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Goatpod 08-20-2011 09:10 PM


Originally Posted by RSNF (Post 2235893)
Hello I am using this mod but I appear to be having an issue exactly how are we suppose to create an ad as I see no option where a user can create an ad not in the navigation menu when you click on classifieds or in the profile when you click on classifieds? I have adjusted all the usergroup permissions so that they may create an ad but still does not work. Thanks in advance for your help.

You should have the option to create an ad. as shown on the attached image.

RSNF 08-20-2011 09:13 PM

Wow my bad lol.......Appreciate your quick reply

MoDz 08-20-2011 09:19 PM

German Translation? ;)

Goatpod 08-20-2011 09:48 PM


Originally Posted by ChrisTERiS (Post 2235863)
Hello Dave,
I've checked all type of messages and work, but I'll try a check more. What seems strange to me is that "\n". Mary was using it as way to have a line break, but I removed them. So, I'm wondering if you've uploaded all the files.


No luck, I was still receiving the VB errors after deleting and reuploading all files. I've since completely removed the classifieds system and done a completely fresh install of 5.0.6 which has removed the VB error; so it looks like there could have been some glitch left over from the original script (probably self-inflicted :)).

I've started to test the fresh install and have so far come across the following:
  1. When creating a new advert, the Product Location is in a drop down menu and doesn't allow the user to type a location.
  2. When trying to attach an attachment to the ad. I get a thin white box that drops down when clicking the paperclip icon. Apart from the attachment icon and two greyed out arrows the editor box is empty of any controls, is this correct?
  3. When a user purchases an item, the PM sent to the seller contains incorrect links to either approve or disapprove the sale, the link format is: http://\"http//www.archery-interchange.net/classifieds.php?do=sellitem&itemid=1&statusid=1\&q uot;=

Hope this all makes sense and is fixable or if I'm being Mr Thickie someone can put me right :)

Cheers, Dave

Jman423 08-20-2011 10:28 PM


Originally Posted by Goatpod (Post 2235903)
  1. When creating a new advert, the Product Location is in a drop down menu and doesn't allow the user to type a location.

I believe there is a setting in the "General Settings" for the product that allows you to choose whether this should be a dropdown or a text field.

sick adam 08-20-2011 10:35 PM

Hello! So I installed all the files, looks like it is up and running, but no matter WHAT I do, it wont allow me access. This is the message I get

vBulletin Message
Cape Adam, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:

Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.

I have gone into the categories section and put all who post, but it still wont allow me! Any suggestions?

Goatpod 08-20-2011 10:50 PM


Originally Posted by sick adam (Post 2235928)
I have gone into the categories section and put all who post, but it still wont allow me! Any suggestions?

Have you set up your individual usergroup permissions?

sick adam 08-20-2011 10:51 PM

I dont seem to have that permission menu... where would it be? In the user group or in the microclassified page?

sick adam 08-20-2011 10:52 PM

Omg I Love You! Thank You

Adem GEN? 08-21-2011 12:42 AM


: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in *********/forum/classifieds.php on line 486

Database error in vBulletin 4.1.5:

Invalid SQL:

SELECT AVG(microclassifieds_orders.sreviewrating) AS thisrating,
user.* AS thisprofile
FROM microclassifieds_orders
JOIN user
ON user.userid=microclassifieds_orders.sellerid
WHERE microclassifieds_orders.sreviewrating>0
GROUP BY microclassifieds_orders.sellerid
ORDER BY microclassifieds_orders.sreviewrating DESC

MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'AS thisprofile
FROM microclassifieds_orders
' at line 2
Error Number : 1064
Request Date : Sunday, August 21st 2011 @ 04:37:59 AM
Error Date : Sunday, August 21st 2011 @ 04:38:00 AM
Script : http://forum/classifieds.php
Referrer : http://forum/
IP Address : ********
Username : Adem GEN?
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.5.15-log

I receive this error

ndahiya 08-21-2011 01:35 AM


Originally Posted by ndahiya (Post 2235721)

Separately, i thought you were going to add a free ad option in the pro version as well? Really waiting for that.


Basically looking to hide the "Financial details" and "Payment Options" blocks, and hide any mention of price...

Noticed 2 more small things:
Extra fields showing in Seller block, rather than in the ad block. they are extra fields for the ad, not the seller.
"Individual" is misspelled as "Idividual"


Goatpod 08-21-2011 06:31 AM


Originally Posted by Adem GEN? (Post 2235969)
: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in *********/forum/classifieds.php on line 486
Database error in vBulletin 4.1.5:
I receive this error

If you follow psychobike's advice (page 24 of this thread) it should cure this problem.

Christos Teriakis 08-21-2011 07:07 AM


Originally Posted by ndahiya (Post 2235983)
Extra fields showing in Seller block, rather than in the ad block. they are extra fields for the ad, not the seller.
"Individual" is misspelled as "Idividual"


I've replied it already. As I said, 80% of the new feature were custom work. As my clients have extra fields only related to seller (eg phone nbr etc), they wanted the extra fields there. I'll fix it, but I'll appreciate a lot to keep any design related problems after having a stable code version.


Christos Teriakis 08-21-2011 07:08 AM


Originally Posted by Adem GEN? (Post 2235969)
Database error in vBulletin 4.1.5:

Are you using MySQLi ?

Christos Teriakis 08-21-2011 07:10 AM


Originally Posted by MoDz (Post 2235898)
German Translation? ;)

Why you don't do it and share it with other Deutche speaking users?:D Everybody must do something here. This is the meaning of the community;)


nikosb 08-21-2011 08:10 AM

Something happens in the categories and characters are
?�?�?�?�?�?� ?�?�?�

the rest work perfectly
any ideas?

my forum is Grrek Language and msql utf-8

Adem GEN? 08-21-2011 09:22 AM


Originally Posted by ChrisTERiS (Post 2236060)
Are you using MySQLi ?

I do not know

I'm trying to locale
I use EasyPHP

At first, I'm trying to locale
am install After real forum

My real forum system:
Server Type Linux
Web Server Apache (cgi-fcgi)
PHP 5.2.9
MySQL Version 5.0.83-community-log


Christos Teriakis 08-21-2011 09:27 AM


Originally Posted by nikosb (Post 2236071)
Something happens in the categories and characters are
?�?�?�?�?�?� ?�?�?�

the rest work perfectly
any ideas?

my forum is Grrek Language and msql utf-8

Try setting Grid character set "iso-8859-7". As I seen the categories are ok. The problem is on titles.

Edited: Sorry Grid Language is for the interface

Christos Teriakis 08-21-2011 09:30 AM


Originally Posted by Adem GEN? (Post 2236085)
I do not know

I'm trying to locale
I use EasyPHP

At first, I'm trying to locale
am install After real forum

My real forum system:
Server Type Linux
Web Server Apache (cgi-fcgi)
PHP 5.2.9
MySQL Version 5.0.83-community-log


I'll check that query again...

nikosb 08-21-2011 09:39 AM


Originally Posted by ChrisTERiS (Post 2236087)
Try setting Grid character set "iso-8859-7". As I seen the categories are ok. The problem is on titles.

nothing has changed

Christos Teriakis 08-21-2011 10:08 AM


Originally Posted by nikosb (Post 2236094)
nothing has changed

Please connect with phpMyAdmin to your database. In the main page, right side you'll see a block "MySQL". Somewhere there is saying the database character set. What it's says there?

nikosb 08-21-2011 10:18 AM


Originally Posted by ChrisTERiS (Post 2236099)
Please connect with phpMyAdmin to your database. In the main page, right side you'll see a block "MySQL". Somewhere there is saying the database character set. What it's says there?

MySQL: UTF-8 Unicode (utf8)

Christos Teriakis 08-21-2011 10:26 AM


Originally Posted by nikosb (Post 2236101)
MySQL: UTF-8 Unicode (utf8)

What confuses me is that categories appear in Greek. Do you have locations as input or as droplist? If its input, then I need to check for inputs only.

nikosb 08-21-2011 10:45 AM

i have locations as input
I did check on all ads. is ok.
The problem remains

voglermc 08-21-2011 10:49 AM

I'm getting this error on the main page

Warning: Division by zero in [path]/microclassifieds/includes/functions.php on line 586

ndahiya 08-21-2011 11:58 AM


Originally Posted by ChrisTERiS (Post 2236059)
I've replied it already. As I said, 80% of the new feature were custom work. As my clients have extra fields only related to seller (eg phone nbr etc), they wanted the extra fields there. I'll fix it, but I'll appreciate a lot to keep any design related problems after having a stable code version.


thx. must have missed it.

Jman423 08-21-2011 01:11 PM

Any idea why the vote iframe shows "page not found", or why I can't post premium ads?

maineGuy72 08-21-2011 02:05 PM

for random items with no photo i came up with this fix. its not the cleanest code but it works
it will display nophotosmall.jpg image for an ad with no photo assigned to it


$html_random .= '<tr valign="top"><td width="90" align="left">
<a href="classifieds.php?do=viewitem&itemid='.$random["id"].'">
<img src="'.$thumb.'" border="0" /></a></td>
<td align="left"><h4><a href="classifieds.php?do=viewitem&itemid='.$random["id"].'">'.$title.'</a>
</h4>'.$price.' '.$vbulletin->options["microclassifieds_currency"].'</td></tr>';

and replace with

$ad_photo = $random["logo"];
                  $html_random .= '<tr valign="top"><td width="90" align="left">
                    <a href="classifieds.php?do=viewitem&itemid='.$random["id"].'">
                  <img border="0" src="microclassifieds/images/nophotosmall.png" width="50" align="left" style="padding:3px;">                                               
                  <td align="left"><h4><a href="classifieds.php?do=viewitem&itemid='.$random["id"].'">'.$title.'</a>
                  </h4>'.$price.' '.$vbulletin->options["microclassifieds_currency"].'</td></tr>';
                  } else {
                  $html_random .= '<tr valign="top"><td width="90" align="left">
                  <a href="classifieds.php?do=viewitem&itemid='.$random["id"].'">
                <img src="'.$thumb.'" border="0" /></a></td>                                                       
                <td align="left"><h4><a href="classifieds.php?do=viewitem&itemid='.$random["id"].'">'.$title.'</a>
                </h4>'.$price.' '.$vbulletin->options["microclassifieds_currency"].'</td></tr>';

Christos Teriakis 08-21-2011 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by maineGuy72 (Post 2236160)
for random items with no photo.....

Try to replace the whole function getRandom($catid) in functions.php with this code:

// Get Random Items
function getRandom($catid)
    global $db, $vbulletin, $vbphrase, $random_items, $random_items_bit, $catid;
    if (empty($catid))
        $catid = 0;
    $maximum_random = $vbulletin->options["microclassifieds_random_items"];
    $SubIds = array();
    $getSub = _getChildId($SubIds, $catid);
    $browsecategories = implode($SubIds, ', ');
    $sql_random = $db->query_read("SELECT * FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."microclassifieds_items WHERE categoryid IN ($browsecategories) AND logo<>'' AND active=1 AND sold=0 AND hidden=0 ORDER BY rand() LIMIT $maximum_random");
    $total_random = $db->num_rows($sql_random);
    if($total_random == 0)
          $sql_random = $db->query_read("SELECT * FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."microclassifieds_items WHERE logo<>'' AND active=1 AND sold=0 AND hidden=0 ORDER BY rand() LIMIT $maximum_random");
    $i = 0;
    $html_random = '';
    $thumb_path = 'microclassifieds/photos/thumbs/';
    while($random = $db->fetch_array($sql_random)) {
            $html_random .= '<tr><td height="35">&nbsp;</td></tr>';
          if($i >= 2)
            $html_random .= '</table></li><li><table cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%">';
            $i = 0;
          $title = getTitle($random['title']);
          $thumb = $thumb_path.$random['logo'];
          $price = getFormatPrice($random['price']);
          $html_random .= '<tr valign="top"><td width="90" align="left">
                          <a href="classifieds.php?do=viewitem&itemid='.$random["id"].'">
                          <img src="'.$thumb.'" border="0" /></a></td>
                          <td align="left"><h4><a href="classifieds.php?do=viewitem&itemid='.$random["id"].'">'.$title.'</a>
                          </h4>'.$price.' '.$vbulletin->options["microclassifieds_currency"].'</td></tr>';
    $templater = vB_Template::create('microclassifieds_random_items');
    $templater->register('html_random', $html_random);
    $random_items .= $templater->render();

This code:
  1. Shows only Ads with photos
  2. Shows Ads from subcategories too

Christos Teriakis 08-21-2011 04:34 PM


Originally Posted by voglermc (Post 2236109)
I'm getting this error on the main page

Warning: Division by zero in [path]/microclassifieds/includes/functions.php on line 586

Goto General Settings (admincp) and set Store block greater than 0.

maineGuy72 08-21-2011 04:43 PM

new bug

when browsing a category the first page shows the correct listings but when you click the button for the next page it shows all categories not just the category selected

see at

Christos Teriakis 08-21-2011 04:47 PM


Originally Posted by nikosb (Post 2236107)
i have locations as input
I did check on all ads. is ok.
The problem remains

Please try to import this file.


Christos Teriakis 08-21-2011 04:48 PM


Originally Posted by maineGuy72 (Post 2236226)
new bug

when browsing a category the first page shows the correct listings but when you click the button for the next page it shows all categories not just the category selected

see at

I'll check it.

Christos Teriakis 08-21-2011 04:54 PM


Originally Posted by fwulfers (Post 2235647)
Extra fields....

I'm a step before the end as you can see at:
but I've to take care for those who are using screen resoloution at 1024 and can't see all fields (need to scroll). I'll place switches in the standard fields. But no courage for today. I'm totally dead.


maineGuy72 08-21-2011 05:02 PM

i also notice that if a user uploads a photo with ext .JPG instead of .jpg the thumbnail doesnt show up in the datagrid. it does show up in the random ads correctly. this might be an issue with my server and not the mod. i will check into it more

to build on the last bug
it allows you to click the the nav buttons for nex/prev pages when the "off" images are showing.

maineGuy72 08-21-2011 05:22 PM

in product-microclassifieds.xml line 5201 is the same as line 5202 resulting in double My Bookmarks in usercp

nikosb 08-21-2011 07:02 PM


Originally Posted by ChrisTERiS (Post 2236230)
Please try to import this file.


no luck.


Database error in vBulletin 4.1.5:

Invalid SQL:
INSERT INTO `vb_microclassifieds_search_fields` VALUES (1, 'Field 1', 1, '', 0, 0);

MySQL Error  : Duplicate entry '1' for key 'PRIMARY'
Error Number  : 1062

duketxboy 08-21-2011 09:01 PM

Hey my classifieds after updating says this below installed everything I believe correctly... Let me also add I'm the admin & logged in also I've changed all the usergroup settings to allow the classifieds to everybody
* Please Login or Register to be able to Post and Bid in our Classifieds.

maineGuy72 08-21-2011 10:11 PM


Originally Posted by duketxboy (Post 2236334)
Hey my classifieds after updating says this below installed everything I believe correctly... Let me also add I'm the admin & logged in also I've changed all the usergroup settings to allow the classifieds to everybody
* Please Login or Register to be able to Post and Bid in our Classifieds.

you need to go into each usergroup including the administrator group to enable permissions to view and moderate

duketxboy 08-21-2011 11:06 PM

could of swore I did that I'm actually positive I did everything But yeah guess I didn't save thanks

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