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Kars10 08-07-2002 05:27 PM

Hello Teddy!
Me again. I need help. Please-Please-Please!!!!
Can you please tell me the steps to integrate the viportfolio.php in my "Whos online" ??
Mean, User X edit his portfolio or User x watch the portfolio...
This is very important for me. ;)

TeddyBare69 08-07-2002 09:13 PM

sorry it took me so long.

I am not positive of what you are asking for but I think it is this:

To change the location column in the whosonline page to say if a user is editting or viewing a portfolio.

If that is what you are looking for here are the directions.
To add Portfolio activity to whosonline location status.

1. search for "n show" (should be line 40)
insert the following code on the line directly above this line.

case 'viewportfolio':
$userinfo[where] = "Viewing ".$userinfo['portfolioinfo'];
case 'editportfolio':
$userinfo[where] = "Editing ".$userinfo['portfolioinfo'];

2. edit online.php source file.
search for the word "Showthread". Don't forget the uppercase S ( should be line 354 )
on the next line you will see:
switch($filename) {

directly below that line insert the following code ( should be line 356 )

case 'viPortfolio.php':
$userinfo['activity'] = 'viewportfolio';
$userinfo['portfolioinfo'] = "<a href='viPortfolio.php?action=view&".$token1."'> Portfolio</a>";
else if ( strstr( $token1, 'edit' ) )
$userinfo['activity'] = 'editportfolio';
$userinfo['portfolioinfo'] = "<a href='viPortfolio.php?action=view&".$token2."'> Portfolio</a>";
else if ( strstr( $token2, 'user') )
$blowup = explode( '=', $token2 );
$userinfo['activity'] = 'viewportfolio';
$userinfo['portfolioinfo'] = "<a href='viPortfolio.php?action=view&userid=".$blowup[1]."'> Portfolio</a>"; }

3. now edit viPortfolio.php
search for the word "urllocation"
the first occurance of this word, the line will look like below
$urllocation ="viPortfolio.php?viPortfolioid=".$image[viPortfolioid];

replace that line with the following line:
$urllocation ="viPortfolio.php?user=".$userid."&viPortfolioid=" .$image[viPortfolioid];

go three lines down and replace that line with:
$urllocation ="viPortfolio.php?user=".$userid."&viPortfolioid=" .$image[viPortfolioid];

4. still editting viPortfolio.php
search for "View". remembering the uppercase V
four lines below that insert the following

$DB_site->query("UPDATE user SET lastactivity='".time()."',lastvisit='".time()."' WHERE userid='$bbuserinfo[userid]'");

5. still edittnig viPortfolio.php
search for "Edit". remembering the uppercase E
two lines below that insert the following
$DB_site->query("UPDATE user SET lastactivity='".time()."',lastvisit='".time()."' WHERE userid='$bbuserinfo[userid]'");

you are done.

TeddyBare69 08-07-2002 09:51 PM

If you want a paperclip in the user line for the whos online window:

To add paperclip icon to whosonline listing

1. edit template whosonlinebit .
Insert the following code on the second line of the whosonline template.
<td bgcolor="#F1F1F1">$userinfo[portfolio]</td>

2. still editing template whosonline .
Search for "User". On the line above first occurance of "User" insert the following code.

<td bgcolor="#006633"><smallfont color="#FFCC00"><b>Portfolio</b></smallfont></td>

3. edit online.php source file.
search for the word: "onlinebit_ip"
the second occurance of this word you will see:
eval("\$onlinebit_ip = \"".gettemplate("whosonlinebit_ip")."\";");

Insert the following code on the line directly below the "}"

// Add a paperclip to the left of the username.
global $DB_site;
SELECT COUNT(*) AS 'count'
FROM viPortfolio
WHERE userid = ".$bbuserinfo['userid']."
AND enddate is NULL
if ( $count > 0 ) {
if ( $count > 1 )
$alt="Member ".$userinfo['username']." has ".$count['count']." portfolio attachments.";
$alt="Member ".$userinfo['username']." has ".$count['count']." portfolio attachment.";

$userinfo['portfolio'] = "<A HREF='portfolio.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&userid=".$userinfo['userid']."&action=view'>";
$userinfo['portfolio'] .= "<IMG BORDER=0 SRC='https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/greentek/paperclip.gif' ALT='".$alt."' TITLE='".$alt."'/></A>";
} else {
$userinfo['portfolio'] = 'N/A';
// Add a paperclip to the left of the username.

you are done.

Warrior 08-08-2002 07:41 PM

Nice install Christy ;)


Minifreunde, do you have a screen shot example of your end-result of the BETA install?

Martin64 08-09-2002 12:17 AM

Installed this one and it's sweet! But I must say, it wasn't easy. First, I tried the install file, but all it did was to create the tables and that was it. It gave me a ton of errors so after giving that a few tries I decided to do it manually, and that worked at once. Some clearer instructions for manual installations would help, really. :) But great work you guys.

One question though:


INSERT INTO setting (settingid,settinggroupid,title,varname,value,description,optioncode,displayorder) VALUES (NULL, 65534 , 'Debugging Level', 'ploglevel', 1, 'Logging Level for changing the amount of debug information the portfolio displays', '', 1 );
INSERT INTO setting (settingid,settinggroupid,title,varname,value,description,optioncode,displayorder) VALUES (NULL, 65534 , 'Total File Upload Limit', 'ptotalimages', 9, 'The number of files each user is allowed to upload', '', 2 );
INSERT INTO setting (settingid,settinggroupid,title,varname,value,description,optioncode,displayorder) VALUES (NULL, 65534 , 'Total Files Shown per Row', 'pimagesperrow', 3, 'The amount of files horizontaly displayed', '', 3 );
INSERT INTO setting (settingid,settinggroupid,title,varname,value,description,optioncode,displayorder) VALUES (NULL, 65534 , 'Maximum Image Size', 'pmaximagesize', 75, 'The maximum kilo bytes allowed for each upload', '', 4 );
INSERT INTO setting (settingid,settinggroupid,title,varname,value,description,optioncode,displayorder) VALUES (NULL, 65534 , 'Allowed Image Mime Types', 'pimagetypes', 'doc txt gif jpg jpeg png bmp', 'The supported file types for this forum', '', 5 );
INSERT INTO setting (settingid,settinggroupid,title,varname,value,description,optioncode,displayorder) VALUES (NULL, 65534 , 'Thumbnail Width', 'pthumbwidth', 100, 'The width of the thumbnails that are created from original images', '', 6 );
INSERT INTO setting (settingid,settinggroupid,title,varname,value,description,optioncode,displayorder) VALUES (NULL, 65534 , 'Thumbnail Height', 'pthumbheight', 100, 'The height of the thumbnails that are created from original images', '', 7 );
INSERT INTO setting (settingid,settinggroupid,title,varname,value,description,optioncode,displayorder) VALUES (NULL, 65534 , 'Max Length of Descriptive Text', 'ptextlength', 100, 'The maximum allowed characters for each file description', '', 8 );
INSERT INTO setting (settingid,settinggroupid,title,varname,value,description,optioncode,displayorder) VALUES (NULL, 65534 , 'The point that a long sentence gets split', 'plinewrap', 30, 'The maximum width of each line before a line is seperated and placed on the next line', '', 9 );
INSERT INTO setting (settingid,settinggroupid,title,varname,value,description,optioncode,displayorder) VALUES (NULL, 65534 , 'Choice between deleting files permanently or archiveing', 'pdeleteimages', 'delete', 'If you want to permenantly delete archive files on user requests choose yes, if you would like files to be archived and still remain in the database choose no.', 'yesno', 10 );

Why 65534? :p This number should afaik equal the settinggroup ID (in my case 33) or it won't work, at least it didn't for me.

I recommend having a look at bottom settinggroup through the Admin CP and assign that group instead (Options -> vBulletin Options).

Another thing...how about adding some <smallfont > to the viPortfolio.php file? :) I did that and to do so, just edit the lines below this of viPortfolio.php:

// version of software installing

Kars10 08-09-2002 06:29 AM

Hello Guys!!
In my Case the installation wasen?t easy too. But after my third or fourth installation all becoms Routine... ;)

@ Sengerdw, heres a Screenshot. I got four Styles in my Forum. This is my "Softgreen-Style. Hope you like it!

@ Teddy, much thanx to you. Youre online-thing works great for me!! :classic:

Martin64 08-09-2002 10:53 AM

Right, I have a few more suggestions for you. :)
In the template "viPortfolio_view"



<script language="javascript">
function popUp(URL, WIDTH, HEIGHT) {
    day = new Date()
    id = day.getTime();
    eval("page" + id + " = window.open(URL, \"" + id + "\", 'toolbar=0,scrollbars=0,location=0,statusbar=0,menubar=0,resizable=1,width= " + (WIDTH+20) + ",height=" + HEIGHT + "');");


with this:


<script language="javascript">
function popUp(URL, WIDTH, HEIGHT) {
    day = new Date();
    id = day.getTime();
    eval("page" + id + " = window.open(URL, \"" + id + "\", 'toolbar=0,scrollbars=1,location=0,statusbar=0,menubar=0,resizable=1,width= " + (WIDTH+40) + ",height=" + (HEIGHT+30) + "');");


This will create scrollbars if needed, and also, all images will be visible without having to resize the popup. :cool:

Martin64 08-09-2002 11:59 AM

Finally, (yes, I promise to shut up after this :p), if you want your text to be a bit wider before it breaks to a new row than it originally is, search for this:


in the following templates: viPortfolio_add_attachment, viPortfolio_edit_attachment. REPLACE with:


in both templates.

Search for:


in the following templates: viPortfolio_edit_editbit, viPortfolio_edit_newbit. REPLACE with:


in both templates.

Additionally, if you want to center the text and skip the image filename (I see no use of showing that), open the template viPortfolio_view_textbit and search for this:


<smallfont>$image[filename] $image[text]</smallfont>



Kars10 08-09-2002 12:47 PM

Hello Martin64!!
I test your code but i get an Errormessage with it.
Look, heres the Orginal-Code from Viportfolio_view.
With this code all works. :paranoid:


<script language="javascript">
function popUp(URL, WIDTH, HEIGHT) {
    day = new Date()
    id = day.getTime();
    eval("page" + id + " = window.open(URL, \"" + id + "\", 'toolbar=0,scrollbars=0,location=0,statusbar=0,menubar=0,resizable=1,width= " + (WIDTH+20) + ",height=" + HEIGHT + "');");


TeddyBare69 08-09-2002 04:58 PM

I do apologize for the install problems. That was an attempt to make the install a little easier. :ermm: It kind of backfired on me though :dead:

I am in the process of making a better installer that can be used to install other hacks also. This will go thru the standard beta testing just like a normal hack would. :cool:

For the text wrapping functionality. I have a setting in the admin control panel to change the length of the text. I didn't put the ability to change the width of the box that the text is in though. If that is something people would want to have more control over it would be a simple addition.

About the pop up window size. In my testing just setting the window to the size of the graphic created a window that was too small in some browsers but not others. I don't remember which browers did what. With the settings that are in there the popup will always show the whole image. With the filesize maximum set to only 75k there shouldn't be an image bigger than 1024x768 so the popup window will always fit inside a screen.

The use of the 65354 number in the settings. The install program inserts the settings into the table with that value preset. Then inserts a row into the settinggroup table. The id that is given to the settinggroup is used to replace all settings with 65354 assigned to them. Without knowing what the largest setting identifier before inserting the settings I choose to use the highest number possible and then replace it later.

Thanks Martin64 for the suggestions. I think I will take the filename out of the next release. Here is an option, if the user doesn't put a description for the file they upload than the program will use the filename, otherwise only insert the text that they put for the file. Anymore suggestions are more than welcome! :)

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