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-   -   Suite Style - Dark Gaming vBulletin Skin - Darkvision 4.2.1 (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=231695)

Fraggs 04-10-2010 12:19 PM

So I have vBadvanced CMPS installed using this theme. I've made a bunch of changes/fixes to the layout on my end, but the one thing I can't seem to do is get the Home page (CMPS) to convert from fluid width to fixed width. The left:50%; tag has zero affect. Now, the code for that front page is designed to be wrapped in the template code, so it calls on vb:raw variables such as header and navbar to display the top of the page and the background and such. The question is, does anyone know where to look for the code that is preventing me from setting it to 50% left? I'm hoping it is in CSS somewhere and not a stylevar, because I don't want to apply the fixed-width to the whole site, just that one page.

Fraggs 04-13-2010 11:19 AM

Alright, turns out the yui upload overlay is mostly unreadable as it pertains to uploading files from your computer. As it uses the same stylevars as the rest of the site, I can't seem to find a happy middle to fit them both, so I will refrain from further meddling and await the update :)

Edit: I love when things come to me after I give up. The control_background stylevar under Common has a gradient image on it which is what was causing the majority of the problems, including all of the problems in the upload overlay. I just removed it, so it's readable, though not quite as "appealing". Easy enough fix for the patch, though.

m1thr0s 04-13-2010 05:37 PM

here's a pagination bug i don't know how to fix on my end:

this is how page numbers should display (example: 1 2 3...20)

but this is how they display when you go to the *What's New?* page:

the end number has no background image and is set awkwardly above the rest.

just ignore the broken alignment of attachment threads cuz that's some new issue with vB4.0.3. I also eliminated the top bar on the background images as i didn't like it but it has no bearing on the misaligned end-numbers...

Fraggs 04-15-2010 01:40 PM

The second link comes back "Sorry - no matches. Please try some different terms." on your post m1thr0s.

m1thr0s 04-15-2010 05:02 PM

hmmm...what a nuisance. looks like you can't link *what's new* pages...

but never mind - this is a vbulletin issue afterall and nothing to do with the dark vision skin.

TalkTemplate 04-17-2010 12:48 AM

We are working on updating this style for 4.0.3.

Thank you for your patience!

chicken604 04-18-2010 01:03 AM

How do you fix this white line?


It's under edit profiles or rather the user CP.

Fraggs 04-18-2010 03:32 AM


Originally Posted by chicken604 (Post 2022936)
How do you fix this white line?

It's under edit profiles or rather the user CP.

Style Manager -> DarkVision -> Edit Templates -> CSS Templates -> usercp.css


#usercp_nav .block {
background: #fafafa;
font-size:{vb:stylevar mid_fontSize};
-moz-border-radius-top{vb:stylevar right}: {vb:stylevar border_radius};
-moz-border-radius-top{vb:stylevar left}: {vb:stylevar border_radius};
-webkit-border-top-{vb:stylevar right}-radius: {vb:stylevar border_radius};
-webkit-border-top-{vb:stylevar left}-radius: {vb:stylevar border_radius};
padding-bottom:{vb:stylevar padding};

Change #fafafa; to #1b1b1b;

That was added when upgrading to 4.0.3 as it was a new default value, so I'm assuming you upgraded as well. :)

chicken604 04-18-2010 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by Fraggs (Post 2022971)
Style Manager -> DarkVision -> Edit Templates -> CSS Templates -> usercp.css


#usercp_nav .block {
background: #fafafa;
font-size:{vb:stylevar mid_fontSize};
-moz-border-radius-top{vb:stylevar right}: {vb:stylevar border_radius};
-moz-border-radius-top{vb:stylevar left}: {vb:stylevar border_radius};
-webkit-border-top-{vb:stylevar right}-radius: {vb:stylevar border_radius};
-webkit-border-top-{vb:stylevar left}-radius: {vb:stylevar border_radius};
padding-bottom:{vb:stylevar padding};

Change #fafafa; to #1b1b1b;

That was added when upgrading to 4.0.3 as it was a new default value, so I'm assuming you upgraded as well. :)

Sweet, that did the job. And yeah, I upgraded to 4.0.3 as well. =p

I've been trying quite a long time to change this:

as well. But no luck. Basically when I try to type the user name, the font is black. I managed to change the password to white font though and took away the white text box.

twista46 04-18-2010 09:57 PM

I have this error


Fraggs 04-19-2010 07:14 AM


Originally Posted by chicken604 (Post 2023229)
Sweet, that did the job. And yeah, I upgraded to 4.0.3 as well. =p

I've been trying quite a long time to change this:

as well. But no luck. Basically when I try to type the user name, the font is black. I managed to change the password to white font though and took away the white text box.

Yeah, I was able to change the Username to white, but the password was always black. Upgrading to 4.0.3 switched them :) I haven't looked into it yet to get them both white. Will let you know if I get it.

Phenomena 04-19-2010 01:25 PM

hmmm, my banner isnt showing up in firefox. :( It displays fine in safari (and as far as I know it shows in IE as well). any idea what may be causing this?

edit: never mind, fixed it. >.>

TalkTemplate 04-21-2010 12:38 AM

This style has been updated! Thank you for your patience. Please send bug reports to www.TalkTemplate.com or report them here.

mrfarb 04-21-2010 11:22 AM


iyama 04-21-2010 03:06 PM

Upgrade the dark upload the map to forum and the xml:

Default Template Updated in vBulletin 4.0.3 by Jelsoft
Your Custom Template Last Edited in vBulletin 4.0.2 by Admin
The attempted merge failed due to conflicts

iyama 04-22-2010 05:32 PM


Originally Posted by iyama (Post 2024953)
Upgrade the dark upload the map to forum and the xml:

Default Template Updated in vBulletin 4.0.3 by Jelsoft
Your Custom Template Last Edited in vBulletin 4.0.2 by Admin
The attempted merge failed due to conflicts


Niak_Judge 04-22-2010 07:13 PM

I still had the same problem with "usercp groups join request" (white background) after the last up'.

I fixed it this way :

go to Style Manager -> DarkVision -> Edit Templates -> CSS Templates -> joinrequests.css
Step #1 :
PHP Code:

.requestlist li {
background:rgb(250,250,255url({vb:stylevar imgdir_gradients}/form-control-gradient-alpha.pngrepeat-x bottom

change it for
PHP Code:

.requestlist li {
background:rgb(37,41,44url({vb:stylevar imgdir_gradients}/form-control-gradient-alpha.pngrepeat-x bottom

Step #2 :

find this images : "/cpstyles/darkvision/gradients/form-control-gradient-alpha.png "
(witch is actually a background image )
change the color ( you can use this "#25292C" )

upload it and ecrase the old one.

TalkTemplate 04-22-2010 11:15 PM

You should be able to ignore the merge. The template will be unaffected.

CoZmicShReddeR 04-25-2010 10:54 AM

How can I change the banner from a jpg to a png I searched through the styles and cannot find banner.jpg

Also too the login and password are way too dark for the dark theme for users to see what they are typing...


Niak_Judge 04-26-2010 12:02 PM


Originally Posted by CoZmicShReddeR (Post 2026968)
How can I change the banner from a jpg to a png I searched through the styles and cannot find banner.jpg

Style Manager -> DarkVision -> StyleVar :
find " titleimage " ( in ImagePaths "section")
Here you can change image path of you banner ( can also change it to .png).

odln018 04-26-2010 04:41 PM

With the frustration I'm experiencing due to my style developer putting at least a 1 year hold on converting skins, I'm having to explore new options.

My concern is that for any skin I choose, support on it will die off before 4.1 comes out.

nishant.soni 04-30-2010 09:54 AM

Any chance of getting PSD for banner?

nishant.soni 04-30-2010 11:00 AM

Also, those white buttons looks odd. Otherwise the THEME IS SIMPLY GREAT. Anyway to change the bg color of the buttons from white to something else.

crazyace 04-30-2010 11:11 AM

The Icon Legend is wrong.

RustyDogma 05-01-2010 07:34 PM


Originally Posted by chicken604 (Post 2023229)
Sweet, that did the job. And yeah, I upgraded to 4.0.3 as well. =p

I've been trying quite a long time to change this:

as well. But no luck. Basically when I try to type the user name, the font is black. I managed to change the password to white font though and took away the white text box.

Same problem here, please post if you resolve :)

Dadoo 05-01-2010 10:32 PM


Originally Posted by nishant.soni (Post 2029473)
Any chance of getting PSD for banner?

1) Go to talktemplates.com
2) register a new account
3) go to free templates forum
4) Download psd header :-)

Mist Viper 05-06-2010 11:51 PM

Awesome, great style. Just got it on my site.

LHCGreg 05-08-2010 01:52 AM

I really like the look of this style, but there are some problems, mostly with dark text on dark background or white text on white background.

1. Text in a WYSIWYG textbox is black when no color tags are applied. This makes it hard to read on the dark background and what you see is actually not what you get.

2. Some header text in the options page is black which is hard to read on the dark background.


3. The inbox icon legend bar is white, making for white text on white background.


4. The main forum icon legend shows the icons of the default theme instead of the DarkVision icons.


TalkTemplate 05-08-2010 11:40 PM


Thank you for the support. We are planning to release a new version of DarkVision shortly.

Kunai 05-09-2010 06:21 PM

Could you fix group.php too? Its impossible to read it, or it makes it very hard. maybe its useful to take dark color, and not white. ^^

In my oppinion, white on groups with grey font text, doesnt look good, maybe change the font color and dont take white as background, because it doesnt fit anywayn o,o

TalkTemplate 05-11-2010 12:57 AM


Originally Posted by Kunai (Post 2034219)
Could you fix group.php too? Its impossible to read it, or it makes it very hard. maybe its useful to take dark color, and not white. ^^

In my oppinion, white on groups with grey font text, doesnt look good, maybe change the font color and dont take white as background, because it doesnt fit anywayn o,o

Sure, we will take note of this.

blakepilot 05-12-2010 09:36 PM

Am I missing something or is there no way to change the input text color in the WYSIWYG editor? It's hard to read the black text with the dark background.

RustyDogma 05-13-2010 07:25 PM


Originally Posted by blakepilot (Post 2035984)
Am I missing something or is there no way to change the input text color in the WYSIWYG editor? It's hard to read the black text with the dark background.

I've been trying to find that too!

blakepilot 05-13-2010 10:28 PM


Originally Posted by RustyDogma (Post 2036563)
I've been trying to find that too!

I love the style, but if I can't change it then I'm going to have to pick another style.

RustyDogma 05-14-2010 10:54 PM

I found it finally.

Go to Style Manager > Edit Template

find 'CSS Templates'

In additional.css add the line:

body.wysiwyg {color: white;}

robbiefritz 05-18-2010 10:16 PM

The Facebook option does not seem to be visible on this style. Any thoughts?

luciano99999 05-21-2010 03:29 PM


Originally Posted by robbiefritz (Post 2039517)
The Facebook option does not seem to be visible on this style. Any thoughts?

Go to Style Manager > Edit Template

find 'Header'
"<li class="welcomelink">{vb:rawphrase welcome_x_link_y, {vb:raw bbuserinfo.username}, {vb:link member, {vb:raw bbuserinfo}}}</li>"

add the line:

<vb:if condition="$vboptions['enablefacebookconnect']">
{vb:raw facebook_header}


dargox 05-21-2010 05:01 PM

I install the skin and my page looks like this www.wildxdust.com/forum any suggest, I copy the darkvision folder to the cpstyles add a new style, and I only get that, what?s wrong?

Zedd 05-23-2010 02:05 PM

Can someone tell me what style variables control the colors of numbers used for jumping to a certain page a of a thread.

Both in the thread titles and in the thread itself.

Also for the page break up to jump to a page in a forum.

They are a little to dark to read.

Any help is appreciated.

rodmatteo 05-24-2010 02:24 AM


Originally Posted by impulse8 (Post 2034853)
Sure, we will take note of this.

I have the same problem. Group list is not visible, the background color is the same as the font color.
When would that fix will be available?

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