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KW802 02-02-2011 03:31 PM


Originally Posted by iBaker (Post 2157649)
... So I am at a loss as to why the mod doesn't work properly with styles for my site

And do your ACP settings match the ones I posted?

Golzarion 02-02-2011 05:34 PM

Thanks "KW802" for helping to improve this wonderful mod.
When a register user trying to visit the forum or thread that needs the moderation permission he/she does NOT see the " vb no permission page " !! and he /she just gets the " Page load error " in the browser :" ERROR : The page isn't redirecting properly "
is there any fixes ?

iBaker 02-03-2011 11:37 PM


Originally Posted by KW802 (Post 2157825)
And do your ACP settings match the ones I posted?

Basically yes, they do KW...I don't have hometitle and keywords in mine and some of my categories are used in each domain...these are the only differences

KW802 02-04-2011 12:35 AM


Originally Posted by iBaker (Post 2158473)
Basically yes, they do KW...I don't have hometitle and keywords in mine and some of my categories are used in each domain...these are the only differences

What about the style settings... of turning off the option of allowing users to change their styles? Those are the ones that are likely your issue with having the styles change on you.

New Joe 02-04-2011 05:28 AM

I would love to be able to understand what this mod really does?

Gnoll 02-04-2011 10:31 AM

Main Domain : www.mmobrowser.com
Forum : www.mmobrowser.com/forum/
Wildcard Domains allowed for .mmobrowser.com

What's wrong ?

BirdOPrey5 02-04-2011 12:45 PM


Originally Posted by New Joe (Post 2158569)
I would love to be able to understand what this mod really does?

It lets you run multiple separate forums off 1 install of vBulletin so each forum can share the same users, can share some forums (optional), and otherwise is only a single install to upgrade and maintain...

One of the hardest parts of opening a new forum is getting people to register, so this would let all your existing users be automatically registered at your new forum.

Just remember that even though it's one install vBulletin requires a license for each unique domain.

Alfa1 02-04-2011 11:19 PM

Can anyone please answer these questions? I would much appreciate it:


Originally Posted by Alfa1 (Post 2157139)
  1. Both domains have a different CMS homepage. But how do you hide the CMS sections that belong to domain A, from users that are browsing on domain B and vice versa?
  2. All CMS comments reside in one and the same forum. So the comments relating to the articles of both domains will reside in the same CMS comments forum. And that will make comments from both domains visible on 'new posts'. I dont want users on domain A to see comments related to the topic on domain B. I dont know how to resolve that one. Does anyone know?
  3. It seems that the CMS comments forum needs a category above it and that needs to be activated on every domain. Otherwise CMS comments do not seem to work on each domain. Is there any way to hide the comments forum, but show the comments in CMS?
  4. Does anyone have a tip on how to hide the style of the other domain, while still showing several styles attributed to the domain the user is on?
  5. When searching in quick search I get results from both domains. In cerberus settings Local Search Scope is ON. Is there any way to fix this?

Please let me know if I need to clarify any of the above.

iBaker 02-09-2011 11:35 PM


Originally Posted by KW802 (Post 2158490)
What about the style settings... of turning off the option of allowing users to change their styles? Those are the ones that are likely your issue with having the styles change on you.

Thanks KW...Yes, I have my style settings the same as yours:

Originally Posted by KW802 (Post 2157576)
If it helps any, I have "Allow Users To Change Styles" set to "No" and then I have the check boxes turned on for each of the styles that are associated to the various domains in the Cerberus configuration settings.

Also, if I may ask, how have you done your vba CMPS home pages so each domain has a different CMPS Home Page to land on?

iBaker 02-10-2011 07:31 AM

I have found an interesting way to use this mod that will suit my needs and have some preliminary testing and looks good. I am posting this just in case anyone else is interested and it may help them.

My site is setup using:
mydomain.net (the main domain)

My Problems using this mod as is are:
1. The different styles seem to muck up after I log into the Admin panel (possibly just my site)
2. Many of my mods are licensed to one domain so I have to force users to the specific domain that has the license for the mod and then force them back to the domain of their choice
3. Mods like vba Dynamics etc requires hard coding of domain (have tried ../ but doesn't work properly)
4. If you have a mod that you want to be different per domain you can't install the mod several times in the one vb install to get it different per domain (eg Google Map to display Australia for .com.au, display UK for .co.uk, display USA for .us etc)
5. If I set my site up with the way I wanted to with multiple installs of the same mods that are tailored to the different domains I would end up with over 1,300 tables

So what I have done does require extra work and perhaps defeats the full purpose of this mod but gives you far more control over having different domains...it does cost more as well because you do need separate vb licenses.

I have several domains which are their own accounts in cPanel...no parked or sub domains...they are domains in their own right.

Each domain has a vb installation.

I installed this mod in each vb instance in each domain

Except for my main domain of .net I then renamed several tables in each of the other domains to table_old...user, userfield, usertextfield, pm, pmtext, pmreceipt, visitormessage, userlist, profilevisitor, sigparsed, sigpic, customprofilepic, customavatar, session etc

I then created a table "View" of those renamed tables using my main domain database...this basically shares the same users, pms, userfields etc across all sites. The Cerberus mod takes care of the cookie, salt etc.

So any user that registers, logs in or out is registered across all sites, logged in to all sites or logs out of all sites.

As I said it is more work as you have an Admin Control Panel per site and you need a vb license per site but it gives you complete control over all your sites in tailoring them to exactly what you want.

The other great thing with this is that the Search Engines treat each one of your sites completely separate giving you the opportunity top saturate Google placing a lot more.

So this post is just as perhaps and alternative for those that this mod, like me, doesn't exactly tick all the boxes 101%

BirdOPrey5 02-10-2011 01:07 PM

Just to avoid confusion later I want to point out in iBaker's scenario above you'd still need to buy a separate vB license for each of those domains even if you only has one actual copy of vBulletin installed.

Multiple domains (domain1.com, domain2.com) = multiple licenses, CERBERUS or not.
Sub domains (sub.domain.com, sub2.domain.com) = 1 license only

KW802 02-10-2011 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by iBaker (Post 2160771)
Also, if I may ask, how have you done your vba CMPS home pages so each domain has a different CMPS Home Page to land on?

Some code that I am using in the vBa CMPS index.php script to identify the domain and then to specify a different default home page per domain as needed. Essentially I created a home page for each of my additional domains, modified them with their own copies of the vBa modules, etc. so that the content shown on each page is unique to the corresponding domain, and then did a little bit of code in the index script so that if I am on Domain A (the master domain) then it is BAU but if I am on Domain B then to use a specified CMPS page as the default page and then if I am on Domain C to use a specified CMPS as the default page, and so on for each domain. Just a small bit of code that works but not polished enough for me to package & post since it requires some edits directly to the CMPS index script.

iBaker 02-10-2011 07:05 PM


Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5 (Post 2160976)
Just to avoid confusion later I want to point out in iBaker's scenario above you'd still need to buy a separate vB license for each of those domains even if you only has one actual copy of vBulletin installed.

Multiple domains (domain1.com, domain2.com) = multiple licenses, CERBERUS or not.
Sub domains (sub.domain.com, sub2.domain.com) = 1 license only

If you can read I did mention it twice in my post that you do need separate licenses...(where's Kirk and the Enterprise when you need it)

iBaker 02-10-2011 07:12 PM


Originally Posted by KW802 (Post 2161028)
Some code that I am using in the vBa CMPS index.php script to identify the domain and then to specify a different default home page per domain as needed. Essentially I created a home page for each of my additional domains, modified them with their own copies of the vBa modules, etc. so that the content shown on each page is unique to the corresponding domain, and then did a little bit of code in the index script so that if I am on Domain A (the master domain) then it is BAU but if I am on Domain B then to use a specified CMPS page as the default page and then if I am on Domain C to use a specified CMPS as the default page, and so on for each domain. Just a small bit of code that works but not polished enough for me to package & post since it requires some edits directly to the CMPS index script.

Thanks KW, I thought it must have been some way of determining the domain. Instead of having to change a cmps source file do you think there would be an opportunity to use htaccess to redirect to a cmps page?

Also, in the addon there is the plugin to disable the archive and as mentioned in earlier posts the errors associated with having it turned on. What do you think was the authors intention of having the archive turned off? Because if you just disable the archive plugin component of the mod the archive works ok although showing all the forums for all domains...so it it possible due to search engines not distinguishing the different domains by using the archive?

KW802 02-10-2011 08:03 PM


Originally Posted by iBaker (Post 2161105)
Thanks KW, I thought it must have been some way of determining the domain. Instead of having to change a cmps source file do you think there would be an opportunity to use htaccess to redirect to a cmps page?

Not sure about using .htaccess instead. Honestly, if you've seen the CMPS index.php script, you'll see that the file is pretty simple (there is only 20 lines of code or so in it) so modifying it is not really a big deal. Since that file rarely changes, even with CMPS updates, it is not a hassle. I ended up having to modify that file directly because I needed to specify the home page use prior to the point where any plugin hooks are available.


Originally Posted by iBaker (Post 2161105)
Also, in the addon there is the plugin to disable the archive and as mentioned in earlier posts the errors associated with having it turned on. What do you think was the authors intention of having the archive turned off?...

Only a guess, but likely it was just something that was easier to avoid dealing with. The actual benefits of the vB archive pages in this day & age for SEO purposes is questionable so I don't think most sites will have an impact with it turned off.

BirdOPrey5 02-11-2011 06:00 PM


Originally Posted by iBaker (Post 2160903)
it does cost more as well because you do need separate vb licenses.


Originally Posted by iBaker (Post 2161103)
If you can read I did mention it twice in my post that you do need separate licenses...(where's Kirk and the Enterprise when you need it)

Sorry guy but here is where you are wrong. This is why I didn't want someone to be confused. You would need separate licences in either scenario. ;)

thenetbox 02-13-2011 01:23 PM

Is there a way to get people who register on domain1 to be added to usergroup 'domain1 registered' automatically, and people who register on domain2 to be added usergroup 'domain2' automatically?

Excellent mod btw :)

KW802 02-17-2011 11:28 PM

So has anybody started playing with the mobile style in 4.1.2 yet? If so, you'll haven no doubt realized already that the code to autodetect the browser type does not play nice with Cerberus since Cerberus will override the style to the one specified in the ACP options.

I've got some quick code done today to allow Cerberus to have multiple styles per domain set in the ACP. :D Still need to work out the mobile style selections though.

For those who have started playing with the mobile style, my question to you is this...
For your multiple domains, in regards to having a 'full' style and a 'mobile' style (well, actually two different mobile styles since you can specify a modern & basic style), are you more inclined to...
a) Have different mobile styles that would be unique to each domain?
... or wold you likely go with:
b) Have a single mobile style that you would use on all of your domains and just would need to change the style logo per domain?
Thoughts? :confused:

Alfa1 02-18-2011 01:16 AM

b for me.

And yes, I found out that the skin doesn't play nice with cerberus. Crashed the site and locked me out. I needed tools.php to rebuild forum view and get back in.

How can we hide skins when the mobile skin needs to be set to 'Allow users to select styles' ? That seems not possible currently.

KW802 02-18-2011 01:43 AM


Originally Posted by Alfa1 (Post 2163806)
b for me.

That is what I am thinking of for me as well but before I started the next step of working on any code I figured I'd see what others thought.


Originally Posted by Alfa1 (Post 2163806)
How can we hide skins when the mobile skin needs to be set to 'Allow users to select styles' ? That seems not possible currently.

Currently is the keyword. :p

If you take a look at my Cerberus test site (CinVin / Verizon Talk / Lower Pottsgrove) for the bottom left style selector, you'll see what I've been up to today. The site is now configured to allow users to change styles. Normally this would be turned off for Cerberus since Cerberus would force a single style. Instead I have it so you can specify multiple style IDs in the Cerberus ACP settings to allow for multiple styles per domain. This will allow admins to have as many styles as they want for each domain to be available to the user.

For those three sites I have four styles 'checked' as being selectable by the user, a unique style for each site and then the (currently) shared mobile style for all sites. That means inside of the ACP Style Manager I have a total of 4 styles turned on that can be selected by the user but I have Cerberus configured to only allow specific styles per domain. That way when a visitor on the CinVin site they can see the CinVin full style and the shared mobile style but none of the other full styles for the other domain. When on VZ Talk the user gets the full style for that site (the red design) and the mobile style but not the CinVin style. Then the same for the last domain. Just like category IDs that can be either unique per domain or shared amongst domains, style IDs can be set the same.

The next step was deciding how much further to take it with the mobile style, whether to allow a unique mobile style setting per domain or to just assume that the same mobile style will be used on all domains but then to add a setting to change the mobile style's log per domain.

At this point in the game I can't see too many admins doing a per domain mobile style, as opposed to a per domain mobile style logo. But... I know, I know, the right thing to do would be to allow for the first option, of a specific mobile style per domain, since that gives the most flexibility. I won't have a chance to work on it again until this weekend so I'll see then what direction it takes me.

... and, yes, the mobile style detection does work if you visit the sites on a mobile device. :)

thenetbox 02-18-2011 01:28 PM

Another neat option would be to have forum manager categorize all subforums by site (maybe on different pages)

Craig2 02-18-2011 02:17 PM

Do you offer professional installation service? Got some problems with the navbar links, as it uses sometimes the domain, which is entered in the vbulletin acp (i am using vbseo)...

Alfa1 02-18-2011 02:33 PM


Originally Posted by KW802 (Post 2163814)
That is what I am thinking of for me as well but before I started the next step of working on any code I figured I'd see what others thought.

Currently is the keyword. :p

If you take a look at my Cerberus test site (CinVin / Verizon Talk / Lower Pottsgrove) for the bottom left style selector, you'll see what I've been up to today. The site is now configured to allow users to change styles. Normally this would be turned off for Cerberus since Cerberus would force a single style. Instead I have it so you can specify multiple style IDs in the Cerberus ACP settings to allow for multiple styles per domain. This will allow admins to have as many styles as they want for each domain to be available to the user.

For those three sites I have four styles 'checked' as being selectable by the user, a unique style for each site and then the (currently) shared mobile style for all sites. That means inside of the ACP Style Manager I have a total of 4 styles turned on that can be selected by the user but I have Cerberus configured to only allow specific styles per domain. That way when a visitor on the CinVin site they can see the CinVin full style and the shared mobile style but none of the other full styles for the other domain. When on VZ Talk the user gets the full style for that site (the red design) and the mobile style but not the CinVin style. Then the same for the last domain. Just like category IDs that can be either unique per domain or shared amongst domains, style IDs can be set the same.

The next step was deciding how much further to take it with the mobile style, whether to allow a unique mobile style setting per domain or to just assume that the same mobile style will be used on all domains but then to add a setting to change the mobile style's log per domain.

At this point in the game I can't see too many admins doing a per domain mobile style, as opposed to a per domain mobile style logo. But... I know, I know, the right thing to do would be to allow for the first option, of a specific mobile style per domain, since that gives the most flexibility. I won't have a chance to work on it again until this weekend so I'll see then what direction it takes me.

... and, yes, the mobile style detection does work if you visit the sites on a mobile device. :)

You Sir, are amazing. Thank you!

sticky 02-24-2011 06:12 PM

Hoping maybe someone can help me with this. I have the what's new set to show what is going on from all domains.

Problem is, cross domain navigation doesn't work right. When clicking to be taken to the first unread post on a different domain from the one you are on it takes you to the first page instead, necessitating a second click to view first unread. Any idea how to resolve this?

sticky 02-26-2011 10:47 PM

^ Bump :)

shri 03-01-2011 05:20 AM

Quick question - does anyone have an nginx / php-fpm config to share? If not I'll spend some time looking at it ..

j66chevell 03-03-2011 05:28 PM

I have this mod installed and it seems to be working.

For a mobile skin, I would want all my domains to be one skin, but I want one skin anyways, which leads to my question.

Can some one tell what I would do to make this change only the skin background or logo for each domain?

What I have is a clan gaming site and each subdomain will represent a game and it's forums. I want the skins to be user selectable among multiple skins and just change the logo or background picture for each game.

Currently, if I want to produce this effect, it looks like I would have to make 10 versions of each skin (1 for each game) or about 30+ skins total (3+ skins x 10 games), correct?

amagab 03-03-2011 05:56 PM

Any idea on when this mod will leave Beta stage.....and/or become supported?

j66chevell 03-03-2011 06:20 PM


Originally Posted by amagab (Post 2169190)
Any idea on when this mod will leave Beta stage.....and/or become supported?

That will likely never happen, somewhere in the posts, someone stated the likely reasons why.

GTX2 03-03-2011 09:15 PM

Can't get this work with subdomains.
What should i be doing wrong.... ?

I'm testing some updates and some hacks in a testing board directory ( mydomain.com/test )
Installed this hack. Created one sub-domain in cpanel called english.mydomain.com and gave the document root the same dir as my testing board (public_html/test)

Then, went to hack options and did the settings explained:


And then i just get a 500 internal server error.
If i browse to mydomain.com/test i can see my normal testing board....

What am i missing?

Santori 03-04-2011 07:25 PM


I have a domain.com

y created a sub.domain.com

If I go to sub.domain.com not works because it goes to sub.domain.com/content and this is the common cms.

But if i put sub.domain.com/forum.php It works!!!


Look the footer!!! it says copy UNREGISTERED!!!

shri 03-14-2011 10:50 AM

Happy to announce we got it working with some nginx / proxy magic.

First site has gone into production usage on http://hongkong.geoexpat.com

ProFifaLeagues 03-18-2011 10:07 AM

Any more pointers on the set up of this please???

prandah 03-21-2011 06:51 PM

this work 100%
thanks for this mod
this mod help full for my forum :D

prandah 03-21-2011 09:05 PM

Update i cant acces archive file

how to fix it ?

gundamkid 03-25-2011 08:38 AM

It didn't worked for me :(.
I tried to install on my localhost with my vhost config:
PHP Code:

NameVirtualhost mainforum.local:801
<VirtualHost mainforum.local:801>
DocumentRoot "D:/projects/test/mainforum"
ServerName mainforum.local
<Directory "D:/projects/test/mainforum">
AllowOverride FileInfo AuthConfig Limit Indexes
        Options MultiViews Indexes SymLinksIfOwnerMatch IncludesNoExec
Order allow,deny
            Allow from all
Order deny,allow
            Deny from all

NameVirtualhost sub.local
<VirtualHost sub.local>
DocumentRoot "D:/projects/test/mainforum"
ServerName sub.local
<Directory "D:/projects/test/mainforum">
AllowOverride FileInfo AuthConfig Limit Indexes
        Options MultiViews Indexes SymLinksIfOwnerMatch IncludesNoExec
Order allow,deny
            Allow from all
Order deny,allow
            Deny from all

and here is in my vCerberus mainforum:
PHP Code:



When I go to http://sub.local It redirected http://mainforum.local. How to fix it?

gundamkid 03-29-2011 07:02 AM

I got it, thank FReeSTER very much!


Network.Larry 04-04-2011 03:08 AM

I feel like an idiot and for someone with an engineering degree that is tough to swallow :) I have installed the product, but after reading all the pages here, and every link, I cannot for the life of me understand what you all are talking about. Does ANYONE have a how to use for this? Install it by adding product I got, but then what? Edit what, click where? I see nothing new in my CPAdmin and nothing here to tell me what to do. It is like everyone has experience with vBulletin and expects us new folks to read minds and go to unknown areas. Please post some how to make peanut butter and jelly sandwich directions so we can all expand or knowledge.

Please help :)

Alfa1 04-04-2011 07:41 AM

adminCP > settings > vbcerberus
Fill in the needed settings. Use examples from this thread.

Network.Larry 04-04-2011 12:44 PM

Sometimes it's the simple things in life that are the most frustrating :) I swear I looked there oh, 5071 times, and my teen son did too and did not see anything - now, magically there is :) Thank you!! I think your single line should be bolded, flashing red and put up in the How to on this mods installation :)

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