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BadgerDog 07-12-2007 05:08 PM


Originally Posted by Paul M (Post 1288984)
The advantage of single files is you can restore a single table if required. The disadvantage is you need to join them if you want to restore everything in one go. It's personal choice.

Thanks Paul.... :)

Yup, for the first time last night, I set the config to do one file and that's what I got. One humungous single file for restore, if I ever needed it. :D


Fireproof 07-20-2007 01:35 AM

Holy cow - worked the first try!! Awesome mod - thank you very much!!

Cyricx 07-26-2007 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by Necrosaro420 (Post 1104450)
Any ideas why I get this message every time I run it? Plus I dont have an option in the control panel anywhere for some reason to set my options, I have installed it correctly. Thanks


An error occured during the MySQL backup. Details (Could not open Destination SQL file for writing.)

You likely need to chmod the destination directory to 777.

Make sure you set up your settings in the config file for the mod :)

Great hack!!! Love it!! Really helps out when my host doesn't always give me the best SSH access :mad:

Deimos 07-27-2007 05:42 PM

Has anyone figured out how to put a conditional in, to delete backups which pass a certain age? like 7 days or something?

BadgerDog 07-27-2007 06:05 PM


Originally Posted by Deimos (Post 1303256)
Has anyone figured out how to put a conditional in, to delete backups which pass a certain age? like 7 days or something?

I second that.... :up:

It would be very useful... a rolling 7 days of backups as an example...


David Lama 08-01-2007 04:32 AM

this may be a dumb question.. but where on my server should i put the files in the includes folder?

twilighthush 08-02-2007 01:10 AM

Destination folder is chmodded to 0777, however I'm still getting the error:


An error occured during the MySQL backup. Details (Could not open Destination SQL file for writing.)
I changed the path to: /home/users/public_html/forum/[foldernamehere]

It is a password locked folder -- from the outside. But it shouldn't affect backup, because I know I can manually back up via AdminCP. Please advise.

Deimos 08-02-2007 01:15 AM


Originally Posted by BadgerDog (Post 1303274)
I second that.... :up:

It would be very useful... a rolling 7 days of backups as an example...


I'm having a friend of mine program it in, so once she's done it, I'll post the modified/added code here.

twilighthush 08-02-2007 01:35 AM

Edited path to root forum so it reads like:

$backup['DUMP_PATH'] = '/home/users/cabbage/'; // Path to backups folder, with trailing slash

and chmodded the folder to 777.

Still not working. Any ideas?

philip_g 08-05-2007 02:28 PM


Originally Posted by twilighthush (Post 1307665)
Edited path to root forum so it reads like:

$backup['DUMP_PATH'] = '/home/users/cabbage/'; // Path to backups folder, with trailing slash

and chmodded the folder to 777.

Still not working. Any ideas?

dunno, mine would only work correctly without the trailing / but then wouldn't actually write the file. I gave up lol

Paul M 08-05-2007 02:32 PM

Some hosting systems (Plesk being an example) have default open_basdir settings that prevent the webserver writing to any files outside the domains root html folder. You have to check/change them.

jazz_aaf 08-06-2007 11:32 AM

the script stops after the largest table in database. How to overcome this?


kenfuzed 08-08-2007 06:15 PM

This may be unrelated to the backup itself, but right after this runs each morning my db/site seems to be having trouble restarting correctly. This doesn't happen every time but lately has occurred several times per week. Only the forumhome page starts correctly but all other pages have errors and won't display their content (just lines of errors). When I go in and turn vB off then back on, all pages display correctly. The errors occur right after the backup completes. Is there a command I could add to the end of the backup config file that would perform this restart procedure after the backup is completed?

raiderlax 08-08-2007 06:20 PM

How big of a database can this backup?

Thanks :)

Paul M 08-08-2007 07:20 PM

There is no limit other than what your server can handle.

raiderlax 08-08-2007 07:24 PM

Okay thanks, but I am somewhat confused. Their is the option of SSH backup and that can do big database backups, now with this one isn't it a script and could it "time out" on big databases?

I am somewhat new to database backups and don't fully understand them, so say my database is 500mb , this can back it up without timing out and would do a FULL backup?,

now what do you mean "other than your server can handle"???

Sorry for all the questions, I truly appreciate the help :)

cjddrum1 08-08-2007 07:49 PM

I have a question, this may sound stupid however:

the backup isnt just 1 sql file, say I wanted to restore the database, would I have to load each .sql file that this backup saved?

Say I had a database error, how would I go about restoring the database?

sorry just trying to figure out how to use this since im used to the 1 .sql file

raiderlax 08-09-2007 12:45 AM

When this backs up it put the sql into seperate files and not into a zip or something, how would I re-upload the database now???

Thanks :)

Paul M 08-09-2007 12:14 PM

As per the many previous posts on the subject, you have the choice to backup to a single file if you wish.

raiderlax 08-09-2007 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by Paul M (Post 1313558)
As per the many previous posts on the subject, you have the choice to backup to a single file if you wish.

Sorry found out how to do it now, wow!, this backs up the database so fast, how come it is this fast, it took like 3 seconds to do a backup, whereas I used another script and it took like 1 minute.

I downloaded the backup file and it was 15 mb, now is this too large for a database?

Now sorry but I have to ask this, how would I go about restoring the database from this 1 file?, please I need to know this.

Thanks :)

BadgerDog 08-10-2007 12:15 PM

Hi Paul.... :)

I assume since my Client API version says it's 5.0.24a, I should change this option below to "0"?

// Backup Optimizations
$backup['MYSQL4'] = 1; // Set to 1 if you are using MySQL4



kenfuzed 08-10-2007 02:16 PM

I posted this question a couple days ago but now I have the actual error to go with it.
PHP Code:

Warningpreg_replace() [function.preg-replace]: Compilation failedregular expression too large at offset 65539 in /includes/functions.php on line 555 

This error line repeats itself 50+ times down each forum page before the actual content is shown. This only occurs right after running the backup job, but not every time which is making it difficult to track down. It is cleared by toggling the forum off/on.

Here is my original question:

Originally Posted by kenfuzed (Post 1312921)
This may be unrelated to the backup itself, but right after this runs each morning my db/site seems to be having trouble restarting correctly. This doesn't happen every time but lately has occurred several times per week. Only the forumhome page starts correctly but all other pages have errors and won't display their content (just lines of errors). When I go in and turn vB off then back on, all pages display correctly. The errors occur right after the backup completes. Is there a command I could add to the end of the backup config file that would perform this restart procedure after the backup is completed?

Paul M 08-10-2007 07:38 PM

I would guess there is some problem with the vboptions not being saved properly when the board is turned off/on by the mod.

I would just turn that option off in the config file (I don't use it).

(set $backup['SHUTDOWN'] = 0)

BadgerDog 08-10-2007 11:42 PM


Originally Posted by Paul M (Post 1314690)
I would guess there is some problem with the vboptions not being saved properly when the board is turned off/on by the mod.

I would just turn that option off in the config file (I don't use it).

(set $backup['SHUTDOWN'] = 0)

Hi Paul.... :)

Question on a different option setting ...

I assume since my Client API version says it's 5.0.24a, I should change this option below to "0"?

// Backup Optimizations
$backup['MYSQL4'] = 1; // Set to 1 if you are using MySQL4



Paul M 08-10-2007 11:58 PM

It's actually an option for mysql4 or above, so you can leave it set to 1.

raiderlax 08-11-2007 05:21 AM

I really don't recommend people to install this, I know it royally screwed my site up, thank goodness for backups!

Deimos 08-11-2007 05:29 AM


Originally Posted by raiderlax (Post 1315017)
I really don't recommend people to install this, I know it royally screwed my site up, thank goodness for backups!

How so? Works fine for me.

Paul M 08-11-2007 04:17 PM


Originally Posted by raiderlax (Post 1315017)
I really don't recommend people to install this, I know it royally screwed my site up, thank goodness for backups!

I suggest you provide some solid proof to backup this claim.

raiderlax 08-11-2007 07:00 PM


Originally Posted by Paul M (Post 1315262)
I suggest you provide some solid proof to backup this claim.

You are right, I should provide solid proof of this, but I have already re-stored my site and am not going to re-install this mod to prove this, in fact I didn't really have to re-store the site, I could have just uninstalled the mod and things would have been fine, I just didn't know at first it was this mod that caused the problems on the site.

Some problems were header links missing and a lot of functionality missing on the site.

So now I will spend some time fixing up the site only because I had previous mods installed that have got messed up from re-storing the site, but if you do have problems like ones I have mention uninstall this mod to see if it is it(in my case it was) and do not go ahead and restore all your forum files like I had done :(

Other than that I like the idea of the mod and the way it was working until these problems arose.

da420 08-11-2007 07:13 PM

I've had this installed since back in October when it was first released without any problems whatsoever.

Paul M 08-12-2007 10:44 AM

The only time this modification can actually change anything on a site is if you use the 'shutdown' option to close your forum during a backup, in theory if the save of the options failed for some bizarre reason then the options in the datastore could get corrupted (simply editing an option would rebuild them I think).

Other than that, this has no capability to change anything, it's a "read only" modification.

Given that the basic code (written by Trigunflame) has been in use for over two years without any other such reports, I'm inclined to conclude that something else caused your issue. If you have evidence otherwise then please feel free to contact me.

(JFYI, This runs a backup on my site every night, and has done since the day 3.6 was released. I do not use the shutdown option.)

philip_g 08-12-2007 01:01 PM

I don't understand why the generated backup file is 53 megs when the file if I do a backup through SSH is 130 megs.

beishe8 08-13-2007 07:07 AM


Originally Posted by philip_g (Post 1315888)
I don't understand why the generated backup file is 53 megs when the file if I do a backup through SSH is 130 megs.

It is not saving your whole database, some of your tables are too large for it.
Times out incompleted,the forum stays locked.Locking and unlocking is the only way to start functioning again.
I installed it but cannot use it . It stops around 10 MB. (There is a large table which stops it.)
Tried to save the result to the server,same result.

Deimos 08-13-2007 07:13 AM

I only have problems if the PHP Memory Limit is left at default.
I have to raise it to about 100mb then it runs fine, otherwise i get an error about the memory being exausted.

Paul M 08-13-2007 10:59 AM

For reference, our server PHP limit is 32MB, and SQL packet Size is 16MB.

Our largest table (post) is about 550MB, and it backs up fine.

Smoothie 08-14-2007 01:51 AM


Originally Posted by raiderlax (Post 1315352)
You are right, I should provide solid proof of this, but I have already re-stored my site and am not going to re-install this mod to prove this, in fact I didn't really have to re-store the site, I could have just uninstalled the mod and things would have been fine, I just didn't know at first it was this mod that caused the problems on the site.

Some problems were header links missing and a lot of functionality missing on the site.

So now I will spend some time fixing up the site only because I had previous mods installed that have got messed up from re-storing the site, but if you do have problems like ones I have mention uninstall this mod to see if it is it(in my case it was) and do not go ahead and restore all your forum files like I had done :(

Other than that I like the idea of the mod and the way it was working until these problems arose.

I can confirm this on my site. Header links all farked-up. When I remove the product, it's back to normal. Uninstalled!!!!

Paul M 08-14-2007 06:59 AM


Originally Posted by Smoothie (Post 1316981)
I can confirm this on my site. Header links all farked-up. When I remove the product, it's back to normal. Uninstalled!!!!

1. What does "Header links all farked-up" mean exactly ?

2. As per previous posts, did you use the 'shutdown' option.

philip_g 08-14-2007 12:17 PM


Originally Posted by Paul M (Post 1316459)
For reference, our server PHP limit is 32MB, and SQL packet Size is 16MB.

Our largest table (post) is about 550MB, and it backs up fine.

my PHP is set to 64 and the SQL also set to 16. It seems to end processing the post column.

Server Type Linux
Safe Mode
Web Server Apache v2.2.3
PHP 5.1.6
PHP Max Post Size 8.00 MB
PHP Maximum Upload Size 16.00 MB
PHP Memory Limit 64.00 MB
MySQL Version 5.0.27
MySQL Packet Size 16.00 MB

Any ideas?

Paul M 08-14-2007 08:15 PM

Turn off safe mode, I have a feeling that you cannot override the default php timeout in safemode, so the script is possibly timing out.

Smoothie 08-16-2007 02:16 AM


Originally Posted by Paul M (Post 1317073)
1. What does "Header links all farked-up" mean exactly ?

2. As per previous posts, did you use the 'shutdown' option.

1. Meaning the links I have in the header (moved from the navbar, custom skin) were all messed-up. The Quick Links turned into a link for the buddy list, the login link no longer worked (it re-directed you to the forum index), the Mark forums read link suddenly appeared in the header and the New post link directed you to the style id of the skin you were using. Very odd stuff.

2. Yes

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