chinch |
07-27-2005 03:23 PM |
good thread. i recently added a contributor link but didn't use this hack as it doesn't fit the way i organize my site. i'd like to recommend you guys consider making the "CONTRIBUTOR" text a LINK to take people to the PAID subscriptions page were they can see how to join, etc. That is quite useful in promoting the paid subscriptions/contributions.
If the hack does that then apologies...
the down & dirty way is like this in postbit legacy where XXX is the usergroup # (assuming paid subscriptions add you to a secondary "contributor" usergroup...
<if condition="is_member_of($post, XXX)"> <div class="smallfont"><strong><a href="subscriptions.php?" target="_blank">Site Contributor</a> </strong>
you can also have the contributors included in the "view forum leaders" by checking that in their usergroup :)