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Prophet2002 09-14-2002 01:07 AM

i removed that entry from in proarcade.php works perfect now, go figure

Prophet2002 09-14-2002 01:08 AM


Originally posted by Link14716

Out of courisity, are you using Nutscrape or Murtzilla?

no i'm using IE 5.0

SHoeSTeR 09-14-2002 01:38 AM

I keep getting this error please help.

Database error in vBulletin 2.2.7:

Invalid SQL: SELECT * FROM arcadescores WHERE game='tetris' ORDER BY score DESC LIMIT 1
mysql error: Table 'mtgshoe_mtgshoevbb.arcadescores' doesn't exist

mysql error number: 1146

Date: Friday 13th of September 2002 10:36:42 PM
Script: http://www.mtgshoebox.com/forums//fo...ay&game=tetris
Referer: http://www.mtgshoebox.com/forums/index.php?

futureal 09-14-2002 01:54 AM


Originally posted by Prophet2002
i believe it is related to this hack. The error never occured before installing this hack, and it occures when i'm clickin on one of the game links.. I'll try reinstalling, maybe i did someting wrong, i'll post back w/ results


found this in proarcade.php...looks like it is trying to grab info from that table

edit: I stand corrected. Since I no longer had a fresh copy of the old proarcade.php, I used the same version that I had been testing with on somebody else's site. Apparently, that individual had modified the code and I was unaware of it. I will have to update the zip again.

Sorry for the troubles; I hadn't anticipated on having to do a re-zip of the old version, and since all of the stuff on my hard drive is now Beta 2, things got mixed up. I thought I had caught everything, but apparently not.

edit again: The zip is now updated (again). Just re-download it and replace your proarcade.php with the one from the zip. Thanks.

futureal 09-14-2002 01:55 AM


Originally posted by SHoeSTeR
I keep getting this error please help.

Database error in vBulletin 2.2.7:

Invalid SQL: SELECT * FROM arcadescores WHERE game='tetris' ORDER BY score DESC LIMIT 1
mysql error: Table 'mtgshoe_mtgshoevbb.arcadescores' doesn't exist

mysql error number: 1146

Date: Friday 13th of September 2002 10:36:42 PM
Script: http://www.mtgshoebox.com/forums//fo...ay&game=tetris
Referer: http://www.mtgshoebox.com/forums/index.php?

You must have downloaded the zipfile last night or earlier today before I fixed it. Please see this post for more info: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthrea...616#post298616

Then, re-download the zipfile in the first message and replace your proarcade.php with the copy from that file.


eckels2 09-14-2002 02:22 AM


Originally posted by Link14716

Out of courisity, are you using Nutscrape or Murtzilla?

I'm using IE 5.50 and the user that has the same problem is using IE 6.0.26.

Prophet2002 09-14-2002 02:38 AM


edit again: The zip is now updated (again). Just re-download it and replace your proarcade.php with the one from the zip. Thanks. [/B]

you da man!

eckels2 09-14-2002 08:24 PM


Ok check it out, I tried playing games from another computer, and It recorded my scores fine. So it's got to be something local on my PC.

I've seen a lot of members on different sites with the same problem I'm having, so there's some kind of requirement that I don't think everyone knows about, or something...

The only think i can think of is that it's somehow related to my flash plugin. does anyone know of a way to uninstall a flash browser plugin? I'm already updated to the most recent version, but I wonder if a clean install of the plugin would work better than this....

Other than that, i'm completely stumped.

Maybe if admins could gather the user info (browser, version, etc..) for the members that are having this same problem and post it here, we could figure out what the exact problem is?

Audionuts 09-14-2002 09:34 PM

hay futureal, i have been experiencing a small bug with my Arcade, it seams aa couple of the usergroups that i added to the forum, are not getting permission to play...what i mean is my "Rgistered" users are fine but i have a "VIP Members" group, and they cant access the games...
any ideas? thanks in advanced :)

chad777 09-14-2002 09:42 PM


that was fixed here


Dark Jim 09-14-2002 09:42 PM

Find this in proarcade.php:
PHP Code:

    if (($bbuserinfo[usergroupid] != 2) and
$bbuserinfo[usergroupid] != 5) and 

You have to add each usergroup here that you want to allow to use the arcade.

Audionuts 09-14-2002 10:03 PM

thanks guys that did it :)

SHoeSTeR 09-14-2002 10:49 PM

I re-downloaded the zip and replaced the file and i get the same error, can someone send me the old proarcade.php file please?

futureal 09-14-2002 11:48 PM


Originally posted by SHoeSTeR
I re-downloaded the zip and replaced the file and i get the same error, can someone send me the old proarcade.php file please?
The zip that is currently in the first post has the correct file. I just double checked it and it does not contain the line of code that you are getting an error on...

futureal 09-14-2002 11:56 PM


Originally posted by eckels2
I've seen a lot of members on different sites with the same problem I'm having, so there's some kind of requirement that I don't think everyone knows about, or something...

The only think i can think of is that it's somehow related to my flash plugin. does anyone know of a way to uninstall a flash browser plugin? I'm already updated to the most recent version, but I wonder if a clean install of the plugin would work better than this....

I am going through known bugs and whatnot with the Flash player to see if I can find anything, and asking around some other places on the net.

I am not sure what kind of information would be most useful to gather from people. We've already determined it's not based on the browser version or the plugin version. Do you have anything odd in terms of a net connection, like a robust firewall, internet connection sharing or anything of that sort?

edit: Also if possible, let me know what your security settings are in IE, and whether or not you are going through a proxy server. I have been reading stuff on FlashKit about anomalous behavior with Flash and IE -- those are just a couple of the possibilities.

further edit: Another idea I've had is that it might have something to do with your caching options. In IE, check the "Settings" under "Temporary Internet Files" and let me know what it says (Always check, Check when IE starts, Auto, Never). Thanks.

futureal 09-15-2002 01:13 AM

eckels2: I went ahead and modified one of the games (Pacman -- one of two that I have access to right now) with one of the ideas that I had.

Please upload this to your arcade dir and change the filename in the Admin CP to match pacman-beta.swf (this way we'll know for sure that you're testing the new version of the swf) and give it a shot.

My hunch (and it's only a hunch, believe me) is that this is a browser cache issue of some sort. As a result, I hardcoded the action and game into the URL that Flash is passing to the script, and then appended a randomly generated number to the URL to force the browser to think that it's a new (or rather, unique) page. The chances of this actually fixing the problem aren't that high, but it should at least give us a better idea of what we're dealing with.

The file is attached here. Thanks!

futureal 09-15-2002 01:54 AM

In other vbProArcade news, I got inspired tonight to make the navigation bar ($navbar) easier to use.

The end result is that there is now a hierarchal navbar much like standard vBulletin.

All pages have:

Your Forum > Arcade

Sub pages have:

Your Forum > Arcade > Game Title
Your Forum > Arcade > Game Title Scoreboard
Your Forum > Arcade > Game Title Top Score Board

And with Beta 2, there will be sub-sub-pages, such as:

Your Forum > Arcade > Game Title Scoreboard > User Name's Scores for Game Title

But the best part about this system is that it uses the vBulletin navigation system, which means the template code has been reduced to simply "$navbar" and it will incorporate any changes you make the following templates:


This should make life easier from an Admin point of view.

These changes WILL be in Beta 2.

SHoeSTeR 09-15-2002 02:08 AM

do you have aim or icq or something I can talk to you on? because I am still getting this error go to http://www.mtgshoebox.com/forums/proarcade.php to see it for yourself.

Link14716 09-15-2002 02:10 AM

Works for me dude. You might want to Enable all of your games, though :)

SHoeSTeR 09-15-2002 02:18 AM

your kidding? I still get the same error....why? lol

Link14716 09-15-2002 02:21 AM

It did work fine, now I just get a blank page. Odd.

SHoeSTeR 09-15-2002 02:22 AM

can you send me the old proarcade.php file? if you have it please. my e-mail is ooshoeoo@bellsouth.net

Link14716 09-15-2002 02:23 AM

I will PM it to you then........

futureal 09-15-2002 02:23 AM

I get a blank page as well.

SHoeSTeR: Hit Ctrl-F5 to force your browser to do a refresh in case something is cached.

SHoeSTeR 09-15-2002 02:24 AM

thanks link.

Link14716 09-15-2002 02:25 AM

Also, if you get a blank page after, make sure your templates installed properly. ;)

SHoeSTeR 09-15-2002 02:26 AM

everything works now, thanks guys.

Link14716 09-15-2002 02:27 AM

Your welcome :)

ZiRu$ 09-15-2002 04:36 AM

ok i downloaded some MINI java games...how should i install it...or does it need to be shockwave??? HELP

futureal 09-15-2002 06:33 AM

At this time, it only works with Flash/Shockwave games.

mewgood 09-15-2002 08:34 AM


Originally posted by futureal
In other vbProArcade news, I got inspired tonight to make the navigation bar ($navbar) easier to use.

The end result is that there is now a hierarchal navbar much like standard vBulletin.

All pages have:

Your Forum > Arcade

Sub pages have:

Your Forum > Arcade > Game Title
Your Forum > Arcade > Game Title Scoreboard
Your Forum > Arcade > Game Title Top Score Board

And with Beta 2, there will be sub-sub-pages, such as:

Your Forum > Arcade > Game Title Scoreboard > User Name's Scores for Game Title

But the best part about this system is that it uses the vBulletin navigation system, which means the template code has been reduced to simply "$navbar" and it will incorporate any changes you make the following templates:


This should make life easier from an Admin point of view.

These changes WILL be in Beta 2.

I hope you will include a txt file which is for upgrade and for ppl who have installed beta 1, so we don't need to uninstall and re install it again..

eckels2 09-15-2002 10:27 AM

ok futureal, i PMmed you my security settings...

as for "Do you have anything odd in terms of a net connection, like a robust firewall, internet connection sharing or anything of that sort?"

No, no and.. no.

I've got a cable modem. nothing shared. just me :)

Cacheing options are as follows:
Every time you start Internet Explorer


*** results of beta pacman test ***


That was the url i got after i played... Sent me to the Pacman scoreboard afterwards. No comment submission screen.

eckels2 09-15-2002 01:24 PM

Update... did a clean install of flash (i figured out how to uninstall it)... didn't work :(

Man, how frustrating is all of this. lol...

But in the end i guess this could solve the problem for all the helpless users.

futureal 09-15-2002 05:31 PM

I looked everything over, and my only suggestion is to try changing your cache settings to "Automatic," restarting the browser, and giving it another shot.

Other than that, everything seems to match my system perfectly.

futureal 09-15-2002 05:34 PM


Originally posted by mewgood
I hope you will include a txt file which is for upgrade and for ppl who have installed beta 1, so we don't need to uninstall and re install it again..
I have a conversion script that will covert the database tables to be compatible with the new ones, but that will be it.

It will be up to users to make sure that the necessary code changes are made. Most of the changes are in the pro*.php files which can just be replaced, but there are others.

Also, the best option will be to remove the old templates and re-add the new (Beta 2) templates, since nearly every one has changed (with a few removed and a bunch added).

I will make it as painless as possible BUT it may be somewhat complicated.

eckels2 09-15-2002 07:18 PM


Still didn't work.

This is maddening...

futureal 09-16-2002 09:10 PM

Yea... I've got to say, I'm out of ideas. I tried setting my browser up just like yours, and it worked fine. I am behind a firewall and everything too, and it works OK for me...

eckels2 09-16-2002 09:18 PM

/me bangs his head against the desk.


Can the way that the flash games transmit the data be changed to a different method? Is that possible, is what i mean. If it is, i'll screw with it myself, i'd just need the fla's for the games...

sk187 09-17-2002 12:50 AM

This is an amazing hack and it seems to work perfect for most of my 700 users but vbulletin has been emailing me about sql errors.

Like this

Database error in vBulletin 2.2.6:

Invalid SQL: SELECT sessionhash,userid,host,useragent,styleid FROM session WHERE lastactivity>1032214124 AND sessionhash='de0056fe406cbbd965a806bbd71f3dde' AND (host='' OR (althash='' AND althash<>'')) AND useragent='Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; AOL 7.0; Window'
mysql error: Unknown column 'althash' in 'where clause'

mysql error number: 1054


Database error in vBulletin 2.2.7:

Invalid SQL: SELECT max(score) as maxscore FROM arcade WHERE game='pacman' AND username='TL's De La Hoya'
mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax near 's De La Hoya'' at line 1

mysql error number: 1064

Sorry if this question has been asked ive only read 15 of the 27 pages of this thread so far.

Any help is appreciated - great hack

Link14716 09-17-2002 12:53 AM

1st Error:

What vB Version are you using?

2nd Error:

I know what the problem is, it is the ' in the username. So, futureal.....? :)

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