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WarLion 07-30-2008 05:38 PM

im still waiting for mexico

Ov3rrun 07-31-2008 04:46 AM

Colombia map please (Colombia is on South America) :D

Blackhat 09-01-2008 06:37 PM

is this working for 3.7x ? Cause I cant get it to :)

Blackhat 09-02-2008 03:02 PM

nevermind. It works :)

yotsume 09-05-2008 02:51 AM

Can you please add the map for China. Question what is the geodata for? Do we have to install both the geodat and the map or can we just install the maps? Also, I got a few geodata files installed and now i get database erors when trying to install the rest. Also, the link to the Australia thread for maps is broken. Can you post the map zip please.

yotsume 09-05-2008 07:38 AM

I tried to install a few of your geodata files but they give me a database error.

Also are the maps for Italy and the USA supposed to be blank with no state devisions line or any text markings like the maps for Europe? Can you please update the USA map or tell me what is wrong.


steven s 09-05-2008 12:53 PM

I have members throughout the world.
I've seen a few posts requesting a world map.
Is there one?

Or is there a way to use a US and Europe map?

Edit: Perhaps I spoke too soon.
>Install the wanted maps under 'Maps'
Does that mean I can install more than 1 and I assume it's working with 3.7.3 p1

yotsume 09-05-2008 03:49 PM

I also need a map for China and Indonesia. You have errors in your GeoData installs that give database errors. Not all the maps will install correctly because maybe half of the GeoData files give database errors in Vb 3.7.3x

yotsume 09-08-2008 07:52 AM

I also now need the map for Canada. Do you plan to respond to any of the posts in your thread?

Quarterbore 09-08-2008 01:48 PM

Wow, I will try this soon!

yotsume 09-11-2008 09:27 AM

Bugs and Errors in This Mod!
1. Installing certain map geodata returns database errors in the AdminCP.
2. After installing your mod and geodata files which import a mass amount of info into the database the database will NO LONGER backup completely!

Anyone who has this mod installed needs to do a database backup and then check how many tables where backed up! You may find that during the database backup when VB gets to the tables where this mod is installed the database will become cut off and not download. So you will have an incomplete database backup and wont know it!

No Response From The Developer For Support!
I've asked for support and have been waiting more then a week with no reply. A number of your Geodata files when you click install in the AdminCP give me a database error. France Geodata for example. Now that I have your map mod installed I can no longer backup my full database. It times out now after only downloading a few MBs.

Also I can not change my attachment storage type from database to the filing system. Your mod gets in the way and gives another database error!

Anyone who installs this on vb3.7.3x should be WARNED!
If I do not get support from you in the next couple of days I will have to uninstall your mod and will have to post a warning about this...

Here is the database error:


Database error in vBulletin 3.7.3:

Invalid SQL:
SELECT * FROM vb_vbmembermap_geo ORDER BY geo_latitude desc;

MySQL Error : Lost connection to MySQL server during query
Error Number : 2013
Request Date : Thursday, September 11th 2008 @ 05:21:52 AM
Error Date : Thursday, September 11th 2008 @ 05:21:55 AM
Script : http://www.mydomain.com/admincp/admi...eratestatistic
Referrer : http://www.mydomain.com/admincp/admi...p.php?do=tools
IP Address : xx.xxx.xx.xxx
Username : myname
Classname : vb_database
So how about a reply already please. This mod is by far the best map system for VB. Small problem is, it has the potential to KILL a VB 3.7x site!

Keyser Soze 09-11-2008 01:35 PM

Don't blame the authors of this mod for your corrupt database tables and/or your weak server hardware. Repair your database tables using mysql and buy faster hardware. This mod is not responsible for the "Lost connection to MySQL server during query"-error and everything is working fine with this mod on my forum, even on 3.7.3.

yotsume 09-22-2008 07:01 AM


Originally Posted by Keyser Soze (Post 1619833)
Don't blame the authors of this mod for your corrupt database tables and/or your weak server hardware. Repair your database tables using mysql and buy faster hardware. This mod is not responsible for the "Lost connection to MySQL server during query"-error and everything is working fine with this mod on my forum, even on 3.7.3.

Not a very helpful reply so I'll just ignore it...

To help anyone who might have a similar problem that I have had importing some of the geodata files... The problem is the amount of data being important and the speed at which it is trying to enter your database. Some of the geodata files contain much more info then others. Yes, due to my server configuration there is a timeout issue which can not be solved on my server side. However, it can be easily solved within the code of this mode and some changes which I am working on. The changes will only be to the amount of data and speed that important info from the geodata files are allowed to be transfered to your database. I am working on a way to slow it so it you can match settings on your server so there will no longer be any time outs. There will be a new setting within the admincp to pick an import speed similar to the setting of when you change the attachment storage type from database to the file system with the admincp.

When I have this coded and worked out I will post some instructions for anyone else who might have experienced this problem.

Thanks for a great mod... it is by far the best map system we have for vb to date. I wish we could hear from the developer once and a while here. :D

Vossi 09-22-2008 07:23 AM


Originally Posted by yotsume (Post 1627517)
Not a very helpful reply so I'll just ignore it...

To help anyone who might have a similar problem that I have had importing some of the geodata files... The problem is the amount of data being important and the speed at which it is trying to enter your database. Some of the geodata files contain much more info then others. Yes, due to my server configuration there is a timeout issue which can not be solved on my server side. However, it can be easily solved within the code of this mode and some changes which I am working on. The changes will only be to the amount of data and speed that important info from the geodata files are allowed to be transfered to your database. I am working on a way to slow it so it you can match settings on your server so there will no longer be any time outs. There will be a new setting within the admincp to pick an import speed similar to the setting of when you change the attachment storage type from database to the file system with the admincp.

When I have this coded and worked out I will post some instructions for anyone else who might have experienced this problem.

Thanks for a great mod... it is by far the best map system we have for vb to date. I wish we could hear from the developer once and a while here. :D

What I could offer is the actual and even more stable version which has to be translated into english first.

Keyser Soze 09-22-2008 07:25 AM


Originally Posted by yotsume (Post 1627517)
Not a very helpful reply so I'll just ignore it...

You're the man :rolleyes:
P.S.: phpMyAdmin already has a feature called "partial import".

yotsume 09-22-2008 07:37 AM


Originally Posted by Vossi (Post 1627523)
What I could offer is the actual and even more stable version which has to be translated into english first.

Awesome! Will the new version be available here as an update?

yotsume 09-22-2008 07:45 AM


Originally Posted by Keyser Soze (Post 1627527)
P.S.: phpMyAdmin already has a feature called "partial import".

Yes but it is much nicer to have a mod with a built in setting for speed or amount of info transfered to the database right within the admincp. If we had more mods built that way there would be a heck of a lot less posts requesting help with time out issues. ;)

CLUB AMPLE 09-27-2008 03:23 PM


Originally Posted by Vossi (Post 1627523)
What I could offer is the actual and even more stable version which has to be translated into english first.

Dear sir... You have a fabulous mod here... as many have stated. If you finished it 100%... with English conversion and world maps... you could easily charge to download this mod. I wouldn't think twice to spend 5 or 10 bucks to have this on my forum in a finished and more complete version.

Very much looking forward to you getting some more free time in your coding future. :)

yotsume 09-27-2008 06:33 PM

I'll second that!

The "final version" I hope takes into account the ability to cycle down how much data has to be imported into the database per map. I hope the next version stores the map data in a file system rather then bulk up our databases with a mass amount of map info.

LCN2007 10-14-2008 05:48 AM

is there a 3.7 version?

meadwench 10-28-2008 04:54 PM

I see the German version is at 2.0.1 and has twice as many maps.

Any chance of someone translating it into English?

Vossi 10-29-2008 07:31 AM


Originally Posted by LCN2007 (Post 1644667)
is there a 3.7 version?

Yes, it is. The actual version is 2.0.1 including actual vb-standard, but:

Originally Posted by meadwench (Post 1654660)
I see the German version is at 2.0.1 and has twice as many maps.

Any chance of someone translating it into English?

We have such a lack of time, that we don't know which addon we shall work on. The new version of vbulletin-glossary is about to be finished, afterwards we will work on the english translation and release version 2.0.2 of the membermap with new and better functions.

nike.stars 11-02-2008 04:11 PM

could you upload the map for indonesia also? Thank you

ozmazdaclub 12-14-2008 09:18 PM

Hows the translation to english going?

Vossi 12-14-2008 09:49 PM

Not too far...

FBleakley84 01-03-2009 01:31 PM

hello vossi. installed the current version and looking forward to the english conversion for 2.01.

WarLion 01-06-2009 04:48 AM

any chance to make a map for mexico or what i need to make one

Vaupell 01-12-2009 01:32 AM

aww this is great, and i see it runs on 3.8 boards..

looking forward to install this,,,
tagged waiting for english release. ;)

snoopy5 01-12-2009 06:30 AM

I am looking for the German language file of the newer version 2, to be able to translate it. Where do I find it?

denman75 01-17-2009 08:01 PM


Originally Posted by wrang (Post 1357094)
I have done all the thing abow to install but i cant find the dots in the map and the link dosent shows in the navbar


What have i missed

bump have the same problem :confused:

edit solved

had to use the tools section regenerate first now its ok

only need diffrent png ?
wanted to use some bigger png files but they dont show
is this because of the size of the new png that they wont show ?

denman75 01-18-2009 10:26 AM

and also safari is not working good the buttons dont show up correct .
getting complains from my safari users

xLYNZx 02-08-2009 02:26 PM

are there still no UK maps for this??

Sunka 02-18-2009 07:54 AM

Any chance for Croatian (Kroatien) map?

reverse1312 02-19-2009 09:22 PM

This is a great great mod !! We west europeans are lucky to be included in the map system :-) We encourage the authors to go further since this mod works fine (different from the Google one that I never could make work)

Like everybody else I'd like some more maps and geodatas, naturally :-) Let's hope the authors of this good hack will continue their work !! We enjoy it very much !


repaire 02-22-2009 02:37 PM

Excellent idea this mod !! Thanks


and also safari is not working good the buttons dont show up correct .
getting complains from my safari users
I confirm this and also for Opera users. Firefox and IE seem ok.


MrD 02-22-2009 08:29 PM

here are the avaible Map Packs.
There are the Same Files that are on vbulletin-germany.org
Btw. the Membermap runs Perfect on VB 3.8.x

Pack 1 includes
  • Australia
  • Europe (Belgium-Netherland-Luxemburg)
  • Europe (Germany-Austria-Swiss)
  • Bulgaria
  • Denmark
  • France
  • Italy
  • Croatia
  • Monaco

Package 2 includes
  • Poland
  • Skandinavia
  • Slowakia
  • Slowenia
  • Spain
  • Southafrica
  • Thailand
  • Tschechien
  • Turkey
  • Hungary

Package 3 includes
  • UK
  • USA

akvaryumforum 02-27-2009 09:59 PM

I install but i get error. All file permissions are correct but this error comes. No map shown.


Warning: file_get_contents(vbmembermap/data/.data) [function.file-get-contents]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in [path]/vbmembermap.php on line 594

reverse1312 03-01-2009 05:30 PM

Cool ! thank you for the new maps !! :-)

repaire 03-02-2009 08:15 PM

Bravo with the added countries !

If you have the opportunity, as a french speaking web site I let you know we have also users in Algeria, Marocco, Tunisia, (and all ex french colonies), and (very important in Quebeck :-) )

Thanks for your magnifique work


xLYNZx 03-04-2009 03:13 PM

when i install the england map, i get no image showing.

have installed all the included files

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