View Full Version : Different template for certain forums?

Evil X
10-23-2005, 10:08 PM
I have a movie rating's area... I wanted to know if there is a mod, or if someone could make a mod for custom templates for certain forums..
I want my members to be able to make a topic (in the movie ratings area) and for them to just put in the title, and the movie name and poster pic in the thread stuff... and I want that to be it!... so when they hit submit, it makes thier thread, but without them having to do it, it will make a poll that has 5 options (each counting up to 5 stars) .... can anyone figure it out, im sure I complicated the idea... but w.e,,, can someone at least respond this time... thanks... hope someone hooks it up..

See... here is a forum that has some special thing, they have like special templates for different forums.. or something... ahh here is a screen shot



Brandon Sheley
10-24-2005, 12:04 AM
don't u get a style option when u add a new forum.?

"Custom Style for this Forum"

Evil X
10-24-2005, 12:08 AM
^yes, but is there away to make it auto set-up polls and the options for the certain forums ;)

Chris M
10-24-2005, 01:00 AM
Yes - Create a new child style of your main style, edit the templates of this style to include features you want for those forums, and force users to use that style in those particular forums :)


Evil X
10-24-2005, 01:07 AM
^exactly... but Im unsure on how to make a poll pre-setup for users ?? can someone tell me what codes to take away add, or something help me out please, the people above helped, but I dont know what to do to make the certain forums have polls pre-made

uppin'... I wanna add a thing that auto-makes polls can someone give me the code's to add please...