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SycoPhant 04-25-2005 01:52 PM

Help please?

I get insane amounts of errors, it ran fine for several months. I had to rename the files in the root so they couldn't be accessed and I'm still getting this:


Database error in vBulletin 3.0.6:

Invalid SQL: DELETE FROM vb3_statistic_log        WHERE last_logtime < 1114394350
mysql error: Got error 127 from table handler

mysql error number: 1030

Date: Sunday 24th of April 2005 10:59:11 PM
Script: http://www.fordexplorer.net/cron.php?&rand=408354
Referer: http://www.fordexplorer.net/showthread.php?t=10771
Username: Polc16
IP Address:

Any ideas? :(

duplu 04-25-2005 07:49 PM


Originally Posted by SycoPhant
Help please?

I get insane amounts of errors, it ran fine for several months. I had to rename the files in the root so they couldn't be accessed and I'm still getting this:


Database error in vBulletin 3.0.6:

Invalid SQL: DELETE FROM vb3_statistic_log        WHERE last_logtime < 1114394350
mysql error: Got error 127 from table handler

mysql error number: 1030

Date: Sunday 24th of April 2005 10:59:11 PM
Script: http://www.fordexplorer.net/cron.php?&rand=408354
Referer: http://www.fordexplorer.net/showthread.php?t=10771
Username: Polc16
IP Address:

Any ideas? :(

It looks like there is an error in the table. Go into phpmyadmin on your server/site and bring up the 'vb3_statistic_log' table and then choose the repair option.

SycoPhant 04-26-2005 01:37 AM


Originally Posted by duplu
It looks like there is an error in the table. Go into phpmyadmin on your server/site and bring up the 'vb3_statistic_log' table and then choose the repair option.

Duh, why didn't I think of that. Worked, thanks!!

kthlnwrnr 04-29-2005 05:54 AM

Is there any way I can get this error fixed?


Database error in vBulletin 3.0.3:

Invalid SQL: ALTER TABLE language DROP phrasegroup_vbstatistic
mysql error: Can't DROP 'phrasegroup_vbstatistic'. Check that column/key exists

mysql error number: 1091
My installation stops when I get to the ./statistic_templates_install.php or the 3rd step of the installation. And when I go to uninstall the hack I get the above quoted error. Will appreciate any suggestion. Thnx

wirewolf 05-07-2005 07:57 AM

Good Grief!! Long thread to read through!
Clicks Install - on vBulletin 3.0.7, vBadvanced CMPS v1.0.0, Photopost PHP 5.02 vB3 Enhanced, and vBadvanced Links Directory v1.0.0

I installed this add-on this morning and just had a few problems. One, you have to be sure of the corrrect file path in the headinclude and the phpinclude_start:
HTML Code:

<script type="text/javascript" src="clientscript/statistic_java.js"></script>
I used this path in the headinclude:
HTML Code:

<script type="text/javascript" src="/myforum/clientscript/statistic_java.js"></script>
I've had this problem before. I have Photopost and a Links Directry that sit outside of my forum directory. If your are on a page from either of those two, and you call for a script that resides in the forum directory, but the path info is wrong, then you might get something like this: http://mysite.com/photopost/statistic.php?do=forum instead of this http://mysite.com/forum/statistic.php?do=forum

Everything was going fine, until............. I have a little script on my site that emails me if there are any 404 page not found and other errors etc. When I opened up my mail client, I got no less than 170 '404 page not found, missing urls' emails from my server!!! I nearly fell out of my chair!! This was one of the refering pages that generated a missing url:

/photopost/showgallery.php/cat/statistic_java_counter.php?&colordepth=32?=5&resol ution=800x600&maxresolution=800x570&
cookies=true&flash=true&mediaplayer=true&java=true &shockwave
=true&realplayer=true&quicktime=true&acrobat=true& svg=false
I new my file path was set correctly above. So I tracked down the problem to the the statistic_java.js file itself. On line 113:

var plugins= "statistic_java_counter.php?&colordepth=" + colordepth +
Change to this:

var plugins = "/yourforumdirectory/statistic_java_counter.php?&colordepth=" + colordepth +
Problem solved!!

For phpinclude_start, this worked fine for me: include("./statistic_counter.php");

I did some editing of the statistic main page. For one thing, the permissions option in the Admin statistic setting doesn't seem to work. No matter what number I typed in, 0, 1, or 2, it made no change. So I added a template group conditional in the statistic's navbar so only I, my Mods, and Members can see the menu. I want visiters to see the first stats page, but I don't want them hitting those links (Browsers / Operating Systems | Country of origin and browser language, etc).
Group conditional array:
HTML Code:

<if condition="in_array($bbuserinfo[usergroupid], array(2,5,6,7))">
--stuff you don't want visiters to see---

HTML Code:

<if condition="in_array($bbuserinfo[usergroupid], array(5,6,7))">
---stuff you only want seen by Mods, Admin, and Super Mods---

If you don't want visiters to view the stats page at all, then use this in the front of the statistic.php script, just after:
PHP Code:

// ########################## REQUIRE BACK-END ############################
// ############################ NO ACTION ################################ 

Put this:
PHP Code:

if (!$bbuserinfo['userid'] OR !($permissions['forumpermissions'] & CANVIEW))

It's the same permission check that is used for the UserCP. Other wise, use a template conditional wrapped around the navbar menu. I used it around the server info too. Only me or my Mods can see it. My members wouldn't have a clue as to what it meant anyway.

Took out some of the not too important stats on the main page. Did a few language fixes and changes, and added some script to the statistic.php file to query the database for some stats for my Photopost Gallery, Articles Section, Links Directory, and my Downloads Page.

The Ship Modeling Forum Statistics Page

I've only had it on my site for one day, but the stat numbers seem to be right so far.

Great work PcFreak, Onkel Tom, kall and all (heh, it rhymes!) The install went one, two, three, and besides the little problems above, it works like a charm.


larryd 05-07-2005 03:15 PM

I've installed and it seems to work great; I just noticed though that alot of information is not showing up yet.

Its been just under 24 hours and it says

Page hits since statistics began: 0
Number of visitors since statistics began: 0
Average visitors per day: 0

The rest of the tabs all have no information on them. It almost appears as though they arent collecting any stats?

Ala21 05-08-2005 12:12 AM

Does this hack show top daily/weekly/monthly posters? E.g. it counts how many posts all users made in the specified time frame and shows a top posters list based on that? It would be good to keep track of spammers, i'd like to know this before installing, great hack anyway :)

topten 05-14-2005 01:21 AM

Installed it and just get a blank box in my admincp - 25 pages of responses to this hack? Is this the beginning of my headaches?

Smitty 05-15-2005 09:54 AM


Originally Posted by topten
Installed it and just get a blank box in my admincp - 25 pages of responses to this hack? Is this the beginning of my headaches?

I tried it and it has a number of bugs. As far as I remember few, if any, of the bugs have been fixed and it appears that 'development' has ceased. I took it off my forum within a week because of many bogus numbers and the bugs, but reading through the thread a lot of people like it and have no problem with it as is.

I think it looks really, really neat, but many of the calculated numbers are not valid. Actually, the last version was OK for me once I customized it.

I suggest you try it and see if you like it - But, vB is coming out with a significantly improved version soon so whether this will work on it or not remains to be seen.

I contributed to the developer, and I think the developer worked hard to 'get it right'. I don't feel bad about contributing - But - Unfortunately, I think the developer just sorta dropped the project. Whether this is because the bugs were hard to fix or what, I do not know.

If everything worked right, and the numbers were all correct, I'd pay US$50 for it without blinking. But as it is....

MissKalunji 05-15-2005 11:36 AM


Originally Posted by topten
Installed it and just get a blank box in my admincp - 25 pages of responses to this hack? Is this the beginning of my headaches?

funny did you install all the templates and phrases? i had no problem and installed it and got it on the first shot...

Smitty 05-15-2005 01:14 PM

So did I. That doesn't address the bugs which are there or the 'bad' numbers, though. If you read the whole thread, you'll find several places where bugs are acknowledged but the response has been 'these are hard to fix'. The 'hack' was released in January with a second release in February, but the bugs were not fixed (note in the thread they are acknowledged after the second release date).

However, getting a blank box in the admincp is not a bug. It's an install issue.

MissKalunji 05-15-2005 01:23 PM


Originally Posted by Smitty
So did I. That doesn't address the bugs which are there or the 'bad' numbers, though. If you read the whole thread, you'll find several places where bugs are acknowledged but the response has been 'these are hard to fix'. The 'hack' was released in January with a second release in February, but the bugs were not fixed (note in the thread they are acknowledged after the second release date).

However, getting a blank box in the admincp is not a bug. It's an install issue.

ohhh aiight.....sad tho...thats a nice hack.....

Smitty 05-15-2005 02:48 PM

It's a very, very nice 'hack'. It just needs to be 'finished'. But then again as i said, according the the vB folks vB will be significantly updated within a month or two if I read the thread at vB.com right, so soon this may all be moot.

Maybe PcFreak will chime in here and let us know if there is a plan or if this has been abandoned.

PcFreak 05-15-2005 05:22 PM

Hello vBStatistic Community.

I work still on a next statistics version.
The statistics version 3 was very successful.
I saw that versions was translated in Chinese, Arabic, Italian and other languages.
Unfortunately these mod also offered on many warezsites. :ninja:

Ok, some infos about the new version.

I revised the complete statistics version again and I think the vBStatistic is better, than many professional Web statistics.

Some new futures
  • Add new spider/bots/ searchengines signatures over the Admin CP
  • Log ISP (International Service Provider)
  • You can set Referer over the Admincp on a Blacklist
  • Log entries with identification of new operating systems and searchengines
  • The statistics is individually configurable. All LOGGING can be switched on or off over the AdminCP
  • Determination of frequentnesses of all posted smilies ;)
  • Display of various statistics as bars or cake diagrams
  • many, many more (to specify too many around everything here)
These functions are already finished.

Jelsoft release a new vBulletin version the next weeks (3.5) and I am waiting whether one can implement the new statistics version into these.


Lizard King 05-15-2005 05:41 PM

It is a very good news PcFreak about the new version but as you know 3.5 will be released as Beta and it will take a long time till it will be Gold release. Also until the modifications will be released for vb3.5 i think most of hacked boards will wait for autumn. Why dont you release the new version right now :p

PcFreak 05-15-2005 05:56 PM


Originally Posted by Lizard King
Why dont you release the new version right now :p

Because, just the php log scripts, the database tables and entrys already finished.
Without templates, the statistic is very boring ;);


P.Jackson 05-15-2005 08:59 PM

any ideas why my images arnt showing?

Smitty 05-15-2005 09:01 PM

I'm happy to hear you're still working on the vBStatistic add on. Hopefully the next version of vB won't break it.

As for it appearing on warez boards, I sell a lot of files which are related to my web site's theme on my web site. My web site has been online since 1996. I learned years ago that people 'share' on warez sites and have found my files on a lot of other people's sites over the years. There's very little you can do about it. I used to not like it but over the years I have stopped worring about it. I still make OK money from the files and figure that's just part of the 'game'. I can't say I've never gotten a file from a warez site so to me it all works out in the end. As you know, I donated to you early for your latest 'statistics' hack. Hopefully others have, and will, as well.

P.Jackson 05-15-2005 09:05 PM

do nevermind :)

kevinrstruck 05-16-2005 03:25 PM

Anyone know why search engines statistics would not update?

Been running the script for a while and most everything seems to be counting:

Page hits since statistics began: 1,184,443
Number of visitors since statistics began: 296,689

Search engine stats are not:

Google (All Others) 04-13-05, 04:50 PM 100 3
altavista 12-31-69, 07:00 PM 0 0
alltheweb 12-31-69, 07:00 PM 0 0
T-Online 12-31-69, 07:00 PM 0 0
euroseek 12-31-69, 07:00 PM 0 0
Gigablast 12-31-69, 07:00 PM 0 0
Google Germany 12-31-69, 07:00 PM 0 0
HotBot 12-31-69, 07:00 PM 0 0
Lycos 12-31-69, 07:00 PM 0 0
MSN 12-31-69, 07:00 PM 0 0
AOL Germany 12-31-69, 07:00 PM 0 0
AOL International 12-31-69, 07:00 PM 0 0
Yahoo 12-31-69, 07:00 PM 0 0
Ask Jeeves 12-31-69, 07:00 PM 0 0
Excite 12-31-69, 07:00 PM 0 0
search.com 12-31-69, 07:00 PM 0 0
Overture 12-31-69, 07:00 PM 0 0

And either is the Spider coutner:

Yahoo! Slurp Yahoo! Slurp 92.74 115
MSNBot MSNBOT 2.419 3
YahooFeedSeeker 2.419 3
Google Googlebot 1.612 2
Google AdSense Mediapartners-Google 0.806 1

According the stas, the last time any spider visited my site was April 13, (Dat the stats program was installed). I have spiders on my site daily.

Captain Nemo 05-18-2005 11:43 PM

It work! Thanks!

etaslim 05-19-2005 02:54 PM

awesome! realy realy great! I've upgrade the statistic to this version. Very good works! Thank you so much for this hack

friendly 05-21-2005 05:00 AM

I'm in awe! This is a terrific hack. We've not installed yet, but thanks in advance. I'm excited!

pyd 05-21-2005 03:35 PM

I can't seem to find this line in index.php?
Should I install the script before i run through these steps?

PHP Code:

open file:

search for:

$printhr false;
    if (

I can however find these lines:

PHP Code:

    if (can_administer('canadminstyles'))
$printhr true;
construct_nav_option($vbphrase['style_manager'], 'template.php?do=modify''<br />');
construct_nav_option($vbphrase['search_in_templates'], 'template.php?do=search''<br />');
construct_nav_option($vbphrase['replacement_variable_manager'], 'replacement.php?do=modify''<br />');
construct_nav_option($vbphrase['download_upload_styles'], 'template.php?do=files''<br />');
construct_nav_option($vbphrase['find_updated_templates'], 'template.php?do=findupdates''<br />');
construct_nav_group("$vbphrase[styles] &amp; $vbphrase[templates]"'<hr />');

The difference is this:
PHP Code:

My index.php:
    if (
$printhr true;

PHP Code:

$printhr false;
    if (

Is this the right place to insert the code?


Coriolan 05-22-2005 12:49 PM

In Admin panel, in "statistics main page options" the visitors timeout is set to 900 by default. What does 900 means, seconds? Which value should I put there to recognize the same visitor in a daily basis?


Vega 05-22-2005 01:22 PM


Originally Posted by Coriolan
In Admin panel, in "statistics main page options" the visitors timeout is set to 900 by default. What does 900 means, seconds? Which value should I put there to recognize the same visitor in a daily basis?


86400 seconds are 24 hours, or am I wrong? So that would be your daily basis, wouldn't it?

predatorkill 05-22-2005 08:19 PM

i ve just installed,but i had to read all pages of this hack cos i got some several errors.Thanks guys!Thanks PCfreak!

in the beginning,i got all codes placed on correct place on all files,but the user id was set to 1,my id was 3 so i couldnt make it work,the statistics didnt work,except the "statistics home".After changing the user id,it didnt work well on spiders/crawlers,browser,referrer etc etc.

The problem solved when i edited all the settings in Admin control panel,and updated them to today's date.

I changed all the options,for example i changed Display limit for short referrer (Domains)from 10 to 11,clicked update,the date was up to date(not 1970).Then i changed back to 10.

I dont know if this in normal behavior,i m a n00b in coding,but this thing solved my problem and now the stats are shown fine.

I think in install instructions(if not putted already) you must make a warning to the users to change the userid from 1 to their admin userid(i think there are lot of admins without userid=1).

Great hack,***installed*** version 3.0.7 works PERFECT!

sim tech 05-23-2005 07:53 PM

Noob here too...

Installed fine on 3.0.7... took about 10 minutes and that included making a sandwich! Instructions were easy and the installer was great! 5 stars!!

A couple of questions though:

Should there normally be a llink on the template or is this something that I'll have to add? The page works fine:

And is it safe for every user to see this? I could always just add a link.

Also - I'm looking for something that would show a log of registered users (and guests) and the IP addresses of which they logged in from. Does this mod include an admin function that also records these? I'm wanting to monitor how many times a certain company's IP address visits my site, as well as where some of my visitors are logging in from.

Rifleman000 05-25-2005 08:36 PM

After installing this mod (which otherwise went perfectly), I noticed that on my Forum Index, the (Users) Viewing next to each forum has dropped dramatically to only 1 or 2 at the most from the dozens it was before.

The "Who's Online" at the bottom has on average the same numbers as before this mod, so its not affecting that part of it. Other statistics show up the same, so its not from some massive drop in users coming to the forums, I just think that the users aren't showing up online next to the respective forum they are in.

Any ideas?

friendly 05-26-2005 01:13 AM

Thanks for a great hack!

sim tech 05-26-2005 03:07 AM


Originally Posted by Rifleman000
After installing this mod (which otherwise went perfectly), I noticed that on my Forum Index, the (Users) Viewing next to each forum has dropped dramatically to only 1 or 2 at the most from the dozens it was before.

The "Who's Online" at the bottom has on average the same numbers as before this mod, so its not affecting that part of it. Other statistics show up the same, so its not from some massive drop in users coming to the forums, I just think that the users aren't showing up online next to the respective forum they are in.

Any ideas?

Hey, me too. I have only a couple of people on my site any any given moment and it usually would show who was viewing what.

Mine installed flawlessly and works great otherwise. I even tried installing it twice to see if I missed something. It works great, just the "how many are viewing a thread" is missing. I'm using the default templates.

Typically like: (2 viewing) would be placed next to the forum name. I can go down to the Currently Active Users link at the bottom of the page & see that they are in different forums, but it doesn't show up on the normal vbulletin index page.

Example: http://www.simtechonline.com/forums/

Rhoads 05-26-2005 02:49 PM

Ok?, I have installed the statistics again on my new forum vb 3.0.7, everything work perfectly.
I have only 1 question : How I must install the dutch language from S@NL - BlackBik

Thanks all for the beautiful hack ;)

Rifleman000 05-26-2005 06:07 PM


Originally Posted by sim tech
Hey, me too. I have only a couple of people on my site any any given moment and it usually would show who was viewing what.

Mine installed flawlessly and works great otherwise. I even tried installing it twice to see if I missed something. It works great, just the "how many are viewing a thread" is missing. I'm using the default templates.

Typically like: (2 viewing) would be placed next to the forum name. I can go down to the Currently Active Users link at the bottom of the page & see that they are in different forums, but it doesn't show up on the normal vbulletin index page.

Example: http://www.simtechonline.com/forums/

Does anyone know how to fix this, doesn't seem to be a problem just with my installation anymore.

Smitty 05-26-2005 07:39 PM


Originally Posted by Rifleman000
Does anyone know how to fix this, doesn't seem to be a problem just with my installation anymore.

I think if you read through the thread, this problem was IDed quite a while ago and the comment was made that this would be tough to 'fix' and that was the last I've heard.

sim tech 05-27-2005 04:01 PM


Originally Posted by Smitty
I think if you read through the thread, this problem was IDed quite a while ago and the comment was made that this would be tough to 'fix' and that was the last I've heard.

With 395+ posts, it's really hard to find this bug was mentioned earlier. I did search for "users viewing" and "members viewing" but no hits were returned.

For reference sake, here's the original post that I finally found: (post 216)


Originally Posted by S@NL - BlackBik
Sorry guys, but we found a "bug" in the vB Stats.

We recieved complaints that people couldn't see who was browsing a thread. All they saw was themselves, but not the other people who were in the thread. The "Who's online" page showed that serveral more people were browsing the thread, but they didn't show in the thread itself.

Our programmer has spent two evenings troubleshooting this problem and we found the cause.
It's the image that is generated by the statistic_java.js and that is in the header of every page. This image executes a script to see what browser, os, resolution etc he is using. The problem is this:

1. The user is opening the page and is put in the session table of the vB database.
2. The image is being execute, the vB Stats are updated, but the user is removed from the session table because at this time he is not viewing a forumpage but a generic page caused by the execution of the javascript.

Result: the sessions table is not up to date and the user is not being shown browsing the thread.

A possible sollution for this problem is not to touch the session in the statistic_java_counter.php. You can probably make sure of that by not using global.php, but only mysql includes and config includes.

We solved our problem by removing the java image from our header, but the result is that some statistics are not being updated. We hope you can find a better solution by making some changes to the program.

S@NL - BlackBiker

Would it be best to just uninstall the mod & wait for the new version, or do you think a simple patch will fix this problem?

I like the mod but everyone also liked the who is viewing a forum feature that is now lost. :ermm:

Bob Amstadt 06-13-2005 05:52 AM

Does anyone have a hack that would just show the page hits and visitors in the "What's Going On" box?

friendly 06-28-2005 12:14 AM

Can anyone tell me how to get rid of these spam referrer sites?
There are poker, bambling and casino sites and a site djsdesigns.net, which has nothing to do with designing. Has anyone else noticed this strangeness with statistics? I love this hack, but this is annoying.



wtrk 07-02-2005 06:11 PM

i have a question. great hack, works fine, installed fine. my problem is that my forum uses ssl and it doesnt tacker refers or some other stats, is there anything i can do to get it to track the stuff its missing?

xtreme-mobile 07-04-2005 12:07 PM

this is an incredible hack, fair play and thanks



MissKalunji 07-04-2005 12:29 PM

does the coder plan on putting this in vb 3.5?

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