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blogtorank 04-03-2007 08:21 PM

Sure kicked in the forums statistics for the day, I installed the mod at 1ish this AM and the mailer hit up about 340 members that have been inactive and 114 came back to post so far today... Many thanks for this hack and you have my vote!

All the best!

C Braithwaite 04-03-2007 09:51 PM


Originally Posted by blogtorank (Post 1219282)
Sure kicked in the forums statistics for the day, I installed the mod at 1ish this AM and the mailer hit up about 340 members that have been inactive and 114 came back to post so far today... Many thanks for this hack and you have my vote!

All the best!

that is excellent news!

Fungsten 04-03-2007 10:58 PM

Though I have Email notification for PMs, and they do get sent out, I don't have it set where members can email each other. Does this have something to do with V-Bulletin not sending out notifications of Inactivity?

BTW, I did check the Logs and nothing has been sent out. Thanks.

cashpath 04-03-2007 11:20 PM

can ezbouncer could be integrated into these emails?

solinarius 04-03-2007 11:28 PM

Yep, i checked logs and nothing displayed for that mod, looks like broken or something

djbaxter 04-04-2007 01:16 AM


Originally Posted by cashpath (Post 1219347)
can ezbouncer could be integrated into these emails?

Yes, very easily.

Open reminderemail.php. Find:

PHP Code:

            $headers .= "To: $username <$email>" "\r\n";
$headers .= "From: " $vbulletin->options['bbtitle'] . " Reminder Service <" $vbulletin->options['webmasteremail'] . ">" "\r\n"

Add after:

PHP Code:

// add EZBounce headers
$bounceurl$vbulletin->options['ezb_admincpurl'] . "/ezbounce.php?u=" $userid;
$bouncestring"<a href=\"$bounceurl\" target=\"_blank\">$bounceurl</a>";
$headers .= 'X-EZbouncer: ' $bouncestring $delimiter


The last line above is word-wrapping for some reason. It should be:

PHP Code:

$headers .= 'X-EZbouncer: ' $bouncestring $delimiter

Upload remindermail.php to your ./includes/cron/ directory.

cashpath 04-04-2007 03:38 AM

Thanks DJ Baxter :)

C Braithwaite 04-04-2007 07:58 AM


Originally Posted by Fungsten (Post 1219336)
Though I have Email notification for PMs, and they do get sent out, I don't have it set where members can email each other. Does this have something to do with V-Bulletin not sending out notifications of Inactivity?

Doesn't effect it.

Post a screenshot of your settings.

KiraLove 04-04-2007 09:28 AM

this mod needed a lot of changes to make it work

main thing was change mail() to vbmail()

use the api guys.. that is what its there for.

thanks author for sharing tho.

C Braithwaite 04-04-2007 12:35 PM


Originally Posted by KiraLove (Post 1219540)
this mod needed a lot of changes to make it work

main thing was change mail() to vbmail()

use the api guys.. that is what its there for.

thanks author for sharing tho.

im still new to vb modding - but looking it over i have changed the code. should work in a much more efficient way. i just need to test and upload. wont be until tomorrow though.

basketmen 04-04-2007 01:16 PM

Fyuh this could be hack of the year :)

I have question and maybe you can add to install instruction

I had install this hack today and set Days of Inactivity for 7 days, when is it the first email will be sended? right after install or 7 days again after install?

djbaxter 04-04-2007 01:25 PM

Right after the install for anyone who has been inactive for at least 7 days.

That may be a tad short for most forums, though. I'd suggest more like 60-90 days. You don't want to annoy your members.

deezelpope 04-05-2007 10:47 AM

Thank you for the update! Greatly appreciated!:up:

bada_bing 04-05-2007 12:03 PM

Does anyone know if this will work on vb 3.5.x ?


djbaxter 04-05-2007 12:08 PM

Yes, it works fine on 3.65.

bada_bing 04-05-2007 12:11 PM


Originally Posted by djbaxter (Post 1220298)
Yes, it works fine on 3.65.

My question was does it work with VB 3.5.x not 3.6.x

djbaxter 04-05-2007 12:14 PM

So it was. That's what not enough coffee does to me. Makes me blind and dyslexic. :eek:

I don't know the answer to that. I believe it's only been tested on versions 3.6x. Give it a try and see?

funkmeister 04-05-2007 12:37 PM

I just installed first thing this morning on 3.65 (fresh install) and upon manually running the cron job via AdminCP I see the following error:


Inactive User Reminder Emails

Found 271 Inactive Users.

Sent To: amember

Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/domain/public_html/forum/includes/class_mail.php(261) : eval()'d code on line 4
Any ideas why I would see this? The only change I made was adding the EZBounce code to 'reminderemail.php' as per this earlier post.

With that error - did anything actually get sent out? Haven't received any mail yet, although it's only been about 5 minutes since running the job.

Thanks in advance.

Rickie3 04-05-2007 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by bada_bing (Post 1220296)
Does anyone know if this will work on vb 3.5.x ?


yup works fine on mine 3.5.4,i had to add the cron manually tho

djbaxter 04-05-2007 01:00 PM


Originally Posted by funkmeister (Post 1220312)
I just installed first thing this morning on 3.65 (fresh install) and upon manually running the cron job via AdminCP I see the following error:

Any ideas why I would see this? The only change I made was adding the EZBounce code to 'reminderemail.php' as per this earlier post.

With that error - did anything actually get sent out? Haven't received any mail yet, although it's only been about 5 minutes since running the job.

Thanks in advance.

For some reason, one of the lines word-wrapped when I posted it previously and editing the post won't fix it. Please note that the following should be a single line:

PHP Code:

$headers .= 'X-EZbouncer: ' $bouncestring $delimiter

Fungsten 04-05-2007 04:34 PM

post a screenshot. But here are the settings:

Is this product active? Yes

Days of Inactivity

How many days a user can go without posting before they are considered inactive. 30

How often to send a reminder email once a member has become inactive. 30

List the usergroups that you wish to send the emails to here. (Seperate by commas) eg. 2,3,4,7

Set the inactivity based on the last post made by the user. If set to no, the inactivity will be set by the last activity field (ie, when the member last visited) Yes.

You're credited, etc.


Originally Posted by C Braithwaite (Post 1219518)
Doesn't effect it.

Post a screenshot of your settings.

funkmeister 04-05-2007 05:50 PM


Originally Posted by djbaxter (Post 1220331)
For some reason, one of the lines word-wrapped when I posted it previously and editing the post won't fix it. Please note that the following should be a single line:

PHP Code:

$headers .= 'X-EZbouncer: ' $bouncestring $delimiter

I have that as single line already - so when I ran it for the first time it was in place.

Not sure where to look now? Any other ideas?

Can you tell me - as it produced that error message - was anything sent at all? Or did it just fail due to that particular message?


joeychgo 04-05-2007 08:13 PM

Here is the email that was sent out. I got this from 2 different people


<p>Hello, (USERNAME)!</p>
<p>We've noticed that you've not been active on vBulletin FAQ for quite some time now,  and we miss you!</p>
<p>Could we not tempt you back?</p>
<p>If you don't remember your password, you can request it here: <a
href="<A href="http://www.vbulletin-faq.com/forum/login.php?do=lostpw">http://w">http://www.vbulletin-faq.com/forum/login.php?do=lostpw">http://w
<p>We hope to see you soon</p>
<p>Kindest Regards</p>
vBulletin FAQ Forums
p>Email Reminder System Provided By <a

so this email sends in plaintext, but uses HTML. Which makes a mess. Is there a setting I am missing?


d8tabyte 04-05-2007 08:17 PM

they may have HTML emails disabled

joeychgo 04-05-2007 08:26 PM

I realize that, but its a problem.

Another user got this email... Slightly different.

HTML Code:

Hello, timdorr!

We've noticed that you've not been active on vBulletin FAQ for 
quite some time now,  and we miss you!

Could we not tempt you back?

If you don't remember your password, you can request it here: href="http://www.vbulletin-faq.com/forum/login.php?do=lostpw">http://

We hope to see you soon


Kindest Regards
vBulletin FAQ Forums

Email Reminder System Provided By www.mished.co.uk>Mished.co.uk

quasan 04-05-2007 10:20 PM

jap got the same problem as joeychgo

it's plain text with htmltags throughout the text. barely readable :(

and no, it's not a client issue, because other htmlmails do work

AzzidReign 04-05-2007 11:54 PM

I have a question about the options...

With "Days of Inactivity" you have this as the description:
How many days a user can go without posting before they are considered inactive.

And then an option closer to the bottom is "Inactivity based on last post" with the description of:
Set the inactivity based on the last post made by the user. If set to no, the inactivity will be set by the last activity field (ie, when the member last visited)

So...is the first question going off of the last time they posted? Or the last time that they were on the board? I would like it if it was the last time they were on the board since I have a lot of lurkers which the "welcome" mod should take care of them if they want to ever post. I just don't want to bother members that are on the site and just decide not to post...

Thanks for this mod tho! It's great. I'll be sure to keep the footer ad on my site for ya ;)

djbaxter 04-06-2007 01:43 AM

If you select time since last activity, "days" are calculated fromm last activity, not last post.

joeychgo, I'd suggest you check your email server. It's sending in HTML/rich text as far as I know. The only way I can see users getting different emails is if you edited the default email and one got it before the edit and one after.

funkmeister 04-06-2007 03:33 AM


Originally Posted by funkmeister (Post 1220312)
I just installed first thing this morning on 3.65 (fresh install) and upon manually running the cron job via AdminCP I see the following error:


Inactive User Reminder Emails

Found 271 Inactive Users.

Sent To: amember

Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/domain/public_html/forum/includes/class_mail.php(261) : eval()'d code on line 4
Any ideas why I would see this? The only change I made was adding the EZBounce code to 'reminderemail.php' as per this earlier post.

With that error - did anything actually get sent out? Haven't received any mail yet, although it's only been about 5 minutes since running the job.

Thanks in advance.


Originally Posted by djbaxter (Post 1220331)
For some reason, one of the lines word-wrapped when I posted it previously and editing the post won't fix it. Please note that the following should be a single line:

PHP Code:

$headers .= 'X-EZbouncer: ' $bouncestring $delimiter


Originally Posted by funkmeister (Post 1220529)
I have that as single line already - so when I ran it for the first time it was in place.

Not sure where to look now? Any other ideas?

Can you tell me - as it produced that error message - was anything sent at all? Or did it just fail due to that particular message?


OK, I removed all references to 'EZbounce' from reminderemail.php and still get the above error. Any further ideas?


cajunboy2208 04-06-2007 04:03 AM

Thanks again for this. Having numerous members saying they have come back because of the e-mail.

joeychgo 04-06-2007 05:12 AM


Originally Posted by djbaxter (Post 1220754)
joeychgo, I'd suggest you check your email server. It's sending in HTML/rich text as far as I know. The only way I can see users getting different emails is if you edited the default email and one got it before the edit and one after.

Other emails, including combull (which uses HTML email), send just fine. The problem is in the hack, not my server or my clients.


C Braithwaite 04-06-2007 07:38 AM


Originally Posted by Fungsten (Post 1220479)
post a screenshot. But here are the settings:

Is this product active? Yes

Days of Inactivity

How many days a user can go without posting before they are considered inactive. 30

How often to send a reminder email once a member has become inactive. 30

List the usergroups that you wish to send the emails to here. (Seperate by commas) eg. 2,3,4,7

Set the inactivity based on the last post made by the user. If set to no, the inactivity will be set by the last activity field (ie, when the member last visited) Yes.

You're credited, etc.


Maybe you just dont have inactive users? Providing the plugin is running and saying "No emails to send" then as far as im concerned everything is working okay. it uses simple conditionals.


Originally Posted by AzzidReign (Post 1220726)
I have a question about the options...

With "Days of Inactivity" you have this as the description:
How many days a user can go without posting before they are considered inactive.

And then an option closer to the bottom is "Inactivity based on last post" with the description of:
Set the inactivity based on the last post made by the user. If set to no, the inactivity will be set by the last activity field (ie, when the member last visited)

So...is the first question going off of the last time they posted? Or the last time that they were on the board? I would like it if it was the last time they were on the board since I have a lot of lurkers which the "welcome" mod should take care of them if they want to ever post. I just don't want to bother members that are on the site and just decide not to post...

Thanks for this mod tho! It's great. I'll be sure to keep the footer ad on my site for ya ;)

When i wrote the plugin description, the plugin worked only from lastpost activity, and you didn't have the option. I forgot to update the descriptions when i gave users the choice.

trickfly 04-06-2007 02:25 PM

When I clicked run in schedule tasks I got this:


Inactive User Reminder Emails

Warning: main(/home/trickfly/public_html/forum/includes/cron/remindermail.php) [function.main]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /admincp/cronadmin.php on line 108

Warning: main() [function.include]: Failed opening '/home/trickfly/public_html/forum/includes/cron/remindermail.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /admincp/cronadmin.php on line 108



How to correct this ?

cashpath 04-06-2007 02:35 PM

Where would I change the return address in this? Its set to nobody@ right now... I would like to change it.

djbaxter 04-06-2007 02:45 PM


Originally Posted by trickfly (Post 1221098)
When I clicked run in schedule tasks I got this:


Inactive User Reminder Emails

Warning: main(/home/trickfly/public_html/forum/includes/cron/remindermail.php) [function.main]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /admincp/cronadmin.php on line 108

Warning: main() [function.include]: Failed opening '/home/trickfly/public_html/forum/includes/cron/remindermail.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /admincp/cronadmin.php on line 108



How to correct this ?

It looks like you forgot to upload remindermail.php to your /forum/includes/cron/ directory.


Originally Posted by cashpath (Post 1221100)
Where would I change the return address in this? Its set to nobody@ right now... I would like to change it.

Admin CP | vBulletin Options | vBulletin Options | Site Name / URL / Contact Details

Scroll down to find: Webmaster's Email

cowudders14 04-06-2007 02:49 PM


Originally Posted by quasan (Post 1220689)
jap got the same problem as joeychgo

it's plain text with htmltags throughout the text. barely readable :(

and no, it's not a client issue, because other htmlmails do work

Ditto here - Installed and working, but the emails are in plain text with html tags. Looking at the source of the message, I can see it is sending with

MIME-Version: 1.0" . "\r\nContent-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" . "\r\nMIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

Thus, the email readers are quite correctly displaying it as plain text, despite the html tags in it.

djbaxter 04-06-2007 03:08 PM

So would the fix be to change

PHP Code:



PHP Code:



cashpath 04-06-2007 04:16 PM



Where would I change the return address in this? Its set to nobody@ right now... I would like to change it.

Admin CP | vBulletin Options | vBulletin Options | Site Name / URL / Contact Details

Scroll down to find: Webmaster's Email

hmm.. that is set..

I guess I meant the return-path

When my user activation emails go out they show my Webmasters email..

When this goes out is shows nobody@server

Fungsten 04-06-2007 04:21 PM


Originally Posted by C Braithwaite (Post 1220882)
Maybe you just dont have inactive users? Providing the plugin is running and saying "No emails to send" then as far as im concerned everything is working okay. it uses simple conditionals.

I've checked. There are users who have not logged in for 30 days+; which is what I have it set to. I'll look around in the some other settings though.

kenfuzed 04-06-2007 04:30 PM

I installed this today and set it up per the instructions. To test it out I manually kicked it off job but it only sent out to 7 members even though there are over 1000 inactive. Two of the members emailed just joined this morning.

What could be causing this?

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