View Full Version : cant dowload stuff :S

11-02-2005, 07:05 PM
Hi i cant dowload stuff cus i want to dowload teamspeak hack :S can some1 help + i cant reply stuff on de forum

11-02-2005, 07:12 PM

You are currently showing up as unlicensed. To be able to download hacks and/or receive support here at vBulletin.org, we ask you to please click here (http://members.vbulletin.com/membersupport_priority.php) (vB-germany users click here (http://members.vbulletin-germany.com/membersupport_priority.php)) and enter your email address, to show us that you are licensed.

You will need to use your customer number and password (which will be in the email you got when you paid for your license) to access that page. Please note that your email is case sensitive. The update of your account may take up to one hour.

Thank you.

11-02-2005, 07:19 PM
not working :S

11-02-2005, 07:20 PM
You will need to use your customer number

see there

11-02-2005, 07:22 PM
where can i find my custom number ?

11-02-2005, 07:23 PM
In the email that Jelsoft sent to you when you bought vbulletin. You used it to download the software from the member area.


11-03-2005, 01:07 AM
and you should REALLLLY remove your vborg account password from that post O.O

11-03-2005, 11:58 AM
i am like 2 noob hehe,, but its not working cant find my custom number, but can a admin or something check my custom number

11-03-2005, 12:34 PM
you need to find your customer number by looking in the e-mail Jelsoft sent you when you ordered vBulletin..then go to http://members.vbulletin.com/membersupport_priority.php and enter your lisence number, and password u signed up with when purchasing vBulletin in the pop-up, then enter your e-mail address here..simple.

11-03-2005, 06:53 PM
you can rerequestt your pw here:


11-05-2005, 03:43 PM
Interesting thing is, Andreas, I have entered my account information at least four times, and I still show up as unliscensed. I have provided my liscense information, even a cut and paste of the original jelsoft email, in a private message to the powers that be. Still, when I log in under my own account, I show as unliscensed.

When the software was first purchased, my webminister registered to download the original files. However, it was my credit card, my account and my everything which was used. I would like someone to look into this as well, for it takes far longer than an hour to actually update the permissions.

In private post, I can certainly provide the necessary information, such as user name, password, account information, liscense number and date of birth of my first born. Please assist me, as I would like to forego using my webminister's account and access what i have paid for, myself.

Tony G
11-06-2005, 12:21 AM
You're showing up as licensed now.

And please, DO NOT share your license information with anyone else, even vB.org staff. We don't have anything to do with the licensing process to that extent.

Marco van Herwaarden
11-08-2005, 01:34 PM
Well not anymore.

11-09-2005, 12:03 PM
OK. I still seem to be having trouble with this, days after I posted the issue. It seems I must continue to log in under the webminister's name even though I am the certified, verified, and now quite aggitated owner of the license.

Why is this such a complicated issue? If only ONE person is permitted to be registered.. then say so..

If only ONE person is permitted to access the complete features of the forum, then MAKE the adjustments to my registration/account to permit this.

The webminister (Of which I am using her registration right now) seldom accesses the site any longer... responsibilities change, priorities change, people change. I am looking for someone to correct this discrepency in my unlicensed status...

ArchxAngel -- is the registered user which continues to show as unlicensed. I have revised the email addresses countless times. I am losing faith in this process. Assistance..?

11-09-2005, 12:19 PM
OK. I still seem to be having trouble with this, days after I posted the issue. It seems I must continue to log in under the webminister's name even though I am the certified, verified, and now quite aggitated owner of the license.

Why is this such a complicated issue? If only ONE person is permitted to be registered.. then say so..

If only ONE person is permitted to access the complete features of the forum, then MAKE the adjustments to my registration/account to permit this.

The webminister (Of which I am using her registration right now) seldom accesses the site any longer... responsibilities change, priorities change, people change. I am looking for someone to correct this discrepency in my unlicensed status...

ArchxAngel -- is the registered user which continues to show as unlicensed. I have revised the email addresses countless times. I am losing faith in this process. Assistance..?

The system is designed to allow more then one person on the access list. If you guys can not get it to work contact offical support via the members area at vBulletin.com, they will be able to set you up byhand if need be.

11-09-2005, 02:36 PM
Thanks Brad... I have... four times.. I just keep getting automated email responses...

Ok.. will try again.

11-09-2005, 02:56 PM
Hmmm I'm not sure why they would send you an automated message, they have never sent me one. The staff here can not verify your status directly, so you will have to go through them.

Make sure you give as many details as possible (like the fact that you've reported this multiple times). They will work with you, support is generaly very good as long as you take the time to explain things.

Best of luck.

11-10-2005, 07:02 PM
Well, Brad... you seem to be mis-informed.

My frustration mounts. I have tried fifteen..no twenty different ways to record the damn email so that I can match the VBulletin.org and VBulletin.com sites. The support there is not so good as you might believe....

Now.. someone... manually authenticate my information for me please so I may quit using this webminister's access and begin, after four months, to use my own. I am prepared to post whatever information is necessary, including clearly violating the legal notice not to post my license and password, if this will finally result in permitting me to stop the unlicensed status which appears at the top of the page and refers me time and again to the VBulletin site, where I once more put in my email addresses, only to return to this site to discover I am not registered. I feel like I am talking to microsoft here.

Of course I also realize that posting the license number and password will get me banned or whatever.. so you see my level of frustration with something so obvious as a registration.

If there is no further help.. I guess I shall give up on this process all together.

ArchxAngel is the user name....

Send emails to the myriad of email addresses I have provided... I do not care what method is used.. I only wish to stop using this alternate identity.

Uhmmm Thanks for the help?

11-10-2005, 07:14 PM
vB.org staff have no access to customer information, thus we can not update your status by hand simply because there is no way for us to do so. This is something that has to be done by the staff over at vB.com if the automated process doesn't work.

11-10-2005, 07:24 PM
Then this has resolved itself in a microsoft hole of passing the buck, and I can do nothing more.

"We cannot manually approve you on the vB.org site as it's not our site, they are only partnered with us.

Best regards,
Martin Erwin
Support Team, vBulletin"

If no one can manually authorize this and I cannot seem to get authorized no matter how many times I initiate the email authorization process, then the system is flawed.

Thank you for your time. I am done with this. I will not be purchasing the renewal and will begin the search for another front end for my site. Additionally, I shall refer all who ask to this thread to see what I have dealt with. My apologies for this rant.

Good day.

Marco van Herwaarden
11-11-2005, 09:16 AM

Just to get this clear, you can not get your second member account 'ArchxAngel' verified?

Please verify that this is the correct name, if not please provide the correct name.
Make sure to add the email address of the account to your priority support mail list.
Then Update the mail in the account here. Please make sure you enter the correct mail address and note that the mail address is case-sensitive! It should update the status within an hour.

11-11-2005, 06:43 PM
Then this has resolved itself in a microsoft hole of passing the buck, and I can do nothing more.

"We cannot manually approve you on the vB.org site as it's not our site, they are only partnered with us.

Best regards,
Martin Erwin
Support Team, vBulletin"

If no one can manually authorize this and I cannot seem to get authorized no matter how many times I initiate the email authorization process, then the system is flawed.

Thank you for your time. I am done with this. I will not be purchasing the renewal and will begin the search for another front end for my site. Additionally, I shall refer all who ask to this thread to see what I have dealt with. My apologies for this rant.

Good day.

Akutenshii, the problem is that you never confirmed your registration here via email. Which like most forums we require. Since your email was never confrimed you were neve moved into the registed usergroup. And only registered users can be processed for license verification.

11-15-2005, 03:49 PM
Whoo Hoo...

I have to retract all those vitriolous words spouted about you guys...

I am registered... thank you Brad for attending to this..

Hey Zach.... Uhm.. I responded to the email like.....5 times..

But, now it is resolved. Thank you for your attention to this matter. My faith is so restored.. I am going to buy another license for a second site now...

Excellent. Excellent. Excellent.

ArchxAngel.... formerly utilizing his webminister's access.

11-15-2005, 03:57 PM
Good to hear everything is sorted now. :)