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-   -   Add-On Releases - vBSSO - vBulletin Single Sign-On (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=270517)

gokhansancar 12-01-2012 02:27 PM

is it possible to redirect wp login links to vbsso so that users will login to website with regular login page instead of vbsso widget login?

sweetpotato 12-03-2012 12:44 PM

Just installed your mod:
- How can a user register from wordpress site or provide a link for the widget so that user can click on that?
- How to set User groups associating visitors from WordPress platform? to fill this field I should you user group ID from Wordpress site or Vbulletin Site?

Thank you for the useful mod,

adambloch 12-03-2012 03:34 PM

Another little problem comes for the people who are registering....

After you register the VBSSO takes you straight back to the forum and doesn't display the message about An email has been dispatched to ....

Any thoughts? It has caused a masive increase in people waiting for conformation via emails...

Many thanks


gokhansancar 12-03-2012 04:56 PM


Originally Posted by adambloch (Post 2388080)
Another little problem comes for the people who are registering....

After you register the VBSSO takes you straight back to the forum and doesn't display the message about An email has been dispatched to ....

Any thoughts? It has caused a masive increase in people waiting for conformation via emails...

Many thanks


i have the same problem, it will be great if you can tell us the solution

adambloch 12-03-2012 08:04 PM

There also seems to be a problem with the Android WP app not being able to login either. LOL does single login mean that only the VB login works after you install VBSSO :)


xeagle 12-04-2012 04:51 AM


Originally Posted by gokhansancar (Post 2387328)
is it possible to redirect wp login links to vbsso so that users will login to website with regular login page instead of vbsso widget login?

Sure, on your WordPress website you are free to embed the link to your theme and link it to http(s)://<your-forum>/vbsso/vbsso.php?do=login

xeagle 12-04-2012 04:53 AM


Originally Posted by sweetpotato (Post 2388047)
Just installed your mod:
- How can a user register from wordpress site or provide a link for the widget so that user can click on that?
- How to set User groups associating visitors from WordPress platform? to fill this field I should you user group ID from Wordpress site or Vbulletin Site?

Thank you for the useful mod,

1) http(s)://<your-forum>/vbsso/vbsso.php?do=login
2) Unsupported to manage through administrative area, you can change it in a plugin related to the platform you want to connect.

xeagle 12-04-2012 04:54 AM


Originally Posted by adambloch (Post 2388080)
Another little problem comes for the people who are registering....

After you register the VBSSO takes you straight back to the forum and doesn't display the message about An email has been dispatched to ....

Any thoughts? It has caused a masive increase in people waiting for conformation via emails...

Many thanks


It shouldn't happen, but we will check this definitely.

xeagle 12-04-2012 04:58 AM


Originally Posted by adambloch (Post 2388166)
There also seems to be a problem with the Android WP app not being able to login either. LOL does single login mean that only the VB login works after you install VBSSO :)


There exist a lot of the different mobile apps to manage WordPress, vBulletin, etc. Do there any guaranties they use WordPress, vBulletin API correspondingly to do login via web? They might use different authentication approach and steps.

If you have an certain issue please contact support team at http://vbsso.com/report-an-issue/ and describe your own issue to help then get it solved for you.

Thank you,

Draffi 12-04-2012 08:48 PM

Will be coming the mediawiki-SSO this year?

xeagle 12-05-2012 06:21 AM


Originally Posted by Draffi (Post 2388480)
Will be coming the mediawiki-SSO this year?

Yes, the plugin is already under internal testing before it comes out soon.

Flightbase 12-07-2012 06:18 PM


I just tried to get the mediawiki SSO working.
vbulletin version: 4.2.0 PL3
mediawiki version: 1.20.2

I followed the readme - doubble-checked everything - but it just doesn`t work.
In the forum admincp he tells after pressing save:


Unable to verify platform [http://wiki.xxx.com/api.php?action=vbsso] Please analyze log files located at `/home/johndoe/xxx.com/htdocs/vbsso/logs/` to detect the cause of the issue.
well, he touched a logfile, named: vbsso_2012-12-07.log
to make sure i`ve set permission to 777. out of the box and after 777-hammer the logfile is just empty.
so i don`t know what`s going wrong.
the apache2 logfile doesn`t help out, too.

I feel lost :confused:

Thanks for any hint in advance, Nik

xeagle 12-07-2012 06:37 PM


Originally Posted by Flightbase (Post 2389143)

I just tried to get the mediawiki SSO working.
vbulletin version: 4.2.0 PL3
mediawiki version: 1.20.2

I followed the readme - doubble-checked everything - but it just doesn`t work.
In the forum admincp he tells after pressing save:


Unable to verify platform [http://wiki.xxx.com/api.php?action=vbsso] Please analyze log files located at `/home/johndoe/xxx.com/htdocs/vbsso/logs/` to detect the cause of the issue.
well, he touched a logfile, named: vbsso_2012-12-07.log
to make sure i`ve set permission to 777. out of the box and after 777-hammer the logfile is just empty.
so i don`t know what`s going wrong.
the apache2 logfile doesn`t help out, too.

I feel lost :confused:

Thanks for any hint in advance, Nik

The problems might be in your environment too... Could you please be so kind and send the details to the support team http://vbsso.com/report-an-issue/ ?

Thank you,

Flightbase 12-08-2012 01:34 PM

Was mailing with your support, but it was not possible to get logfiles. i found by random the cause:
vBSSO Access Settings, Allowed User Groups.

I had the entry: Administrators,Registered User <-- see the missing "s".
This renders everything unuseable. Logging does not work, connecting a platform does not work, too.

As soon i changed that entry to "Administrators" - logging and connecting a platform worked.

Right now I try to figure out, how to get the permissions fixed/working. By now there are no admins, guests may edit.
I need:
guests: read only
registered users: editing, uploading.
administrators: full access to everything.

any way to do that, or do i need to wait vor an update?

greets, Nik

xeagle 12-09-2012 06:21 AM


Originally Posted by Flightbase (Post 2389295)
Was mailing with your support, but it was not possible to get logfiles. i found by random the cause:
vBSSO Access Settings, Allowed User Groups.

I had the entry: Administrators,Registered User <-- see the missing "s".
This renders everything unuseable. Logging does not work, connecting a platform does not work, too.

As soon i changed that entry to "Administrators" - logging and connecting a platform worked.

Right now I try to figure out, how to get the permissions fixed/working. By now there are no admins, guests may edit.
I need:
guests: read only
registered users: editing, uploading.
administrators: full access to everything.

any way to do that, or do i need to wait vor an update?

greets, Nik

Hi Nick, As far as I know that modifications with groups shouldn't be a cause, the plugin on wiki side works well - support team has checked it, something goes on the vB side. Support team replied in your message and hope to get your connection running smoothly.

Flightbase 12-09-2012 06:11 PM

I got their mail, but I think they missed my last post here, where I stated, that the connection does work so far.
Well, groups do not work - like the permissions do not work. at the moment anyone can edit in the wiki - which could be changed in the mediawiki config I guess - but administrator access does not work. all administrators are handeled like normal users.

I´ll write an answer to the support team - but I think discussing here would make more sense, since other ppl could learn from this case?

greets, Nik

xeagle 12-09-2012 06:42 PM


Originally Posted by Flightbase (Post 2389550)
I got their mail, but I think they missed my last post here, where I stated, that the connection does work so far.
Well, groups do not work - like the permissions do not work. at the moment anyone can edit in the wiki - which could be changed in the mediawiki config I guess - but administrator access does not work. all administrators are handeled like normal users.

I?ll write an answer to the support team - but I think discussing here would make more sense, since other ppl could learn from this case?

greets, Nik

Hi Nick,

We can discuss features here, but we don't solve issues and provide any support through this thread.

The vBSSO permissions are not permissions related to vBulletin or Mediwiki, that's vBSSO own permissions to restrict access for single sign-on. You should configure your vBulletin and Mediawiki permissions separately as they should be configured. vBSSO doesn't know anything about your admin roles or other roles. The single sign-on is handled the same for all the users.

Thank you,

Flightbase 12-09-2012 08:55 PM


thanks for your answer. Actually I`m really confused.


vBSSO doesn't know anything about your admin roles or other roles.
Well, if a users gets signed in, there is no information "delivered" by vbsso what usergroups a user got?

I got some idea, but don`t know, if that is the correct approach:
I could rename the usergroups of mediawiki to the usergroup names of vbulletin.

In this case mediawiki needs to know in which usergroups the current user is (in vbulletin)?
But as far as I understood, that isn`t the case...

greets, Nik

xeagle 12-10-2012 07:22 AM


Originally Posted by Flightbase (Post 2389572)

thanks for your answer. Actually I`m really confused.

Well, if a users gets signed in, there is no information "delivered" by vbsso what usergroups a user got?

I got some idea, but don`t know, if that is the correct approach:
I could rename the usergroups of mediawiki to the usergroup names of vbulletin.

In this case mediawiki needs to know in which usergroups the current user is (in vbulletin)?
But as far as I understood, that isn`t the case...

greets, Nik

Roles are currently not supported in this version of vBSSO, probably the feature will be added next year.

sweetpotato 12-10-2012 11:45 AM

I find a bug when changing email

Database error in vBulletin 4.2.0:

Invalid SQL:
UPDATE `vbsso_users` SET `email` = '......@live.com', `emailmd5` = '..........' WHERE `vbuserid` = ...;

MySQL Error : Duplicate entry '.....@live.com' for key 'PRIMARY'
Error Number : 1062
Request Date : Monday, December 10th 2012 @ 05:35:23 AM
Error Date : Monday, December 10th 2012 @ 05:35:24 AM
Script : http://www...../profile.php?do=updatepassword
Referrer : http://www.....profile.php?do=editpassword
IP Address :
Username :
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.5.28-log

ZGeek 12-11-2012 11:02 PM

Hi, just wondering if anyone has updated to wordpress 3.5 and has this working?

xeagle 12-12-2012 06:03 PM


Originally Posted by sweetpotato (Post 2389732)
I find a bug when changing email

We have added it to our bugs list to verify it. Thank you.

benep 12-14-2012 02:15 PM

I use this Plugin for some time now and I like it very well.

Sometime I had to delete or merge users on my vBulletin. Both actions take no effect on my connected wordpress.

At the moment I also try to integrate vbsso into my own php project. After I figured out how your plugin works (and after integrating my own detailed logging) it was really easy and works great. Just one thing is missing on your side. I need to change userfields (Name and Avatar) on my part.

So can you implement these three features, or any?
- Send delete to connected platforms
- Send merge to connected platforms
- Receive profile changes from other platforms

Thank you for your efforts!

ihstiv 12-16-2012 03:33 AM

Can someone help me understand exactly how the 'vBSSO Access Settings ' options should be configured just to sync vbulletin 'registered user' and WP 'subscriber' ? My goal is to allow my logged in VB 'registered users' to comment on my WP posts and have their VB username and avatar appear next to the WP post comment.

Currently, I have success with connecting my VB 4.2 and WP 3.5, but when I navigate from VB to WP it does not show me as a logged in user in the WP post comment form unless I manually log in via the vbsso login form WP widget. Then it does show me as logged in in the comment form as desired.

Here are the 3 fields - I'm too dense to figure out exactly what they mean w/o an example:

Allowed User Groups
User groups having access to any platform (separated by comma)

Allowed WordPress User Groups
User groups having access to WordPress platform (separated by comma)

Associated WordPress User Groups
User groups associating visitors from WordPress platform (separated by comma)


Update: shortly after posting the above I logged in with the vbsso WP widget, and then logged out w/ the VB logout link and noticed that it also logged me out of WP, then I logged in again w/ the VB login and it also logged me into WP as desired. This was after I cleared everything from all of the 'access settings' fields and just left them blank. So I learned that by leaving all 3 fields blank, a VB registered user becomes a WP subscriber by default.

When I log in as VB admin, my WP role is also 'Subscriber' by default, so now I just need to know how to set it up to sync VB administrator as WP administrator...?

i tried adding Administrator and Administrators to all 3 fields in all possible combos to no avail. maybe I'm not supposed to be able to get in to WP admin w/ VB admin role?


RedFoxy 12-20-2012 03:59 PM

I've a trouble with vBSSO, vBulletin 4.2.0 PL3 and MediaWiki 1.19.2, everyday i got a lot of the following errors:

Thu Dec 20 17:00:05 2012,849 [77426] ERROR localFileLogger - Communication: Unable to accept response:
Tring to understand the trouble, I had actived the debug logging, until I got the error:


Thu Dec 20 17:00:05 2012,808 [77426] DEBUG localFileLogger - Platform listener:
Thu Dec 20 17:00:05 2012,808 [77426] DEBUG localFileLogger - array (
  'id' => '1',
  'url' => 'http://www.softairmania.it/samwiki/api.php?action=vbsso',
  'username' => '',
  'product' => '9',
  'lid' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxx',
  'profile_fields' => '',
Thu Dec 20 17:00:05 2012,808 [77426] DEBUG localFileLogger - Platform request JSON: {"userid":"xxx","email":"xxxxx@xxxxxx.xx","username":"xxxxxxxx","e":2,"lid":"xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxx","d":"http:\/\/www.softairmania.it\/forum.php"}
Thu Dec 20 17:00:05 2012,808 [77426] DEBUG localFileLogger - Platform request encrypted JSON: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thu Dec 20 17:00:05 2012,809 [77426] DEBUG localFileLogger - Platform request urlencoded/encrypted JSON: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thu Dec 20 17:00:05 2012,848 [77426] DEBUG localFileLogger - Communication: Platform returned http status code: 200
Thu Dec 20 17:00:05 2012,849 [77426] DEBUG localFileLogger - Communication: Platform returned error:
Thu Dec 20 17:00:05 2012,849 [77426] DEBUG localFileLogger - Communication: Platform returned response: <br />
<b>Fatal error</b>:  Call to a member function setEmail() on a non-object in <b>/xxxxx/samwiki/extensions/vbsso/includes/api.1.0.php</b> on line <b>46</b><br />

Thu Dec 20 17:00:05 2012,849 [77426] ERROR localFileLogger - Communication: Unable to accept response:
Thu Dec 20 17:00:05 2012,849 [77426] ERROR localFileLogger -

The trouble is in MediaWiki vbsso's extension file /vbsso/includes/api.1.0.php it try to use setEmail() but it's not go or the class passed by JSON isn't an object.

There is a way to fix or what?

xeagle 12-20-2012 05:38 PM


Originally Posted by RedFoxy (Post 2391862)
I've a trouble with vBSSO, vBulletin 4.2.0 PL3 and MediaWiki 1.19.2, everyday i got a lot of the following errors:

Thu Dec 20 17:00:05 2012,849 [77426] ERROR localFileLogger - Communication: Unable to accept response:
Tring to understand the trouble, I had actived the debug logging, until I got the error:


Thu Dec 20 17:00:05 2012,808 [77426] DEBUG localFileLogger - Platform listener:
Thu Dec 20 17:00:05 2012,808 [77426] DEBUG localFileLogger - array (
  'id' => '1',
  'url' => 'http://www.softairmania.it/samwiki/api.php?action=vbsso',
  'username' => '',
  'product' => '9',
  'lid' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxx',
  'profile_fields' => '',
Thu Dec 20 17:00:05 2012,808 [77426] DEBUG localFileLogger - Platform request JSON: {"userid":"xxx","email":"xxxxx@xxxxxx.xx","username":"xxxxxxxx","e":2,"lid":"xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxx","d":"http:\/\/www.softairmania.it\/forum.php"}
Thu Dec 20 17:00:05 2012,808 [77426] DEBUG localFileLogger - Platform request encrypted JSON: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thu Dec 20 17:00:05 2012,809 [77426] DEBUG localFileLogger - Platform request urlencoded/encrypted JSON: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thu Dec 20 17:00:05 2012,848 [77426] DEBUG localFileLogger - Communication: Platform returned http status code: 200
Thu Dec 20 17:00:05 2012,849 [77426] DEBUG localFileLogger - Communication: Platform returned error:
Thu Dec 20 17:00:05 2012,849 [77426] DEBUG localFileLogger - Communication: Platform returned response: <br />
<b>Fatal error</b>:  Call to a member function setEmail() on a non-object in <b>/xxxxx/samwiki/extensions/vbsso/includes/api.1.0.php</b> on line <b>46</b><br />

Thu Dec 20 17:00:05 2012,849 [77426] ERROR localFileLogger - Communication: Unable to accept response:
Thu Dec 20 17:00:05 2012,849 [77426] ERROR localFileLogger -

The trouble is in MediaWiki vbsso's extension file /vbsso/includes/api.1.0.php it try to use setEmail() but it's not go or the class passed by JSON isn't an object.

There is a way to fix or what?

Thanks for the catch, we have added it to the issues list to release a fix in next update.

RedFoxy 12-20-2012 07:05 PM

Can you add a feature? Just a way to specify the path where to save the logs files

xeagle 12-21-2012 05:25 AM


Originally Posted by RedFoxy (Post 2391906)
Can you add a feature? Just a way to specify the path where to save the logs files

Yes, next vBSSO vBulletin releases will include more elegant way to manage log files through admin area > "Logging & Notifications" section.

RedFoxy 12-21-2012 10:51 AM

when do you think to release?

xeagle 12-21-2012 11:24 AM


Originally Posted by RedFoxy (Post 2392039)
when do you think to release?

We recommend you to watch the thread to see once update is released.

xeagle 12-22-2012 04:48 AM


Originally Posted by xeagle (Post 2391890)
Thanks for the catch, we have added it to the issues list to release a fix in next update.

Could you please report an issue through http://vbsso.com/report-an-issue/ with posting a log with real information to let tech team figure our the cause of the issue. Currently there is an assumption that you have users with restricted symbols used for their usernames.

RedFoxy 12-22-2012 05:40 PM


Originally Posted by xeagle (Post 2392178)
Could you please report an issue through http://vbsso.com/report-an-issue/ with posting a log with real information to let tech team figure our the cause of the issue. Currently there is an assumption that you have users with restricted symbols used for their usernames.

Sent, I've users with simbols like # ' ^ etc... I can't restrict that now

smirkley 12-22-2012 05:54 PM

Will this mod let me connect two instances of vb(fully licenced of course) together, with only one that allows registration?

gokhansancar 12-24-2012 05:43 AM


Originally Posted by xeagle (Post 2388291)
It shouldn't happen, but we will check this definitely.

Originally Posted by adambloch
Another little problem comes for the people who are registering....

After you register the VBSSO takes you straight back to the forum and doesn't display the message about An email has been dispatched to ....

Any thoughts? It has caused a masive increase in people waiting for conformation via emails...

Many thanks

It shouldn't happen, but we will check this definitely.

Did you get a chance to look at this problem?

xeagle 12-25-2012 05:37 AM


Originally Posted by gokhansancar (Post 2392522)
Did you get a chance to look at this problem?

The problem has been already resolved and an improvement should be a part of the release at the beginning of January, 2013.

xeagle 12-25-2012 05:38 AM


Originally Posted by smirkley (Post 2392261)
Will this mod let me connect two instances of vb(fully licenced of course) together, with only one that allows registration?

Yes, it certainly will.

xeagle 12-25-2012 05:41 AM


Originally Posted by RedFoxy (Post 2392258)
Sent, I've users with simbols like # ' ^ etc... I can't restrict that now

Please keep in mind that Mediwiki doesn't originally support such symbols in username. We have been looking how to solve this issue.

xeagle 12-27-2012 05:18 PM


Originally Posted by ihstiv (Post 2391007)
Can someone help me understand exactly how the 'vBSSO Access Settings ' options should be configured just to sync vbulletin 'registered user' and WP 'subscriber' ? My goal is to allow my logged in VB 'registered users' to comment on my WP posts and have their VB username and avatar appear next to the WP post comment.

Currently, I have success with connecting my VB 4.2 and WP 3.5, but when I navigate from VB to WP it does not show me as a logged in user in the WP post comment form unless I manually log in via the vbsso login form WP widget. Then it does show me as logged in in the comment form as desired.

Here are the 3 fields - I'm too dense to figure out exactly what they mean w/o an example:

Allowed User Groups
User groups having access to any platform (separated by comma)

Allowed WordPress User Groups
User groups having access to WordPress platform (separated by comma)

Associated WordPress User Groups
User groups associating visitors from WordPress platform (separated by comma)


Update: shortly after posting the above I logged in with the vbsso WP widget, and then logged out w/ the VB logout link and noticed that it also logged me out of WP, then I logged in again w/ the VB login and it also logged me into WP as desired. This was after I cleared everything from all of the 'access settings' fields and just left them blank. So I learned that by leaving all 3 fields blank, a VB registered user becomes a WP subscriber by default.

When I log in as VB admin, my WP role is also 'Subscriber' by default, so now I just need to know how to set it up to sync VB administrator as WP administrator...?

i tried adding Administrator and Administrators to all 3 fields in all possible combos to no avail. maybe I'm not supposed to be able to get in to WP admin w/ VB admin role?


Sure. What you are looking is already ready and working out of the box. You just need to install plugins for vBulletin and WordPress and connect WordPress from vBulletin. The options to show username and avatar are available at WordPress vBSSO Settings.

Sounds good that you have a chance to log in to WordPres from vBulletin and vice versa. The "Allowed XXX User Groups" means that all the users added to the vBulletin usersgroup are able to log in to XXX, otherwise it doesn't log them in to XXX. It's so useful if you want to restrict access to WordPress for some usergroups.

"Associated XXX User Groups" means that users registered on your forum from XXX automatically assigned to the connected usergroups.

Currently vBSSO doesn't sync roles, however we have received enough requests to support this feature and it's going to be implemented and received next year.

ihstiv 12-27-2012 06:57 PM


Originally Posted by xeagle (Post 2393071)
Sure. What you are looking is already ready and working out of the box. You just need to install plugins for vBulletin and WordPress and connect WordPress from vBulletin. The options to show username and avatar are available at WordPress vBSSO Settings.

Sounds good that you have a chance to log in to WordPres from vBulletin and vice versa. The "Allowed XXX User Groups" means that all the users added to the vBulletin usersgroup are able to log in to XXX, otherwise it doesn't log them in to XXX. It's so useful if you want to restrict access to WordPress for some usergroups.

"Associated XXX User Groups" means that users registered on your forum from XXX automatically assigned to the connected usergroups.

Currently vBSSO doesn't sync roles, however we have received enough requests to support this feature and it's going to be implemented and received next year.

Thanks for this explanation - would it be possible for you to say it again without using 'XXX' - that is causing me some confusion.

It would be even better if you could provide an example using the default usergroup names for VB and WP and these fields:

Allowed User Groups
User groups having access to any platform (separated by comma)

Allowed WordPress User Groups
User groups having access to WordPress platform (separated by comma)

Associated WordPress User Groups
User groups associating visitors from WordPress platform (separated by comma)

Thanks again.

ndahiya 12-28-2012 03:32 PM


Originally Posted by Flightbase (Post 2389572)

thanks for your answer. Actually I`m really confused.

Well, if a users gets signed in, there is no information "delivered" by vbsso what usergroups a user got?

I got some idea, but don`t know, if that is the correct approach:
I could rename the usergroups of mediawiki to the usergroup names of vbulletin.

In this case mediawiki needs to know in which usergroups the current user is (in vbulletin)?
But as far as I understood, that isn`t the case...

greets, Nik

Passing usergroup/roles would be a critical need for mediawiki, imho. hopefully it can be moved up the list of issues being addressed. Thanks.


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