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LightBringer 08-29-2002 03:20 AM

RenzukenX, I believe you have to take the actual shoutbox code that you would normally insert into the forumhome template and insert it into home.
Then you have to find the code where you evaulate the template forumhome_shoutbox and change it to home_shoutbox.

That's just a guess though. I TOO would like a shout box on my front page, but have been unable to find one that resembles what VB.org has here. :)

NTLDR 08-29-2002 10:57 AM


Originally posted by RenzukenX
but when I place the $the_shoutbox into that table nothing at all shows up. I was wondering if anyone could help.
You need to add the PHP code that displays that part of the shoutbox into vbindex.php

Gohan 08-29-2002 11:01 AM


Originally posted by NTLDR

You need to add the PHP code that displays that part of the shoutbox into vbindex.php

Please explain, mate? I'm really confused cuz i was try it and not lucky :surprised:

NTLDR 08-29-2002 11:12 AM

You need to create the template how you want it for the shoutbox that will be displayed on the home page. The instead of adding the PHP code from it to the forum/index.php file follow the instructions but add it to the vBindex.php file.

Gohan 08-29-2002 02:59 PM

not lucky :(
check: http://saxxon.squadcenter.de

what did i do:

Step 1
PHP Code:


change to:

PHP Code:

    $shout             $DB_site->query_first("SELECT u.username, s.userid, s.shout_text, s.timestamp FROM user u, shoutbox s WHERE u.userid = s.userid ORDER BY s.timestamp DESC LIMIT 1");
$shout[timestamp]  = vbdate('n-j-y, g:i:s a'$shout[timestamp]);
$shout[shout_text] = bbcodeparse($shout[shout_text]);
"\$the_shoutbox .= \"".gettemplate("home_shoutbox")."\";");

Step 2
template (home_right) p.s. i was modify home_right template
PHP Code:

<td width=165 valign="top">
table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width=165>
td width=165 valign="top">
table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="165" align="center" bgcolor="{tablebordercolor}" >
table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="1" border="0" width="165">
td bgcolor="{tableheadbgcolor}"><center><normalfont><b>Downloads</b></normalfont></center></td>
td bgcolor="{firstaltcolor}">
center><b>Custom Maps</b></center>
You will need these custom maps to be able to play on the 4th server!
b><big>?</big></b> <a href=http://4th.croox.de/Maps2/allmaps.zip>Map-Pack</a>
center>Or Download them Individually</center>
b><big>?</big></b> <a href=http://4th.croox.de/Maps2/User-obj_thunder.pk3>Thunder</a><br>
<b><big>?</big></b> <a href=http://4th.croox.de/Maps2/User-zutphen.pk3><b>Zutphen</b></a><br>
<b><big>?</big></b> <a href=http://4th.croox.de/Maps2/user-courtyardv1_1.pk3>Courtyard</a><br>
<b><big>?</big></b> <a href=http://4th.croox.de/Maps2/push_cityhall.pk3>CityHall Push</a><br>
<b><big>?</big></b> <a href=http://4th.croox.de/Maps2/thefarm.pk3>The Farm</a><br>
<b><big>?</big></b> <a href=http://4th.croox.de/Maps2/user-dasboot.pk3> <b>Dasboot</b></a>
b>Bold</b> = Upgrade or new map
center>For Download Instructions click <a href="misc.php?action=faq&page=5">here</a></center>

change to:

PHP Code:

<td width=165 valign="top">
table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width=165>
td width=165 valign="top">
table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="165" align="center" bgcolor="{tablebordercolor}" >
table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="1" border="0" width="165">
td bgcolor="{tableheadbgcolor}"><center><normalfont><b>Downloads</b></normalfont></center></td>
td bgcolor="{firstaltcolor}">
center><b>Custom Maps</b></center>
You will need these custom maps to be able to play on the 4th server!
b><big>?</big></b> <a href=http://4th.croox.de/Maps2/allmaps.zip>Map-Pack</a>
center>Or Download them Individually</center>
b><big>?</big></b> <a href=http://4th.croox.de/Maps2/User-obj_thunder.pk3>Thunder</a><br>
<b><big>?</big></b> <a href=http://4th.croox.de/Maps2/User-zutphen.pk3><b>Zutphen</b></a><br>
<b><big>?</big></b> <a href=http://4th.croox.de/Maps2/user-courtyardv1_1.pk3>Courtyard</a><br>
<b><big>?</big></b> <a href=http://4th.croox.de/Maps2/push_cityhall.pk3>CityHall Push</a><br>
<b><big>?</big></b> <a href=http://4th.croox.de/Maps2/thefarm.pk3>The Farm</a><br>
<b><big>?</big></b> <a href=http://4th.croox.de/Maps2/user-dasboot.pk3> <b>Dasboot</b></a>
b>Bold</b> = Upgrade or new map
center>For Download Instructions click <a href="misc.php?action=faq&page=5">here</a></center>
td width=165 valign="top">
table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="165" align="center" bgcolor="{tablebordercolor}" >
table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="1" border="0" width="165">
td bgcolor="{tableheadbgcolor}"><center><normalfont><b>Shoutbox</b></normalfont></center></td>
td bgcolor="{firstaltcolor}">
table width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">

Step 3
Add new template (home_shoutbox)
PHP Code:

td bgcolor="{secondaltcolor}" colspan="6"><smallfont><b>Posted by <a href="$bburl/member.php?s=$sesion[sessionhash]&action=getinfo&userid=$shout[userid]class="small">$shout[username]</aon $shout[timestamp]</b></smallfont><br/><smallfont>$shout[shout_text]</smallfont></td>

I did wrong?

morrow 08-29-2002 03:01 PM

Presently I am using 2 frames on my page. I'd like to get rid of the frames. The only thing with the frames is that other links open up in my bottom frame which I like because it keeps people on my site. If I install this hack, will I be able to do basically the same thing using this hack?


NTLDR 08-29-2002 03:19 PM


Originally posted by Gohan
not lucky :(
check: http://saxxon.squadcenter.de
I did wrong?

The PHP code needs to go before the home_right template is eval'd.

NTLDR 08-29-2002 03:23 PM


Originally posted by morrow
Presently I am using 2 frames on my page. I'd like to get rid of the frames. The only thing with the frames is that other links open up in my bottom frame which I like because it keeps people on my site. If I install this hack, will I be able to do basically the same thing using this hack?
This can be done with this hack, but not by default, it would be posible to set it up as two frames via the templates though, so that the header is in one, and the body in the other.

morrow 08-29-2002 03:36 PM

Sorry, you're talking to a retard. How can I do this? Sorry, I don't mean to be a hassle.

Also, You mention that this software is much lighter than PHPPortals... and that many features have been eliminated because people don't use them so much. What's an example of some of these features. The reason I ask is because I donated my $$$ to phpportals already and want to know if I should scrap that project (and it has been a project) for this.

Thanks for all of your help.

NTLDR 08-29-2002 03:44 PM


Originally posted by morrow
Sorry, you're talking to a retard. How can I do this? Sorry, I don't mean to be a hassle.
vB as you may know, is all split up into templates, so the vBindex page has five main templates, the header (with the buttons etc), the footer (with the copyright and stuff), the left side, the right side and the bit in the middle.

All these templates contain HTML code, by changing this from the default code you can make it so that the header part is one frame and the rest is displayed in another so that when someone views an exteral site the header bit is still there.


and that many features have been eliminated because people don't use them so much. What's an example of some of these features.[/B]
Its easier to say what is included, as I don't know all the fuctions that vBportal does.

Here's what it does:
  • Latest News Items;
  • Latest x threads;
  • Buddies on/offline;
  • Poll on front page;
  • Welcome box, with avatar and number of new posts/threads;
  • Supports extra pages based on forums layout.

LightBringer 08-29-2002 05:16 PM

NTLDR, I have tried to add the shoutbox as well, but am coming up short. Is there any hope in the future for a potential addon? I'm not real keen on php, and I got so far as to be able to post ONE shout at a time hehe....but that's about it. :)

NTLDR 08-29-2002 05:25 PM


Originally posted by LightBringer
Is there any hope in the future for a potential addon?
Possibly, it depends if I can get permission from any of the shoutbox creators, if so then it would be built in by default.

LightBringer 08-29-2002 05:33 PM


Originally posted by NTLDR

Possibly, it depends if I can get permission from any of the shoutbox creators, if so then it would be built in by default.

That would be great..let me holler at TWTCommish and point him to this thread :)

NTLDR 08-29-2002 05:49 PM


Originally posted by LightBringer
That would be great..let me holler at TWTCommish and point him to this thread :)
LOL, I have done a quick integration of this with vBindex, but it would be nice if I could fully integrate it for v2.1 which is comming soon.

Anyway heres what to do:

Add the attached templates, the make this change to vbindex.php:


PHP Code:

// left & right templates
// ------------------------- 

Directly above it add:

PHP Code:

// start shoutbox by TWTCommish
$shout_limit  4;
$smilie_limit 12;

  if (
$type == 'shout' && $comment_submit && trim($message) != '' && $bbuserinfo[userid] > 0) {
$DB_site->query("INSERT INTO shoutbox SET
                     userid      = '
                     shout_text  = '"
                     timestamp   = '"

header("Location: $PHP_SELF?s=$sessionhash[sessionid]");

$shouts      $DB_site->query("SELECT u.username, u.userid, s.shoutid, s.shout_text FROM user u, shoutbox s WHERE u.userid = s.userid ORDER BY s.timestamp DESC LIMIT $shout_limit");

      if (!
$DB_site->num_rows($shouts)) {
"\$shoutbits = \"".gettemplate("shoutbox_error",1,0)."\";");
    } else {
      while (
$shout_info $DB_site->fetch_array($shouts)) {
$subject stripslashes($subject);
$body    stripslashes($body);
$user    = ($HTTP_GET_VARS["userid"] > 0) ? "&userid=$userid'';

$color       = ($num++ % == 0) ? '#13486D' '#1C5780';
$shout_text  bbcodeparse($shout_text);
"\$shoutbits .= \"".gettemplate("shoutboxbit",1,0)."\";");

$metarefresh "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"180; url=shoutbox.php?s=$session[sessionhash]\"> ";
  if (
$bbuserinfo[userid]) {
"\$shoutbox_postshout = \"".gettemplate("home_postshout",1,0)."\";");
"\$homeshoutbox .= \"".gettemplate("home_shoutbox")."\";");
// end shoutbox by TWTCommish 

Change $shout_limit to reflect the number of shouts to be displayed.

And make sure you add $homeshoutbox in the home_right template (the format is for that of a side bar).

I take no credit for this hack, I have just modified TWTCommish's shoutbox code to fit in with this hack. The origional shoutbox must be installed for this to work.

LightBringer 08-29-2002 05:54 PM

w00t! CLICK ME!

Sheer joys of happiness and gratitude! Thanks NTLDR, I shall attempt this right away.

RenzukenX 08-29-2002 06:19 PM

It seems to be working fine, it appears on the VBindex fine and it looks great!

I was just wondering if it could be modified a little to show the last, say 5, shouts rather than just displaying the user's shouts only?
Plus the colours seem a little out of sort. (example: www.coalitionforums.com)

Awesome job nonetheless.

NTLDR 08-29-2002 07:28 PM


Originally posted by RenzukenX
I was just wondering if it could be modified a little to show the last, say 5, shouts rather than just displaying the user's shouts only?
Try changing the PHP code again, I've updated the post with it in, I've not had time to test this properly, but it should work now.

LightBringer 08-29-2002 07:36 PM

Hey RenzukenX, it appears as though you are getting the same oddities that I am.

An admin can post a shout no problem.
If a user tries and posts a shout, only those not logged in can see it.

I'm looking at your site now and I see "Sorry, no matching Shoutbox Items found"...

At this point, this is NOT something for NTLDR to worry about. I believe it needs to go back to TWTCommish for review :)

Gohan 08-29-2002 07:39 PM

Open vbindex.php and find:
PHP Code:

$color       = ($num++ % == 0) ? '#13486D' '#1C5780'

Change to:

PHP Code:

$color       = ($num++ % == 0) ? '{ firstaltcolor }' '{ secondaltcolor }'


PHP Code:

$color       = ($num++ % == 0) ? '{ secondaltcolor }' '{ firstaltcolor }'

Doesnt matter it but check to your prefer colour first or second

P.s. { firstaltcolor } and { secondaltcolor } must be without space!


@NTLDR, Thank ya alot, mate! about shoutbox on vbindex page :up:

LightBringer 08-29-2002 07:47 PM

BTW NTLDR, thank you VERY much for doing this :)

That new code you updated worked like a champ.
I changed the submit form link in one of the zipped templates to point to $bburl/vbindex.php instead of $bburl/shoutbox.php, this way when a user would post, it would send them back to the main page.

Have a looksie

NTLDR 08-29-2002 07:50 PM


Originally posted by LightBringer
BTW NTLDR, thank you VERY much for doing this :)
I changed one the submit form link to point to $bburl/vbindex.php

No problem, hopefully TWT will let me integrate this fully into the next vBindex version. I thought the link to vbindex.php would your, but I wasn't 100% ;)

Mystic Gohan 08-29-2002 09:37 PM

ok I want to use this and replace my site is there like options for certain members to post news and add all my pages of content from my site to this thing?

NTLDR 08-29-2002 09:44 PM


Originally posted by Mystic Gohan
ok I want to use this and replace my site is there like options for certain members to post news
This is done via the standard vB forum permissions.

add all my pages of content from my site to this thing?
You can power your entire site of this one file and the vB template system.

Mystic Gohan 08-29-2002 10:38 PM

whoa whoa I confused. I have a site up already but I can transfer all the things and how can I make it for certain people to post news if I do this I mean kinda like a Newspro type thing

TWTCommish 08-29-2002 10:43 PM

Someone ask for me? :D

Yeah, sure, integrate away. I don't mind.

RenzukenX 08-30-2002 12:45 AM

Great intergration NTLDR, I very much appriciate it. It will be a great asset to the next release of vBindex.

Thank you once again.

PennylessZ28 08-30-2002 01:14 AM

fixed it after an hour, awesome hack! love it!

NTLDR 08-30-2002 09:09 AM


Originally posted by TWTCommish
Someone ask for me? :D
Yeah, sure, integrate away. I don't mind.

Thanks TWTCommish, much appriciated.

NTLDR 08-30-2002 09:11 AM


Originally posted by Mystic Gohan
[B]I have a site up already but I can transfer all the things
Yes, you need to transfer the contents into vB templates. If you read through the thread it explains how.


and how can I make it for certain people to post news if I do this I mean kinda like a Newspro type thing
I've never used Newspro, but all you do is select which users can post new threads in the news forum.

NTLDR 08-30-2002 02:15 PM

Well I thought I'd post a screen shot to show you how vBindex 2.1 is comming along, if anyone has suggestions of what they would like in this version please let me know ;)

LightBringer 08-30-2002 02:53 PM

Looking good NTLDR!

I'd like to see the ability to pick and choose which forums parse in the active threads and news sections from within the admin cp.

Maybe toss in a mini-calendar feature too.

Any eta on arrival with v2.1? :)

NTLDR 08-30-2002 02:55 PM


Originally posted by LightBringer
Any eta on arrival with v2.1? :)
Hopefully by the end of next week it will be done :)

LightBringer 08-30-2002 02:57 PM

can't wait!

Buddha 09-01-2002 03:02 PM

hey. installed vbindex on 2.2.7... figured i'd be the guinea pig. thought everything was going great until i noticed the poll didn't work properly. was going to change the template as per the instructions several posts back, but when i tried to access the Modify Templates in the admin cp, i get this error.


Warning: Unexpected character in input: '\' (ASCII=92) state=1 in /home/fulldvdr/public_html/admin/template.php on line 362

Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_STRING, expecting ']' in /home/fulldvdr/public_html/admin/template.php on line 368
and the section in question, starting at line 362, is this...


any thoughts?

(btw, if this sucker works as well as i think it will, you'll have saved me several months, i figure. and for that, i thank you bud!)

*editing, as the forward slashes don't want to appear in this post properly. attached the chunk of code in question instead.*

NTLDR 09-01-2002 03:47 PM

You have edited the templates.php template incorrectly, the line needs to be:


$only['home'] = 'vBindex';
ie, no \ 's in it ;)

Buddha 09-01-2002 05:22 PM

actually, isn't that file edited by the install file... cause i didn't edit that part.

regardless, i took those slashes out and she works like a charm now. changed the poll template as well and she's beautiful.

thank you very much for the hack and for the speedy help. much appreciated buddy!

herby 09-01-2002 05:25 PM


When installing this hack on 2.2.7 with vbhacker.php, the string

$only[\'showgroup\'] = \'Show Groups\';

is not found in template.php

Any ETA for a new vbindex.hack.php?



PS I did edit it manually, but would like to avoid any manual tweaking on several installations.

NTLDR 09-01-2002 05:29 PM


Originally posted by herby
When installing this hack on 2.2.7 with vbhacker.php, the string
$only[\'showgroup\'] = \'Show Groups\';

Any ETA for a new vbindex.hack.php?

It should be in there, i've not looked or tested this with vB 2.2.7 though, make sure your looking for the string without the \ 's ;)

vBindex 2.1 should be out in the next week.

Gohan 09-01-2002 05:38 PM

My forum version is 2.2.7 and fine working with vbindex

example: http://saxxon.sqaudcenter.de

but i found already one bug about usergroup permission for show to vbindex and i fix it already :D

Buddha 09-01-2002 06:16 PM

what's the fix gohan?
i'll need to do the same.

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