08-28-2006 03:28 AM |
I am NOT into coding at all, but it's just I was looking into this and I guess i messed with it and fixed it. so before trying this please wait till what other people say if its right or not.
I was just havin an error with the codes of this hack.. I mean for all topic it was workin and for one topic it was showin me some error and it was in
includes/vision scripts/psionic_hide/global_start.php
It was on line 140: Do you where it says [0-9]* in original codes, i changed that to [0-9,]+ which i got it from the line 143 and it was about SHOWTOGROUPS... it looks like working for me on my forums.. please EXPERTS let me if i am right or not. Thank you .... :D
$message = preg_replace("/\[(" . $this->tags['HIDE-POSTS'] . ")=("|\"|'|)([0-9]*)\\2\](.*)\[\/\\1\]/esiU", "\$this->parse_bbcode_hposts('\\4', \\3)", $message);
$message = preg_replace("/\[(" . $this->tags['HIDE-POSTS'] . ")=("|\"|'|)([0-9,]+)\\2\](.*)\[\/\\1\]/esiU", "\$this->parse_bbcode_hposts('\\4', \\3)", $message);
Still Images are not showing up in my forum. I have to fix that I don't know why... if someone can help plz... thanxxx.