metalguy639 |
11-10-2012 11:54 PM |
Originally Posted by ChrisTERiS
(Post 2380043)
Seems that you don't know the story of vB Project Tools. Released as official paid addon (I've bought 2 licenses), and when vB seen that has no profits, they released it for free. Nothing bad here. Business is Business. But instead to say a warm THANK YOU to all those who are trying to keep it live, you're teasing them. Sorry, it's not fair. If you can't wait, nobody restricts you to go for another solution.
Great! Then point us all into the " other solution". I'd love to know where/what it is. Some of the people in this thread use this hack for their businesses and it would be nice to have ALL the components of the hack in working order. Incidentally I also have a license for the original Project Tools, so yes I know the story.
Seriously (developer), if you do not have time to keep the hack in working order then telling us you will update it in a few days/weeks etc and then not doing it just plain sucks. If you are working 100 hours a week then obviously you cannot keep on supporting this hack so possibly someone who can take it over should step up or someone who can help you with it should try and lend you a hand. Most people understand that your paying clients will come first before playing around with a free hack, but giving constant promises and then not fulfilling them does not create a sense of comfort for most people who are trying to use the hack. Even if you posted small fixes for the things that people have issues with I'd bet no one would be complaining as much or think that the project is "dead".