View Full Version : Thumbnails Generated From [IMG] Tags

10-24-2005, 06:04 PM
Apparently, someone said that this was not already part of vBulletin. I could have sworn it was because I've seen sites with this feature with owners who refuse to add hacks because it voids support. Anyways... I'm looking for a hack that would allow a user to type in:


...and it would show up as a thumbnail roughly 160x120 pixels in the post. I don't want it as an attachment. I don't want it below the signature. I just want it to be within the post so you could put more text below it, add another picture, and so on.

For an example, explore GameBattles.com's forums. The owner refuses to add hacks, but they have that feature.

Mr Chad
10-24-2005, 10:46 PM
<a href="http://forums.gamebattles.com/showthread.php?t=465941&page=49&pp=15&highlight=%5Bimg%5D" target="_blank">http://forums.gamebattles.com/showth...ight=%5Bimg%5D</a>

It does not create a thumbnail... It just resizes the picture linked to it. So it has a fixed size for the img tag.

10-25-2005, 04:37 AM
Well, it stays within the post (meaning you don't upload as attachment) and it links to the larger picture when you click on it. I understand what you mean though. It does not actually create a thumbnail to fit the dimensions. How would I go about doing what it is done there? I don't want it to create actual thumbnail images. I just want it to resize the image and link to the real thing.

10-26-2005, 05:55 AM
Still looking. Could really use this.

10-27-2005, 04:34 PM
Still want this. I know everyone wants this. Everyone!