View Full Version : Subscription Expiry email / notification

10-27-2005, 09:58 AM

From what I understand VB Auto emails 2 days before a sub is about to expire, for me thats not really enough notice, was thinking more like 2 weeks lol

I have tried searching this forum a lot today, but had no luck, can this be easily changed?

Have also replied to another thread to see if there is any kind of hack yet to display the expiry date for the members for 3.5!


10-28-2005, 12:57 PM
No one?

You have all left the subscription reminders wait until 2 days before?!

11-08-2005, 06:46 AM

01-05-2006, 05:36 AM
I have one that isn't quite ready to release, but you shouldn't have any problems. It will send an email to the admin and user when someone pays for a subscription and then also send an email to the admin and user when it expires (at midnight it sends out the expiration emails).

Just go through the code and customize it for your needs. Then add it as a product.

I'm using it with no problems.

05-10-2006, 02:47 AM
Thanks for the plugin. It is certainly helpful to get an email when a new subscriber signs up and when they expire.

Any ideas on how to modify this to send a reminder to the user 30 days before the paid subscription expires? Right now, you are using the "paidsub_delete" hook that triggers the day of expiration. Right now, vB sends a reminder 2-3 days in advance, but I would like to change that to around 2-3 weeks.

05-14-2006, 06:25 PM
I found the answer. You can just edit /includes/cron/subscriptions.php

There is very little code in the file. So you can easily see the '2' and '3' in the code. This means that the email notice goes out between 2 and 3 days from expiration.

I simply changed this to 30 and 31.

It would be nice for this to be an control panel option in the future.

05-14-2006, 08:19 PM
Thanks for figuring this out. I was also wondering when the emails went out.

For anyone else here's the code you need to edit:

WHERE subscriptionlog.expirydate >= " . (TIMENOW + (86400 * 2)) . "
AND subscriptionlog.expirydate <= " . (TIMENOW + (86400 * 3)) . "

Are you sure you can just change the 2 and 3 to anything you want? What's the 86400 for?

Some of my members pay by cheque, so I want to give them sufficient notice to send their payment. It would be ideal if vB sent a couple of reminders a few weeks apart.

I also edited the email that gets sent and if anyone else wants to do this I found it in the phrase: paidsubscription_reminder



05-19-2006, 06:33 PM
Are you sure you can just change the 2 and 3 to anything you want? What's the 86400 for?

Can anyone confirm that it is okay to just change the 2 and 3? If I change this to 30 and 31 will they receive the notification in 30 days?

I'd just like to make sure it works before I start messing with the code.



05-31-2006, 07:49 AM
86400 is how many seconds in a day right? so this should work! Thanks! Will change it now :D

12-03-2006, 07:43 PM
I have one that isn't quite ready to release, but you shouldn't have any problems. It will send an email to the admin and user when someone pays for a subscription and then also send an email to the admin and user when it expires (at midnight it sends out the expiration emails).

Just go through the code and customize it for your needs. Then add it as a product.

I'm using it with no problems.

To date this is the only mod that will send an email to a user when they subscribe (ie, THANK YOU!). It worked great for me in 3.5, but it doesn't work in 3.6. I mean it works, but the subscription name is blank:

"test1026 has subscribed to . "

Would you be able to do a 3.6 fix? TIA!!

02-18-2007, 09:30 PM
Yeah, I just noticed this also after upgrading to 3.6.4

It looks like VB switched variable names. In 3.5 it was $sub[title] but I haven't been able to figure out what it has been switched to in 3.6.4

I asked over at VB.com and they said $sub[title] had been changed to $subscription[title] however that still doesn't work for me. I still get a blank in the emails. :(

02-28-2007, 09:34 AM
Yeah, I just noticed this also after upgrading to 3.6.4

It looks like VB switched variable names. In 3.5 it was $sub[title] but I haven't been able to figure out what it has been switched to in 3.6.4

I asked over at VB.com and they said $sub[title] had been changed to $subscription[title] however that still doesn't work for me. I still get a blank in the emails. :(

Hi there:D

You can do this instead for the Subscription confirmation email:

Open the XML file & find:

$useremail = "$user[email]";
$subsubject = "$sub[title] - Royal Subscription";
$adminmessage = "Dear $user[username], \n\nThank you for subscribing to: Royal Membership! You've now been automatically upgraded, and have full Access to The Royal Enclosure and Elite Zones! Let me know if you have any questions.\n\nVisit Forum CellPDA.tk now to enjoy your Royal Membership privileges.\n\nhttp://www.norfolkmanagementrentals.co.uk\n\nYour financial support is much appreciated!\n\nSincere regards\n\ndaPLAYBOY\n\nMega Admin";
vbmail($useremail, $subsubject, $adminmessage);

see where it says:

$subsubject = "$sub[title] - type in your own title here"

This will work for you with no problems!

Do the same with the 'Expired' code, too!


02-28-2007, 03:17 PM
Hi there:D

You can do this instead for the Subscription confirmation email:

Open the XML file & find:

$useremail = "$user[email]";
$subsubject = "$sub[title] - Royal Subscription";
$adminmessage = "Dear $user[username], \n\nThank you for subscribing to: Royal Membership! You've now been automatically upgraded, and have full Access to The Royal Enclosure and Elite Zones! Let me know if you have any questions.\n\nVisit Forum CellPDA.tk now to enjoy your Royal Membership privileges.\n\nhttp://www.norfolkmanagementrentals.co.uk\n\nYour financial support is much appreciated!\n\nSincere regards\n\ndaPLAYBOY\n\nMega Admin";
vbmail($useremail, $subsubject, $adminmessage);

see where it says:

$subsubject = "$sub[title] - type in your own title here"

This will work for you with no problems!

Do the same with the 'Expired' code, too!


Sure, that will work, but it won't output the sub title variable. I mean, if you have multiple subscription names, hard coding the title isn't really a solution. It works ok as a temporary fix, but it would be best to output the sub name as a variable.

07-09-2007, 11:25 PM
I would like to send out a different pm/email for each different subscription.

It is a shame this is not a supported hack by now, because it would be ultimate!

I really need this by OCT as I will be going away for a month, so hopefully someone can come up with one for the community.

07-10-2007, 01:07 AM
This is great info.. Thanks

11-27-2007, 02:07 PM
Yeah, I just noticed this also after upgrading to 3.6.4

It looks like VB switched variable names. In 3.5 it was $sub[title] but I haven't been able to figure out what it has been switched to in 3.6.4

I asked over at VB.com and they said $sub[title] had been changed to $subscription[title] however that still doesn't work for me. I still get a blank in the emails. :(


did any of you solve this for 3.6.8?


01-11-2008, 07:48 AM
Is there anyone to pick this add-on? I wish I can send more than one reminder:

1 month ahead
2 weeks ahead
1 week ahead
1 day ahead

01-15-2008, 11:38 AM
I have one that isn't quite ready to release, but you shouldn't have any problems. It will send an email to the admin and user when someone pays for a subscription and then also send an email to the admin and user when it expires (at midnight it sends out the expiration emails).

Just go through the code and customize it for your needs. Then add it as a product.

I'm using it with no problems.

been looking for something like this, much respect to you my friend!

04-09-2008, 01:00 AM
Is there anyone to pick this add-on? I wish I can send more than one reminder:

1 month ahead
2 weeks ahead
1 week ahead
1 day ahead
Definitely needed.

04-12-2008, 08:54 PM
Just copy the suscription reminder script file as many times as you need. Then change the variables in each file to the appropriate days in advance. Then add the new scripts to the scheduled tasks. I did this and my board now sends out a reminder 1 month, 2 weeks and 2 days ahead of the subscription expiration. It works great.
