View Full Version : Completely different system here at vB.org? Time Jelsoft got its cheque book out?

10-21-2005, 12:24 PM
I love vB.org, but at times it can be hard to find what you are looking for :(

Does anyone agree that we need a completely different set-up here? Would it be better to classify hacks by purpose (categories) rather than whether they are a template hack, plugin/product etc and utilise a different system more akin to a directory than a forum? Still clearly show what 'type' of hack they are perhaps by a graphic but classify them more intuitively. You could also still have a link to it's own thread or build the thread into it somehow if thats what you prefer.

Furthermore have a search facility where we can search by various criteria as well, such as newest hack, most popular, plug-in, product etc etc ?

I really liked the phpbbhacks.com system where you can search by the above: Categories or newest or most popular etc its easy to find what you are looking for and quickly.

I feel a searchable 'directory' would really make life a lot easier for us all. When we come here we generally already have in mind what we are looking for, ie, a hack to do a specific job. For example today I came here to find a hack that added extra signature controls (whether it was a plug-in or a product or a template edit was 'secondary' information and the 'hack' was what I was searching for not its 'type')

Maybe you could approach Jelsoft to fund this? Because ultimately everything vb.org does benefits Jelsoft more than anyone else (even more than us guys who use the hacks!).

The bottom line is vB.org 'is' a directory of hacks, that also offers support for them via the forums, along with some additional forums to chat etc. So the 'directory' should take precedance or at least have the features that the users really really need.

This is of course just my opinion but I wondered if I am the only one who thinks we need a new system? I appreciate the vB.org team do a brilliant job but I think its about time Jelsoft got it's cheque book out to help make vB.org even better :)

10-21-2005, 12:51 PM
Where have you been?

The new hack database will solve most if not all of these ;).

10-21-2005, 01:03 PM
Where have you been?

The new hack database will solve most if not all of these ;).

Asleep? :o

Where / what / when ??? link please :)

10-21-2005, 01:04 PM

It's kind of long but it has a lot of info about the hack db in there :).

10-21-2005, 01:42 PM
Thanks Andrew :) looks like people have been thinking along the same lines as me then!
(For anyone who hasn't read that thread... we're getting a proper directory for the hacks!! yippee!)

Chris M
10-21-2005, 03:34 PM
We used to have one for vB2, for any of you who can remember that far back ;)

It was good then but I'm eager for the new one to emerge :D


10-21-2005, 04:27 PM
Nope... only been dating vB since 3.0.7 :p

Tony G
10-21-2005, 11:19 PM
Please use the existing hack database threads for discussion on this. Thank you. :)