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-   -   phpAdsNew Banner Ads integration (advertisements, classified ads, Adsense, etc.) (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=100229)

bada_bing 08-10-2006 02:35 PM

Hey guys,

Im really having a tough time trying to get the ads to display on my site.. Can someone help me with this. Can you post the simple code to just display an ad from
a specific zone2? And If I want to have the add show up on top of my forums (Header) where do I put this code.


markbolyard 08-10-2006 02:40 PM

<ad what="zone:1" />
<ad what="zone:2" />
<ad what="zone:3" />

and so on. So if you want to have zone 2 in your header, place the second example in tha are you want zone 2 ads to display.

mattyk72 08-10-2006 03:00 PM

hmmm, I can get it to work with java but not with the <ad...> code

bada_bing 08-10-2006 06:12 PM


Originally Posted by markbolyard
<ad what="zone:1" />
<ad what="zone:2" />
<ad what="zone:3" />

and so on. So if you want to have zone 2 in your header, place the second example in tha are you want zone 2 ads to display.

Another question... Where in the header template do I place this?

markbolyard 08-10-2006 06:16 PM

Depends on where you want it. Why not post the link to your forum, then and I'll look at the code. Explain where you want it to show.

bada_bing 08-10-2006 07:12 PM

Link to my site is www.seekingadultfriends.com/forums

bada_bing 08-11-2006 02:45 AM


Originally Posted by markbolyard
Depends on where you want it. Why not post the link to your forum, then and I'll look at the code. Explain where you want it to show.

Did you take a look?

D.Ilyin 08-11-2006 05:17 PM

vB + phpAdsNew 2.0.8 + phpAdsNew Integration 1.0.4 for vBulletin 3.5.x
Path for phpAdsNew in vBulletin panel (here - ./admincp/options.php?do=options&dogroup=server) - correct.
Optinons of phpAdsNew 2.0.8:
Added another one HTML banner with same following code:
PHP Code:


When brouse phpAdsNew adminpanel banners shows fine!
Option "Allow PHP expressions to be executed from within a HTML banner" - enabled.
This option $phpAds_config['compatibility_mode'] set to true in phpAdsNew config file.
In FOUMHOME template was added (keyword the same sa for added in phpAdsNew)
HTML Code:

<ad what="banner" />
Question: Why when i view admin panel of phpAdsNew i see bener as well, but when i view forum in sourse code of page i see only
HTML Code:

<!-- BEGIN ad 126277454 --><!-- END ad 126277454 -->

I read thread two times. The same problems was report but answers are..... apsent.

PS Another banners are works fine, but this .....

D.Ilyin 08-14-2006 03:42 PM

Does anybody use externals text banners?
When i set in Banner properties - Target - this url http://notmyhost.com/link/banner2.htm, the story with empty banner code repeated :(.
Someone help me please.....

jaybolt 08-14-2006 03:53 PM

First off, this is probably the most useful vB hack I have installed. It helps me run my ad campaigns efficiently and with the minimum of fuss. This is how I have set up the hack:

1. In your global.php file for vBulletin, search for:


// templates to be included in every single page...
$globaltemplates = array_merge($globaltemplates, array(
        // the really important ones

In the list add:



2. Create a new template called 'adserver' in your VB styles and templates area. This is the code I use:


<div style="position: absolute; top: 10px; right: 80px; padding: 1px; border: 2px #C0C0C0 solid;">

<if condition="$foruminfo['forumid']==24"><ad what="zone:3" /><else />
<if condition="$foruminfo['forumid']==105"><ad what="zone:3" /><else />
<if condition="$foruminfo['forumid']==106"><ad what="zone:3" /><else />
<if condition="$foruminfo['forumid']==11"><ad what="zone:4" /><else />
<if condition="$foruminfo['forumid']==18"><ad what="zone:5" /><else />
<if condition="$foruminfo['forumid']==14"><ad what="zone:7" /><else />
<if condition="$foruminfo['forumid']==16"><ad what="zone:8" /><else />
<if condition="$foruminfo['forumid']==69"><ad what="zone:9" /><else />

<ad what="zone:6" />

What is basically does is some CSS positioning to put the ad at the top right of the screen and then it assigns different forum ids to different ad zones within phpadsnew.

Finally, in your NAVBAR template in vb, add the following to the top of your template:

And thats it - that should position your banner at the top right of your forum pages and should display the correct banner relating to your phpadsnew zone set up. It defaults in my case to showing 'zone:6' ads if no other forum is selected.

I hope this helps someone - made it very easy for me when I update my vbulletin versions.

wolf314 08-18-2006 05:00 AM

Does this (1.0.4) integration work for vbulletin 3.6 or just 3.5.x?

jaybolt 08-18-2006 06:41 AM


Originally Posted by wolf314
Does this (1.0.4) integration work for vbulletin 3.6 or just 3.5.x?

I haven't run it on my 3.6 test server yet but I can't see any reason why it shouldn't run as it is just a simple template addition.

jaybolt 08-18-2006 06:41 AM

Ah - apologies - you were asking about the phpadsnew integration, not my mini hack.

irishblacknight 08-18-2006 07:34 AM


Originally Posted by wolf314
Does this (1.0.4) integration work for vbulletin 3.6 or just 3.5.x?

It's working fine for me here:


jw00dy 08-18-2006 07:42 AM

Works fine on my 3.6.0 install. No problems at all.

obmob 08-18-2006 06:18 PM

wow, it works... phpAdsnew is really powerful :D

Mauu 08-24-2006 05:47 AM

Has anyone gotten this to work using two database? My vB forum is one one database and PAN is in another. No ads show up for me.

irishblacknight 08-24-2006 07:08 AM


Originally Posted by Mauu
Has anyone gotten this to work using two database? My vB forum is one one database and PAN is in another. No ads show up for me.

The databases have nothing to do with your issue.

Make sure that you've followed instructions about integrating the two properly.

Mauu 08-24-2006 07:56 PM


Originally Posted by irishblacknight
Make sure that you've followed instructions about integrating the two properly.

I'm fairly certain that I've followed the directions on how to configure it. When I view the source where the ad should be, I see:
HTML Code:

<!-- BEGIN ad 12345 --><!-- END ad 12345 -->
I have defined the advertising location with an absolute path and no trailing slash, so it reads: "/home/ycoders/public_html/adverts". I have also tested it outside of vBulletin and the ad is delivered fine. So, it's not on PAN's end.

I then have in my templates: <ad what="zone:1" />, and the comments appear where this shows up, but not the ad. I am using local mode. Any idea what's up? I tried tracing through the code and running it through a debugger, but couldn't find anything that caught my eye.

irishblacknight 08-24-2006 08:13 PM

You may need to refer to the phpadsnew documentation .....

Mauu 08-24-2006 09:13 PM

Sorry, but can you be a bit more explicit? Compatability mode is turned on in PAN and it will deliver ads perfectly fine outside of vB. :)

D.Ilyin 08-25-2006 05:17 AM


Originally Posted by Mauu
Sorry, but can you be a bit more explicit? Compatability mode is turned on in PAN and it will deliver ads perfectly fine outside of vB. :)

And in my situation... as i described above....
Ads with PHP code shows fine in non vB and in admincp in phpAdsNew 2.0.8, but not shows in vB.
Others ads (like HTML and pics) displays without problems.

Mauu 08-31-2006 04:04 AM

This system seems to be very flakey to me. Can someone recommend a different solution?

Ncturnal 08-31-2006 04:08 AM


Originally Posted by Mauu
This system seems to be very flakey to me. Can someone recommend a different solution?

We use Adpeeps on www.mr2trader.com. We've been very happy with it, but it's not a free product. Then again, sometimes you get what you pay for.

furst 09-02-2006 09:03 PM

Does this work with 3.6.0? If not, does anyone know an alternative? I don't need anything overly sophisticated.

VViper 09-10-2006 04:10 AM

This PHP Add thing isnt that user friendly.
I have made an SWF banner and saved it.

How can i get this to display at either the footer or the header?

Also can it do a random grab from the banners created?

thanks for sharing the Modification

dholt 09-16-2006 07:46 PM

How do I Integration this into VB. I know noob Question any help please


I understand I have to create a db for it or can it be added to the vb db. what I need is the root structure for it.

I downloaded this from
and downloaded this from

Thanks if anyone else uses this with vBulletin I use Version 3.6.1

Quarterbore 09-19-2006 02:01 AM

I will be putting this on my 3.6 board real soon...

Edit: All done and she works great... I need to learn how to use the base script but the integration worked awsome...


gamelandz 09-23-2006 02:51 PM

I have to ask this again b/c i can't find the answer...

How do i setup the code to show ads only in a certain forum?

<if condition="$foruminfo['forumid']==3"><ad what="navbar" /></if>

...the above code only works for the main category 3...but not when a user is looking a a thread inside the category #3

vb 3.5.4

thenewuser 09-24-2006 07:09 AM

I put the invocation code in the index.php and this mod to modify it. I've gotten this to work before but for some reason it sin't working this time around.

Any suggestions?

I'm using:

"<td align="$stylevar[right]" valign="center" height="62">

<ad what="zone:1" />


In the header template...

thenewuser 09-24-2006 01:24 PM

I am having the same problem Mauu was having... I get:

<!-- BEGIN ad 11111111 --><!-- END ad 1111111111 -->

(numbers replaced w/ 1)

instead of the banner coming up. I've done everything correctly, twice now. What gives? :(

Zowners 09-26-2006 01:11 AM

can we get this to work with 3.6.1?

Devices 09-27-2006 08:42 AM

Thanks for this hack. Works perfectly for me after a little messing.

I installed it on VB3.6 and there are no problems after upgrading to VB3.61

On initial set up i tried using it to access PAN on a remote server but no matter what i tried it would not work. As my MySQL is on another remote server. I just installed the PAN files on my forums server. After that local mode worked perfectly. If the load gets to great i will try using the remote setup then.

thenewuser 09-27-2006 11:45 PM

So we don't use the original invocation code anywhere?

libertate 09-28-2006 01:52 AM

I must be a complete imbecile.

I cannot figure out how to do this.

Loaded PAN. But nothing done to vB just yet.

Do I install this module then? Or do I have to mess with some templates first?

There are several references to a thread here which says place the "invocation code" into "PHPINCLUDE_START" template. There is no such template in vB 3.5.4. So where does that invocation code need to be placed?

From what I understand PHPINCLUDE_START was replaced by a "Hook" in the Module system as "global_start". Do I add the invocation code in there?

The above step is where I am stuck.

Will installing this mod replace the step of adding the invocation code, or still require it?

If it does not require it, then I have an issue. Once I installed it (no invocation code in global_start hook), when trying to edit a template to include <a .../>, the save process just seems to hang and returns a blank page after editing the template. When refreshing the edit page, the changes to include the <a... /> code is not there.

thenewuser 09-28-2006 11:56 PM

I too am completely stuck and thus can't launch this site. I might have to go with a pay system instead of this free thing.

I can only generate "remote invocation for javascript" and not local for some reason. I too have NO idea where too add this invocation code.

I wish this free syetm had more support. Sorry, I'm just venting, very frustrating.

Devices 09-29-2006 09:29 AM

I had the missing "local invocation" from the drop down box in phpAdsNew too. After reading here and at the PAN forums i discovered it was because i did not have the correct exact url in my config.inc.php file.

Before i corrected that i would just get the

<!-- BEGIN ad 12345678 --><!-- END ad 12345678 -->

in the soruce code of my web page. As soon as i corrected the URL in the config file i had local invocation and the banners displayed fine.

thenewuser 09-29-2006 10:04 AM


Originally Posted by Devices
I had the missing "local invocation" from the drop down box in phpAdsNew too. After reading here and at the PAN forums i discovered it was because i did not have the correct exact url in my config.inc.php file.

Before i corrected that i would just get the

<!-- BEGIN ad 12345678 --><!-- END ad 12345678 -->

in the soruce code of my web page. As soon as i corrected the URL in the config file i had local invocation and the banners displayed fine.

That path is correct.

I have local code now.

Banners aren't showing.

I still get the <!-- BEGIN ad 12345678 --><!-- END ad 12345678 --> error.

Devices 09-30-2006 10:34 AM


Originally Posted by thenewuser
That path is correct.

I have local code now.

Banners aren't showing.

I still get the <!-- BEGIN ad 12345678 --><!-- END ad 12345678 --> error.

I am stuck now to advise what to do other than check your path to your pan installation mine is on a windows server and i have the path set to D:\Domains\mydomain.com\www\ads

The fact you are getting the code above i would say the addon is working ok its just not getting the correct info from PAN. So it either cannot find it or PAN is not returning the correct info.

Have you verified your PAN is working normally outside of VB ?

dholt 10-01-2006 03:21 AM

Nice works great
I need a how too to create a add block for this for the right side of my vba.

can someone give me a step by step on inserting a banner on the right or left side in a block.

Thanks in advance

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