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-   -   Major Additions - Zoints LOCAL. Social networking, enhanced profiles, blogs and MUCH more (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=130946)

jon_argent 11-26-2006 06:33 PM


Originally Posted by DChapman (Post 1125330)
Is the .htaccess file in the /z/ folder? If so, please do what Pulsorock quoted above as that means mod_rewrite is not enabled on your server. If not, upload it from the rewrite folder to /z/

I had uploaded the htaccess file, yes... how can I find out if it is enabled or not, and if it is disabled, is there anyway to activate it?

Also, is there anyway to mod this to urls like username.forumurl.co.uk ?

DaiTengu 11-26-2006 10:10 PM


Originally Posted by jon_argent (Post 1125739)
Also, is there anyway to mod this to urls like username.forumurl.co.uk ?

No, there isn't any way to do this as it requires some very abnormal changes to the DNS entries and some changes to the way your webserver works as well. 95% of shared hosting providers won't make those changes.

shete 11-27-2006 12:22 AM


Originally Posted by DChapman (Post 1125330)
Is the .htaccess file in the /z/ folder? If so, please do what Pulsorock quoted above as that means mod_rewrite is not enabled on your server. If not, upload it from the rewrite folder to /z/

How do you disable this option ???

d8tabyte 11-27-2006 01:44 AM

edit your installation settings and set mod_rewrite to off.

Zoints 11-27-2006 03:01 AM


Originally Posted by jon_argent (Post 1125739)
I had uploaded the htaccess file, yes... how can I find out if it is enabled or not, and if it is disabled, is there anyway to activate it

Go to http://www.yourdomain.com/z/install/manager.php?cmd=settings (to to /zadmin.php then to "edit installation settings"). At the bottom is the mod_rewrite checkbox. Checking or unchecking turns it on and off.

ragtek 11-27-2006 05:05 AM


Originally Posted by DChapman (Post 1125721)
She is logged in on the Zoints profiles on your forum? Or are you talking about zoints.com? You don't have to be logged in at Zoints.com, it is a separate site and system.

sorry, i'm talking about the zoints profile on my site

Rik Brown 11-27-2006 10:13 AM

I'd love to give this mod a try. I see that it makes database changes. Does it actually change the vb database tables or simply add new tables to the database? If I need to do an un-install, what would I need to do to return my vb database to its normal/prior condition?

Thanks. -- Rik

Zoints 11-27-2006 07:23 PM


Originally Posted by Rik Brown (Post 1126282)
I'd love to give this mod a try. I see that it makes database changes. Does it actually change the vb database tables or simply add new tables to the database? If I need to do an un-install, what would I need to do to return my vb database to its normal/prior condition?

It only creates NEW tables. And we provide you the choice of installing in the same DB your vBulletin is installed in or a separate one. To return everything to its previous condition, we have an automated uninstaller too :)

Zoints 11-27-2006 07:24 PM


Originally Posted by ragtek (Post 1126171)
sorry, i'm talking about the zoints profile on my site

That's weird. Logout on your Zoints profile and see what happens please.

Fox2k 11-28-2006 02:15 AM

um, is there any way to get the search and community features to not go to an external site? very unprofessional imo..this would be an awesome mod if it could be adjusted to not use the zoink.com externalities.

Fox2k 11-28-2006 02:34 AM


Originally Posted by DChapman (Post 1126652)
It only creates NEW tables. And we provide you the choice of installing in the same DB your vBulletin is installed in or a separate one. To return everything to its previous condition, we have an automated uninstaller too :)

How do I recover my regsitration code so I can uninstall the software?

Strike3ForumsMH 11-28-2006 02:47 AM


Originally Posted by Fox2k (Post 1126930)
um, is there any way to get the search and community features to not go to an external site? very unprofessional imo..this would be an awesome mod if it could be adjusted to not use the zoink.com externalities.

With an Autonomy License that is indeed possible. It allows forum owners to run an instance of Zoints Local with their forums that is completely autonomous from the Zoints system.

Contact DChapman at network.zoints.com for more info if that's what you're seeking.

ragtek 11-28-2006 08:20 AM


Originally Posted by DChapman (Post 1126653)
That's weird. Logout on your Zoints profile and see what happens please.

now i'm on a pc where my girlfriend wasn't logged in
now i go to my profile=> everything is fine
when i go to the forum back, i'm logged out

i think i made was wrong by the installation
i'll try it today to install it it new

Zoints 11-28-2006 08:50 AM


Originally Posted by ragtek (Post 1127070)
now i'm on a pc where my girlfriend wasn't logged in
now i go to my profile=> everything is fine
when i go to the forum back, i'm logged out

Please do the following:

1. Login to your vBulletin admincp

2. Go to vbulletin options > Cookies and HTTP Header Options

3. Change cookie domain > Suggested Settings to .yourdomain.com

See if that helps.

Zoints 11-28-2006 09:06 AM

Zoints Local 1.0 has gone gold! Thank you ever so kindly to those of you who helped us test this and provided feedback during the RC process. You rock.


2006/11/28: 1.0
* Version Tracking - Keep up with what the latest version is
* Global searches (through zoints.com) now display members of searcher's own community first
* Ability to lock certain pages, so they show up on every profile, with the same content everywhere
* Ability to include the forum header and footer dynamically
* Ability to restrict image filesizes and space available per user
* Zoints Local now uses forum's avatar
* Users have the option of PM or Email notification for everything
* Users are taken to their own profile upon login from login page
* Removed ability to upload BMPs
* Usernames are now reflected in Zoints Local when that user uses Zoints Local again
* New tab: Old forum profile
* Various bugfixes

Upgrade Instructions

1. Download the new zip file and overwrite the existing files

2. After uploading the new files, access /z/install/manager.php in your browser

3. Click "Upgrade Zoints" and then click on "1.0"

That's it! :)

2.1.1 of the vBulletin product is ALSO available. You will need to import that via the vBulletin product manager and select overwrite to yes.

wizardan 11-28-2006 09:09 AM

My apologies if this question has been covered...
Are there any issues with a server running PHP 5.0.4?

Zoints 11-28-2006 09:15 AM


Originally Posted by wizardan (Post 1127098)
My apologies if this question has been covered...
Are there any issues with a server running PHP 5.0.4?

There are no known issues with php 5. We originally designed this system for php 5 and had to change the code a little to work with php 4 too :(

I see you've already hit the install button. Are you having any problems?

wizardan 11-28-2006 09:30 AM

Thanks for the reply:)

My first install had a few minor issues... postbit link not showing up, etc... That was on my main forum, which is running on a PHP 4.4.4 server script. Most likely style conflict of some kind. Not worried about it for now.

A fresh install to a new forum we're building on a PHP 5 script server is giving me a little grief. The installer won't run. I need to recheck my file uploads one last time I suppose.

May I ask if there is a specific address where I could put in for a support ticket?

pokerie 11-28-2006 09:30 AM

Great news about it reaching gold:) is the autonomy version now gold too?

Just one thing that could be a problem: When the user is logged in they are automatically taken to their profile, this could be quite annoying if somebody click reply to a thread, knowing, that as per usual, they will have to log once they click the reply button, they log in, and then they are taken to the reply to topic page usually. Or else if a user is viewing a topic they want to reply to and log in any other way, the page they are viewing will refresh with them logged in as it is now with VB where as in both circumstances it sounds like zoints will redirect to their profile each time meaning they will have to navigate back to the page they were previously viewing.

Could you please also clear up the pricing for the autonomy version?

Is it $120 a year plus $20 per year for each subsequent year or is it just $120 once off payment?

If it is $120 plus $20, is this $20 just for support and updates or is it mandatory just to have zoints running on your site regardless of updates?


Zoints 11-28-2006 09:38 AM


Originally Posted by wizardan (Post 1127111)
My first install had a few minor issues... postbit link not showing up, etc.

If you were doing the edits manually, that is fixed in the 2.1.1 vBulletin product. It was a bug (sorry about that). If you didn't try the manual edit, then it's likely a conflict with another hack and a manual edit of the template should resolve the issue.


Originally Posted by wizardan (Post 1127111)
A fresh install to a new forum we're building on a PHP 5 script server is giving me a little grief. The installer won't run. I need to recheck my file uploads one last time I suppose.

Did you download the release we just put out? We fixed a few issues which could cause what you're experiencing.


Originally Posted by wizardan (Post 1127111)
May I ask if there is a specific address where I could put in for a support ticket?

http://zoints.com/support.z -- we'd be happy to help you in any way we can.

Zoints 11-28-2006 09:46 AM


Originally Posted by pokerie (Post 1127112)
Great news about it reaching gold:) is the autonomy version now gold too?

Yes, though we are working to create a separate zip file for autonomous people so you don't have to do the annoying edits. That'll be ready tomorrow.


Originally Posted by pokerie (Post 1127112)
Just one thing that could be a problem: When the user is logged in they are automatically taken to their profile, this could be quite annoying if somebody click reply to a thread, knowing, that as per usual, they will have to log once they click the reply button, they log in, and then they are taken to the reply to topic page usually.

If you login on the forum, you get taken to the forum. If you login via the profile login, you now get taken to the profile. Whereas you were taken to the forum in both instances before. Sorry for the confusion with that :)


Originally Posted by pokerie (Post 1127112)
Could you please also clear up the pricing for the autonomy version?

PLEASE respect that vbulletin.org is only for free modifications. It is a flat rate of $120.00 for one year. If you want autonomous code updates after that, then you pay $20.00 per year as it takes a lot of work for us to make a separate build. Again, please take any further license questions to http://network.zoints.com. Thanks :)

ZiG 11-28-2006 09:51 AM

afrter updating the files and attempting to access anything /z/ i am getting the message:

IN_PORTAL_AREA or THIS_SCRIPT must be defined to continue

Soup 11-28-2006 10:08 AM


Originally Posted by ZiG (Post 1127126)
afrter updating the files and attempting to access anything /z/ i am getting the message:

IN_PORTAL_AREA or THIS_SCRIPT must be defined to continue


What version of vBulletin are you running? All version of vBulletin from 3.5.0 to 3.6.4 only require either THIS_SCRIPT or VB_AREA to be set, not IN_PORTAL_AREA (which does not come up at all in the default vBulletin code), or can you think of any hack you have installed that might have changed this behavior?

ZiG 11-28-2006 10:11 AM

im running 3.6.0

Zoints 11-28-2006 10:14 AM


Originally Posted by ZiG (Post 1127142)
im running 3.6.0

We now include global.php which means some hack you have installed is like conflicting and causing this. Can you do one of the following:

1. Go through and disable hacks one by one and try to access /z/ to figure out which the culprit is.


2. Provide us with a temp admin account by submitting the information to http://zoints.com/support.z

pokerie 11-28-2006 10:26 AM

Thanks for the reply, sounds good and I hope it's working well for you:)

wizardan 11-28-2006 10:38 AM


Originally Posted by DChapman (Post 1127117)
If you were doing the edits manually, that is fixed in the 2.1.1 vBulletin product. It was a bug (sorry about that). If you didn't try the manual edit, then it's likely a conflict with another hack and a manual edit of the template should resolve the issue.

Did you download the release we just put out? We fixed a few issues which could cause what you're experiencing.

http://zoints.com/support.z -- we'd be happy to help you in any way we can.

Downloaded the newest release.
Will try on both boards and let you know.
Thanks for the link:)

wizardan 11-28-2006 12:03 PM

Pleased to report that our forum using PHP 4.4.4 is now running this excellent add-on optimally, thanks to the newest product version just released.
Our forum using PHP 5, however, remains troublesome.

Will either PM you or contact at the link you provided with further details if I can't figure it out.

Thanks for a great hack:)

SnapOff Racing 11-28-2006 01:05 PM

love this hack to death and installed it but i have a couple questions...i lost user info by adding this hack on the member's userpage...

i like that clicking on the user's name brings em to their zoits profile, but it leaves out some forum information/links that used to be there (for warning/tracking ips/user options/etc)

also the location tracking of where the user is on the forum...anyway to get this to work with all the stuff that used to be there?

SnapOff Racing 11-28-2006 01:26 PM

perhaps i could better rephrase my question....as it is right now...there's a link in the postbit that links you to the zoints profile...i want to leave that and keep the default vbulletin profile for the user when u click on their actual username...how do i go about doing this?

influence 11-28-2006 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by SnapOff Racing (Post 1127256)
perhaps i could better rephrase my question....as it is right now...there's a link in the postbit that links you to the zoints profile...i want to leave that and keep the default vbulletin profile for the user when u click on their actual username...how do i go about doing this?

there is a option/tab for you to view members vbulletin profile while u are on their zoints profile and u can do everything you normally do there just like before without zoints. I think thats what he said before if I am exactly correct since I haven't tried or install it yet.

anyway, DC please check your PM

FlyBoy73 11-28-2006 04:05 PM


Glad you guys finally made the move to this as an option. Do you have any links to zoints users that are currently using the autonomy version? Please post or PM me them if possible. I'm definitely interested now.


Zoints 11-28-2006 07:03 PM


Originally Posted by SnapOff Racing (Post 1127256)
perhaps i could better rephrase my question....as it is right now...there's a link in the postbit that links you to the zoints profile...i want to leave that and keep the default vbulletin profile for the user when u click on their actual username...how do i go about doing this?

As Influence said above there is an actual page called "Forum Profile" that pulls the entire default forum profile. If you want to have that active on your member's pages by default, go to /z/zadmin.php > pages and move it to the active by default area.

OR, there is also an option in vbulletin admincp > vbulletin options > Zoints profile options to have admin and moderators taken to the default profile automatically. Just toggle it to yes.

We're also planning a means to have you start at the page of your choice. So you'll be able to have everyone start at that default profile page if that's what you prefer.

SnapOff Racing 11-28-2006 08:17 PM

ok thanks guys...i used the vbulletin options to make it so admins can see old profiles...thanks guys!

Zoints 11-29-2006 01:15 AM


Originally Posted by wizardan (Post 1127206)
Pleased to report that our forum using PHP 4.4.4 is now running this excellent add-on optimally, thanks to the newest product version just released.
Our forum using PHP 5, however, remains troublesome.

Will either PM you or contact at the link you provided with further details if I can't figure it out.

Thanks for a great hack:)

Please contact us soon as you get a chance as we'd like to get this resolved for you and make sure there isn't an issue that will affect others. Thanks!

burntire 11-29-2006 02:57 AM

Very Nice Product.
It is still a little buggy.
I will do some more testing and record the problems I find and post on your support forum.

But for the most part this looks like a great product.

Gooses 11-29-2006 04:22 AM

This is by far one of the greatest modifications I have ever seen or used. Thank you so, so much for making this.

Just one question though; do I have to leave the folder named "z" so e.g.: "www.example.com/forums/z/profile"

does that 'z' need to stay z? Will it mess things up if I change that folder name?

Zoints 11-29-2006 08:31 AM


Originally Posted by burntire (Post 1127808)
Very Nice Product.
It is still a little buggy.
I will do some more testing and record the problems I find and post on your support forum.

But for the most part this looks like a great product.

Thank you :)

I'll NEVER call any product we put out bug free because we move too fast with development. But as you saw, we also get things fixed pretty quick ;) Thanks again for your help!

Zoints 11-29-2006 08:33 AM


Originally Posted by Gooses (Post 1127833)
does that 'z' need to stay z? Will it mess things up if I change that folder name?

For the free version of this modification, we do ask that it stays. Zoints Local is designed to allow people to travel across the communities of the Internet with ease. Because of that, we need to keep a small degree of standardization so that people know where they're at :)

Pulsorock 11-29-2006 08:36 AM

Hi David!

I posted what I think is a bug in here:

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