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-   -   Integration with vBulletin - Steam Connect - Sign in with your Steam Account! [RC3] (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=266883)

Blackglade 11-10-2012 09:00 PM


Originally Posted by Disasterpiece (Post 2378826)
I suggest you send me a pm with your forum details and an administrative account, also include a detailed description how you want it to appear, then I'll take a look myself.

Disaster, i sent you a pm on all the information a WHILE back and you havent really responded yet, you may have forgotten but anyway check your inbox for an email by me. It has all the details and how i want it all set up. Thanks again for all the help :)

iSins 11-11-2012 01:57 PM


Originally Posted by Disasterpiece (Post 2378921)
You could modify the graphic to say what you want it to say if you like.

I mean, add a new button for people who signed up the normal way they will get a button saying "Link Steam Account" instead of it saying "Sign in though steam"

Disasterpiece 11-12-2012 10:13 AM


Originally Posted by iSins (Post 2380256)
I mean, add a new button for people who signed up the normal way they will get a button saying "Link Steam Account" instead of it saying "Sign in though steam"

Maybe in the next version(s). I'll definitely keep it in mind.

Skyrider 11-13-2012 10:20 AM

Small bug found.

When a user first registered on the forums, he'll be moved to the "users awaiting email confirmation" group. If you link your steam with your forum profile first while the primary steam group is selected and then activate your forum profile, you'll be within the registered usergroup rather than the steam usergroup you selected.

I prefer the steam linked profiles to be in a primary group rather than a secondary. I do believe the only way to actually "solve" this is to add an extra feature so the button will not be displayed nor people can link when they are in a specific usergroup, like the awaiting usergroup one.

While I could use secondary usergroup that works just perfectly, quite a few plugins depend and act on the primary usergroup of which for us is currently registered user, with as secondary "steam linked". I want everyone who steam links (and registered through steam) for it to be primary.

Disasterpiece 11-13-2012 06:26 PM

That's not intended. Thx for reporting.

goarack 11-17-2012 03:41 PM

1 Attachment(s)
im using a cron to connect my forum members in a usergroup to sourcebans and it requires a profile field
ex (field5) to get the STEAM ID i see this mod pulls it already.
is there a profile field for that i can use in this mod so all they have to do is click the steam connect button. like when it displays a connected users steam id in the admin pages what would be the field there ?

CoZmicShReddeR 11-18-2012 02:02 AM

It looks like it's the profile field in the databse called steam_code in user profile field

deltahawk5 11-18-2012 06:08 AM


Originally Posted by iSins (Post 2378899)
Is there away to make it so people who haven't linked there steam account to have a button saying "Link your steam account now" instead it saying "Sign in using steam"?

+1 this, my site already have over 6000 members and it would seem pointless to install this mod if only new registrations can link their steam accounts.

goarack 11-19-2012 01:38 AM

will this be updated for vb5 ?

Disasterpiece 11-19-2012 11:18 AM


Originally Posted by goarack (Post 2381949)
im using a cron to connect my forum members in a usergroup to sourcebans and it requires a profile field
ex (field5) to get the STEAM ID i see this mod pulls it already.
is there a profile field for that i can use in this mod so all they have to do is click the steam connect button. like when it displays a connected users steam id in the admin pages what would be the field there ?

There is a code-solution for steambans floating around somewhere, I did this multiple times by now. I'll see if I can find it.
Basically you need to modify the sourcebans that it doesn't get the id from the field, but from the functions steam connect provides.


Originally Posted by deltahawk5 (Post 2382119)
+1 this, my site already have over 6000 members and it would seem pointless to install this mod if only new registrations can link their steam accounts.

I wasn't aware that this feature is that important, I'll include it in the next version.


Originally Posted by goarack (Post 2382390)
will this be updated for vb5 ?

I signed up for the vb5 beta but wasn't granted access, so I don't own it yet. It should come eventually. Currently none of my forums are near to be upgraded to vb5 so I have no reason to spend that much money at this time. And I don't know how much the vb code changed so I can not say how long the new addon-development may take.

RG_MONDO 11-19-2012 05:02 PM

I've installed your mod on my site, and it appears to be working as intended with one exception: On the user's profile page, if you click their Profile Picture (the one pulled from Steam) the link fails with the message of "This user has not registered and therefore does not have a profile to view." Upon checking the link I found it to be "http://domainname.com/member.php?MONDO" where Vbulletin without your mod places it as "http://domainname.com/member.php?2-MONDO" which is correct. Is there a simple way to sync these up? I'm using VBulletin v4.2 Patch Level 3 (most current) . Thanks for any help your can provide.

Skyrider 11-19-2012 05:16 PM

Another small bug report. Those who steam linked (secondary usergroup) while they have registered when email verification is required can still post without validating their email. See image:


He was able to make threads and to reply to posts, while the awaiting email usergroup doesn't allow that. And yea, steam settings email verification is set to yes.

Another feature request. Show up the steam button (sign in / login) for specific usergroups. For both unregistered and registered users. For now, I've solved it with using this:


<vb:if condition="is_member_of($bbuserinfo, 6,7,2,5,1,11,15,14)"><li>{vb:raw steam_button}</li></vb:if>

Disasterpiece 11-20-2012 12:56 PM


Originally Posted by RG_MONDO (Post 2382638)
I've installed your mod on my site, and it appears to be working as intended with one exception: On the user's profile page, if you click their Profile Picture (the one pulled from Steam) the link fails with the message of "This user has not registered and therefore does not have a profile to view." Upon checking the link I found it to be "http://domainname.com/member.php?MONDO" where Vbulletin without your mod places it as "http://domainname.com/member.php?2-MONDO" which is correct. Is there a simple way to sync these up? I'm using VBulletin v4.2 Patch Level 3 (most current) . Thanks for any help your can provide.

Weird, the mod uses vbulletin functions to get the url, in case you have seo engines running. I'll check it out, looks like a bug.


Originally Posted by FF|Skyrider (Post 2382645)
Another small bug report. Those who steam linked (secondary usergroup) while they have registered when email verification is required can still post without validating their email. See image:


He was able to make threads and to reply to posts, while the awaiting email usergroup doesn't allow that. And yea, steam settings email verification is set to yes.

I suspect that you derived the Steam Linked group from registered users? Then it should have posting rights, which means that the user gets the posting rights from the steam linked group instead from his primary group. I'm not sure what is the problem here, since the addon seems to do everything right. I'll come back to you and check the problem in the meantime.

However, since linked steam users are already validated to be "real users", I was of the impression that there's no need to limit their posting privileges, that's why I didn't test this in greater detail.


Another feature request. Show up the steam button (sign in / login) for specific usergroups. For both unregistered and registered users. For now, I've solved it with using this:


<vb:if condition="is_member_of($bbuserinfo, 6,7,2,5,1,11,15,14)"><li>{vb:raw steam_button}</li></vb:if>

Thanks for your suggestion but for now I think it's enough that admins can add this feature/behaviour with 2 lines of code by themselves if they really need it.

Skyrider 11-20-2012 09:29 PM


I suspect that you derived the Steam Linked group from registered users? Then it should have posting rights, which means that the user gets the posting rights from the steam linked group instead from his primary group. I'm not sure what is the problem here, since the addon seems to do everything right. I'll come back to you and check the problem in the meantime.
Yea, I just find it odd that the secondary usergroup overrides the primary permissions. Hence the suggestion for members awaiting email verification not being able to see the steam login button.

The "if member of" code I added only applies to the button code on the the main forums. I'd have to apply/extend it so it won't display in the members profile settings either. The bug I've mentioned earlier for people who use steam linking still stays in email verification group nonetheless would be easily solved if they weren't allowed to steam link if they are in that group at all to begin with :).

BUG REPORT (if this is a bug)


I've set "Primary Usergroup for Steam-Users" for both new registrations and current forum profiles. Yet, after validating it stays in the registered usergroup. Is it supposed to be like this? Feels awfully the same as the previous bug I reported a couple of days ago.

Disasterpiece 11-22-2012 11:06 AM


Originally Posted by FF|Skyrider (Post 2383054)
I've set "Primary Usergroup for Steam-Users" for both new registrations and current forum profiles. Yet, after validating it stays in the registered usergroup. Is it supposed to be like this? Feels awfully the same as the previous bug I reported a couple of days ago.

This only applies to users who have not set up email or password and therefore depend on the steam login feature. Users who first sign up with a forum account, and then link their steam accounts will never be put into the primary steam usergroup, which is correct behaviour. This is what the "secondary usergroup" is for. Maybe that's the thing?

Skyrider 11-22-2012 11:32 AM

The thing is I prefer everyone who steam links, both new and existing members to be in a primary steam group. The reason for this is that with some plugins I'm trying to set or prevent specific access to the steam linked usergroup only.

For example, I'm using the current plugin:
- Threads Auto Close advanced (by Usergroup)

I only want it to affect the registered usergroup, but it also affects the steam linked users seeing they exist in the registered usergroup as well of which I don't want.

I really hope it can somehow be included in a future update.


$newusergroupid = $vbulletin->options['stc_default_usergroup'] ? (int)$vbulletin->options['stc_default_usergroup'] : 2; // Default to 2=registered users, since steam users can't verify their email adress
Though I do believe I found the code.

I really do appreciate your help on the matter and everything you've helped me with so far. ^_^


I just really personally hope that the email verification issue can be solved/fixed. Whenever someone uses steam registration (without having a forum account) he'll be moved to the email verification group and in the steam linked usergroup if you set a secondary group. He / she can still post because of the "steam linked" usergroup access, regardless of him being in the email verification group.

And when you set the steam linked group as primary, with email verification. He'll be moved to the registration group once he email verified. So the whole email verification with the steam log is a bit messed up at the moment :(

goarack 11-24-2012 09:48 PM

um maybe this is what your talking about in the thread starter for this plugin

but for whatever reason it just seems to quit working it goes though the process then
when it gets back to my site and shows the steam info you check the agree box and click complete registration it isnt registering any more gives the login box and says the permissions thing.

Skyrider 11-27-2012 11:39 AM

*shrugs*, I really hope the users awaiting email confirmation posting issues can be solved. I have over 800 people who can post now while being the the awaiting group & are steam linked (secondary group) at the same time.

Skyrider 12-04-2012 06:10 AM

Feature request: Possibly to search for CustomURL, ID32 and ID64 through the adminCP?

Anbieter 12-04-2012 11:34 AM

Works like a charm, thanks :)

Skyrider 12-15-2012 03:11 PM

Any updates?

drunkenbombers 12-23-2012 02:17 PM

Any idea what the "|0|0" at the end of all of the steam community ids is for? This is stored in the database this way and we're trying to use {vb:raw user.steam_link} but this is causing us problems. We're trying to add Steam Buttons in to the site leaders / show groups template.

Disasterpiece 12-24-2012 12:17 AM


Originally Posted by drunkenbombers (Post 2392430)
Any idea what the "|0|0" at the end of all of the steam community ids is for? This is stored in the database this way and we're trying to use {vb:raw user.steam_link} but this is causing us problems. We're trying to add Steam Buttons in to the site leaders / show groups template.

The |0|0 are flags if the user set up a password or an email. It's ugly and it will be changed in the next update, for now you can use the built-in functions in the functions_steamconnect.php or check out some of the plugins, there you can see how you can make the steamid available in the templatevars.

If you need help with a more concrete matter, feel free to post or send a PM

@Updates: Not until beginning of next year.

dotatalk 01-09-2013 09:09 AM

Not working for member who is already have an forum account? They can't link their steam.. But its working for a new register member if they use sign in with steam.

What's the problem?

danycutu1 02-22-2013 08:13 AM

Work fantastics. Thanks for the mod. Some suggestions if you would like to add them

1. AdminCp External Connections like the facebook one
2. In the header where the message welcome, username appears if you could embed the steam avatar with a small steam symbol like the facebook one.
3. In UserCp instead of steam connect -> steam account link the linkng process to show in the edit connections page
4. SteamID to appear in postbit under avatar in the user info area
5. Possibility to search in admincp by Steam ID 64

Also in admincp under Steam Connect Settings some phrases are strange :)
- Communityvisibilitystate
- Personaname
- Profileurl
- Avatarmedium
- Avatarfull

iSins 02-27-2013 07:03 AM

So when do you plan to release a update on this plugin with new features?

DannyC55 03-28-2013 11:29 AM

Any idea why some of my forum members have to connect on each visit?

Disasterpiece 03-28-2013 06:28 PM


Originally Posted by YantieDan (Post 2412669)
Any idea why some of my forum members have to connect on each visit?

Sounds like an issue regarding cookies.

With the latest version, the issue of having to login each time because the cookies weren'd flagged as permanent should have been solved and so far it seems to work.

Clearing all cookies for your domain should be enough. Or maybe there are some settings limiting cookies alltogether?

If the problem persists, try to gather some data which browser, operating system and security measurements those people are using who encounter the problem.

tomshawk 03-29-2013 05:06 AM

I'm new to Steam but, I have signed up and have added games, Granted I just downloaded my first game and it was one of the free games.

When I click the link in the admincp to get a key, it keeps telling me access denied until you have games in your account.

Is it limited to paid games, or am I just not giving it enough time.

tomshawk 03-29-2013 01:36 PM

I figured it out, downloading free games is not enough, I had to buy one through Steam. Thanks

DannyC55 03-29-2013 08:42 PM

Thanks DP!

Another question for you...

Is there a term for the steam id? Example being you have {vb:raw post.steamicon} for the icon & {vb:raw post.steamid} for the 64 code.


iSins 04-03-2013 10:18 AM

hey question, how do i disable it where steam avatars show up as User profile avatars?

Disasterpiece 04-03-2013 12:37 PM


Originally Posted by iSins (Post 2414039)
hey question, how do i disable it where steam avatars show up as User profile avatars?

Go to your Plugins in the AdminCP and disable the plugin named "Add Steam Avatar to member profile"

iSins 04-04-2013 05:49 AM


Originally Posted by Disasterpiece (Post 2414051)
Go to your Plugins in the AdminCP and disable the plugin named "Add Steam Avatar to member profile"

Thanks for the info on how to do this.

Munch98 04-19-2013 10:51 AM

When trying to link Steam account with user in my forum this error occurs:
403 Forbidden

Access to this resource on the server is denied!

Anyone know why?


Disasterpiece 04-19-2013 11:39 AM


Originally Posted by Munch98 (Post 2417298)
When trying to link Steam account with user in my forum this error occurs:
403 Forbidden

Access to this resource on the server is denied!

Anyone know why?


You have to check your error_log, I can't do that for you.

Munch98 04-19-2013 09:31 PM


Originally Posted by Disasterpiece (Post 2417306)
You have to check your error_log, I can't do that for you.

[19-Apr-2013 04:03:15] PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function vbflush() in ******/forum/includes/functions_steamconnect.php on line 392

UrbanSurgeon 04-20-2013 07:24 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Does anyone know how I can get the sign-in button beneath the facebook connect as seen in the attached?

I've tried searching for parts of the code but not much luck.

Any help would be greatly appriciated

donfrema 04-23-2013 06:27 PM

I am getting the same error the other guy on page 3 got. When I try to register a new person through Steam Connect it let him type password etc in and then when he submits it.. it goes to YOU DO NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO VIEW THIS PAGE.

I have the login2.php in the same section as index.php etc. What could be causing this problem? Thanks!

AzzazelCyC 05-05-2013 05:12 AM

Hello there,

I've added this to my forums, but it doesn't work for me. Whenever a user tries to connect their Steam account, they get the "HTTP 500 (Internal Server Error)" message and the account doesn't link at; any suggestions?

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