View Full Version : x licence holders can manage there hack

10-27-2005, 02:51 PM
Im an x licence holder of vBulletin, Im still saving up to renew some of my licence and I have a radio hack I made, but in order for me to post support messages I need my member support, can I just have access to my mod? :nervous:

10-27-2005, 07:47 PM
This doesnt answer your question but ...go owned next time ;)

10-28-2005, 08:37 PM
Thanks for the most irrelavant thing ive heard today

10-28-2005, 08:50 PM
If u buy just 1 owned license you wont ever have to worry about this again. I would say it's highly relevant. Are you under the impression that you lose access to this site when the yearly renewal(owned) comes up?

10-28-2005, 08:55 PM
Jenta is right (?! what am i saying here ?!)... you loose your access to releasing mods only because your license is outdated... i came to this earlier this summer...

if you have at least one license valid, you can simply switch to this account details in your profile (email etc) and you will continue to have Mods access...

10-28-2005, 09:44 PM
Hmm, why would they have it set so u cant release hacks? If u expire with a 3.5.0 owned license, I dont see why you shouldn't be able to keep releasing hacks for that version or 3.0.x versions.

It only hurts the community it hack authors are restricted like you say.

Paul M
10-28-2005, 09:45 PM
Not everyone wants (or can afford) an "owned" licence.

The simple fact is that this is a bit of a problem. If someone who has released hacks in the past no longer has a licence (for whatever reason) they can no longer support the hacks they have released. I don't know how common a problem it is. The answer - perhaps a special "support" group that can post in the hack forums, but not download files ?

10-28-2005, 09:52 PM
That may very well be the case but I wouldnt be so sure. Many think they lose access even with owned licenses. I know I did at one point and have seen quite a few of these questions at .com...people thinking they can no longer post in the forums n stuff.

If he in fact manages to purchase an owned license or owns one now it's actually cheaper. Why? Because you can get at least $100 for it when you are done with it. :)
160 - 100 = 60 for a lifetime

10-28-2005, 09:53 PM
perhaps a special "support" group that can post in the hack forums, but not download files ?

"Hi everyone, my name's Borgs, I'm a vbulletin licence holder and too piss poor to buy an owned licence"

"Hi Borgs!"

Paul M
10-28-2005, 10:06 PM
"Hi everyone, my name's Borgs, I'm a vbulletin licence holder and too piss poor to buy an owned licence"

"Hi Borgs!"LOL :)

10-28-2005, 10:10 PM
"Hi everyone, my name's Borgs, I'm a vbulletin licence holder and too piss poor to buy an owned licence"

"Hi Borgs!"

Thats gotta be the funnyest thing I`ve seen all day LOL

Chris M
10-28-2005, 11:01 PM
An owned licence is not that expensive - I think $160 is easily affordable if you really make an effort for it ;)

And no, the only thing you lose when your owned licence members area expires is the ability to download the *latest* version of vBulletin - You can download any version previous to the latest that was within your licence period - I.e. for me, all the way back to 2.2.5 and up to 3.5.0 :)


10-28-2005, 11:18 PM
I think we need to look into allowing mod authors to support their modifications if they no longer have a license. We'll look into this :)

10-30-2005, 02:49 AM
Yes! This should be easy to implement actually I think, if I guessed a little of the vborg schema.

I assume upon posting a hack, you enter into a usergroup caled coders, with titles that are based on installs/hack #s. You ALSO get (as a secondary group) the 'authenticated' usergroup, which allows access to post new threads and download in the hack area. So, when the authenticated usergroup expires, they still have the primary coder status, which has the base priviledges of posting in threads that they created :-p Just access masks!

If however, vborg has a completely crazy alternate system up instead of slight tweaks to the system already there, then this will be harder to switch to, i dunno.

PS. and 160$ isnt as cheap as you might expect to some of the admins who are buying vb (some regularly 16 and under). When we first bought it, (me and my partner) it was just for the year and I barely was able to scrounge up my 40$ (i dont have allowance!) and we were able to get to 160$ purely from me selling scripts that i wrote during the duration of that year. So yeah, those who are 25 and have had steady jobs, this is a half-week endeavor :-p but i do feel their pain.

10-30-2005, 02:07 AM
How can they support their hacks if they don't have a license? (Ie...bug fixes/upgrades)

10-30-2005, 02:21 AM
well, the code they wrote had nothing to do with vbulletin, it just ran on it :-p so if its a problem with their unique code, then they would be the ones who coded it and thus would know what went wrong. you could disable new uploads (which would make sense since they would no longer be able to download) but they should still be able to assess errors people encountered with THEIR code. most especially true when the hack is a major addition and has entire files which do little more with vb than just set up a session :-p again, at least some limited access to maintain whats already there.

Chris M
10-30-2005, 11:26 AM
Yes! This should be easy to implement actually I think, if I guessed a little of the vborg schema.

I assume upon posting a hack, you enter into a usergroup caled coders, with titles that are based on installs/hack #s. You ALSO get (as a secondary group) the 'authenticated' usergroup, which allows access to post new threads and download in the hack area. So, when the authenticated usergroup expires, they still have the primary coder status, which has the base priviledges of posting in threads that they created :-p Just access masks!

If however, vborg has a completely crazy alternate system up instead of slight tweaks to the system already there, then this will be harder to switch to, i dunno.

PS. and 160$ isnt as cheap as you might expect to some of the admins who are buying vb (some regularly 16 and under). When we first bought it, (me and my partner) it was just for the year and I barely was able to scrounge up my 40$ (i dont have allowance!) and we were able to get to 160$ purely from me selling scripts that i wrote during the duration of that year. So yeah, those who are 25 and have had steady jobs, this is a half-week endeavor :-p but i do feel their pain.

I should remind you that I was 16 when I purchased my first licence - I found $160 affordable ;)


Paul M
10-30-2005, 11:48 AM
I should remind you that I was 16 when I purchased my first licence - I found $160 affordable ;)

ChrisThat's nice for you, not every 16 year old (or less) is so lucky.

Chris M
10-30-2005, 12:02 PM
That's nice for you, not every 16 year old (or less) is so lucky.

I worked to earn that money, so it's nothing to do with being "lucky" - People these days want everything for nothing - If you get up and start doing some work and earning money then you can buy things that you want...


Paul M
10-30-2005, 01:06 PM
I worked to earn that money, so it's nothing to do with being "lucky" - People these days want everything for nothing - If you get up and start doing some work and earning money then you can buy things that you want...

ChrisWhat a lovely world you live in, if only it were that simple for everyone, poverty & unemployment eliminated overnight. :)

Chris M
10-30-2005, 01:21 PM
What a lovely world you live in, if only it were that simple for everyone, poverty & unemployment eliminated overnight. :)

People in poverty stricken countries are unlikely to have Internet Access or a Computer, therefore $160 for a vBulletin Licence is not attainable, and they would have no need for one ;)

As for unemployment - There are people who are unemployed for reasons other than just no jobs being available ;)

There are always jobs out there if you are willing to do them - Some people, including myself, have the mindset of never working in a place such as McDonalds or Burger King etc because of the stigma of doing so...

Remember Paul, we are referencing to 16 year olds not Middle aged men and women who would rather live off benefits than work - There are plenty of places looking to hire people of 16 - 18 because of the pitiful wage they can pay them for doing a job someone over 18 would demand more for ;)


Paul M
10-30-2005, 02:32 PM
Like I said, what a lovely, ideal world you live in. :)

10-30-2005, 07:54 PM
I'm sixteen and earned my vbulletin license buy listening to old women yelling and hollering at me for their coupons not working. Ideal? Nope. Reality? Yes.

I still don't see how this could work out. You need vbulletin to test that any corrections you made work. :/

Paul M
10-30-2005, 08:01 PM
Support does not necessarily mean 'corrections'. I support 20+ hacks, rarely do I need to make any actual changes.

10-30-2005, 08:02 PM
Support does not necessarily mean 'corrections'. I support 20+ hacks, rarely do I need to make any actual changes.

Yes I know it doesn't always mean corrections, but there is always a chance that a bug will occur...then what happens?

10-31-2005, 12:28 AM
How can they support their hacks if they don't have a license? (Ie...bug fixes/upgrades)

I agree ... how can they support something that they do not own?

Also, how would you segragate those who "support a mod - have a license" and those who "support a mod - do not have a license"? (yea, I see a big YELLOW BADGE that says NOT LICENSED across certain mods.)

As a member, I assume that everyone who is active (posting / uploading hacks) has a license. Why complicate things?

Something like this will just make things easier for "pirates" to get their hands on the latest vbulletin files. (eg. they can "help" a member directly and ask for access to their server -- download all vb files)

NOTE: This is only a generalization ... this is not directed to anyone.

11-15-2005, 07:43 AM
Hi can someone please post


And tell these people about this post, as im no longer licenced I cant reply to support but someone can you please tell them to email kaz@death-eater.net and ill give them support untill my licence is saved up or I get privalleges to reply to my copyrighted mod :ermm:

11-15-2005, 08:43 AM
hows this sir

Please email

kaz at death-eater.net

for support for now. Right now he is unable to reply in here. So untill this is taken care of he ask that somebody post here to tell you all.

Thank you for working with him.

Paul M
11-15-2005, 09:03 AM
Lets hope this is another thing sorted in 3.5, maybe a quick hack to allow people to reply in threads they started ?

11-15-2005, 07:04 PM
hows this sir

Lets hope this is another thing sorted in 3.5, maybe a quick hack to allow people to reply in threads they started ?
Good idea go to vB.com and suggest it.

Please email

kaz at death-eater.net

for support for now. Right now he is unable to reply in here. So untill this is taken care of he ask that somebody post here to tell you all.

Thank you for working with him.

Hey thanks thats perfect, would it also be possible to lock it untill I get licenced, thanks again all

Chris M
11-15-2005, 07:38 PM
I've closed it for you - When you want it re-opened just either send me a PM or report the post and another staff member will do it for you :)


11-15-2005, 07:50 PM
I think we need to look into allowing mod authors to support their modifications if they no longer have a license. We'll look into this :)

I don't know if you've decided on this, however, why not just change the forum permissions so that they can reply to their own threads and that's it?

11-15-2005, 11:15 PM
This happened to me over the summer when my leased license expired - I had a couple of styles that were becoming ridden with questions I couldn't answer. Thankfully I had a buddy with an owned license that put me under his account until I could purchase my new license (And yes I did purchase an owned license this time around :p)