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Hades666 02-12-2005 07:10 AM

i went to usergroups manager and when i tried enabling jukebox got this sql error:

Database error in vBulletin 3.0.5:

Invalid SQL: UPDATE usergroup SET

### UPDATE QUERY GENERATED BY fetch_query_sql() ###
title = 'Moderators',
description = '',
usertitle = 'Moderator',
opentag = '',
closetag = '',
passwordexpires = '0',
passwordhistory = '0',
candl = '1',
shoutview = '0',
shoutpost = '0',

Any ideas what is wrong???

trafix 02-12-2005 08:15 AM

is that the whole error ... or have you edited it?

are you installing or upgrading?

trafix 02-12-2005 10:53 AM


Originally Posted by S.Shady
ok well a fresh install and im back up working again.

works perfect. videos too. beware the videos are adult orientated.

Congrats :)

spence2 02-12-2005 11:35 AM


As an admin when a user uploads a song and I approve it ... is there any way for me to know what category the user intended for the song? Thanks.

No the user cant select the genre .... the songs are put into a genra called "A new song" so you can find new uploads easily ... you can hear the song by clicking on the title in the admin song list ... then decide for yourself

Might you consider making this a feature for a future version? (fingers-crossed).
In my particular instance, my users will be uploading both published songs and original compositions ... and there is no way for me to tell the diff without some way for them to designate which genre.

hmmm ok ... i will look at it
Trafix, might you have had a chance to yet to "look at it"? It certainly would be a nice enhancement to the jukebox. ;)

Thanks, again, for all of your continuing support for everyone.

S.Shady 02-12-2005 05:00 PM

have the users name it categoryname- artist-title then you edit it later.

trafix 02-12-2005 08:32 PM

i spost it wouldnt be to much to code

spence2 02-13-2005 12:35 AM


Originally Posted by trafix
i spost it wouldnt be to much to code

Sounds great, Trafix! :up:

trafix 02-14-2005 07:27 PM

ill work on it as an addon .... maybe this weekend

spence2 02-14-2005 07:38 PM

Thank you so much! Looking forward to it. :)

trafix 02-15-2005 07:47 AM

I have updated the zip with the new uninstall.php file :)

Oh and by the way .... this hack has been nominated for Feb's HotM .... GO VOTE!

WiseOwl 02-15-2005 08:30 AM

Hey T, how can I add a extra column to the table where all the songs are... I want a "Purchase" feature linking to amazon or some where you can purchase the artists CD... go check out what I've done.. http://bb.hiphop.org/vb_jukebox.php

spence2 02-15-2005 10:57 AM

WiseOwl, that looks so cool!

Congratulations, trafix, on being nominated for Hack of the Month ... I was going to push my luck by mentioning another sweet add-on request that would allow a second upload option in the pop-up window for an image file. My notion was that this image could then be displayed in the announcement thread entry for the new entry. Handy for displaying cd covers or sheet music or picture of artist, etc.

I'm off to vote now! Thanks again, trafix, for putting up with all of us and all of our "great" ideas!

Floris 02-15-2005 01:27 PM


You're up for HOTM, I've voted for you man :)


S.Shady 02-15-2005 02:47 PM


Originally Posted by trafix
I have updated the zip with the new uninstall.php file :)

Oh and by the way .... this hack has been nominated for Feb's HotM .... GO VOTE!

so how do we upgrade ? lmao and what changed.

i voted W00t
[ Audio / Visual ] - VB Mega Jukebox - Now with permissions to save bandwith 12 28.57%

yoyoyoyo 02-15-2005 03:27 PM


Originally Posted by S.Shady
so how do we upgrade ? lmao and what changed.

i voted W00t
[ Audio / Visual ] - VB Mega Jukebox - Now with permissions to save bandwith 12 28.57%

look up at the top:

Update 2.3
Major bug fix ... negative song count for songs
just upload the new vb_jukebox.php file

congrats on the nomination Trafix!

S.Shady 02-15-2005 06:11 PM

i knew that. but i thought hthat was the version i downloaded 5 days ago. :-\

S.Shady 02-15-2005 06:18 PM

Warning: MAX_FILE_SIZE of -159383553 bytes exceeded - file [mediafile=Green Day - Greenday - When I Come Around.mp3] not saved in Unknown on line 0


ERROR: The file is too big or you did not include a filename

Click here if your browser does not automatically redirect you.

fix that and i will love you forever. or atleast tell me how to fix it. is it in PHP's settings ? i run my own webserver so i got all the files :)

also multiple uploads or multiple add boxes in admincp would make this 10X better also

trafix 02-15-2005 10:33 PM

is this in the user end or admincp?

S.Shady 02-16-2005 02:50 PM

anytwere were you acan upload files user end is were that error came from

T3MEDIA 02-16-2005 04:30 PM

Does this have pagenation? If not can some one show me how to have for example only 24 lists on a page?

T3MEDIA 02-16-2005 05:01 PM

Wow read it all... but I didnt see answer for these questions or they were not clear to me... Please some one answer these for me.
the new updated file... can it...
protect folders (I dont want pepole downloading the mp3 files)
pagenation (you know page one page two)
what is the upload limit from the browser. I need to know. It is the only real reason for me to install it.
can users have a (radio station) like my own list. (play random or in order with in this list if it is possable)
can the player go thru random list or catagories. (keep playing)

I have installed wimpy on a customers site. I would like to know if I can use this instead of windowsmedia player.
Yes I know you do not know what it is or studdied it. but it takes a commandline. like winpy.php?www.somwhere.com/themp3.mp3
so if I got the line that goes to windowsmediaplayer this will make the site VERY powerfull since the site has it own custom player almost like lauch.yahoo.com but better.

Thank you.

Dennis Olson 02-16-2005 05:06 PM

I have a unique situation, and I'd like to know how to implement my system configuration on this hack.

I have the forum servers behind a load-balancer. I have a separate server dedicated to emai, chat and music. That server is outside the load-balancer. I want to put the music (ALL music, not just midis) on the music server directly, and refernce them from the JB hack. I want users to be able to upload songs directly to the music server as well.

Can I do that, and if so how?


EDIT: My other server has it's own URL, like:


NuclioN 02-16-2005 06:37 PM

Can't figure out...admins and mods can give an url with "Change to manual data entry." to a mp3 elsewhere but how to let members do that. Great would be a swift access to a data entry for this for adjustable usergroups.

trafix 02-16-2005 09:18 PM


Originally Posted by NuclioN
Can't figure out...admins and mods can give an url with "Change to manual data entry." to a mp3 elsewhere but how to let members do that. Great would be a swift access to a data entry for this for adjustable usergroups.

im working on that :)

trafix 02-16-2005 09:20 PM


Originally Posted by Dennis Olson
I have a unique situation, and I'd like to know how to implement my system configuration on this hack.

I have the forum servers behind a load-balancer. I have a separate server dedicated to emai, chat and music. That server is outside the load-balancer. I want to put the music (ALL music, not just midis) on the music server directly, and refernce them from the JB hack. I want users to be able to upload songs directly to the music server as well.

Can I do that, and if so how?


EDIT: My other server has it's own URL, like:


you could use one of the remote hosting option but then your members cant upload :(

Dennis Olson 02-16-2005 09:26 PM

How about this:

Members upload the files to a "temp" directory on the database server. Then I run a CRON job every hour to copy new uploads over to the other server automatically, and delete them from the database server.

Can your hack be set to ONLY look to the second server to play, but allow upload to the primary server (as normal)?

trafix 02-16-2005 09:35 PM


Originally Posted by T3MEDIA
Wow read it all... but I didnt see answer for these questions or they were not clear to me... Please some one answer these for me.
the new updated file... can it...
protect folders (I dont want pepole downloading the mp3 files)
pagenation (you know page one page two)
what is the upload limit from the browser. I need to know. It is the only real reason for me to install it.
can users have a (radio station) like my own list. (play random or in order with in this list if it is possable)
can the player go thru random list or catagories. (keep playing)

I have installed wimpy on a customers site. I would like to know if I can use this instead of windowsmedia player.
Yes I know you do not know what it is or studdied it. but it takes a commandline. like winpy.php?www.somwhere.com/themp3.mp3
so if I got the line that goes to windowsmediaplayer this will make the site VERY powerfull since the site has it own custom player almost like lauch.yahoo.com but better.

Wow read it all... but I didnt see answer for these questions or they were not clear to me... Please some one answer these for me.
the new updated file... can it...

1. protect folders (I dont want pepole downloading the mp3 files)
ANSWER - i havent looked into this, but from memory there could be a .htaccess alteration that could prevent this.

2. pagenation (you know page one page two)
ANSWER - i spose page nation is possible but i decided to use the calapsable generes instead

3. what is the upload limit from the browser. I need to know. It is the only real reason for me to install it.
ANSWER - im actually not sure ..... i am using the same code as is used for uploading attachments etc, but it has issues with large media files.

4. can users have a (radio station) like my own list. (play random or in order with in this list if it is possable)
ANSWER - this is on my "to do" list

5. can the player go thru random list or catagories. (keep playing)
ANSWER - this is on my "to do" list

6. I have installed wimpy on a customers site. I would like to know if I can use this instead of windowsmedia player.
Yes I know you do not know what it is or studdied it. but it takes a commandline. like winpy.php?www.somwhere.com/themp3.mp3
so if I got the line that goes to windowsmediaplayer this will make the site VERY powerfull since the site has it own custom player almost like lauch.yahoo.com but better.
ANSWER - Your right ... i dont know the player ;) ... but if you knoe the HTML code feel free to edit the jb_JUKEBOX template as required.

T3MEDIA 02-17-2005 12:00 AM

wow... THANK YOU for your responses! wow.
yes http://www.wimpyplayer.com/
flash player... this tiny thing is very very powerfull.

spence2 02-17-2005 02:19 PM


Have you heard from the admins how (or if) they plan to correct the vote tallies for those of us who voted for Jukebox for Hack of the Month, but now appear to have their votes credited to a different hack?

WiseOwl 02-18-2005 07:13 PM

Hey T, how can I add a extra column to the table where all the songs are... I want a "Purchase" feature linking to amazon or some where you can purchase the artists CD... go check out what I've done.. http://bb.hiphop.org/vb_jukebox.php

Also is there anyway to prevent users from listening to songs, before they have a certain amount of posts....

PS: You got my vote for HotM February, everyone else that's got support and runs the mod needs to vote aswell, this jukebox has proven to be a very reliable and viewer friendly accepted feature at my site and I'm sure others aswell... so yeah vote

DavidatMPA 02-19-2005 02:49 PM

I have a really stupid question. I will likely be shot for this but....what am i doing wrong:
I get this error:
The jukebox is currently turned off!

I've set the permisions for the groups, and there is only one option under the Jukebox admin area:
vB Jukebox

Track List
and there is nothing in there to "turn it on"

I must be a dumbass, someone enlighten me lol.

DavidatMPA 02-19-2005 02:51 PM

Hey!! Imagine that! if you read the readme it says you have to edit VB options area. Wow. Thats AMAZING!

trafix 02-19-2005 08:23 PM

So does that means its working now?

hXc Radio 02-19-2005 10:44 PM

Does this support files in mp3 format or only mpeg?

trafix 02-20-2005 12:11 AM

:) ... the moto is

"If it plays in the media player it will play in the jukebox"

mp3 - wav - midi - mpeg - mpg etc

hXc Radio 02-20-2005 07:16 AM

ok i'm about ready to install this! two last questions...

1) can it do something like this... http://www.frankyandminx.com/fmv3/topframelogo.htm start with a play list and play all songs rather then one and waiting for the next.. almost like a radio stream I guess..

2) can the MP3s be stored outside of the public folder and still work... like say /home/user/mp3s/file.mp3 instead of /home/user/www/mp3s/file.mp3 preventing someone from finding the folder and illegally downloading MP3s?

trafix 02-20-2005 08:46 AM


Originally Posted by hXc Radio
ok i'm about ready to install this! two last questions...

1) can it do something like this... http://www.frankyandminx.com/fmv3/topframelogo.htm start with a play list and play all songs rather then one and waiting for the next.. almost like a radio stream I guess..

2) can the MP3s be stored outside of the public folder and still work... like say /home/user/mp3s/file.mp3 instead of /home/user/www/mp3s/file.mp3 preventing someone from finding the folder and illegally downloading MP3s?

1) ... i have been trying to work out how to do this. The link you provided is using a flash file to do the playlist.

2) ... see remote song hosting in the first post, as long as the relative path is entered it should work.

tanyeri24 02-25-2005 05:48 PM

a demo jukebox to see it in action?

dnspixel 02-26-2005 01:11 AM

Will this work fine with vB3.0.7?

WiseOwl 02-26-2005 05:16 AM


Originally Posted by WiseOwl
Hey T, how can I add a extra column to the table where all the songs are... I want a "Purchase" feature linking to amazon or some where you can purchase the artists CD... go check out what I've done.. http://bb.hiphop.org/vb_jukebox.php

I've added the column, but I need more info on how to add this as a option to the overall modification.. so when I goto add a song, I can have a field to add the URL to purchase... any help be greatly appreciated trafix..

If maybe you could code it in for me, i'll send ya a little cash through paypal.. just lemme know

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