View Full Version : I Thought It Was A Hack

10-24-2005, 04:41 AM
I couuld have sworn I saw a modification about how to add a GTalk messaging option to a users profile list, in addition to the default MSN and Yahoo etc.

But I can't find it. Am I going mad or do I need a lesson in how to use the search button.

10-24-2005, 04:42 AM
Did you search for Google Talk? It's here somewhere. I used it on 3.0.8 but I don't know if it works for 3.5.0 yet.

Unless your talking about something else here it is.


10-24-2005, 04:45 AM
Did you search for Google Talk? It's here somewhere. I used it on 3.0.8 but I don't know if it works for 3.5.0 yet.

Unless your talking about something else here it is.


Thanks, found it.

I had tried GTalk and nothing was coming up.

And it has been ported for 3.5.0