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kofoid 02-04-2006 09:08 PM


he hasnt done enough already with this hack to earn a reward of a donation?


well hell yes he has! LOL I just don't want to install until I can do the gifts thing (my users LOOOOVED it in 3.0)

OK donated 20.00

The Chief 02-04-2006 09:17 PM

great, im installing this tonight ;)

LBSources 02-04-2006 09:34 PM


Originally Posted by kofoid
well hell yes he has! LOL I just don't want to install until I can do the gifts thing (my users LOOOOVED it in 3.0)

OK donated 20.00

:) .. good man..

Brandon Sheley 02-04-2006 09:37 PM

[high]* Brandon Sheley subscribe to this thread

thank you for this mod, been waiting for this for a Long time, as many others have too :D

Frugal 02-04-2006 09:50 PM

Found a bug or limitation with the change user titles options, if your board has standard user titles set up then as soon as someone posts their title is reset to the standard title based on their post count. The fix should be fairly easy, as well as updating the usertitle field it also needs to update the customtitle field to 1. I considered hacking this in myself but I'd probably break something.


maroulis 02-04-2006 09:53 PM

is there any way you can add ribbons?

caimakale 02-04-2006 10:02 PM


Originally Posted by maroulis
is there any way you can add ribbons?

I might start on a ribbon hack later today...right now it's time to clean house in preparation of a superbowl party tomorrow!!! Go Steelers!!!

MorrisMcD 02-04-2006 11:10 PM


Originally Posted by LBSources
This would be also if your vbookie is using ucash also.. correct? im using vcash for vbookie currently.. id like to keep them seperate.. just wanted to know if i wanted to intergrate them..

the option also is

Points Field Name


Thanks Frugal..

Lenny :)

I am presented with this same scenario, but I would like to integrate them into one monetary system... EBux.. Not VCash... Anyone? I know VBookie allows you to use UCash.. Can I alter something in the VBookie files to make that same radio button choose to use EBux instead of the ever dying UCash?


Originally Posted by caimakale
I might start on a ribbon hack later today...right now it's time to clean house in preparation of a superbowl party tomorrow!!! Go Steelers!!!

Screw the Squeelers!!! Go Seahawks!!!! ;)

I am a Bengals fan.. I despise Pissburgh... BTW - you run a Dolphins forum?

caimakale 02-04-2006 11:18 PM


Originally Posted by MorrisMcD
Screw the Squeelers!!! Go Seahawks!!!! ;)

I am a Bengals fan.. I despise Pissburgh... BTW - you run a Dolphins forum?

I don't run a Dolphins forum, however the thought has crossed my mind to start one up. I am only rooting for the Steelers because Rothlisberger reminds me alot of a young Marino. Plus you have to root for the AFC when your team is in it!

Michael_Tree 02-04-2006 11:26 PM

Can someone tell me how to add an item to the store that just records that they bought it for me to see, and dosen't give them anything on the forum?

MorrisMcD 02-04-2006 11:39 PM


Originally Posted by caimakale
I don't run a Dolphins forum, however the thought has crossed my mind to start one up. I am only rooting for the Steelers because Rothlisberger reminds me alot of a young Marino. Plus you have to root for the AFC when your team is in it!

I liked Big Ben when he was with Miami of Ohio, but he is just another Black and Yellow turd to me now.. lol I cant root for that team.. No matter who they are playing... :D Besides.. Peter Warrick is with the Seahawks.. And Alexander grew up across the river from cincy... That outweighs lil ben being a local boy.. :D

Sorry... Back to your regularly scheduled program now :)

P.S. finheaven.com is a vBulletin board that has 1000s of members already.. I wouldnt bother starting one up. I was actually kinda wondering if you were from there

Frugal 02-04-2006 11:50 PM


Originally Posted by MorrisMcD
I am presented with this same scenario, but I would like to integrate them into one monetary system... EBux.. Not VCash... Anyone? I know VBookie allows you to use UCash.. Can I alter something in the VBookie files to make that same radio button choose to use EBux instead of the ever dying

You could either follow the method I posted earlier (set the fieldname to ucash in the ebux settings then use phpmyadmin to rename the ebux field to ucash). Or you could try doing a find and replace in functions_vbookie.php and change every instance of ucash to ebux. The first method definately works because that is what I did. The second works in theory but haven't tried it in practice so make a backup first ;)


MorrisMcD 02-05-2006 12:05 AM


Originally Posted by Frugal
You could either follow the method I posted earlier (set the fieldname to ucash in the ebux settings then use phpmyadmin to rename the ebux field to ucash). Or you could try doing a find and replace in functions_vbookie.php and change every instance of ucash to ebux. The first method definately works because that is what I did. The second works in theory but haven't tried it in practice so make a backup first ;)


The 2nd way seems like I could do less damage if I tried it, so I did... However, some lines in the functions_vbookie had references to vbookieucash as well as ucash.. I changed the ucash to ebux and the vbookieucash to vbookieebux

I tested a few things like adding an event and betting on it.. The postbits still display the vcash (which I am sure I just have to remove that from the template) but the vbookie event still made me bet from the vcash.. I am guessing I have to do the UCash integration option in the ebux options now? A tad worried to do it without asking since I never installed ucash ever on my 3.5 board (maybe I should just do the first option, but I am not 100% confident I would do it right :))

Sorry for being clueless, but thanks for the response.. :)

Frugal 02-05-2006 12:10 AM

In theory if you change all the references from ucash to ebux you will need to use the ucash integration option in vbookie then it "should" work.


MorrisMcD 02-05-2006 12:23 AM


Originally Posted by Frugal
In theory if you change all the references from ucash to ebux you will need to use the ucash integration option in vbookie then it "should" work.


Getting this


You do not have a form of uCash installed.
I guess there is more to the integration than just that.

I also noticed another possible bug. I set my thread view multiplier to .25, reply to .5 and thread to 1.. Well.. I was on a thread and was just clicking refresh.. Each time, the cash would go up .065 it appears. Well.. .06 once, then .07, then .06, then .07, etc. I changed the thread view back to 1. Then it goes up .25 at a time as I had desired. Then I changed it 20 just to see what what happen.. Still.. It goes up in increments of .25 like something got stuck. So I changed it back to .25. It started doing .065 at a time again.


I had reply to .5.. Well.. I tried that. It goes up .25 each reply.. I change it to 1 and it goes up .5 each time. I changed it to 20.. It went up 10.. (very confused at this point.)

Changed everything back to 1... As default... replys going up .5 at a time, thread views going up .25 at a time... New threads 1 at a time.. as I had originally wanted.. But I would still like to change it down the road maybe... :D

I guess using the decimals broke something I guess... Anyone else run into the issue or willing to try it on theirs??? haha

Frugal 02-05-2006 12:26 AM

Ok here is how to integrate ebux and vbookie without having to edit the vbookie files.

If you have ucash installed then just go into ebux options in ACP select Manage Settings and change Points Field Name to ucash (it should be the 4th option up from the bottom.)

If you didn't have ucash installed then you will also need to run the following query (go to ACP maintenance Execute SQL Query)


ALTER TABLE `user` CHANGE `ebux` `ucash` DECIMAL( 30, 5 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00000'
Then select ucash integration option in vbookie.

That should be it.


inkpassion 02-05-2006 12:32 AM

CMX - I just threw a little cash your way. For some reason it added shipping and handling but hey I guess its a little bonus ;)

I would like to put up some bountys for addons like the gifts/ribbions and what not. If you know of a service let me know. I cant belive how quickly this project is growing and money make it grow faster ;)

I know Im not the only one stuck on 3 wanting to upgrade to 3.5 and the gifts thing is the onlything holding me back.

JohnnyClark 02-05-2006 01:06 AM

lovin it thanxs alot...works good so far

MorrisMcD 02-05-2006 01:13 AM


Originally Posted by Frugal
Ok here is how to integrate ebux and vbookie without having to edit the vbookie files.

If you have ucash installed then just go into ebux options in ACP select Manage Settings and change Points Field Name to ucash (it should be the 4th option up from the bottom.)

If you didn't have ucash installed then you will also need to run the following query (go to ACP maintenance Execute SQL Query)


ALTER TABLE `user` CHANGE `ebux` `ucash` DECIMAL( 30, 5 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00000'
Then select ucash integration option in vbookie.

That should be it.



You are the man... I do appreciate the help bro!

If I ever upgrade, will I need to do anything special? I guess not since the money table is like a wildcard able to be set in acp?

kofoid 02-05-2006 01:37 AM


.. good man..
LOL woman

Frugal 02-05-2006 01:44 AM


Originally Posted by MorrisMcD

You are the man... I do appreciate the help bro!

If I ever upgrade, will I need to do anything special? I guess not since the money table is like a wildcard able to be set in acp?

Probably not but as soon as I upgrade I'll post here if anything special needs to be done.


JohnnyClark 02-05-2006 02:15 AM

I really think this guy should be the master coder of Vbulletin...he does it in 2 days and ive been waiting for this hack for the "professional coders" ive been tellin my users...

goood loookkk dawg

eNforce 02-05-2006 03:53 AM

No problems for me so far that I can tell...

A couple requests though..
  • Display total points on the main store page
  • Ability to disable indivdual threads from giving points - Good for threads that are spammy but popular.

LBSources 02-05-2006 04:05 AM


Originally Posted by kofoid
LOL woman

yikes.. do you mean youre a woman? sorry ..

in that case .. Good Girl :P

eNforce 02-05-2006 04:12 AM

Here's a problem on my board

The font color is black, should be white

(on the tcat image, right under 'Serios Gaming's Store')

JsnakeJ 02-05-2006 04:24 AM

You need to edit the template that that uses and use a different class than smallfont.

Testing this on my test board. If I like it I may put it on my regular board. :D

Nice work CMX.

Edit: I don't like the way it looks. Will definatly wait on the uShop project. Sorry man, great work for a couple days and nights. Will keep an eye on this project though.

Oddjob 02-05-2006 05:27 AM

What are the odds of this integrating with v3arcade?

caimakale 02-05-2006 06:25 AM


Originally Posted by Oddjob
What are the odds of this integrating with v3arcade?

He has mentioned that he plans on integrating with v3arcade. No definitive date though on when it will make it's way into it.

Sai01 02-05-2006 06:35 AM

this is good alright! but i still prefer the ushop, i guess this will do for now. thanks a bunch!!!

by the way, how do i change the "point" text to something else. like "money" for example?

also is there any way to change the button value in the donation page to "make donation" instead of "purchase"? and the confirming message to "money transfer successfully" or "donation transfer sucessfully"? instead of item purchase sucessfully... it just sounds weird... we didn't purchase anything, we donate.....

caimakale 02-05-2006 07:04 AM


Originally Posted by Sai01
this is good alright! but i still prefer the ushop, i guess this will do for now.

by the way, how do i change the "point" text to something else. like "money" for example?

also is there any way to change the button value in the donation page to "make donation" instead of "purchase"? and the confirming message to "money transfer successfully" or "donation transfer sucessfully"? instead of item purchase sucessfully... it just sounds weird... we didn't purchase anything, we donate.....

To change "Points" to something else look in your phrases, more specifically the ebux_points phrase. Change it to whatever you like.

As far as the button and text is concerned for donating, it would be possible to change it, but it depends on if/when CMX releases it.

It's funny people are complaining about this hack in comparison to uShop. Where is uShop? Development is slower than cold tar moving uphill which doesn't give much hope for support when it is released. CMX continues to make eStore better and better everyday, please remember it's still in it's infancy.

One more opinion...As the creators of uShop have done in their thread, I feel the same should stand here, and that is no talk about any product but (in this case) eBux and eStore. Again that is just an opinion, I have no authority to enforce it, but fair is fair.

evenmonkeys 02-05-2006 07:08 AM

This has got my HotM vote already.

Mookie 02-05-2006 07:43 AM

Love the hack, I just got one question, when is the beta going to be done and the real release date???

Sai01 02-05-2006 07:52 AM


Originally Posted by caimakale
To change "Points" to something else look in your phrases, more specifically the ebux_points phrase. Change it to whatever you like.

As far as the button and text is concerned for donating, it would be possible to change it, but it depends on if/when CMX releases it.

It's funny people are complaining about this hack in comparison to uShop. Where is uShop? Development is slower than cold tar moving uphill which doesn't give much hope for support when it is released. CMX continues to make eStore better and better everyday, please remember it's still in it's infancy.

One more opinion...As the creators of uShop have done in their thread, I feel the same should stand here, and that is no talk about any product but (in this case) eBux and eStore. Again that is just an opinion, I have no authority to enforce it, but fair is fair.

sorry if i offened anybody... i didn't mean to compare it to ushop. it's just my stupid opinion and would be best if i didn't bring it up...

in fact i think the feature are equal(plus it's still a baby)! when i said i prefer ushop i meant as in the looks and layout of it. But doing this hacks for us in only 3 days? that's something very great and awesome!

also thanks for the reply, so... searhcing for "Points" in phrase huh? i'll do that. and thank you CMX! for making a fantasy(ushop) into a reality!

vietkieu_cz 02-05-2006 08:15 AM

Just needed "Who do this" in History CMX :)

eNforce 02-05-2006 08:19 AM


Originally Posted by xYarub
This has got my HotM vote already.

Yeah almost :D

For a beta it's very well done, I've yet to stumble upon any serious bugs or problems. Maybe just spice up the menus and such to be bit more visually pleasing and it's good to go :surprised:

Marky 02-05-2006 09:30 AM

Oh yea - you rule :D
Good job dude, I think the whole community has been waiting upon something like this to happen :)

moonclamp 02-05-2006 12:01 PM

I'm so glad someone has done this ... but I'm gonna wait and see if the quick reply thing gets fixed before I install.

Thanks :)

Frugal 02-05-2006 01:35 PM

I've found another bug, some of my usergroups don't see any items in the store. Making registered their secondary group seems to fix this but it makes no sense as there doesn't seem to be any options for usergroup permissions.


Deimos 02-05-2006 01:36 PM


Originally Posted by Frugal
I've found another bug, some of my usergroups don't see any items in the store. Making registered their secondary group seems to fix this but it makes no sense as there doesn't seem to be any options for usergroup permissions.


There are usergroup permissions, they're done per ITEM
You have to go into the item manager section, click the first item and in there there's a field to put in the "allowed usergroups" (you need to note down the number of the user group or groups you want added to that list)

mcyates 02-05-2006 01:51 PM

I get this error when trying to donate points to people:


Database error in vBulletin 3.5.2:

Invalid SQL:

glowcolor = '',
estore_history = 'N;'
WHERE userid = '859';

MySQL Error  : Unknown column 'estore_history' in 'field list'
Error Number : 1054
Date        : Saturday, February 4th 2006 @ 12:54:16 PM
Script      : http://www.myfootballforum.com/estore.php
Referrer    : http://www.myfootballforum.com/estore.php?do=action&itemid=6
IP Address  :
Username    : hitman105
Classname    : vb_database

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