View Full Version : Confirm not a request

10-18-2005, 08:23 PM
Hmmm I'm starting to think you guys need a popup or extra page when people are posting threads in the release forums for them to verify that they are not requests, and if they are requests they should post to x forum instead heheh

Alot of new users posting requests in the release forums heh :)

10-18-2005, 08:30 PM
It has been bad recently.

Perhaps this should be done, if it hasn't already, for when vB.org does it's upgrade.

10-18-2005, 08:49 PM
deja vu

Lea Verou
10-18-2005, 09:13 PM
Maybe the mods should be moderated?

Chris M
10-18-2005, 09:28 PM
That would only lead to a backlog of mods being released and would put a tremendous workload on the modification forum moderator(s) - We would need 5 or 6 moderators to cover the 24 hour period continuously :ermm:


10-18-2005, 10:29 PM
im sure theres hundreds of people here that wouldnt mind doing what it takes to keep this place a bit more logical
theres 11 mods right now

i already suggested that mod forum threads should be moderated but that was shot down because "we already have enough to do"

10-18-2005, 11:24 PM
They used to have it so you would have to click a I agree button before releasing a hack. I think that helped alot cause people would say. "Oh Snap, I'm not releasing a hack. 'back' 'back'". :p Maybe they added that back with the new 3.5 :)

Chris M
10-18-2005, 11:53 PM
We've employed a dragon for 3.5 :)

Basically, under our orders, he will eat people who post in the wrong place :)

And the occasional pain in teh *cough* ;)

* Chris M stares at corriewf & bigcurt & Live Wire & gio~logist
* Chris M smiles :)

10-19-2005, 11:38 AM
Can the dragon be released early????

* peterska2 is fed up seeing this happen.

3 more overnight :( . It's like, ok, I installed that so not too bothered about reading the thread till I read all the others, go to the ones with 0-5 replies and see what is going on, pull hair out as they are all in wrong forums!

I'm starting to think about stopping reading all threads with less than 20 replies!!!!!

Chris M
10-19-2005, 01:20 PM
The more you read the more we catch ;)


10-19-2005, 03:22 PM
Someone do somwthing about this one, will you? It's driving me mad!!!


10-25-2005, 08:22 PM
Someone do somwthing about this one, will you? It's driving me mad!!!


YES PLEASE!! I made my own thread about this, then found out this one existed lol :D.
Anyway though, really in most of my carer I have not seen more misplaced, misunderstood information until now. The sad part is the people that are doing it are all license owners, or at least the one the license holder sees as a trustworthy enough person to add to the OK list. This is in a way really good, this means that 3.5 has really started a storm of new customers for vb and more people to use our hard work.

However, some of the most simple things like navigation here at vborg have been thrown off. Every day there are about 3 four or even five threads in the latest hacks column that are not actually products, styles, etc. I know that there are many people like me that check there every day to see if there is something interesting, people posting help me, suggestion, etc threads in those areas are nothing but a nuisance not only to members but the coding community. Anyone here that has released something whether it be simple or complex worked and gave time to make it to help others. When these misplaced threads appear everywhere they bump down the good, the actual products, that the author worked hard on. I know there is no way to completely stop this, there will never be, we are all administrators here (as far as I know) people will always come once in a while and misplace something and it is completely understandable. However, here it has become an epidemic and must be handled.....for the sake of the children :D

There, my speech is done *claps*

Chris M
10-25-2005, 10:32 PM
There are ways of stopping it but they make posting Modifications hard :ermm:


10-25-2005, 11:14 PM
hard? You just hit new post and go for it. Or at least I do anyway!

Chris M
10-25-2005, 11:16 PM
No if we implement it :p


10-25-2005, 11:18 PM
/me blushes.

Of course. I wouldn't mind an extra click or two if it got rid of all the junk in there though.

10-25-2005, 11:33 PM
On topic, I wish people would stop posting 'how do I?' type questions in modification requests. If modification requests don't lead to some sort of release or add-on I don't care that someone's question has been answered.

Chris M
10-26-2005, 12:02 AM
* peterska2 blushes.

Of course. I wouldn't mind an extra click or two if it got rid of all the junk in there though.

It wouldn't be a case of an extra click - My idea would mean a similar system that we have now for Coders, and a Moderation queue for non-Coders - The problem being, that if they aren't Coders and have a release it could take time for them to get their modification released ;)


10-26-2005, 01:05 PM
Or what about for less than 100 posts or something. By that time they should have got to grips with the site.

/me checks usertitle discreetly
/me blushes coz I forgot I'm a coder

Or just stop non-coders. That would work.

Lea Verou
10-26-2005, 01:09 PM
Or what about for less than 100 posts or something. By that time they should have got to grips with the site.

* peterska2 checks usertitle discreetly
* peterska2 blushes coz I forgot I'm a coder

Or just stop non-coders. That would work.

Then how will they be able to become coders?

10-26-2005, 01:22 PM
They'd still be able to release stuff but it would be moderated first. Once it had passed moderation then it would work the same as any other release. But as it is mainly non-coders who post questions in the release forums it would help with this.

Marco van Herwaarden
10-26-2005, 01:26 PM
Lol, that wouldn't change a thing. They would still post, and moderators would still need to move the threads. Only it will add more work for the moderators, since they must now also aprove n hacks posted.

The only change is that members won't see them until moderator action. I personally would prefer the way it is now then, let members report the post if a moderator not saw and moved it before that.

10-26-2005, 01:30 PM
Well I guess thats right. I just hate using the report post function. I think I've only used it twice in all the time I've been coming here.

Paul M
10-26-2005, 04:15 PM
I've used it a few times, the trouble is that no one responds back to you to say if your report has been seen/actioned. I've had to report things twice more than once.

Marco van Herwaarden
10-26-2005, 05:36 PM
All reports are seen by all moderators (unless the report is closed by another moderator and you're not interested in looking at it).

Chris M
10-26-2005, 07:01 PM
I've used it a few times, the trouble is that no one responds back to you to say if your report has been seen/actioned. I've had to report things twice more than once.

Oh we do reply, but you don't see it ;)

It's kind of like the "Report Pirate Boards" with Jelsoft - You report it but never get told the action taken, and just surmise that when a board you suspect is pirate goes offline it's been dealt with ;)


10-26-2005, 07:28 PM
Could do something like automating the thread title prefix thread combined with a Scheduled Task (cron) that runs through every 15 min or so and if it doesn't see one marked as "released hack" or something, it auto-moves it to a different forum.

10-28-2005, 02:29 AM
You could simply kill two birds with one stone by having a checkbox that says 'This hack complies with the rules for posting hacks' or something like it :-p they need to click it to post a hack, takes milliseconds for real coders to click, and itll hopefully make accidental posters think twice. you could make it complain with javascript, much like missing a title, to pop up a box. not only will this alert people that those forums work differently from the average thread, but also better leverage for disciplining users should they NOT abide by the rules for the hack they post :p and of course a minor server-side check for those who turn off JS.