View Full Version : Where to post questions?

10-23-2005, 03:23 AM
I have tried posting questions but each time the only response I get is that I have posted in the wrong thread.

Having terrible problems installing the upgraded VB Journal with VBulletin 3.5. In fact installing the journal made a terrible mess of the message board. Where can I post to get help with installing vbjournal so it actullly works with 3.5?

If I ever do get the journal installed properly, where do I post the following question: Is it possible to upload pictures in your journal entries?


10-23-2005, 03:30 AM
If you have problems with a specific Hack, post in the Hack-Thread or contact the author (in the case of vBJournal for vBulletin 3.5 this would be me)

It is not possible to attach any files in either Version of vBJournal.