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Well, I had my first real, didn't put it in by hand, donation.
Not only did it feel real good, it worked well. |
i manged to install this on one site with no problems
3.06 board as well using 1.02 . it installed with no problems into the vbadvanced in no time at all. i tried to do it on a 3.07 board from a fresh install and i get the followin sql error, remember this is a fresh install here so i find it really odd that it sees a duplicate value :S Invalid SQL: INSERT INTO template VALUES (NULL, '-1', 'adv_portal_donate', '<!-- Donations Block --> <table align=\\\"center\\\" border=\\\"0\\\" cellpadding=\\\"$stylevar[cellpadding]\\\" cellspacing=\\\"$stylevar[cellspacing]\\\" class=\\\"tborder\\\" width=\\\"100%\\\"> <tr> <td class=\\\"tcat\\\"><span class=\\\"smallfont\\\"><strong>$vba_options[portal_blockbullet] Donations</strong></span></td> </tr> $donate_goals_bits <td class=\\\"$getbgrow\\\" align=\\\"center\\\"> Our Top $vboptions[donate_CMPS_users] Donors <hr /> <table> $donate_goals_userbits </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class=\\\"$getbgrow\\\" align=\\\"center\\\"> <a href=\\\"$vboptions[bburl]/donate.php\\\"><img src=\\\"$stylevar[imgdir_button]/donate_button.gif\\\" border=\\\"0\\\"></a> </td> </tr> </table> <br /> <!-- End Donations Block -->', '<!-- Donations Block --> <table align=\"center\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"$stylevar[cellpadding]\" cellspacing=\"$stylevar[cellspacing]\" class=\"tborder\" width=\"100%\"> <tr> <td class=\"tcat\"><span class=\"smallfont\"><strong>$vba_options[portal_blockbullet] Donations</strong></span></td> </tr> $donate_goals_bits <td class=\"$getbgrow\" align=\"center\"> Our Top $vboptions[donate_CMPS_users] Donors <hr /> <table> $donate_goals_userbits </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class=\"$getbgrow\" align=\"center\"> <a href=\"$vboptions[bburl]/donate.php\"><img src=\"$stylevar[imgdir_button]/donate_button.gif\" border=\"0\"></a> </td> </tr> </table> <br /> <!-- End Donations Block -->', 'template', '1118691219', 'Cloudrunner', '3.0.7') mysql error: Duplicate entry '-1-0' for key 2 so im stuck getting it to install into vbadvanced, need a bit of help. |
I bet there are like 5 of them, it's possible one used the same name. If you go into Style Manager does it show a template with that name? I saw the fresh install part, but it's possible you added other hacks. Just checking. Also, if you do find it in there, just delete it if it's not needed. Then try again. |
hi thanks for the quick reply,
i dont actually have ANY other paypal hack installed on that board and i've been through the styles and theres nothing there. Now unless its a bork in this db im unsure. i've tried installing it without using that module and i've hit the problem with calling out to the external website. What bothers me about that is that I can ping that server and i know it can route to it via a web browser but it doesn't seem to work which is odd as hell. I have full control over that apache box though so if i need to change a setting just let me know what it is. :D |
Just to mention from earlier with a 3.0.6 error for duplicate phrases:
Database error in vBulletin 3.0.7: Oh and any plans for this to go onto 3.5.0 once it's released? EDIT: I uninstalled and installed again, the problem persisted, uninstalled and installed again for a third time and now it works. Oh well, no complaining, as long as it works. |
just a quick question
http://www.oanda.com/convert/fxdaily...list=donations thats the link it goes to and if i surf to it i get a server error from their site, thats not a 404 but an actual formatted error page on their site. could this be causing trouble? additional: it takes quite a while to transfer to the site as well so could it be timing out at the php level. |
i made a really i made a quick change to the code that checks to make sure its a valid donation link and not just 'donations' (just changed it to USD if it found donations in the link dunno if that will cause major problems later on but i can always revert the code back) any the hack continued to install. but i hit ANOTHER database error, remembering that i've run the uninstaller everytime its failed and it never got this far i get this error now.
Invalid SQL: INSERT INTO template VALUES (NULL, '-1', 'DONATIONS', '$stylevar[htmldoctype] <html dir=\\\"$stylevar[textdirection]\\\" lang=\\\"$stylevar[languagecode]\\\"> <head> <!-- no cache headers --> <meta http-equiv=\\\"Pragma\\\" content=\\\"no-cache\\\" /> <meta http-equiv=\\\"Expires\\\" content=\\\"-1\\\" /> <meta http-equiv=\\\"Cache-Control\\\" content=\\\"no-cache\\\" /> <!-- end no cache headers --> <title>$vboptions[bbtitle] -- Donations</title> $headinclude </head> <body> $header $navbar <!-- main --> <table class=\\\"tborder\\\" cellpadding=\\\"$stylevar[cellpadding]\\\" cellspacing=\\\"$stylevar[cellspacing]\\\" border=\\\"0\\\" width=\\\"100%\\\" align=\\\"center\\\"> <thead> <tr align=\\\"center\\\"> <td class=\\\"tcat\\\" colspan=\\\"3\\\">$vbphrase[how_to_donate]</td> </tr> <tr align=\\\"center\\\"> <td class=\\\"thead\\\" colspan=\\\"3\\\"> <span class=\\\"smallfont\\\">$vbphrase[processor_paypal]</span> </td> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr align=\\\"center\\\"> $donationbits </tr> <tr> <td class=\\\"tfoot\\\" colspan=\\\"3\\\"> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <br /> <table border=\\\"0\\\" width=\\\"100%\\\"> <tr valign=\\\"top\\\"> \" . (($vboptions[\'showdonators\'] ==1) ? (\" <td> <table class=\\\"tborder\\\" cellpadding=\\\"$stylevar[cellpadding]\\\" cellspacing=\\\"$stylevar[cellspacing]\\\" border=\\\"0\\\" width=\\\"100%\\\" align=\\\"center\\\"> <thead> <tr align=\\\"center\\\"> <td class=\\\"tcat\\\" colspan=\\\"3\\\">$vbphrase[top_donators]</td> </tr> <tr align=\\\"center\\\"> <td class=\\\"thead\\\" colspan=\\\"3\\\">$vbphrase[sorted_by_total_donation]</td> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr align=\\\"center\\\"> $topdonatorbits </tr> <tr> <td class=\\\"tfoot\\\" colspan=\\\"3\\\"> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </td> \") : (\"\")).\" <td> \" . (($vboptions[\'showgoals\'] == 1) ? (\" <table class=\\\"tborder\\\" cellpadding=\\\"$stylevar[cellpadding]\\\" cellspacing=\\\"$stylevar[cellspacing]\\\" border=\\\"0\\\" width=\\\"100%\\\" align=\\\"center\\\"> <thead> <tr align=\\\"center\\\"> <td class=\\\"tcat\\\" colspan=\\\"2\\\">$vbphrase[our_donation_goals]</td> </tr> <tr align=\\\"center\\\"> <td class=\\\"thead\\\" colspan=\\\"2\\\"> $vbphrase[money_goes_towards_goals]<br /> \" . (($vboptions[\'showtotalcollected\'] == 1) ? (\" \" . (($mc_total > 0) ? (\" $vbphrase[we_have_collected] $$mc_total $vbphrase[since] $vboptions[donationstartdate] \") : (\" $vbphrase[we_have_not_collected] \")).\" \") : (\"\")).\" </td> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr align=\\\"center\\\"> $donationgoalbits </tr> <tr> <td class=\\\"tfoot\\\" colspan=\\\"2\\\"> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <br /> \") : (\"\")).\" <table class=\\\"tborder\\\" cellpadding=\\\"$stylevar[cellpadding]\\\" cellspacing=\\\"$stylevar[cellspacing]\\\" border=\\\"0\\\" width=\\\"100%\\\" align=\\\"center\\\"> <thead> <tr align=\\\"center\\\"> <td class=\\\"tcat\\\">$vbphrase[your_donations_are_appreciated]</td> </tr> <tr align=\\\"center\\\"> <td class=\\\"thead\\\">$vbphrase[all_donations_go_towards_furthering_goals]</td> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td class=\\\"alt1\\\"> $vbphrase[donation_used_to_further_mission] </td> </tr> \" . (($vboptions[\'501c3\'] == 1) ? (\" <tr> <td> $vbphrase[non_profit] <br /> $vbphrase[our_tax_id] <br /> <center><strong>$vboptions[taxid]</strong></center> </td> </tr> \") : (\"\")).\" <tr> <td class=\\\"tfoot\\\"> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> \" . (($vboptions[\'showverifiedseal\'] == 1) ? (\" <br /> <table class=\\\"tborder\\\" cellpadding=\\\"$stylevar[cellpadding]\\\" cellspacing=\\\"$stylevar[cellspacing]\\\" border=\\\"0\\\" width=\\\"100%\\\" align=\\\"center\\\"> <thead> <tr align=\\\"center\\\"> <td class=\\\"tcat\\\" colspan=\\\"3\\\">$vbphrase[paypal_verified]</td> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr align=\\\"center\\\"> <td class=\\\"alt1\\\" align=\\\"center\\\"> <a href=\\\"https://www.paypal.com/us/verified/pal=$vboptions[paypal_email]\\\" target=\\\"_blank\\\"> <img src=\\\"$stylevar[imgdir_misc]/paypal_verified.gif\\\" border=\\\"0\\\" alt=\\\"Official PayPal Seal\\\"> </a> </td> <td class=\\\"alt2\\\" align=\\\"center\\\" width=\\\"100%\\\"> $vbphrase[what_it_means_to_be_verified] </td> </tr> <tr> <td class=\\\"tfoot\\\" colspan=\\\"3\\\"> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> \") : (\"\")).\" </td> </tr> </table> <!-- /main --> $footer </body> </html>', '$stylevar[htmldoctype] <html dir=\"$stylevar[textdirection]\" lang=\"$stylevar[languagecode]\"> <head> <!-- no cache headers --> <meta http-equiv=\"Pragma\" content=\"no-cache\" /> <meta http-equiv=\"Expires\" content=\"-1\" /> <meta http-equiv=\"Cache-Control\" content=\"no-cache\" /> <!-- end no cache headers --> <title>$vboptions[bbtitle] -- Donations</title> $headinclude </head> <body> $header $navbar <!-- main --> <table class=\"tborder\" cellpadding=\"$stylevar[cellpadding]\" cellspacing=\"$stylevar[cellspacing]\" border=\"0\" width=\"100%\" align=\"center\"> <thead> <tr align=\"center\"> <td class=\"tcat\" colspan=\"3\">$vbphrase[how_to_donate]</td> </tr> <tr align=\"center\"> <td class=\"thead\" colspan=\"3\"> <span class=\"smallfont\">$vbphrase[processor_paypal]</span> </td> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr align=\"center\"> $donationbits </tr> <tr> <td class=\"tfoot\" colspan=\"3\"> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <br /> <table border=\"0\" width=\"100%\"> <tr valign=\"top\"> <if condition=\"$vboptions[\'showdonators\'] ==1\"> <td> <table class=\"tborder\" cellpadding=\"$stylevar[cellpadding]\" cellspacing=\"$stylevar[cellspacing]\" border=\"0\" width=\"100%\" align=\"center\"> <thead> <tr align=\"center\"> <td class=\"tcat\" colspan=\"3\">$vbphrase[top_donators]</td> </tr> <tr align=\"center\"> <td class=\"thead\" colspan=\"3\">$vbphrase[sorted_by_total_donation]</td> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr align=\"center\"> $topdonatorbits </tr> <tr> <td class=\"tfoot\" colspan=\"3\"> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </td> </if> <td> <if condition=\"$vboptions[\'showgoals\'] == 1\"> <table class=\"tborder\" cellpadding=\"$stylevar[cellpadding]\" cellspacing=\"$stylevar[cellspacing]\" border=\"0\" width=\"100%\" align=\"center\"> <thead> <tr align=\"center\"> <td class=\"tcat\" colspan=\"2\">$vbphrase[our_donation_goals]</td> </tr> <tr align=\"center\"> <td class=\"thead\" colspan=\"2\"> $vbphrase[money_goes_towards_goals]<br /> <if condition=\"$vboptions[\'showtotalcollected\'] == 1\"> <if condition=\"$mc_total > 0\"> $vbphrase[we_have_collected] $$mc_total $vbphrase[since] $vboptions[donationstartdate] <else /> $vbphrase[we_have_not_collected] </if> </if> </td> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr align=\"center\"> $donationgoalbits </tr> <tr> <td class=\"tfoot\" colspan=\"2\"> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <br /> </if> <table class=\"tborder\" cellpadding=\"$stylevar[cellpadding]\" cellspacing=\"$stylevar[cellspacing]\" border=\"0\" width=\"100%\" align=\"center\"> <thead> <tr align=\"center\"> <td class=\"tcat\">$vbphrase[your_donations_are_appreciated]</td> </tr> <tr align=\"center\"> <td class=\"thead\">$vbphrase[all_donations_go_towards_furthering_goals]</td> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td class=\"alt1\"> $vbphrase[donation_used_to_further_mission] </td> </tr> <if condition=\"$vboptions[\'501c3\'] == 1\"> <tr> <td> $vbphrase[non_profit] <br /> $vbphrase[our_tax_id] <br /> <center><strong>$vboptions[taxid]</strong></center> </td> </tr> </if> <tr> <td class=\"tfoot\"> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <if condition=\"$vboptions[\'showverifiedseal\'] == 1\"> <br /> <table class=\"tborder\" cellpadding=\"$stylevar[cellpadding]\" cellspacing=\"$stylevar[cellspacing]\" border=\"0\" width=\"100%\" align=\"center\"> <thead> <tr align=\"center\"> <td class=\"tcat\" colspan=\"3\">$vbphrase[paypal_verified]</td> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr align=\"center\"> <td class=\"alt1\" align=\"center\"> <a href=\"https://www.paypal.com/us/verified/pal=$vboptions[paypal_email]\" target=\"_blank\"> <img src=\"$stylevar[imgdir_misc]/paypal_verified.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"Official PayPal Seal\"> </a> </td> <td class=\"alt2\" align=\"center\" width=\"100%\"> $vbphrase[what_it_means_to_be_verified] </td> </tr> <tr> <td class=\"tfoot\" colspan=\"3\"> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </if> </td> </tr> </table> <!-- /main --> $footer </body> </html>', 'template', '1118695264', 'Cloudrunner', '3.0.7') mysql error: Duplicate entry '-1-0' for key 2 mysql error number: 1062 |
I'm not sure why it would say you have a dupe, if you have a virgin DB.
Have you donwloaded the zip since Cloudrunner reworked it? Maybe try that? Otherwise you'll have to wait for him, I'm stumped. |
will this work on vbadanced v2 portal?
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