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Dr. Bantham 08-08-2009 12:47 PM

After a long period of perfect performance, ChatBox will no longer remove the "Message..." text when clicking within the input box. This occurred when I tested on multiple machines and browser platforms. This problem exists on the full page version as well. Any ideas?

J105C 08-08-2009 03:24 PM

This hack is AWESOME, but can you please include an option to remove ":: Refreshing Messages" every time new messages are listed. It gets VERY repetitive lol.

Thank you!

Dr. Bantham 08-09-2009 11:14 AM


Originally Posted by Dr. Bantham (Post 1863514)
After a long period of perfect performance, ChatBox will no longer remove the "Message..." text when clicking within the input box. This occurred when I tested on multiple machines and browser platforms. This problem exists on the full page version as well. Any ideas?

I deleted the snippet of code which creates this message as a temporary fix, but consequentially the prompt is no longer displayed. Many members are confused as to how post a chat message and this text directed them accordingly. Any ideas?

Dr. Bantham 08-09-2009 12:48 PM


Originally Posted by Dr. Bantham (Post 1863995)
I deleted the snippet of code which creates this message as a temporary fix, but consequentially the prompt is no longer displayed. Many members are confused as to how post a chat message and this text directed them accordingly. Any ideas?

This appears to be the result of a conflict created by the latest version of Keyboard Navigator. I created a corresponding post there.

Breakpoint 08-09-2009 02:34 PM

How can we make this Chatbox run smoother, it seems to take a lot of server CPU power.

mp3u 08-12-2009 10:21 AM

Using this on my forum now and it is going down very well, thank you for the hard work. I'm installing a few of your mods at the moment - all very handy.

1) My only complaint about the chatbox is that when the box refreshes it bounces down to the last post, this makes reading previous posts very difficult, can this be fixed?

2) Is it possible to monetise this chatbox? Given that say 30 people could be chatting at a given time and it is refreshing every 10 seconds it would be very cool for this to have a banner tied in that could be plugged into AdSense... don't you think?

Thanks again for all the work!

Xencored 08-12-2009 03:57 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by mdelcour (Post 1860109)
is this mod no longer being supported????

Lol chill out bro


Originally Posted by animemike (Post 1860082)
any idea why i get "Invalid Action Specified" on this mod and your newposts mod
on vbgallery mate? :confused:


Cyb mate any info on why i am getting this
Attachment 103176

Barteh 08-12-2009 09:47 PM


And is there a clean way to remove the 'delete all messages' option without affecting the other modding capabilities? That's located a bit too conveniently in the pulldown menu for a function that powerful :)
Posted this in the 3.7 thread, before I noticed a 3.8 one :)

Anyway, figured it out and also modified the chatbox to hide the archive from unregistered guests.
Reason for the latter being that people seem to be using it as if it were IRC, and occasionally say things they probably don't want to show up on google.

Remove moderator 'delete all posts' button
Removing the following code in the cyb_chatbox template:

<td class="vbmenu_option"><a href="javascript:Ccb_Confirm('delsel');"&t;$vbphrase[cybcb_delete_all]</a>

Add conditional to block unregistered and other usergroups from chatbox archive
Find the following code in the cyb_chatbox template:

        <if condition="($_REQUEST['do']=='ccarc')">
                <form id="cybcb_search" name="cybcb_search" action="misc.php?do=ccarc" method="post">


                                        <td align="$stylevar[right]">$pagenav</td>

Replace with:

        <if condition="($_REQUEST['do']=='ccarc')"><if condition="is_member_of($bbuserinfo, 0, 1, 3, 4)">
                You are not logged in or you do not have permission to access this page.<br />
                <else />

                <form id="cybcb_search" name="cybcb_search" action="misc.php?do=ccarc" method="post">


                                        <td align="$stylevar[right]">$pagenav</td>

Replace 1/10/100 with your preferred usergroup numbers (for example unregistered, coppa, awaiting email moderation and banned).


One minor issue though: the chatbox doesn't register unread messages properly for some reason. I've posted my first message about 90 mins ago, posted about 50 more since and it still shows that first message as the 'first unread' one... I don't see any related cron jobs in the 'scheduled task manager' though so I'm wondering how this particular field is updated?
This issue's still there though. I reckon it has something to do with session length, but I'm not sure.

And I also found out that so called 'censored words' are properly processed on all cyb chatbox pages, but the 'replacement variables' are only applied at the chatbox archive. We use replacement variables on our board as a more creative way of censoring certain offensive words (replacing them with the exact opposite being my favourite), and for some reason these aren't processed on the 'forumhome' mini chatbox - showing them in full glory instead.

Barteh 08-12-2009 09:53 PM


Originally Posted by mp3u (Post 1865714)
1) My only complaint about the chatbox is that when the box refreshes it bounces down to the last post, this makes reading previous posts very difficult, can this be fixed?

It's designed that way, if you want to scroll further down you should use the chatbox archive :)
Alternatively, go to your admin CP -> vB options -> Cyb - chatbox, and change the following two values: "Messages to show in ChatBox/ChatBox Full" and "Message listing area height (ChatBox Full)" to something higher.

bmckinley 08-13-2009 12:00 PM

I have had several members tell me they thought the link on the navbar that reads "Chatbox Full" indicates the chat room is full of people and no more may enter (they are emphasizing the "Full"). How do we change the navbar item to just read "ChatBox" or "ChatBox Open"?

Barteh 08-13-2009 12:31 PM

admin CP -> languages and phrases -> search in phrases -> chatbox full -> the right phrase should be in the search results. Replace with "click me", "turnip" or whichever other term you prefer.

wmlvb 08-13-2009 07:48 PM

Is there still no way to have private chat with this chatbox?

matrixc0d3 08-14-2009 12:49 AM

1 Attachment(s)
this is the turkish language file for this mod ;)

TheInsaneManiac 08-14-2009 01:16 AM


Originally Posted by TheInsaneManiac (Post 1851879)
How could I make it so the shoutbox itself allows me to view the information that the archive does, like IP, banning, profile, ect.

Edit: It would seem some admins like to have fun. They have copied the link of the ban and pasted it into their url address bar and edited it to other administrator users and banned them. It's really annoying because it doesn't show them banned.

This is getting to be a real problem!

colochris 08-14-2009 01:36 AM

Could someone help me figure out how to make the chat box open as a vbulletin page by itself?

GSeybold 08-14-2009 01:40 AM

Hey Cyb or anyone,
I have a quick question. I've been using this mod for months now but can't seem to figure out how to get rid of spiders accessing it when I have it to guest view. Several hundred at a time. This isn't a DDOS attack of some sort is it? I ask because I've noticed that my bandwidth is excessive over the past few months.


Xencored 08-14-2009 02:44 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by GSeybold (Post 1866885)
Hey Cyb or anyone,
I have a quick question. I've been using this mod for months now but can't seem to figure out how to get rid of spiders accessing it when I have it to guest view. Several hundred at a time. This isn't a DDOS attack of some sort is it? I ask because I've noticed that my bandwidth is excessive over the past few months.


Yea i get this not hunderds as my site is small but like 10-30 looking in the Archive

Attachment 103218

matrixc0d3 08-14-2009 01:38 PM

install the 3.7 version it works :up:

Barteh 08-14-2009 08:03 PM


Originally Posted by wmlvb (Post 1866700)
Is there still no way to have private chat with this chatbox?

You can configure which usergroups have full, readonly and no access in the cyb - chatbox options... "Usergroups NOT able to view Shoutbox (comma separated ID list)" - just add everyone else.

As for the search engine spiders, not a clue why they flock to the archive but there's a hack to block their access in my previous post from a couple of days ago.

seandavidson 08-16-2009 03:58 PM

Is there a way to remove the chat box from certain styles? I have a mobile style that I don't want the chatbox to show on.

rdklein 08-16-2009 04:27 PM

Problem: on firefox only "loading..." ist shown instead of the messages,
tested with version

IE seems to work. What is the problem ?

DannyC55 08-18-2009 03:00 PM


Is there a way for me to change <phrase name="cybcb_chatbox_note"><![CDATA[Ask your questions in the forums. The ChatBox is for small talk.]]></phrase> to show a paypal donate button [with form]?

When you do it in the vb template, it uses the form method post. But so does the shoutbox... So it doesn't link off, it just posts the message in the box.

SecTa 08-18-2009 06:44 PM

High quality product - many thanks, Cyb!:up:

robhole 08-18-2009 09:18 PM

I had that problem using vBa and not loading... I managed to fix the issue with it just sitting as loading by adding "$vboptions[bburl]/" before "misc.php" which seemed to resolve that however when you click on the username it does not follow the correct path... I tried adding "$vboptions[bburl]/" before all the member.php I could find in the templates but that made no difference... any suggestions? it should be going to .net/forum/member.php?u=... but it goes to .net/member.php?u= ... any suggestions? Its fine on the main forum page, just on the index of vBa it gives me that issue.

masterross 08-22-2009 08:31 PM


Originally Posted by HG-ILUSION (Post 1796725)

Can you help me?

The format is: %d-%m %H:%I

vB 3.8.2

Big thanks!

ps2wiz 08-28-2009 01:19 AM

Does anyone have a bigger list of font colors that I can use?


Bibbo 08-28-2009 02:36 AM

Nevermind. I figured it out!

enemy@fps 08-28-2009 08:34 PM

Thanks - Installed

MissKalunji 08-29-2009 12:46 AM

is there a way to limit the amount of characters? i want less then 255


Found it

mgurain 08-30-2009 04:07 PM

Hi everybody,

Is there a way to add sound effect on posting like MSN messenger ?


Barteh 08-30-2009 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by YantieDan (Post 1869836)

Is there a way for me to change <phrase name="cybcb_chatbox_note"><![CDATA[Ask your questions in the forums. The ChatBox is for small talk.]]></phrase> to show a paypal donate button [with form]?

When you do it in the vb template, it uses the form method post. But so does the shoutbox... So it doesn't link off, it just posts the message in the box.

You could modify the cyb_chatbox template, add the url there. Find:

PHP Code:

<div class="smallfont" style="float:$stylevar[right];">$vbphrase[cybcb_chatbox_note]</div

Replace with:
PHP Code:

<div class="smallfont" style="float:$stylevar[right];">$vbphrase[cybcb_chatbox_noteMessage with <a href="url">url</ahere</div

kmohamed 08-30-2009 06:27 PM

great mod
one small feature >>> we need a sound to indicate any new messages

thank u installed

HappyFeet 08-30-2009 09:01 PM

Hi, I'm using vBadvanced and have a question.

I use ChatBox with the Full feature, (on a separate page from the forums) and have been asked by my members to add a module beside my forum page to show who is chatting. Just like the active chatters below the ChatBox. That way they can see friends in there without having to actually go there and wait to see who shows up.

Is it possible to create a template module to do this?

Many thanks in advance...

boris163 09-04-2009 10:06 PM


Your submission could not be processed because a security token was missing or mismatched.

If this occurred unexpectedly, please inform the administrator and describe the action you performed before you received this error.

Baigo 09-05-2009 06:17 PM

I think the ChatBox has a bug. If you have it on and you browse the forum on IE, you will find out the forums are not shown. This is the error:
HTML Parsing Error: Unable to modify the parent container element before the child element is closed (KB927917)

Ice-Maiden 09-09-2009 11:06 PM

Installed and working like a dream on all pages of my site, one of the easiet mods to install!
Thankyou! :)

Chris Sotier 09-13-2009 07:49 PM

How do you change from military time to standard 12 hours?

grafbyte 09-14-2009 12:09 PM

1 Attachment(s)

thx for dis mod :)

im have 2 problems :)

no color palette

and im need ander color in the chat box ? :)

vb 3.8.4

can you hepl me ? :)

images link

MissKalunji 09-15-2009 12:39 AM

I notice some characters that are icons doesn't work for example

<> <--- how can i fix that?

Reycer 09-15-2009 01:27 AM

wow updated it, and got all kinds of errors, gonna have to look at another shout box :(

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