View Full Version : Make New Menus And Permissions

10-23-2005, 12:02 PM
i would like to be able to have all hacks installed under one menu and set admin permissions for that menu like others in admincp

could somone do that please?

10-23-2005, 03:13 PM
Well, I'm not sure if my idea would be better for you as putting all hacks under one group would make it really hard to read. I've attached how I have it setup in my admincp if you would like to try it that way.

Assuming you're using plug-ins for the admincp nav, the following will show you how to make it look like mine. I'll use vBRadio as my example.

In the root/includes/xml directory, find the nav files that you want to be grouped together. Now find this, located at the very top...

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<navgroups product="vbulletin">
<navgroup text="vBRadio Control" permissions="canadminsettings" displayorder="14">
<text>vBRadio Channel Control</text>
<text>vBRadio Category Control</text>

In some of these files, you're going to see a phrase called hr="true" in the line that I bolded for you. What this phrase means is that the next group will be another line down, rather than connected to this group. By making that say false or completely removing it as shown in the above example, you can have the outcome of the two attached images. Then just change the display order to fit your liking. Also, the permissions="canadminsettings" is the permissions you are looking for, I believe.

I chose to do it this way because with one category with fifty options in it would be crazy. =P If you'd want to do it that way, you'd have to make your own nav file and delete the others. You would then just throw all of the files into that one file accordingly.

10-23-2005, 03:17 PM
Well, I'm not sure if my idea would be better for you as putting all hacks under one group would make it really hard to read. I've attached how I have it setup in my admincp if you would like to try it that way.

Assuming you're using plug-ins for the admincp nav, the following will show you how to make it look like mine. I'll use vBRadio as my example.

In the root/includes/xml directory, find the nav files that you want to be grouped together. Now find this, located at the very top...

In some of these files, you're going to see a phrase called hr="true" in the line that I bolded for you. What this phrase means is that the next group will be another line down, rather than connected to this group. By making that say false or completely removing it as shown in the above example, you can have the outcome of the two attached images. Then just change the display order to fit your liking. Also, the permissions="canadminsettings" is the permissions you are looking for, I believe.

I chose to do it this way because with one category with fifty options in it would be crazy. =P If you'd want to do it that way, you'd have to make your own nav file and delete the others. You would then just throw all of the files into that one file accordingly.

how would i set it so only admins with Plug permissions can view these menus?

Edit : i tryed ur way but it never seemed to work so i eidted the real menu and added what i wanted that way under Plugins and it works :D

10-23-2005, 03:49 PM




10-23-2005, 03:53 PM
thanks :) i have installed Vbshout how would i get that page to display in my menu and not in vbulletin optitions?