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venomx 04-18-2005 09:30 PM

What I like about this is I own a ppc search site too so I can take the more popular search terms at my ppc search site and link to them on my forum.

greenhybrid 04-18-2005 11:08 PM

I can't seem to get the popups working:

The necessary code is in the file. Also, I don't see how the categories override or determine the replacement for their links.

|Jordan| 04-19-2005 04:58 AM

How is this hack on performance? Does it slow down page loading, server resources, etc.?

The Geek 04-19-2005 05:39 AM

it doesnt look like the change to vbulletin_menu.js was made.

if there is no individual replacement code for an item - it then uses the category replacment code. If there is no category replacement, it then uses the global.

myis jordan - its pretty hot. There are no additional runtime queries. Obviously the more replacments you have th more work has to be done to each postbit - however I havent heard of anyone mention a performance problem yet.

T3MEDIA 04-19-2005 02:38 PM


Originally Posted by The Geek

You want the replacment to be dependant on the usergroupid? It can be done - but it isnt something that is in it now. I guess I can look at something like that for future versions.


if this was for me no... I mean the target word kids could have a url.
or the target words kids, children could have the SAME url.
or the option to have the target word kids have multiple urls that rotate.
first instance goes to this URL
second on the page will go here.

that way if you have a page with the term kids all over it it will have differnt links.

this is a marketing dream.

The Geek 04-19-2005 03:17 PM


Originally Posted by T3MEDIA
if this was for me no... I mean the target word kids could have a url.
or the target words kids, children could have the SAME url.
or the option to have the target word kids have multiple urls that rotate.
first instance goes to this URL
second on the page will go here.

that way if you have a page with the term kids all over it it will have differnt links.

this is a marketing dream.

Ahhh... I see.

To create 1 link for many keywords isnt THAT hard to do (guess I could look into it for future versions). However a keyword to many url relationship could prove difficult without moving the system to a table and building the links at runtime. It is dooable - and I doubt the overhead would be too much - however it isnt something I would do as a default (making the links at runtime) and not something I would look into right away.

Still - guess Ill keep it in the back of my head ;)

adamgessel 04-19-2005 11:42 PM

Awesome ;)


T3MEDIA 04-20-2005 11:21 AM


Originally Posted by The Geek
Ahhh... I see.

To create 1 link for many keywords isnt THAT hard to do (guess I could look into it for future versions). However a keyword to many url relationship could prove difficult without moving the system to a table and building the links at runtime. It is dooable - and I doubt the overhead would be too much - however it isnt something I would do as a default (making the links at runtime) and not something I would look into right away.

Still - guess Ill keep it in the back of my head ;)

fair enough.

KTBleeding 04-20-2005 10:13 PM

I apologize for the ignorance, but I really just can't seem to get this system to work. I've read the read me and this thread several times through but still can't figure it out. I manually installed the file edits and I have triple checked that they are correct but I still can't manage to get the keywords to link to anything at all.

OrangeFlea 04-21-2005 12:29 AM


Originally Posted by TonysDesigns
I have the new one and I can tell you, the mouseovers ROCK. Look here for an example and hover your mouse over the links: http://www.makeuptalk.com/forums/showthread.php?t=6357 (second post down)

That's pretty neat, but I have over 900 entries. I don't have the time or the inclination to add captions to all of them. Is that the only major upgrade from 2.6? If so, I'll just stick to what I have now.

greenhybrid 04-21-2005 12:45 AM

I can't get the popups to work. The necessary code DOES seem to be in the page.

venomx 04-21-2005 01:29 AM

900??? wow

greenhybrid did you add the code to the header ?

KTBleeding 04-21-2005 02:03 AM


Originally Posted by KTBleeding
I apologize for the ignorance, but I really just can't seem to get this system to work. I've read the read me and this thread several times through but still can't figure it out. I manually installed the file edits and I have triple checked that they are correct but I still can't manage to get the keywords to link to anything at all.

Well, I guess they are some what working? If a registered member posts then it works, but if I post one it doesn't seem to show up. Just a tad confused about it.. I tried a test account too and no go.

greenhybrid 04-21-2005 02:13 AM

Yes, it's there.
PHP Code:

<div id="GALBox"
style="position: absolute; width: 200px; z-index: 100;
    border: 1pt black solid; background: #FFFFCC;
    visibility: hidden; padding: 10px;"

Tom1234 04-21-2005 03:19 AM

When entering HTML tags in the Description field for use in popups, it appears that the " (double quote) character cannot be used without corrupting the display of the primary autolink. When I used ' (single quote) instead of " (double quote) in the A HREF tags, it worked fine. This should be documented in the README.

Tom1234 04-21-2005 03:38 AM


The Description field is a VARCHAR(255) which means it is limited to 255 characters. For my purposes when entering HTML tags and text, 255 isn't always enough. I suppose I could change it from VARCHAR(255) to TEXT to permit larger entries. Do you think this is OK to do? I think the main difference between them, other than performance, is that the TEXT data type does not strip trailing spaces, but VARCHAR does. Do you rely on that stripping at all for it to work properly? Do you envision any other problems?

The Geek 04-21-2005 05:47 AM

Tom - shouldnt be any problems. The text may have to be trimmed though. Ill look into the " problem. To me - that sounds like a minor bug

greenhybrid - you are getting js errors saying that the js functions are not there. Are you positive that you made the changes correctly to vbulletin_menu.js?

Orange - there are a few performance tweaks which makes it chug along a bit faster. Other than that and the categories - its it for the most part. If your happy with 2.6 - than no stress there. Saying that - you dont lose your existing entries. They only land in the 'unknown' category. The default replacement code is the standard one from 2.6. I guess what I am saying is that if you upgrade but dont do anything else with the settings - youll end up with exactly what you have now but slightly faster. Then as you add links - you can add them to new categories with popups or standard - or whatever.
Up to you ;) I am also believe in 'if it aint broke...'

KTBleeding - can you give me a few links with some examples so I can check it out?

KTBleeding 04-21-2005 12:38 PM


Originally Posted by The Geek
KTBleeding - can you give me a few links with some examples so I can check it out?

It's working. I'm just slow. It's supposed to have not posted the auto link if the post just contained the one word, right? It works if I use the auto links in sentences.. I'm assuming that was done to prevent spammers of some sort?

Anyways, it's working.. thanks again Geek.

The Geek 04-21-2005 01:08 PM


Originally Posted by KTBleeding
It's working. I'm just slow. It's supposed to have not posted the auto link if the post just contained the one word, right? It works if I use the auto links in sentences.. I'm assuming that was done to prevent spammers of some sort?

Anyways, it's working.. thanks again Geek.

its to prevent breaking of url's. Only words with spaces before them can get linked in safe mode. Glad to hear its working though ;)

Lionel 04-23-2005 10:02 PM

This is not really an important question but it bothers me. Why would Class DEF shows the link with the dotted lines sometimes and then sometimes not?

Visions 04-24-2005 02:07 AM

Any Progress on the CMPS integration?

Tom1234 04-24-2005 06:30 AM


Has GISH been released as it's own hack to help other hackers automate the file edits of their hacks?

The Geek 04-24-2005 07:30 AM

lionel - my guess would be a styles issue? Is the DEF class in all styles?

Visons1- To be honest - I havent looked into it. I would suspect it would be trivial and if you bug me in a couple days ill look into it for you.

Tom - I was working on it however vb3.1 will do most hack management/installations so there really isnt much reason to spend much more time on it.
Saying that - Im not too bothered if anyone uses it. Maybe ill stick it up for release for anyone that wants to use it in the iterim.

memobug 04-24-2005 09:20 AM

Hi TNG, I am having an odd problem.

The links themselves seem to work but the title is messed up because it is encased in two sets of single ' 'like this' ' not one set of double quotes "like this"

Please note that these are different.

My output code looks like this:

Please note that is two single quotes ' ' Onsite_Link ' ' not one set of doubles "Onsite_Link" or one set of singles 'Onsite_Link'



<a href='http://(omitted)' target='_SELF' class='DEF' title=''Onsite_Link''><!--GAL_REMOVAL--> memory stick</a>

The Geek 04-24-2005 09:25 AM


Originally Posted by memobug
Hi TNG, I am having an odd problem.

The links themselves seem to work but the title is messed up because it is encased in two sets of single ''like this'' not one set of double parens "like this"

Please note that these are different.

My output code looks like this:

Please note that is two single quotes ' ' Onsite Link ' ' not one set of doubles "Onsite_Link"



<a href='http://www.pspfreaks.com/reviews/showproduct.php/product/21' target='_SELF' class='DEF' title=''Onsite_Link''><!--GAL_REMOVAL--> memory stick</a>

try escaping them \"like this \" and tell me if that works.


memobug 04-24-2005 09:27 AM


Originally Posted by The Geek
try escaping them \"like this \" and tell me if that works.


There's nothing to escape. My description has no escapables in it. Just one word.


and it comes out like this


like this ' 'HELP' '
but with no space between them

target='_SELF' class='DEF' title=''HELP''

Anyway I put in \"TEST\" as you suggest, although I hope you understand I don't want any quotes, but anyway I got this:

<a href='http://...' target='_blank' class='DEF' title=''\\"TEST\\"''>psp</a> playing nes games.

that is

<a href='http://...' target='_blank' class='DEF' title=''\\"TEST\\"''>psp</a> playing nes games.



memobug 04-24-2005 10:04 AM

It also looks like the readme is out of date on the last section for individual link items.

The readme document has Replace Text, Link, Ignore threadid, Alt and Ordinal

The ones in the release are Replacement Text, Link, Ignore threadid, Description, Ordinal, Category Name, Replacement code.

The Geek 04-24-2005 10:37 AM


Originally Posted by memobug
It also looks like the readme is out of date on the last section for individual link items.

The readme document has Replace Text, Link, Ignore threadid, Alt and Ordinal

The ones in the release are Replacement Text, Link, Ignore threadid, Description, Ordinal, Category Name, Replacement code.

thanks memo. Ill update soon (am working on next release to support GAB).

Back to your problem. Im not sure what you are trying to do. Are you saying that you do not want the title parameter to have any quotes around it at all?

memobug 04-24-2005 11:17 AM


I am not trying to do anything special at all other than get the titles to work right. I am not being clear, but I am trying to say that the TITLE description is not working at all. It is broken.

All I can tell you is this:

I put TEST in the description box.

In the alt text GALsurrounds that word text with two single quotes on each side. Not a pair of double quotes "TEST", not a pair of single quotes 'TEST' (either of those would work.) But what I get is TWO PAIR OF SINGLE QUOTES two on each side

<a href='http://...' target='_blank' class='DEF' title=''TEST''>psp</a> playing nes games.

That doesn't work. How can I explain this better?

It should just have a single set of quotes around it like this

<a href='http://...' target='_blank' class='DEF' title='TEST'>psp</a> playing nes games.

with four quote marks, if you have two words in the title, it really messes up the tag. I am trying to explain to you that it's broken but I don't know how to.

You have an extra quote in there.



You asked me to escape it, there is nothing to escape, but I escaped it anyway and I posted the results above.

The Geek 04-24-2005 11:43 AM


Originally Posted by memobug

I am not trying to do anything special at all other than get the titles to work right. I am not being clear, but I am trying to say that the TITLE description is not working at all. It is broken.

All I can tell you is this:

I put TEST in the description box.

In the alt text GALsurrounds that word text with two single quotes on each side. Not a pair of double quotes "TEST", not a pair of single quotes 'TEST' (either of those would work.) But what I get is TWO PAIR OF SINGLE QUOTES two on each side

<a href='http://...' target='_blank' class='DEF' title=''TEST''>psp</a> playing nes games.

That doesn't work. How can I explain this better?

It should just have a single set of quotes around it like this

<a href='http://...' target='_blank' class='DEF' title='TEST'>psp</a> playing nes games.

with four quote marks, if you have two words in the title, it really messes up the tag. I am trying to explain to you that it's broken but I don't know how to.

You have an extra quote in there.



You asked me to escape it, there is nothing to escape, but I escaped it anyway and I posted the results above.

do you have anything in the replacement code

memobug 04-24-2005 12:13 PM


Originally Posted by The Geek
do you have anything in the replacement code

No there is nothing there, but I put it in and it didn't make any difference.


<a href='http://www.pspfreaks.com' target='_SELF' class='DEF' title=' 'TESTING' '>
anyway the replacement text looks like this:
<a href='$link' target='_SELF' class='DEF' title='$description'>$text</a>

That gives me two sets of quotes around the description and breaks all the links unless I take it out like this

<a href='$link' target='_SELF' class='DEF' title=$description>$text</a>

Then it works fine, but I don't think that is what you'd intended!

The only other installation I have seen of 3.0 is the Green Hybrid guy, and the link he posted above http://www.greenhybrid.com/discuss/t...--testing.html

Has his tags totally messed up. I don't know if it's the same problem but it isn't right.

I think the linker has a bug, but sorry I can't describe it to you in a meaningful way. The title tags are broken and there are too many quotes. Do you understand what I am saying?

The Geek 04-24-2005 03:19 PM

Just remove the single quotes from around $description for now. I think thats what I have.

blueuniverse 04-24-2005 04:26 PM

Ok, I haven't read the whole thread so I'm not sure if that has been mentioned (or even if it currently implemented) but could you have this working on a per usergroup basis e.g. registered members and unregistered users see it, but those in a paid usergroup don't and therefore don't get the ads (because that is what I'll use it for). This would be even better if it could extend to a per category basis.

The Geek 04-24-2005 04:36 PM


Originally Posted by blueuniverse
Ok, I haven't read the whole thread so I'm not sure if that has been mentioned (or even if it currently implemented) but could you have this working on a per usergroup basis e.g. registered members and unregistered users see it, but those in a paid usergroup don't and therefore don't get the ads (because that is what I'll use it for). This would be even better if it could extend to a per category basis.

No its not per usergroup - however its not a bad idea ;)

memobug 04-24-2005 10:00 PM


Originally Posted by The Geek
Just remove the single quotes from around $description for now. I think thats what I have.

Sorry it doesn't work either.

I tried that but it seems that it falls apart if there are multiple words in the description field. I put

Link to onsite reviews for Need for Speed in the Description field and get this:


<div>I think I like the driving games like <a href='http://www.domain.com/reviews/showproduct.php/product/14' target='_SELF' class='DEF' title='Link to onsite <!--GAL_REMOVAL-->game <!--GAL_REMOVAL-->reviews <!--GAL_REMOVAL-->for <!--GAL_REMOVAL-->Need <!--GAL_REMOVAL-->for <!--GAL_REMOVAL-->Speed'>NFS</a> and



The Geek 04-25-2005 06:25 AM

let me see if I can get you a new version today.

greenhybrid 04-25-2005 07:16 PM

Earlier, I had title="$text" because I didn't fill out the descriptions. Right now I'm having a problem where I have links inside of each other. I also had one where if I had, say "Prius's" it would show '> on the page. Or, something like that. I ended up taking the title completely out of the tag.

The Geek 04-26-2005 06:01 AM

fingers crossed a new version will be out today.

T3MEDIA 04-26-2005 10:54 AM

please just be file updates no coding...
please just be file updates no coding...
please just be file updates no coding...

Kihon Kata 04-26-2005 01:04 PM


Originally Posted by The Geek
fingers crossed a new version will be out today.

Oh 3.0 is pretty darn good! So.........wait's patiently to see what changes come

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