View Full Version : Different kind of moderators

10-29-2005, 08:51 AM

Would it be possible to parameter different kind of moderators ? I have experienced that some moderators are very good to track nasty users but they sometimes have easy trigger (they ban too often and too long)

At the opposites some moderators are good to appreciate the lenght and the relevance of a ban but are not very effective in the day by day moderation.

Should it be possible to parameter different moderator's groups in order to set the max ban period allowed ? I want for example two kind of moderators :
- First group : the "everyday" moderators who should only ban less than X days (2 for example)
- Second group : the "judge" moderators who cannot ban users on forums (so they should not be influenced by the boring moderation tasks) but only decide if users banned by the first group must have their ban period increase or not.