BigSoccer Tech. |
07-28-2007 03:33 PM |
Site Name: BigSoccer - Share the Passion!
Site URL:
Description: On vB since the first pre beta product, BigSoccer is one of the largest vB communities on the net and the leading Soccer site in North America. With over 100,000 registered users, we served 820,000 uniques last month and nearly 20mm pages viewed.
Reason for Nomination: I know it's late in the month but...
Last night we launched a complete revamp of BigSoccer. Not only do we have what we consider to be a hot new skin, but we have integrated a bunch of extended functionality into vB that we think people on this board will love. Features such as a customized home page the remembers your preferred navigation state, "digg"ing of threads and external news, and more.
The entire site is built on the vB platform, including the dynamic homepage, and makes extensive use of javascript and ajax (but smart use!). Once you learn how to use it our homepage is essentially a highly functional alt view of FORUMDISPLAY.
Hope we can get some seconds before the month ends. Thanks!
BTW - we may be up and down a bit this weekend as we tweak servers. But never moer then 10-20 minutes. OK WE ARE BACK UP