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clockparadox 05-09-2007 04:11 AM

So, um, I posted my issues almost a week ago now.

Is this plugin still being supported?

instruite 05-09-2007 06:11 AM


Originally Posted by D0ubleStakked (Post 1242226)
I have gone through the installation steps vbbridgeII, I believe that I have everything configured correctly.

I go to wordpress (http://mysite.com/), and I click the login link (http://mysite.com/wp-login.php). Instead of being taken to the login screen, I am redirected to http://mysite.com/forums)

If I login using vBulletin and then go back to wordpress, I see that I am logged in to wordpress (which I was hoping for)

If I click logout in wordpress, I am taken to (http://mysite.com/forums/login.php?d...4b4b5ce75ab4c5)

Instead of being redirected to the vBulletin pages, I guess I was expecting to stay in the wordpress pages and just have the single sign-on work for both sites.

Is what I'm seeing normal/expected behavior?

the same behaviour at my end and checked th code too the above seems to be the default behaviour

I found a bug that if I schedule my post in wordpress than it does not get added to the forum when the post appear on blog as schedule

I am going through code and will try to implement it myself but in case if it has been implemented or something has been done for that let me know


Kicks 05-09-2007 09:30 AM

hi all ..

thanks for the good plug.

got a question.
i added in wordpress a new site.
now .. if i click on the index.php to the site link .. wordpress will link me to my forum but not to the site i created.

what do i make wrong ?

Kicks 05-09-2007 11:13 AM

mmhh .. all links on my wordpress page will link me to my forum.
thats bad

Jafo232 05-09-2007 01:15 PM

Do all of your links require you to be logged in?

Kicks 05-09-2007 06:36 PM

mhh .. think not.
not all links

just test self.

if you click on the first title in the blog .. you will linked in the forum .. but not to the tread in the forum.
everytime to the startpage of the forum.

same if i add a siteblog in my blog. if i click on the title of the site i will linked to my forum.

Sinistra 05-10-2007 01:11 PM

I am running wordpress 2.1 and vb 3.6.5. The posting on the forums works fine but if I log out of the board I loose my access to the WP admin CP.

for those having the admin CP Login issue
  • Goto your phpMyAdmin. and lookin in your vB databse for wp_options and click the browse button.
  • go through your options till you see vbb_VBION. check the box beside it and click Edit.
  • when you get to the edit screen look for option_value and set to "0" This will cut off the intergration to the wordpress and make it where you can login as admin again.
  • Once you get logged back in deactivate the plugin and remove teh file from your admin CP till its eather fixed or another one is made. this will keep the admins you give future access to via the user setting no access to enable the hack and mess up the site.

Im not saying this is a bad hack but this issue of not being able to login needs to be addressed. I have noticed the coder hasn't found this issue yet and I guess those that report it aren't installing the mod right. its not hard to set up a plugin and set up paths.
please fix this thanks

lunitius 05-11-2007 12:57 AM

I am sure you have been told a thousand times by now. This is a wonderful add-on to both vBulletin and Wordpress. The integration was painless and seamless something that other forum competition has not been able to provide (SMF / phpBB).

Thanks for the work that went into this.

-- Isi

Jafo232 05-11-2007 01:11 PM


Originally Posted by Lord Katsuhito (Post 1244954)
I am running wordpress 2.1 and vb 3.6.5. The posting on the forums works fine but if I log out of the board I loose my access to the WP admin CP.

for those having the admin CP Login issue

Im not saying this is a bad hack but this issue of not being able to login needs to be addressed. I have noticed the coder hasn't found this issue yet and I guess those that report it aren't installing the mod right. its not hard to set up a plugin and set up paths.
please fix this thanks

When you log back into your board, you can log back into the WP admin CP. That is the point. It is not a bug. You need to login to Vbulletin not wordpress. This is why the login redirects to the Vbulletin login screen.

I thought it was rather obvious.

Jafo232 05-11-2007 01:14 PM


Originally Posted by Kicks (Post 1244499)
mhh .. think not.
not all links

just test self.

if you click on the first title in the blog .. you will linked in the forum .. but not to the tread in the forum.
everytime to the startpage of the forum.

same if i add a siteblog in my blog. if i click on the title of the site i will linked to my forum.

When I go to that page, it looks like a Joomla or Mambo install.. I don't understand what is going on there.

wildcard27 05-12-2007 08:26 AM

This truely is a great mod Jafo. I installed it with absolutely no problems and made a small donation.

Thank you sir :up:

clockparadox 05-12-2007 02:24 PM

Updated Repost...

I'm using fresh installs of 3.6.5 vbulletin, 2.1.3 wordpress in the same DB.

If you don't mind letting me know the status of these bugs listed below, answers like:
  • Unknown bug, will investigate
  • Known issue, will fix.
  • Known issue, hack to fix available
  • Known issue, will not fix
  • As designed, will not fix
  • Feature request, will implement
  • Feature request, will not implement

The wp-admin panel is broken/buggy in numerous ways.
  • The uploads section in the "write post"page is broken when the plugin is active. It seems that the code for the forum post dropdown list is conflicting with the code to display the upload bar properly.
  • Editors have to login to the forums, then refresh the wp-admin at least twice before they can see the wp dashboard. Sometimes they need to login 3 or 4 times before the wp-admin panel will come up. Clicking "remember me" is not an option for some of my editors (don't ask why) but even then, that doesn't always work either.
  • Logging out is broken. Pressing "log out" from the wp-dashboard sends me to --> vb logout page. But if I immediately go back to my wp-admin URL, I'm still logged in and able to make changes. This problem requires a cookie refresh/mass delete via IE options before it can be resolved.
  • There is an issue with new editors that are registered through VB that I want to be "editors" of the WP blog via mapping, where their username don't show up in the dropdown list when making new WP posts. I still have no idea how to fix this and I have lots of editors stepping on each other now when the make posts since WP seems to choose a default username that doesn't match that of their VB username.
  • Deleting a post in WP doesn't delete the post in VB. So if one of my editors of the WP blog is not a VB admin, or just not savvy with VB, I'm stuck deleting posts for them.

Also, a few wish list features:
  • I wish there was a way to set a "default" forum to post into, having a dropdown list of available forums has created another step for my not-so-web-savvy editors to go through in order to make a functional post with working comments. I'd love to have an option to disable the "post in" dropdown list alltogether, letting me force all posts into a single forum. Is there an easy PHP hack I can make here to force this? I noticed another poster asking for this multiple times earlier in this thread.
  • Is there a way to augment the post that is going into the forum through WP? Right now a WP post is copied into a forum verbatim. I'd like to insert : Author info and /quote the entire post. How would I go about doing that?

MikeHolohan 05-13-2007 01:41 PM

Hi, just installed worpress on my new VB3.6.6 forum with Vbulletin bridge but I am having a problem but I believe it is just a simple one...

I got a database error... Invalid SQL:
UPDATE session SET newposts = newposts+1 WHERE NOT ISNULL(newposts);

MySQL Error : Unknown column 'newposts' in 'where clause'
Error Number : 1054

So I got the paths wrong but how do I fix it...


Davey-UK 05-13-2007 04:18 PM

I have just installed this mod, by reading the instructions VERY CAREFULLY.

Working perfectly first time.


wildcard27 05-14-2007 04:04 PM


Originally Posted by Daria (Post 1147841)

I just installed this and am having the same problem as everyone else. The posting to forums works wonderful. However, I am not able to access the wp-admin panel. It just sends me back to vbulletin.

Even when I manually type in the address to /wp-admin or /wp-login.php, I'm redirected back to vbulletin. This also happens even after I've cleared all the cookies so it doesn't seem to be a cookie issue. I think something is not redirecting correctly.

Both WP and VB are installed on the same domain and database. If anyone knows what I may be doing wrong please let me know. Thanks :)

I seem to be having the same problem. I assume this hasn't been fixed then?

Running on VB 3.6.4 and WP 2.1.3 at www.gamerscouncil.com/forums/ and www.gamerscouncil.com/news/

Please let me know if you need more info

Jafo232 05-14-2007 05:10 PM

How are you posting to the forum if you cannot get to the admin panel. In order to post, you need to be in the control panel. Kind of lost me there..

Also, make sure you have mapped usergroups correctly and keep in mind the mapping is for PRIMARY usergroups only.

LockeAG 05-15-2007 09:23 AM

Are you thinking maybe some day do this bridge for WPMU?



wildcard27 05-15-2007 01:10 PM


Originally Posted by Jafo232 (Post 1247506)
How are you posting to the forum if you cannot get to the admin panel. In order to post, you need to be in the control panel. Kind of lost me there..

Also, make sure you have mapped usergroups correctly and keep in mind the mapping is for PRIMARY usergroups only.

I think I made a mistake myself. After posting a few messages I turned on auto integrate, since then the admin redirected to the forum index.

Acers 05-16-2007 07:21 AM

excellent mod jafo, :)

these two bugs need serious attention though. For the moment i have just removed the links

# Editors have to login to the forums, then refresh the wp-admin at least twice before they can see the wp dashboard. Sometimes they need to login 3 or 4 times before the wp-admin panel will come up. Clicking "remember me" is not an option for some of my editors (don't ask why) but even then, that doesn't always work either.
# Logging out is broken. Pressing "log out" from the wp-dashboard sends me to --> vb logout page. But if I immediately go back to my wp-admin URL, I'm still logged in and able to make changes. This problem requires a cookie refresh/mass delete via IE options before it can be resolved.

lunitius 05-17-2007 02:33 PM

I have some additional thoughts around bugs and features that I didn't see specifically mentioned in the other pages for this product (btw 26 pages is a lot of feedback).

Bugs (or so I think):
1. After you login to VB and then try to access the wordpress administration page you have to enter try to do so two times before it works. Here is what I mean:

I go to http://www.mysite.com/forum and login successfully. I can now see my forum home page. I decide to create a post and head over to http://www.mysite.com/wp-admin to do so. When I type that into the browser bar and press enter i am redirected back to the main forum page. If I do it a second time it works as expected. I can recreate this if you need to see it (PM me for the real address).

2. (This might be WP bug as well.) When I create a wordpress post using the Visual Rich Editor that post might have quotes around text. Standard quotes seem to post to both WP and VB just fine. However they could also be fancy quotes. These seem to post to WP okay but they show up as

“  My Test Here …
in the forum thread. Again I have examples of this if you want to see them.

1. The form widget that gets added the post creation page in wordpress that is used to select which forum you want to put your post in could be more useful. Right now it is just a list of all your forums including subcategories. The problem is that if you have more than one subcategory with the same name under a forum you don't have a reference of relationship to work with to chose the proper one. I would like to see two things related to this.

A.) A wider form widget. I would like to see it wider and longer which would help my second "like to have".

B.) Displayed relationships between Top Level and Sub Category (even if only one level). Here is what I envision. This would show the forums in a logic order and would show the subcategory relation to the parent.

Top Level Forum 1
--> Subcategory 1
--> Subcategory 2

Top Level Forum 2
--> Subcategory 1
--> Subcategory 2

Top Level Forum 3
--> Subcategory 1
--> Subcategory 2
1. Now that VB 3.6.7 is out are you going to make any significant updates to this plug-in to support that version? That is assuming anything is really needed. Mainly just a curious question.

Thanks again for your work on this plugin. It is working great for us with only few minor irritations.

-- Isi

lunitius 05-22-2007 02:59 AM

This is my first stab at creating the modification I was asking for in my previous post. Basically I want the "select" box that is visible on the "write" page for wordpress to offer some more usability:

1. I wanted it to be larger (easy enough)
2. I wanted it to show the relationships between my top-level forums (Categories), my second level forums (Forums) and my third level forums (Sub-Forums) so that I could make intelligent decisions about which "forum" i wanted my post to be in.

Here is the modification. It is pretty raw right now but functional. I am working to factor it out to something a little more friendly to anyone by using the various api calls and variables presented from VB. Once I get the next cut done which should include these "upgrades" I will post it as well.

I attached a picture of what this looks like as well so you can get an idea of what I am talking about in case I am not explaining it clearly. See the attachments.

If you have any thoughts on how to do this better or more efficiently please let me know. I am decent coder but struggle with arrays:

This is a context diff of vbbridge.php

[root@abbadon plugins]# diff -b -B -c vbbridge.php.orig vbbridge.php
*** vbbridge.php.orig  Sun May 20 23:15:23 2007
--- vbbridge.php        Mon May 21 22:47:32 2007
*** 421,440 ****
  function VB_Post_Form () {
  if (get_option('vbb_VBPOST')) {
! <CENTER> Select Forum To Post To: <BR><select id="forumid" name="forumid" class="inputbox" size="5" >
  $wpdb =& $GLOBALS['wpdb'];
- $sql = "SELECT forumid, title FROM " . get_option('vbb_VBPRX') . "forum order by displayorder";
- $results = $wpdb->get_results($sql);
! foreach ($results as $forum) {
! if ($forum->forumid == get_option('vbb_VBFID')) { $selector = ' selected'; } else { $selector = ''; }
! echo "<option value=$forum->forumid$selector>$forum->title</option>\n";
--- 421,491 ----
  function VB_Post_Form () {
  if (get_option('vbb_VBPOST')) {
! <!-- BEGIN EDIT BY ISI -->
! <CENTER> Select Forum To Post To: <BR><select id="forumid" name="forumid" class="inputbox" size="20" >
  $wpdb =& $GLOBALS['wpdb'];
+ // connect to db (i couldn't figure out how to get this to work with the vbulletin api)
+ $conn = mysql_connect("localhost","dden","Oicu812");
+ mysql_select_db("dden_blog", $conn);
+ // create an array to keep track of what has been printed so we don't do it more than once
+ $printed = array();
+ // Get all top level (no parent) forums
+ $results = mysql_query("SELECT forumid, title, childlist FROM " . get_option('vbb_VBPRX') . "forum where parentid = '-1'");
+ while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($results, MYSQL_ASSOC))
+ {
+    // Check to see if the forumid has already been printed.
+    // If not print it and add it to the array of printed forumid to prevent duplicates
+    if (!array_search($row['forumid'], $printed))
+    {
+        echo "<option value=$row[forumid]>$row[title]</option>\n";
+        array_push($printed, $row['forumid']);
+    }
+    // Get the forumid and title of the children of the top level
+    $childlist = explode(",", $row['childlist']);
+    foreach ($childlist as $child1)
+    {
+        if ($child1 != $row['forumid'])
+        {
+            $child1_results = mysql_query("SELECT forumid, title, childlist FROM " . get_option('vbb_VBPRX') . "forum where forumid = '$child1'", $conn);
+            while ($child1_row = mysql_fetch_assoc($child1_results))
+            {
+                  // Check to see if the forumid has already been printed.
+                  // If not print it and add it to the array of printed forumid to prevent duplicates
+                if (!array_search($child1_row['forumid'], $printed))
+                {
+                    print "<option value=$child1_row[forumid]>--> $child1_row[title]</option>\n";
+                    array_push($printed, $child1_row['forumid']);
+                }
+                // Get the forumid and title of the children of the first level for forum
+                $childlist2 = explode(",", $child1_row['childlist']);
+                foreach ($childlist2 as $child2)
+                {
+                    if ($child2 != $child1_row['forumid'])
+                    {
+                        $child2_results = mysql_query("SELECT forumid, title, childlist FROM " . get_option('vbb_VBPRX') . "forum where forumid = '$child2'", $conn);
+                        while ($child2_row = mysql_fetch_assoc($child2_results))
+                        {
+                            if (!array_search($child2_row['forumid'], $printed))
+                            {
+                                print "<option value=$child2_row[forumid]>&nbsp; &nbsp;----> $child2_row[title]</option>\n";
+                                array_push($printed, $child2_row['forumid']);
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
!    }
+ <!-- END EDIT BY ISI -->

Suggestions and comments welcome.

-- Isi

Ramsesx 05-24-2007 08:38 AM

Anybody can help me please, I mapped a special usergroup to authors, but they can't post because the error "you don't have enough permissions to acces this site".
In the wp acp the users are marked as authors. As Administrator I can write a post.

Ok, I get it, it is necessary to assign the user rights again on /wp-admin/users.php manually.

dpatel304 05-27-2007 06:55 PM


Fatal error: Undefined class name 'vbulletinhook' in /home/dpatel/public_html/forums/includes/class_bbcode.php on line 2347
For some reason, randomly, I am getting this error. It is only showing on my wordpress page, and makes it currently unusable. Forums are working just fine.

I made no changes to the site. The mod was working fine, as were both my blog and forums. It seems to have just occured randomly. I'm thinking it may have something to do with insufficient bandwidth.

Parm 06-05-2007 11:10 AM

Hi all,

I seem to be running into a lot of trouble when installing this plugin. I am new to vBulletin however and this is the first mod that I've tried to install.

I followed the readme exactly and it looked as though everything was working. I made the test post and it worked great. However, soon after that I was unable to access my WP admin page and kept getting a "You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page" message. Deleting the plugin has allowed me back into WP but I can't seem to get it working, each time I reinstall I get the same.

I'm not particularly interested in the mapping of users feature. I just want the option for a thread to be made automatically on the forums when a WP article is posted, the comments link to redirect to it and that's about it. If somebody could talk me through the installation it'd be greatly appreciated. I'm available on MSN if anybody has a moment?


Jafo232 06-05-2007 03:04 PM

Mapping is required, which is why you cannot login.

Parm 06-05-2007 03:51 PM

Thanks for the update Jafo. When I first installed the plugin, on the mapping options page I chose not to map any of the users and I think that's what is now causing me problems.

How do I go about undoing what I've already done? I've tried removing and reinstalling the plugin but I can no longer get to the options page without being locked out of wordpress.

cleck673 06-07-2007 06:09 PM

A got a couple questions:

a. Is it possible to hard code the blog commenting forum choice into every post without having to select it. When we post using windows live writer, it doesn't create the comment thread.

b. I do not want to use user bridge, just commenting. Any suggestions?

Guest201202001 06-13-2007 12:29 AM

I Installed this one and I made post to see if this one works till here everything Ok.. when I go to: Turn Auto-Integrate On: YES I can't log into the wordpress any more i am redirected at my index page.. I want to tell sth. my forum is on root so www.mysite.com and wordpress www.mysite.com/wordpress

at Forum Relative Path: I don't write anything because i don't know what to writw after all I try to replace the:

chdir($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . get_option('vbb_VBRPATH'));

chdir('/myabsolute path');
but the same thing.. So any idea because need this one

Jafo232 06-13-2007 01:23 AM

Please read the directions. From now on, I am not answering these "I cannot login to wordpress, I am redirected to the forum login". If you read the directions, you would understand why you are being redirected.

Guest201202001 06-13-2007 01:26 AM


Originally Posted by Jafo232 (Post 1267305)
Please read the directions. From now on, I am not answering these "I cannot login to wordpress, I am redirected to the forum login". If you read the directions, you would understand why you are being redirected.

So can you tell me why.. I tried o lot of times..

EJRaven 06-14-2007 07:53 AM

A new commercial plug-in is in the works for this issue.

Wordpress and vBulletin User Database and Skin Integration Project

WordPress is a state-of-the-art semantic personal publishing platform with a focus on aesthetics, web standards, and usability. WordPress is a free blogging system that be extended and used a full blown Content Management System.

vBulletin is the leading forum software on the internet. Together vB and Wordpress can create beautiful websites that can be flexible, expandable and scalable.

This project is a product that is easy to install and easy to integrate, you will need to install Wordpress and install this product as a Wordpress plug-in.

Wordpress and vBulletin integration plug-in features:

Entirely self-contained within a plug-in. It provides seamless integration with your existing theme with full theme customization, use of your existing WordPress users table, search, pretty permalinks, full moderator controls and RSS feeds for individual forums, topics and users.
  • * User Database Integration: Integrates existing accounts into Wordpress.
  • * Invidual Database Support: Wordpress and vB DO NOT need to have the same databse for this plug-in to work.
  • * New Registration Integration: Wordpress will use vB's registration process to create new accounts for its blogging/cms.
  • * Skin Integration: Wordpress will insert header, footer and CSS templates into vB's header and footer bit template for full skin integration. A great example of this would be the following blog: http://www.newathens.org Note Wordpress site above.

More information will be posted here and at:


rockinter 06-14-2007 03:03 PM

I installed this plugin fine.
However when I add in the comments, bit
My wordpress is at: www.mydomain.com/beta
vbulletin: www.mydomain.com/beta/testvb

settings in options: Forum URL: http://www.mydomain.com/beta/testvb
Forum Relative Path: /testvb

I get the following error:
Warning: require_once() [function.require-once]: open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/includes/class_bbcode.php) is not within the allowed path(s): (/home/rockint/:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php:/tmp) in /home/rockint/public_html/beta/wp-content/plugins/vbbridge.php on line 320

Warning: require_once(/includes/class_bbcode.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: Operation not permitted in /home/rockint/public_html/beta/wp-content/plugins/vbbridge.php on line 320

Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required '/includes/class_bbcode.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/rockint/public_html/beta/wp-content/plugins/vbbridge.php on line 320


AmbitiousLemon 06-16-2007 08:25 PM

I just tried upgrading. Deactivated the plugin. Uploaded the new file. Clicked activate. But it doesn't activate. A little frustrating since it was sorta working before (see my last post listing all the bugs this plugin causes).

txsbmw 06-17-2007 12:10 AM

Is anyone running this with the new wordpress 2.2? If so did you run into any problems with this plugin when you upgraded. We have 2.1.3 right now with the plugin working (took some time to get it to work but finally got it working) anyway, want to see if it was difficult to reactivate the plugin after the upgrade before we do it!

AmbitiousLemon 06-17-2007 12:13 AM

I guess I wasn't very clear. What I meant above is that I just upgraded to WP 2.2 and couldn't get the plugin to activate anymore.

cash7c3 06-17-2007 11:39 AM

I'm having an issue where all my registered users are now getting an error when trying to use the reply feature on my site. vBulletin is telling them:

I type a reply in a window at the bottom of a page, & press the "quick reply" button. It takes me to the advanced reply (with blank fields) and says that it must be 10 sec between my posts & I should wait. But when I came back to that topic my reply is posted .
Any ideas?

txsbmw 06-17-2007 01:54 PM


Originally Posted by mini2 (Post 1270291)
Using 2.2 here. :)

Did you upgrade with the plugin installed before? Or did you install/upgrade to 2.2 then install the plugin? Took me so long to get this plugin to work right, just want to make sure that upgrading will not cause more problems with the plugin.

Also if you did upgrade with the plugin already installed, did you have to go back and reconfigure everything to get it working again or did you just reactivate it and everything still worked ok?

cash7c3 06-17-2007 03:11 PM

whoops. ;)

cash7c3 06-17-2007 03:20 PM


pspcrazy 06-20-2007 10:35 PM

I've installed everything according to the plugin guide but whenever i try to save/publish a post it just gives me a blank page at post.php . Anyone know a fix for this? It's a great hack, but it's just not working :| I am using a fresh installation with no vb plugins. Thanks

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  • ./includes/config.php
  • ./includes/functions.php
  • ./includes/class_hook.php
  • ./includes/modsystem_functions.php
  • ./includes/class_bbcode_alt.php
  • ./includes/class_bbcode.php
  • ./includes/functions_bigthree.php 

Hooks Called:
  • init_startup
  • init_startup_session_setup_start
  • init_startup_session_setup_complete
  • cache_permissions
  • fetch_threadinfo_query
  • fetch_threadinfo
  • fetch_foruminfo
  • style_fetch
  • cache_templates
  • global_start
  • parse_templates
  • global_setup_complete
  • printthread_start
  • pagenav_page
  • pagenav_complete
  • bbcode_fetch_tags
  • bbcode_create
  • bbcode_parse_start
  • bbcode_parse_complete_precache
  • bbcode_parse_complete
  • printthread_post
  • printthread_complete