View Full Version : style makin

10-18-2005, 05:00 AM
Alright I search the forums before posting anything, Well I cant find anything on how to start making a style. I mean I seen how the templates work on the other styles I have install. but I cant modify those cause I want to create my own. I mean all I need to a jump start like how do I make it into a XML file. Cause I see the styles have a XML file for it. but I don't know how to do that, After that I can get everything on my own. I would really appreciate if someone could help me..

PS is the vbulletin developer kit just images and psd files. or nah.
Olso I have attach a image on the design i want to create.

10-18-2005, 08:49 PM
it hought the exact same thing.. about a month ago... ok, first of all, you need no knolage of xml what so ever! a php script generates it for you...

al you do is in style manager, go downa nd add new style, it will turn out as the default skin, and you edit from there

10-19-2005, 05:24 AM
it hought the exact same thing.. about a month ago... ok, first of all, you need no knolage of xml what so ever! a php script generates it for you...

al you do is in style manager, go downa nd add new style, it will turn out as the default skin, and you edit from there

ohhhhh I never though About that. Thanks alot man.