progress update

o so close.

Sorry guys - I have just ran out of time today. Was planning on winding up a package today - but the sun actually came out in England (which is a rarity on a weekend) and I had some family obligations to attend to. Therefore I didnt get as much time into it as I was hoping too.

The good news is that aside from the stats viewer (which I will wait to release until the following RC) - I am 98% done with everything (code and admincp).
I have another couple hours backend coding, then I need to write the installer/upgrader, and a readme. All things said and done I am looking at about 5 more hours or so (not bad considering im well into 60 hours+ for this).

Anyhooo - release could come damn near at any time (except for tonight that is! Im going to bed).

Realistically - look Tues or Wed

beansbaxter 06-27-2005 05:25 AM

I'm gonna hold out then till Tue or Wed...lookin VERY VERY forward to it as I need it bad...

Do you have an email addy I can send a PayPal donation to??

Hanif 06-27-2005 09:36 AM

thanks for the update Geek,

Good point baxter I was thinking the same thing,

I'm prepared to pay you a little for your work that you have been doing on this. I think it's only right that you do get some payment. Ok it won't get you to sunny Spain but it's the thought that counts !!! .

As we all have families to feed and above all if its an advert system, surely many of us will be making some money on our site by using your mod.

Let me know dude when and where to send it.


Hanif in sunny Leeds !

Divokymuz 06-27-2005 11:59 AM

i did not install it till now, but what i read gives me hope :-)

Geek, i want to thank you, for all the time you spend helping the community and working on such hacks. realy great.

but now i have a question too :-) who supposed it ?

i read that you did not work with phpads. ok. it´s a great advertising software.
can you tell me, if it is possible to integrate normal phpads html code or iFrame into your adv-hack for vB ?

The Geek 06-27-2005 12:42 PM

I have actually been planning on putting up a dontation button with this release. I always tried to avoid it as I dont do this for donations - I do it because the macks I release are ones I use and if it hleps the community - then cool - so be it. However Im over it now ;) If someone wants to donate - they will be able to with the next release :)

Most of the admincp is now complete. The installer is now done. I even phrased the damn thing now. Only thing thats missing is the test option, the stats option, and some fine tuning to bring it all together.
I am testing it and tweaking - Tuesday is looking to be the day (hell - maybe even tonight if I get really lucky).

Div - If I understand you right then yes. Basically the new system allows you to use a template as an ad. Meaning you can have 1 or 1,000 templates containg anything from HTML to BBcode to Iframes, whatever - and then set a flag to say thats your ad.

FamilyCorner 06-27-2005 01:12 PM

Please forgive me if I missed this somewhere in this thread, but I didn't see it.

I am looking for a way to run my ad network banner tags (Iframes) and have them refresh every 60 seconds. I have the banner in a frame in my chatroom, but would prefer not to have to implement frames on the entire forum.

Does this have refresh banners for you when someone has been sitting on a page for a certain period of time?

(please say yes!) :confused:

If not, does anyone know of such an animal? I am definitely willing to give a donation for a hack that can do this for me as it would significantly increase my revenue.

The Geek 06-27-2005 01:19 PM

there is a rotating banner facility however these are only for images (but now I think about it Im sure something could be tweaked) however all you need to do is use something like this (well - next version) - have one of the custom templates be an iframe to an iframe with a 60 second refresh.

Not overly difficult to do

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